Session 9 May 2020


FOTCM Member
Session Date: May 9th 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia

Q: (L) This is May the 9th 2020. [Review of those present] So, who do we have with us this evening?

A: Oleakmaea of Cassiopaea. And you are most welcome!!

Q: (L) Are you saying, "most welcome" because I was thinking just before we started how thankful I was that we have the C's to talk to, and that they give us all the good advice they give? And because they warn us in advance of things that are gonna happen and keep us at least in a state of mind where we can function amidst all this madness? Is that what you were responding to?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. So, we didn't have a session in April because I swear... It was just too fascinating to watch what was going on in the world. Just unbelievable! To watch people going completely insane and... And the lies! Oh my god, the LIES! It's like we are swimming in a sea of lies. All the media, all the governing bodies... I don't think there are any exceptions for any of them. We used to - and possibly still do - admire Putin and Russia, but he's joined the whole gang, too. There are just very few that have not been completely taken in by the lies. It's been a roller coaster of a month.

A: Indeed, but it will get even more interesting before it is all over.

Q: (Artemis) "Over" as in the planet explodes, or what kind of "over" do you mean here?

A: Weather will play a more prominent role next.

Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?

A: Not really, though what does come may be called by that name!

Q: (L) So there could be some other thing that comes as a wave of infection and they'll call it...

(Andromeda) ...the second wave of corona...

(L) But it will be something else. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Full on plague or something?

A: Not yet!

Q: (L) Not yet! [laughter]

(Artemis) Covid 1, Covid 2, Covid 3, the Return of Covid... [laughter]

(Joe) Son of Covid.

(Niall) Covid Strikes Back! [laughter]

(L) Covid: The Prequel

(Artemis) Covid: Origins [laughter]

(Joe) They could do that pretty easily because given that this coronavirus is doing something very similar to the flu, they could have done exactly this - what they're doing now - in any flu season because they had the numbers. If they could mask that it was a flu in some way by messing with tests, they could call any infection "corona". Ya know what I mean? They can call it whatever they want.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Joe) Doctored or tweaked tests somehow...

(L) Does anybody want to start off on some questions?

(Joe) I was wondering if people like the overt leaders of major countries - like Trump, Boris Johnson, Putin, and Macron - were lied to about this virus and just told it was a horrible strain that really could kill lots of people...

A: Of course.

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.

(L) So he has been set up to play his role, but he's really just a throw-away pawn?

A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.

Q: (L) So he's out there like being a lightning rod, attracting all the hatred and all the opprobrium...

(Joe) And he genuinely believes that he's doing a good thing for the planet because he's deluded.

(L) And when the new boss comes in, he'll be tossed aside.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Back on the last question about how the governments of the world were lied to... At this point, after seven or eight weeks, surely most of them have some doubts about it?

A: At this point, yes indeed. But the populace is programmed to panic, so what can they do?

Q: (L) In other words, if they start to try to say something against the panic that's been programmed into everyone, then THEY will be targeted as...

(Joe) From both sides. One, for endangering the population and lifting the lock down so quickly, and two, for the other group who've been suspicious of the lock down in the first place.

(Andromeda) Yeah, and from those people who have been hurt because of the lock downs.

(L) So they're really between a rock and hard place. I just don't see how they're going to fix things. They're printing money like they were manufacturing Monopoly games. The only thing that that's going to do is the same thing that happened in the Weimar Republic when they did that. At some point, a whole truckload of money won't buy a loaf of bread. It'll be worthless. They're making money absolutely worthless!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They said that weather will play a more prominent role next... Does that mean food shortages?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there'll be food shortages. Right now, we already see that's coming. So along with bad weather and food shortages, you end up with a population that is ideally susceptible to diseases.

(Ark) But I don't understand because they have supercomputers able to do simulations of everything. So they probably did the simulation. And the simulation did not show probably that this policy will fail. And we think it will fail...

(Joe) Which policy?

(Ark) I mean this printing of money.

A: Wishful thinking, the Achilles heel of STS.

Q: (Andromeda) Do we want to ask what the nature of this sickness will be next season? Will it be a mutation of the coronavirus, a natural one that it occurs and they call it coronavirus, or something that is the result of vaccinations?

A: Uncertain as yet. But corona has useful architectural features they are attempting to enhance.

Q: (Andromeda) So they didn't learn the first time.

(Joe) That's what you were saying, Gaby.

(Gaby) Did they intend on using the coronavirus the first time, or was it a cross-contamination accident?

A: Yes to first and to second!

Q: (Andromeda) So they were intending to use the coronavirus, and it...

(L) ...AND it was a cross-contamination.

(Joe) That's more or less what they said last time. They were intending to use it to dumb down people...

