
How do we use our energy, in what and for how long do we waste it on nonsense until we realize what is silly enough to become aware of it and do something productive with our energy?
Very true,

Although, silliness has a place in everyone's life I think, sometimes there's only one way to express a certain type of energy. I think another trick, or task perhaps, is to observe oneself enough to understand what energy is being expressed how in one's life?

That is to say, expressing the right energy in the right way, instead of a different way. Perhaps the best example I can think of right now would be passive aggressiveness... Instead of expressing anger or disappointment or what have you in a healthy and clear way, it is instead expressed using kind words intended to hide the underlying anger.

When you think about it, I'd say that a lot of trouble in interpersonal relationships is arrived at this way, an energy expressed the wrong way, or though the wrong pathway if you will.
As the saying goes, "The way is made by walking." Walking, we form habits. Steps that will take you a little "higher" or a little "lower". The important thing is not to do what the rabbit did, to fall asleep confident that he already had the goal assured.

For example, for a long time I had that Ark comment very much in mind, but I was putting it off until you asked me and I said my self "OK! okay, I get it... I'm going to look for it now." And that in turn served me to complement an information from Jordan Peterson who talks about:

The answer is to develop some micro-routines on the other side of the personality distribution.

Which in turn led me to connect another experience that relates and I commented on in another thread. And all that together, it makes me look more carefully at the current panorama that is presented to me.

Do you remember all those moments when Luara associated the names of people involved in a crucial experience in her life? the way people presented them with a book that she were looking for for a long time, the repetition, the dreams, the visualizations, the similar or repeated names, how drastically and mysteriously things disappeared, etc. For me it's like reading between the lines the signs. We have a lot of styles when sweeping things under the rug. Some dance while sweeping, eh? (laughter)

Just as the subtle influence to leisure is presented to us, so is the obvious signal to redirect our actions/choices/energies.
The important thing is not to do what the rabbit did, to fall asleep confident that he already had the goal assured
Yea I agree. I definitely think these “micro” changes in habits help
Very true,

Although, silliness has a place in everyone's life I think, sometimes there's only one way to express a certain type of energy. I think another trick, or task perhaps, is to observe oneself enough to understand what energy is being expressed how in one's life?

Yes, totally. I find it interesting how passive aggressiveness in most is often the normality of expressing oneself in a nasty way, than the truth told in the most healthy and assertive way possible. Keeping yourself stable in such an environment, which crosses every personal boundary, is a brutal task as a unique moment.

A more related example, speaking from an energy redirection point of view, could be to control the level of leisure as an alternative escape from an uncomfortable situation because we do not understand it at the moment. Sometimes we have an internal struggle that we decide to fight by disconnecting from the present and at the same time, something in your mind is generating a spark of thought that makes you point to something more important, but we ignore it.

Another example, according to the capacity and ability of each person, create personal projects that keep them in a sufficiently stable harmony and not fall into existential victimhood. For example, I as a photographer, I have to create personal projects when my service is not hired, otherwise, I am standing, frustrated, angry and worried about the income and accumulating all that energy that only manages to sink me more and more.

To some extent I have questioned my own artistic goals and abilities, what am I really using them for?, how am I wasting this ability to only give myself joy? It is a way of the self-sacrifice? and that is where I see what Ark says as very useful and the other thing that I see complementing it is:

Not working as diligently as possible to know God through creation - and that includes all branches of knowledge, arts and crafts - is defined by the apostle as a judgment toward God.

My brethren, count it all joy when you find yourselves in various trials, or fall into various temptations.

Be calm and understand that the trial of your faith produces tenacity, determination and patience. But give free rein to tenacity, determination and patience, and work conscientiously to develop yourselves to perfection, without lacking anything.

From where you are, the situation you are in, what creative project could you explore, discover or add to what you do and dedicate to it the firmness, determination and perseverance to realize and take advantage of the potential that the accumulated downward spiral offers us and redirect your energies in a more useful way for you and for others, outwards, in the right way? Keeping in mind that sometimes, we try to add things, forgetting that we must lose things.
To some extent I have questioned my own artistic goals and abilities, what am I really using them for?, how am I wasting this ability to only give myself joy? It is a way of the self-sacrifice? and that is where I see what Ark says as very useful and the other thing that I see complementing it is:
True, but also sometimes having simple practical goals like, I do this so that I can eat, because otherwise I will starve, is good enough.

