Shooting at shopping mall in Munich

Now the right-wingers came out of the bushes already (AfD guy on RT), blaming Muslims of terrorizing Europe... Meanwhile, those who were trapped in the mall had to leave at gunpoint.

This is what our world has become: people enter the mall, some guys start shooting and killing, then those remaining are "escorted" by the police at gunpoint. Meanwhile, some crazy rightwingers spread their anti-Muslim tirades... :(
Looks like there are some developments. They now claim it might not be a Jihadist attack.

Another video was shown on the media where you can see one of the shooters at the top of an open roof car park. The guy recording the video shouts at him, and the shooter apparently replied saying that he is a German living on benefits and that he despises foreigners.
Eboard10 said:
Looks like there are some developments. They now claim it might not be a Jihadist attack.

Yeah, I am listening to the Russian news now, and they say that the attack could be organized by the extreme-right crazies.
This is developing into something strange, especially considering that they have caught none of them, even though the initial attack happened in a very public place, the perpetrators have apparently been filmed and yet they've been on the run for 4 hours now.
No doubt this will be taken advantage of by extreme right wingers.
What was also reported today that an unattended rucksack at the Munich central station was discovered, which of course contained nothing of danger. Nonetheless the speed train platforms were closed.
Damn.. this year is crazy. Where will the next attack be?
We can very soon expect some new "safety" measures in public spaces and more surveillance.
luc said:
Now the right-wingers came out of the bushes already (AfD guy on RT), blaming Muslims of terrorizing Europe... Meanwhile, those who were trapped in the mall had to leave at gunpoint.

This is what our world has become: people enter the mall, some guys start shooting and killing, then those remaining are "escorted" by the police at gunpoint. Meanwhile, some crazy rightwingers spread their anti-Muslim tirades... :(

Here is a picture of the "escorted" by the police. Really surrealistic.


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Sigh, why it isn't at all surprising? At the beginning they talked about several people being involved in the shooting, but now, as usual, they say that it was probably a lone shooter. More so, they found a body and think that he killed himself. How convenient. :rolleyes:
Here another shooting on a parking deck? (Edit: That seems to be the shopping center.) There are two people arguing. One of them says that the other one has a loaded weapon. Other than that just insults. After that, shots can be heard. There is somebody visible on the parking deck, but at no point he seems to be in a hurry. Both have German accents, so it's likely they are natives. Confusing indeed.

My German is a little rusty but the above video may be what this text is referring to:

Man: "You fucking Asshole you..."
>Shooter: "Because of you I [unintelligible]..."
Balcony Man: "You cunt you. you're a cunt"
>Shooter: "...and now I have to buy a gun to shoot you"
Balcony Man: "a gun fuck off your head isn't on right"
>Shooter and Balcony man shouting at each other
Balcony Man apparently to people filming: "He's got a gun here the guy has one"
Unseen voice: "Shit/Fucking Turks!"
Balcony Man: "Shit/Fucking Kanacken" (foreigners basically)
Balcony man to someone else : "EY! HE'S GOT A GUN! He has loaded his gun! Get the cops here!"
>Shooter: "I am German."
Balcony Man: "You're a cunt is what you are"
>Shooter: "Stop filming!"
Balcony Man: "A cunt is what you are, what the fuck are you doing?"
>Shooter: "Yeah what, I was born here!"
Balcony Man: "Yeah and what the fuck you think you're doing???"
>Shooter: "I grew up here in the Hartz 4 (unemployment benefits in Germany) area.
Balcony Man and Shooter talk at same time, can't make it out.
>Shooter says something about "Behandlung" which is "treatment" in both medical treatment or just how you treat people,not sure which one he means.
Balcony Man says something like "Yeah treatment is something for you"
>Shooter: "I haven't done anything here for [unintelligible]"
>Shooter: "Just shut your fucking face man"
Balcony Man: "You cunt you"
Balcony Man: "HEY! HE'S ON THE UPPER FLOOR HERE [unintelligible]"
Filming man goes into cover, shooter starts firing.
Balcony man calls him a cunt again.
Balcony man shouts something at him about "shooting here" and Shooter replies multiple times "Yeah, that's where you're right! Yeah you're right with that!" Yeah you're right!"
Video ends.
(I made no effort to censor the profanity)
Published at zerohedge here:

Keit said:
Sigh, why it isn't at all surprising? At the beginning they talked about several people being involved in the shooting, but now, as usual, they say that it was probably a lone shooter. More so, they found a body and think that he killed himself. How convenient. :rolleyes:
Now shill news anchor/correspondents keep repeating that since there have been so many *mistaken* reports from recent incidents of multiple shooters which later turned out to be a lone nut who was killed/killed himself, we should be skeptical of any reports of multiple shooters during the confusion of initial reporting. :huh: :scared: :mad:
They first talked about that someone ran Amok. But now they talk in the mass media about there were 3 persons with long weapons ("Langwaffen"), who are still not found. It seems there are 9 dead people and an unknown number of injured and traumatized. My thougts go to the victims, the injured, the traumatized and their families.

Because these 3 offenders are still on the loose they ramp down 3/4 of Munich public transport, ask local people to stay at home / avoid public places, evacuate one of the 2 mail stations (central station), close a festival within Munich, pull a lot of police to Munich, close some roads in Munich (also major ones), declare the terror case (Terrorfall), call doctors and nurses to the hospitals, ask for special forces from other German states, mass media report about this with very few facts the whole evening, Munich is made "a bit like a fortress" now. I am not sure if the deeds really justify the reactions.

They say they do NOT see connection islamistic terror with the facts they have right now. But most probably we will see changes because of this.

Freitag, 22. Juli 2016
Liveticker zur Schießerei in München
+++ 22:47 De Maizière muss erneut umkehren +++

Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière bricht seinen Aufenthalt in den USA erneut ab und kehrt umgehend nach seiner Landung in New York nach Deutschland zurück. Eigentlich wollte er seinen in dieser Woche schon einmal unterbrochenen Urlaub fortsetzen. Er war bereits wegen des Anschlags in Würzburg nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt. Jetzt erreichte ihn die Meldung vom Terroranschlag in München auf dem Flug über dem Atlantik.

+++ 22:32 Zahl der bestätigten Todesopfer erhöht sich auf neun +++
Die Zahl der bestätigten Toten steigt auf mindestens neun. Das teilt die Polizei mit. Nach noch unbestätigten Berichten soll sich darunter auch einer der Täter befinden.

+++ 22:20 Münchner Tollwood-Festival abgesagt +++

Das Tollwood-Festival ist nach Angaben der Polizei abgesagt worden. Die Menschen seien aufgefordert worden, nach Hause zu gehen, sagte ein Sprecher. Die Täter seien weiter auf der Flucht, die Fahndung laufe.

+++ 22:11 Spezialeinheiten aus mehreren Ländern angefordert +++
Die Münchener Polizei hat Spezialeinheiten aus mehreren anderen Bundesländern angefordert. Darunter ist auch das GSG9 der Bundespolizei, wie ein Polizeisprecher sagte. Die GSG 9 ist ein Spezialkommando der Bundespolizei und wird auch im Anti-Terrorkampf eingesetzt.

+++ 22:07 Hotline eingerichtet +++
Die Münchner Polizei hat nach dem Anschlag in einem Einkaufszentrum eine Telefonnummer für Angehörige veröffentlicht. Die zentrale Auskunfts- und Vermisstenstelle für Angehörige sei unter der Nummer 0800 7766350 erreichbar.

+++ 21:58 Medien: Bundespolizei spricht von sieben Toten +++
Medienberichten zufolge steigt die Zahl der Toten auf sieben. Das berichten "Abendzeitung" und "Süddeutsche Zeitung" auf ihren Webseiten unter Berufung auf die Bundespolizei.