(L) Well coronavirus is so common. It's the common cold.

(Joe) Gaby was looking at it, and what were you saying, Gaby?

(Gaby) It was like a normal flu, but now it creates a systemic disease - it goes everywhere in your body. It has the potential to unzip the genome. It's fascinating from a molecular level. Why would they play with that in the beginning?

(Joe) In short it's a very interesting virus, basically.

A: They were attempting to modify human genetics.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. The last time they said that they took the coronavirus and modified it to make people more controllable.

(Artemis) To what end? To dumb people down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So...

(Artemis) Have they tried this same thing for other reasons?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Successfully?

A: Not yet on a wide scale. What they forget is devolution.

Q: (L) In other words, the tendency whenever you hybridize something and then it gets turned loose, it always goes back to ground? Returns to its original state. Even small random mutations that persist for a while, end up being extinct.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) You can create a virus and modify it or whatever so it does some job. When it's released, it mutates and all the mutations are deleterious.

(L) It devolves!

(Joe) It becomes less and less effective.

(L) Look at the Black Death. It was a virus even though some people still think it wasn't. Some researchers now think that what we know as smallpox is what remains of it. That's something that was SO... I mean, smallpox is not a friendly sickness to say the least, but it's nothing like the Black Death.

(Joe) This virus that got out of Fort Detrick or Wuhan or whatever, they said it underwent some positive mutations. Is it true to say that depending on the person, some mutations of a virus are NOT deleterious, that they're actually positive?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) But in most people, those mutations are deleterious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But in different ways for each person...

(Joe) So the mutations aren't random in everybody. They're basically intelligent.

(L) I'm just mind-boggled by all of the measures they're taking that are obviously NOT designed to really help prevent infection. People wearing face masks all day will do nothing but increase their viral load, reduce their oxygen load because they'll be re-breathing carbon dioxide... They just amplify their own germ load and diminish their body’s immune system. And if the virus is already attacking the oxygen carrying capacity, it's just going to make them sicker. And then locking people up like they are, causing all the stress they're causing, suicides, spousal and child abuse increasing, depression, people going hungry, people not going to their jobs and keeping factories open which will lead to a complete breakdown in the supply chain for all kinds of goods and services... It’s just staggering the death dealing damage that is being done. And it seems deliberate. All the while, people are buying it. Unbelievable. Darwin Awards to the human species.

(Pierre) Plus the refusal to use chloroquine, plus the absence of mass tests led to the illusion of increased mortality... From the beginning, their objective was not to minimize mortality; it was to minimize the spread of the virus even to the extent of maximizing mortality in other ways.

(L) The only thing I can see is that it's their wishful thinking again. They thought they could do this...

(Joe) In a sense they have. There's a lot of resistance to these lock downs because they make no sense. More and more voices are coming out saying that they are doing the opposite of what is claimed: they're NOT saving people, they're probably causing MORE deaths... So how can you be so wrong if your intent is to save people? But that suggests that the directives came from people who knew what they were doing, but NOT to save lives.

(L) It was to stop the spread of the virus so people WOULDN'T get it because it was beneficial, and if they did get it they'd be in danger because they'd be putting them on respirators and killing them in various other ways, or forcing them to wear masks to make them more sick, not giving them chloroquine...

(Chu) But if the virus is still around, they're not MORE susceptible to it.

(L) Well, that's why they're pushing the whole vaccine thing. That's where Bill Gates is coming in the picture. They're just using him.

(Pierre) And the question is: Since the main motivation is to minimize the spread of the potentially beneficial mutated virus, what's going to be in the vaccine? Probably something to cancel the beneficial mutation or to increase controllability. Is that the case?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's kind of funny, because I was thinking they're not likely to do this again. Originally, according to the last session, what they were trying to do is create a vaccine that would control or dumb down people. It went totally wrong and had almost the opposite effect. So, have they learned their lesson?

A: No.

(L) They have NOT learned their lesson...

A: Nature will also intervene. Watch for it!

Q: (Ark) I have a question. I have a certain vision and I would like to know if this is my wishful thinking, or a good thing that I have envisioned. My vision is the following: As a response to pollution and industrialization and so on, we have this emergence of the "Green Parties". Now, my vision is that there will be very soon the beginning of a social movement like Green Peace but AGAINST all these lies. This will explode. People will go into parties fighting against these lies, okay? And it will lead even to social unrest and I see it not in the distant future. Now, is it my wishful thinking, or something like this is going to happen?

A: Expect it.

Q: (L) So in other words, it's like Łobaczewski said: psychopaths always think that they can impose their distorted way of thinking on normal human beings, and it may work under tactics of terror for a period of time. But eventually the terror will wear off, and the anger will replace it. It's going to be basically the villagers with the pitchforks and firebrands.

