October.... I am glad to know that Putin and I share the same birthday, October 7th. Since the 50's, I have been expecting something fairly big to happen around the middle of October. This session confirms that October will be worth being around to see what happens. For those who are sick and tired of being the door mat for psychopathic manipulation, this may very well be a celebration and for others it may be the beginning of the end. I have been walking with a spring in my step since Saturday, even before reading the new session. It seems like a lot of the burden that I have been carrying has been lifted and there is a glimmer of hope for humanity.
It also seems apparent that the Rife method of treatment is the preferred method, versus the Clark zapper. There is no doubt that the antibiotic protocol is the most effective way to deal with the predators(critters). Not that a person should jump in the deep end right of the bat . I have not tried this yet. In 2007 I weighed 330 lbs and was in a constant state of the flu, with symptoms. In 2009 I got so sick that my family thought I was going to pass on. I was about at 260 lbs then. Working with herbs and diet, that body mass has been reduced to 175 lbs and the symptoms have reduced to manageable levels. For those who don't get such obvious results, nuking may be the last resort. Somehow, I don't think that elimination will be permanent as the opportunity for re infection is ever present around the world. But in severe situations, the drugs may be the only route to turn the table.
In 2007, I was hoping to die soon. Now in 2015, I am looking forward to October.
Thanks for the session along with all the work bringing this valuable information stream to the public. Without this, my hopes from 2007 likely would be a reality.