It's about balance sometimes too, some things could be soul building endeavors that transcend the material world, but sometimes one does what needs to be done because it needs to be done and there's no transcendental significance. A health balance between work and respite is a good goal to aim towards OSIT
but also sometimes having simple practical goals like, I do this so that I can eat, because otherwise I will starve, is good enough.

Yes, exactly, I have it in mind. I have never forced goals, in fact, I have never set materialistic goals in life. It's like a separation between what you have to do to subsist materialistically and naturally here and what you do through it for a greater purpose, also naturally. It's like a detachment for a greater meaning. If anyone has been frustrated with their projects because of something similar, I hope I gave two cents (laughs).

Thanks for the feedback, what you say is not far from what I have thought and thanks to @Steph_rivers for asking me. It triggered a number of interesting experiences at the moment where I can put all this into practice.
I am currently looking and reading through forum threads here regarding sex while reading about it in Wave: Chapter 24. I find this question very interesting: "Is it possible that there is a kind of sex that is beneficial that might be related to spiritual unification, which would enable them to free themselves from the domination of the Control System?"

Can it be that sex is our way to cope or relive who we are before the Fall in the hopes of trying to seek some answers on how to liberate ourselves from our fallen state? After all, before the Fall, our female and male energies are intact. Sex is the culmination of male and female energies.

Q: (L) If two individuals, as an expression of true love at higher levels, desire to express this love in a physical way, is it possible to channel the energy in a positive way without feeding the 4th level STS guys?
A: Nope.
Q: (L) In other words, no matter what you do, how you think, or whatever, that's where it goes?
A: Sex is a physical craving.

Im curious if the question goes like will there be an act where two individuals can do as an expression of true love? Im curious if sex will be the answer? and is there a proper way of doing it?

With the homosexuality part in this thread, I do not know a lot although I am one who is very curious how this happens. I noticed from people I know that those who are sexually abused suffer either from lust or became a homosexual. Can homosexuality be a part of the many consequences of the Fall? Just my two cents in the topic.
I am currently looking and reading through forum threads here regarding sex while reading about it in Wave: Chapter 24. I find this question very interesting: "Is it possible that there is a kind of sex that is beneficial that might be related to spiritual unification, which would enable them to free themselves from the domination of the Control System?"

Can it be that sex is our way to cope or relive who we are before the Fall in the hopes of trying to seek some answers on how to liberate ourselves from our fallen state? After all, before the Fall, our female and male energies are intact. Sex is the culmination of male and female energies.

Q: (L) If two individuals, as an expression of true love at higher levels, desire to express this love in a physical way, is it possible to channel the energy in a positive way without feeding the 4th level STS guys?
A: Nope.
Q: (L) In other words, no matter what you do, how you think, or whatever, that's where it goes?
A: Sex is a physical craving.

Im curious if the question goes like will there be an act where two individuals can do as an expression of true love? Im curious if sex will be the answer? and is there a proper way of doing it?

With the homosexuality part in this thread, I do not know a lot although I am one who is very curious how this happens. I noticed from people I know that those who are sexually abused suffer either from lust or became a homosexual. Can homosexuality be a part of the many consequences of the Fall? Just my two cents in the topic.
You have already responded to yourself, in your own post.
You have already responded to yourself, in your own post.