(Pierre) The trigger of the Yellow Vest movement was a "green" measure. So we already have a taste of that.

(Joe) In terms of populations' reactions to this, it seems to be kinda split. You have a lot of the authoritarian follower types who say to wear your mask and they call the police on people they see walking outside twice a day. And then there are quite a number of other people who maybe normally would be "authoritarian follower" types who seem to be calling BS on this situation because it's SO blatant. So, I was just wondering if a majority of people can actually see through the lies?

A: Not yet. Wait for it!

Q: (Andromeda) Any minute...

(L) So in others words, they really do have to suffer more before they wake up?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And there has to be a lot more death before they wake up?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Any other questions? There's hardly any political news to talk about because everything is just dead. The whole planet is shut down!

(Artemis) What about those people being told to sign Do Not Resuscitate papers? They're just letting people die.

(Gaby) Death by lockdown.

(L) Yeah. Death by lockdown.

(Artemis) They were so pro-life, and now they're like, "Just let those people die! We don't care anymore..."

(PoB) I have a political question. Is Ukraine going to be the first country to get injected chips? They're very close to it.

A: Among those that try.

Q: (L) Well... Any other questions?

(Niall) There was a major mass shooting in Canada two weeks ago in the middle of all of this. Mass shooting in Nova Scotia, officially it's one guy who killed 23 people, burned down 16 structures, 5 cars, killed two cops, and did it all in the space of 13 hours before finally being killed. I suppose the question is: Did he really do all of that alone?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Well, the effect of that was that the Canadian government banned 1500 types of guns.

(L) It was set up just to do that.

(Joe) And it happened at a time when everybody was looking in the opposite direction because of coronavirus.

(Pierre) Why do most flu virus epidemics happen during the winter?

A: Heat and sun kill or deactivate many viruses.

Q: (L) I think you could have figured that out yourself.

(Artemis) Yeah, and people tend to be more depressed in winter, and they get less sunlight and their immune systems are weaker.

(Pierre) Black Death spikes during summer.

(Gaby) It's "many" viruses, not all. Gastroenteritis is in the summer too, and it’s a virus.

(Joe) They've been saying that during this whole thing. Doctors have been saying to let people outside because sunlight and warmth are two of the best cures.

(Gaby) Can we get a percentage rate of true infection in the global population of the beneficial virus?

A: 37 percent.

Q: (Joe) So in that sense, they limited it to 37 percent.

(L) That's 37 percent of the people who've actually gotten the virus?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) How many people globally minus children have died this year? Can you give us a guesstimation?

(L) You can look that up on the internet.

(Artemis) Well, some things might not be mentioned.

(L) They do those stats all the time. They're published.

(Artemis) Well can I just ask them?

(L) Okay, how many people have died so far this year?

A: 7 to 10 million.

Q: (Joe) That's in line with the annual average global death rate of something like 27 million.

(L) Alright. Is there anything that we need to ask that we didn't ask? I know this is short, but we just wanted to check in on this topic.

(Andromeda) Did we miss anything? Coronavirus, vaccinations, Bill Gates...I was going to ask about Noko. What was it that happened to Noko the other night? Did she actually have an aneurysm, was it her inner ear, or something else?

A: Infection in brain.

Q: (Andromeda) So is it the infection in her upper throat that has spread to the brain?

A: Opposite.

Q: (Andromeda) And what kind of infection is it?

A: From rabbits.

Q: (Andromeda) From rabbits.

(L) From eating rabbits?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Is that parasitic... or bacterial?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Parasitic.

(Gaby) So iodine will help.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Is there anything else we can do to help? Anything else she should be taking?

A: Research, doxy to start.

Q: (L) Does doxycycline cross the blood-brain barrier?

(Gaby) I think so, yeah.

(Joe) Is she going to be okay?

A: Most likely.

Q: (Andromeda) Elvis. Well, what do we want to know?

(Chu) Anything else we can do for him?

A: Not much.

Q: (Gaby) Is he in pain?

A: Little.

Q: (L) Why Elvie? He's so sweet.

A: EM pollution and genetic susceptibility.

Q: (Pierre) But there's not much EM pollution around here.

(Scottie) Well, there's plenty. We have less than most people, but we've got a tower back there, and tower in front. You can get a 4G connection if you stand in the front yard. If you stand in the right spot in the yard, you can pick up a weak WiFi signal from some of the neighbors. Fortunately, inside the house it's good, but outside in the yard... You never get away from it entirely.

(L) Anything else that needs to be covered?

(Artemis) What about Penelope? Why is she acting so different? Is it just old age?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) She's just an old lady. Her hunger goes on and off and I'm wondering if that's normal for an old kitty.