+++ 21:45 Bundesregierung stellt sich auf Krisenlage ein +++
Die Bundesregierung stellt sich auf eine Krisenlage wegen der tödlichen Attacken in München ein. Am Abend kamen nach dpa-Informationen im Kanzleramt Mitarbeiter zusammen, um die Geschehnisse in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt zu verfolgen und Kontakt mit allen zuständigen Stellen zu halten. Alle von den Angriffen thematisch betroffenen Regierungsmitglieder seien alarmiert, hieß es. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel war nicht persönlich im Kanzleramt. Innenminister Thomas de Maizière, der wegen des Attentats in Würzburg am Montagabend seinen Urlaub unterbrochen hatte, war am Abend noch auf dem Weg in die USA.

+++ 21:41 Polizei hat keine Hinweise auf islamistische Tat +++
Derzeit hat die Polizei keine Hinweise auf einen islamistischen Terroranschlag. "Aktuell sind mir dazu keine Hinweise bekannt", sagte ein Polizeisprecher.

+++ 21:29 Polizei spricht von sechs Toten +++
Die Polizei korrigiert die Zahl der Todesopfer auf sechs.

+++ 21:20 Polizei bestätigt fünf Tote +++
Bei der Schießerei im Einkaufszentrum sind fünf Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Das sagte ein Polizeisprecher. Zudem gibt es mehrere Verletzte. Derzeit gehen die Ermittler von drei Tätern aus. Nach ihnen wird das Stadtgebiet abgesucht.

+++ 21:12 Tschechien verstärkt Präsenz im Grenzbereich +++
Tschechien verstärkt die Polizeistreifen im Grenzgebiet zu Deutschland. "Vor allem für den Fall, dass einer der Täter versuchen sollte, aus Deutschland zu fliehen", sagte Innenminister Milan Chovanec dem tschechischen Fernsehen CT. Auch in vielen Einkaufszentren in Tschechien werde die Polizeipräsenz erhöht, kündigte er an. "Der barbarische Angriff von München zeigt, in was für einer gefährlichen Welt wir leben", schrieb der tschechische Außenminister Lubomir Zaoralek auf Twitter. "Ich fühle mit unseren bayerischen Nachbarn", fügte er hinzu.

+++ 21:05 Das ist der Stand der Dinge +++
Das ist der Stand der Dinge:

Um 17.52 Uhr hat es eine Schießerei in einem Einkaufszentrum in München gegeben.
Drei Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen.
Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge sind sechs Menschen tot und mehrere verletzt.
Die Polizei geht von drei Tätern aus. Diese sind auf der Flucht.
Die Situation wird als "akute Terrorlage" eingeschätzt. Die Bevölkerung ist aufgefordert, den öffentlichen Raum zu meiden.
Der öffentliche Nahverkehr ist eingestellt, der Hauptbahnhof evakuiert.
Die Behörden sind mit allen verfügbaren Kräften im Einsatz.
+++ 20:57 BR: GSG9 im Einsatz +++
Laut BR ist die Grenzschutzeinheit GSG9 mit mehreren Hubschraubern im Einsatz.

+++ 20:52 Polizeihubschrauber mit Scharfschützen im Einsatz +++
Mehrere Polizeihubschrauber kreisen über München. In den Helikoptern sitzen Scharfschützen. Polizeieinheiten aus ganz Südbayern strömen in die Stadt. Zahlreiche Verkehrsachsen im Norden Münchens sind abgeriegelt.

+++ 20:49 Berliner Polizei dankt Münchener Kollegen+++

+++ 20:44 Polizei: "Akute Terrorlage" in München +++
Die Polizei spricht von einer "akuten Terrorlage" in München. Das gibt die Münchner Polizei in einer offiziellen Mitteilung bekannt.

