Session 7 September 2013

Many thanks to you guys on the Bridge! :cool2:

Roijka has really warmed (not warped ;)) my heart:
A: Hello good people.

A: Putin is also not so heartless.

... but he is not so all heart either - i guess...

It seems to me that this might be a repeat of what happened in the original communist revolutions. So, are we looking at an instance where some kind of charismatic communistic leader person, writing some kind of new Communist Manifesto, and starting some revolution or problems or whatever? Or is it all orchestrated?

I also have that impression that PTB are up to provoke some revolution so things could go on as usual - it would be very interesting to find a way to foil that wish of them. As Roijka said:

But as we just asked: When have their plans for results actually worked as they present them?

Yozillla the Jedi Monster :oops:
Thank you so very much! A dynamic session for sure. :)

Think I'm going to dive into Josephus a bit more than I already have. "Father" of Jesus, or father of the story of Jesus? Never looked at it from that perspective before.
Thanks for the fast translation...

And thanks to the Crew at the Chateau... :cool: :cool2: :cool: :cool2: :cool: :cool2: :rolleyes:

Time to read and research a lot!!!...
Quick peeping around about Josephus. I know I have a ton of his writings stuffed away in my notes. But it's all just him confirming the story of Jesus in one way or another. Tonight after reading the session with C's I tried another route. I found mention of Josephus Piso. Then tried to find if Flavius Josephus was the same person as Josephus Piso. Interesting things popped up in search. Nothing in stone of course, and it appears it's been put together before. Then I noticed "Paul's" name came up again. Yes, I do have a bone to pick with St. Paul. He come's up more times as being a mastermind behind the great scheme of things in a lot of my personal research. So I might be chasing ghosts or my own demons here, not certain. Found what I wanted to hear, or did I find truth? Attempting to post more and not discern as much within myself.

Has anyone read where Roman aristocrat named "Arrius Calpurnius Piso", had written in the pen name of Flavius Josephus? Has anyone read this book from a Frank Ellis? "King Jesus: From Egypt (Kam) to Camelot Paperback
by Ralph Ellis". The description of the book is...

"This book resolves the biggest secret and international conspiracy of all time - the true origins of Christianity.
On a quest to confirm that St Paul (Saul) was Josephus Flavius, Ralph Ellis has discovered and exposed many new perspectives on the life of the biblical Jesus, who was actually a king".

That would be amazing, not all too surprising. Might be horse doodles. Throwing it out here for your thoughts.
DavidHP said:
As far as prepping for the coming changes, I think stocking up on food and such is not the answer, how much food can one store? And how can one not share when seeing others in need? I may be wrong but I feel survival of the body is not the primary concern...

No, it's definitely not the answer but if you are aware of upcoming changes on the planet then stocking up on food might help you and others that will be in need.

It doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Thanks for the session Chateau Crew! Many helpful questions and answers like always. It really helps when you need to keep your head above the distractions in ordinary life. Thank you. :)
Thank you very very much for this new session to all of you.

(Kniall) My question goes back to the topic of chemical plants: The AZF chemical plant that exploded in Toulouse, was that the result of an overhead explosion?

A: No.

Q: (Ailen) Was it a warning to Chirac?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Was it a bomb planted by someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Like Mossad or someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste)Dropped from a helicopter? {laughter}

A: Who knows!?

Q: (L) I mean, is it important how a bomb got put in there? (Belibaste)Well, there were people seeing two helicopters in the sky just before the explosion. (L) Oh. (Belibaste)Some assumed that they dropped the bomb. (L) I would think it would be more like somebody getting close and pushing a button on a detonator. (Belibaste)But there is this expert who analyzed the shockwaves and deduced that of the two explosions, one was on the ground but the first explosion occurred 3.5 kilometers above the ground. (L) That's bizarre.

This is very interesting. I was not aware of the helicopters. But yes, I always though it was not an accident. And this "accident" was very soon and too fast put aside by the medias.
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