I don’t think that that is necessarily the case. The mentioned C‘s session is from January 7 1995, where Frank was still on the board. As Laura as explained in the wave series I think: Frank was particularly attached to the idea that sex per se is „bad“ and/or „not spiritual“. Consequently, when Frank was still on board especially questions about the sex topic could have been corrupted. Therefore there is a good possibility that Frank influenced that particular answer and that it was coming from him rather than from the C‘s.
Hypothesis: human bodies were designed to feed 4d sts in the act of sex, so, that is always going to happen. However, the nature and function and experience of sex from the human perspective has many possible different aspects.
I don’t think that that is necessarily the case. The mentioned C‘s session is from January 7 1995, where Frank was still on the board. As Laura as explained in the wave series I think: Frank was particularly attached to the idea that sex per se is „bad“ and/or „not spiritual“. Consequently, when Frank was still on board especially questions about the sex topic could have been corrupted. Therefore there is a good possibility that Frank influenced that particular answer and that it was coming from him rather than from the C‘s.
Yes I agree.
In fact, the sex that develops in our environment is usually derived from two assumptions, "dominate or be dominated."

Sex under equal conditions, consensual, fun for both parties, etc..., I think it happens on fewer occasions and can generate a somewhat different type of energy perhaps.

However, in the end it is something physical and without the desire towards the other person I don't think it will work well.

Although I suppose it can happen.
I want to share my current understanding of it.

Sex is about a most intensive form of "oneness" and also a most intensive form of "duality".

Absolute oneness seems to be the utmost knowledge and being. I think, the apple in the paradise offered by the snake to us as the container of all knowledge was very attactive to us because we had serious problems about our lessons on graduation from 3D and 4D. Maybe it seemed to us as a good "cheat". The C's seem to be suggesting a direct relationship between the apple and sex.

I don't mean to vilify sex in an absolute sense. I don't think that what I perceive about it needs to be absolutely true in all situations but there's still that questionable aspect anyway. Sex seems to take us to oneness, the utmost knowledge and being, but then we can find oursleves in a violent form of duality and a certain amount of destruction of the pieces of knowledge painstakingly brought together.
I don’t think that that is necessarily the case. The mentioned C‘s session is from January 7 1995, where Frank was still on the board. As Laura as explained in the wave series I think: Frank was particularly attached to the idea that sex per se is „bad“ and/or „not spiritual“. Consequently, when Frank was still on board especially questions about the sex topic could have been corrupted. Therefore there is a good possibility that Frank influenced that particular answer and that it was coming from him rather than from the C‘s.
Thank you for bringing this up. I didn't know this. And also, with their question "If two individuals, as an expression of true love at higher levels, desire to express this love in a physical way, is it possible to channel the energy in a positive way without feeding the 4th level STS guys?" A: Nope. Their answer is obvious because there is desire and physical so there is no way we can use sex without feeding 4D STS.

Now, Im settled that they will benefit from the energy we give off. Im curious if there are other ways we can use sex for our soul development or our growth aside from increasing the family's number. HAHA Aside from the pleasures it gives, could their be other purposes for it? like with tantric sex where you'll get to increase your connection with your partner and know more about your body?

I must admit that I am not someone who has a craving for sex. Im thinking maybe because when I have first done it, I am still deep in my religious views where sex is treated as a sin outside marriage. It made me feel so ashamed and guilty for having done it. I also agree that it creates attachments. I remember a time when a pastor told me that I need to cut some ties and leave my partner at that time because he may be one of the reasons why I've never been so doubtful in my life which definitely agree. Im working on healing from false teachings about sex and all others.

Also, I want to be vulnerable here and ask you about incubus. I have experienced this twice. The first time was I thought I was just dreaming and the second time was I was woken up by the feeling that something/someone is down there. How can I protect myself from this? and what could be a reason why I have opened myself to it?
Aside from the pleasures it gives, could their be other purposes for it?
Hi, out of the blue, the only goal I can think of is to learn... Why not try approaching sex with that purpose in mind? :-)
Im working on healing from false teachings about sex and all others.

Also, I want to be vulnerable here and ask you about incubus. I have experienced this twice. The first time was I thought I was just dreaming and the second time was I was woken up by the feeling that something/someone is down there. How can I protect myself from this? and what could be a reason why I have opened myself to it?

Your beliefs about sex may be linked to the appearance of these phenomena, and release those false beliefs might effectively help to suppress them... How can this be achieved is different for everyone, I think that deep inside it is the manifestation of our choice regarding STO/STS behavior that really is imporatant here. Fwiw
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