+++ 20:40 Hashtag #offenetür bietet Unterkunft +++
Unter dem Hastag #offenetür bieten Münchener anderen Menschen in der Stadt eine sichere Unterkunft an.
Keit said:
Sigh, why it isn't at all surprising? At the beginning they talked about several people being involved in the shooting, but now, as usual, they say that it was probably a lone shooter. More so, they found a body and think that he killed himself. How convenient. :rolleyes:

The mainstream media still reports about several shooters, so I don't know from where that information comes from.
it is interesting that ALTHOUGH there is this obviously german guy on the roof, shooting with a pistol, ALTHOUGH the police says there is no evidence at all for any islamistic terror action - everything is tightening up. "Sonderfall" in Munich, "Krisenfall" in the Government. Whats next? State of emergency? Ausnahmezustand?

I am truly sorry for the families of the murdered ppl here, but I have the felling that this is used to build something big. I dont know how to explain it. The whole reaction to it somehow seems exaggerated to me, the whole winding up of Emergencies, police in the streets, no trains, no tube, stay inside...
Pashalis said:
Keit said:
Sigh, why it isn't at all surprising? At the beginning they talked about several people being involved in the shooting, but now, as usual, they say that it was probably a lone shooter. More so, they found a body and think that he killed himself. How convenient. :rolleyes:

The mainstream media still reports about several shooters, so I don't know from where that information comes from.

Russia 24 news channel. But they also say that German police doesn't exclude the possibility of multiply shooters as well. They even interviewed someone in Munich, asking him how is it possible that now it is one shooter, and he is already dead. The answer was, that it is probably due to the initial confusion, where the general chaos created the illusion of several people. :rolleyes: Wonder what's up with that.
Obama promises to help germany:

The conversation below between the supposed shooter and a guy on the balkony is interesting (if it is not faked) since the shooter says he is a german that hates turks. He says he was bullied and now had to buy a weapon.

The part about "treatment" is also interesting. What exactly he says is hard to hear, but it sounds like "I was in treatment".

Data said:
Here another shooting on a parking deck? (Edit: That seems to be the shopping center.) There are two people arguing. One of them says that the other one has a loaded weapon. Other than that just insults. After that, shots can be heard. There is somebody visible on the parking deck, but at no point he seems to be in a hurry. Both have German accents, so it's likely they are natives. Confusing indeed.

meta-agnostic said:
My German is a little rusty but the above video may be what this text is referring to:

Man: "You -flicking- Asshole you..."
>Shooter: "Because of you I [unintelligible]..."
Balcony Man: "You -kunta kintay- you. you're a -kunta kintay-"
>Shooter: "...and now I have to buy a gun to shoot you"
Balcony Man: "a gun -flick- off your head isn't on right"
>Shooter and Balcony man shouting at each other
Balcony Man apparently to people filming: "He's got a gun here the guy has one"
Unseen voice: "Shit/-flicking- Turks!"
Balcony Man: "Shit/-flicking- Kanacken" (foreigners basically)
Balcony man to someone else : "EY! HE'S GOT A GUN! He has loaded his gun! Get the cops here!"
>Shooter: "I am German."
Balcony Man: "You're a -kunta kintay- is what you are"
>Shooter: "Stop filming!"
Balcony Man: "A -kunta kintay- is what you are, what the -flick- are you doing?"
>Shooter: "Yeah what, I was born here!"
Balcony Man: "Yeah and what the -flick- you think you're doing???"
>Shooter: "I grew up here in the Hartz 4 (unemployment benefits in Germany) area.
Balcony Man and Shooter talk at same time, can't make it out.
>Shooter says something about "Behandlung" which is "treatment" in both medical treatment or just how you treat people,not sure which one he means.
Balcony Man says something like "Yeah treatment is something for you"
>Shooter: "I haven't done anything here for [unintelligible]"
>Shooter: "Just shut your -flicking- face man"
Balcony Man: "You -kunta kintay- you"
Balcony Man: "HEY! HE'S ON THE UPPER FLOOR HERE [unintelligible]"
Filming man goes into cover, shooter starts firing.
Balcony man calls him a -kunta kintay- again.
Balcony man shouts something at him about "shooting here" and Shooter replies multiple times "Yeah, that's where you're right! Yeah you're right with that!" Yeah you're right!"
Video ends.
(I made no effort to censor the profanity)
Published at zerohedge here:
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