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) I did look on the internet, but I don't trust the internet.

(L) Now, can I ask my final question? [laughter] I'm going to ask if there's anything that we need to know that we haven't asked?

A: Be calm! Things will change! Love and Goodbye.

Thank you for fantastic session that answered many burning questions. :hug2:

A: Weather will play a more prominent role next.

Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?

Perhaps no summer at all, we have really crazy spring with snow, floods, what not.

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.

Wow, that explain lot of things.

There is so much info in this session, it put my brain in 5th gear.

Thank you, once more. :flowers:
Great to find a new session, bonus time. I've been getting depressed so this is a good lift for me, many thanks Laura and crew!

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

Ha! This is good to know.

A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.

Hubris in motion! Again, forgive me my schadenfeude.

A: They were attempting to modify human genetics.

Disgusting bastards, pure psychopathy.

It’s just staggering the death dealing damage that is being done. And it seems deliberate. All the while, people are buying it. Unbelievable. Darwin Awards to the human species.

Fear manifests in tragic ways, doesn't it?
Thanks for sharing!

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.

(L) So he has been set up to play his role, but he's really just a throw-away pawn?

A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.

Q: (L) So he's out there like being a lightning rod, attracting all the hatred and all the opprobrium...

(Joe) And he genuinely believes that he's doing a good thing for the planet because he's deluded.

(L) And when the new boss comes in, he'll be tossed aside.

A: Yes

Very interesting. It sounds like the C's are saying Gates is more like a clueless salesman with a huge ego who drank his own kool-aid and believes what he is selling, not a ruthless criminal mastermind.
Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?

A: Not really, though what does come may be called by that name!

Q: (L) So there could be some other thing that comes as a wave of infection and they'll call it...

(Andromeda) ...the second wave of corona...

(L) But it will be something else. Is that it?

A: Yes

Thanks for this session !
Would it be possible that a new quarantine could be imposed in the fall ?
The question I also wonder is that if a new virus is passed off as another wave of corona, the governments will say,
"You see, we removed the quarantine too early and you people didn't do all the barrier gestures, social distancing and so on."
It smells like guilt all over again on the people's backs.
Thanks for new session! It is really exciting information that give me hope for looking into brighter side in the future.
We will witness even more interesting things!

A: Indeed, but it will get even more interesting before it is all over.

Q: (Artemis) "Over" as in the planet explodes, or what kind of "over" do you mean here?

A: Weather will play a more prominent role next.

Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?

A: Not really, though what does come may be called by that name!

Q: (L) So there could be some other thing that comes as a wave of infection and they'll call it...

(Andromeda) ...the second wave of corona...

(L) But it will be something else. Is that it?

A: Yes
Many thanks for sharing the session so fast! I always get the feeling that a session could go and on since it is so interesting to read the many aspects/discussions, but it ends then always at some time. And I hope that Elvie and Noko soon get fine ❤.
Thanks for sharing this new session with us!
A: Indeed, but it will get even more interesting before it is all over.

Q: (Artemis) "Over" as in the planet explodes, or what kind of "over" do you mean here?

A: Weather will play a more prominent role next.
Very interesting. The day right after the session, there was a very violent thunderstorm in France that lasted for hours. And the day after the storm, during the night, many people reported that they smelled something akin to sulphur, as reported here.
Many thanks for sharing the session . The right medicine for me today:-D
Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.

(L) So he has been set up to play his role, but he's really just a throw-away pawn?

A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.

Q: (L) So he's out there like being a lightning rod, attracting all the hatred and all the opprobrium...

(Joe) And he genuinely believes that he's doing a good thing for the planet because he's deluded.

(L) And when the new boss comes in, he'll be tossed aside.

A: Yes

Strange. I was thinking about this question today. Something was too smooth for me - too easy. Already very quickly the info in the media that the virus comes from a Chinese laboratory and that Gates is the problem. Everyone focused on it. It led to the main battlefield of the people. On the other hand, you delete everything that corresponds to the truth. I think everything that looks so obvious should be enjoyed with caution. Wrong track.

(Gaby) It was like a normal flu, but now it creates a systemic disease - it goes everywhere in your body. It has the potential to unzip the genome. It's fascinating from a molecular level. Why would they play with that in the beginning?

So it's the normal mother strain that has been genetically modified. Unpacking the genome means that special cells e.g. Lung tissue attacked? I read that the virus was also found in sperm in acute infected people. The question then would be whether its function could also bring about a kind of birth control through sperm changes.
Thanks so much to Laura and the crew for the new session. So Mr. Gates is a Greenbaum victim. Time to make sure our seat belts are fully fastened and the larder is stocked! Also wish all of the four-leggeds well.
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