Slavs and Serbs(South Slavs)

Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Laura said:
EVERYBODY, read this book: Cataclysm by Allan and Delair before we continue this discussion! Also, read "The Diluvian Impact" by Heinrich P Koch AND "Man and Impact in the Americas" by Grondin. Then Firestone, West and Warwick-Smith's "The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophe". Round off with Fomenko's "History: Science or Fiction".

Then, and only then, can we have a really reasonable discussion about these problems.

Agree with Laura, also I suggest relatively interesting reading on: related to Slav's genome and great Shijing's thread about Kanthek and post Kanthekian nations on:

And very intriguing book: INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC Linguistic and Genetic affinities Predate the Origin of Cereal Farming, you could read it on scribid:

What I would like to know related to Slavs is following: what was the initial mix of genome structure and when it was seeded on earth? In other words: where, when and how did Slavs rise up from primordial Caucasus soup and I would like to know how did Slavs languages become so much different than other two main Euro groups; Latin and Germanic?

Last but not the least, Slavs have interesting mythology, perhaps if we study it more carefully, we could trace historicall facts covered in bardic tradition together with strong shamanic influences up to 4AD.....,...but let's leave this for some other time :)
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Ljubica said:
And very intriguing book: INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC Linguistic and Genetic affinities Predate the Origin of Cereal Farming, you could read it on scribid:

Thanks for the reference, Ljubica -- I just read the abstract, and it looks like a good article (I like the fact that they include information about cereal farming). It's generally accepted linguistically that Indo-Aryan and Balto-Slavic form a subgroup (along with Albanian and Armenian (which is more controversial)), but the genetic information that they discuss is more recent. Good find!
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Shijing said:
Ljubica said:
And very intriguing book: INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC Linguistic and Genetic affinities Predate the Origin of Cereal Farming, you could read it on scribid:

Thanks for the reference, Ljubica -- I just read the abstract, and it looks like a good article (I like the fact that they include information about cereal farming). It's generally accepted linguistically that Indo-Aryan and Balto-Slavic form a subgroup (along with Albanian and Armenian (which is more controversial)), but the genetic information that they discuss is more recent. Good find!

Glad you like it, I was pretty impressed with comparsion betwen Slavic (Slovenian and Russian) language and; Sanskrit, Hindi and English, must say this was something new for me & lot of material to ponder, and yes genetic data is pretty up to date (book was edited 2 years ago), summa summarum, good reading :)
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

It is certainly very interesting but there are still some lose ends there, besides this theory has been heavily politicized since the break up of Yugoslavia and used as argument for Croatian supremacy over Serbs in Balkans, therefore I am very suspicious but nonetheless keeping my mind open.

You are kidding, right?
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Ljubica said:
Agree with Laura, also I suggest relatively interesting reading on: related to Slav's genome and great Shijing's thread about Kanthek and post Kanthekian nations on:

And very intriguing book: INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC Linguistic and Genetic affinities Predate the Origin of Cereal Farming, you could read it on scribid:
Thank you for these links, very interesting. And somehow I totally missed Shijing's thread.

dbannany I don't understand your question, why would you think I am kidding?
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Herr Eisenheim said:
Ljubica said:
Agree with Laura, also I suggest relatively interesting reading on: related to Slav's genome and great Shijing's thread about Kanthek and post Kanthekian nations on:

And very intriguing book: INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC Linguistic and Genetic affinities Predate the Origin of Cereal Farming, you could read it on scribid:
Thank you for these links, very interesting. And somehow I totally missed Shijing's thread.

No problemo, glad to help, book is really interesting hope you'll like it, happy reading :)
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

dbannany I don't understand your question, why would you think I am kidding?

Because those who had control in Croatia at that time didn't want no supremacy(they couldn't even if they wanted, they were in euphoria for just getting their own country) just control over Croatia in which would Serbs be ethnically cleansed, but through first half of 20 century history Serbia had hegemony on Balkan while Croatia didn't even existed!
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

I think the language barrier might be the problem here Danny.

Let me explain - the theory about Croats coming to Balkan from Iran was very often equalized with Croats being chosen people and as such used in speeches of many politicians who rallied masses for war either to win more territories in Bosnia, or to drive Serbs as inferior race out of Croatia. Even the link I posted posits that Croatian language is older then Serbian, that in fact Serbian language developed from Croatian. I am sure you can understand the implications of such presumptuous statement.

This was my point and you might have misunderstood it.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

dannybananny said:
dbannany I don't understand your question, why would you think I am kidding?

Because those who had control in Croatia at that time didn't want no supremacy(they couldn't even if they wanted, they were in euphoria for just getting their own country) just control over Croatia in which would Serbs be ethnically cleansed, but through first half of 20 century history Serbia had hegemony on Balkan while Croatia didn't even existed!

I could be wrong here but I think it was more about the "feeling" that Croats are better than Serbs and for further dividing people. At least that's how I perceived presentation of these studies about Croatian Iranian origin. They've been highly pretentious and the guys who used them as an argument in many cases had an underlying reason for doing so. In most cases it was about creating an atmosphere of Croatian supremacy (as Herr Eisenheim said) over the Serbs. Something like Croats are "aristocrats" and Serbs are only "peasants". It could be said that it's somehow similar to efforts to remove Croatia from Balkan peninsula while it's pretty obvious, regardless if Croatia is or is not on Balkan geographically, that Croats belong there by their mindset. OSIT.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Thanks Sasha for additional explanation, and to add to it:
... or to remove Croatia not just from Balkan surroundings but Slavic milieu altogether. Unfortunately this trend started during Croatian Nazi Puppet State NDH. This has left very bad mark on all- so called Persian Origin of Croats theories.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

I am not saying following is truth but to me it makes most sense of all Croatian Origin theories:

Instead, Curta points to some burial assemblages in the northern Dalmatia region, which he dates to 800 AD. Here, there are some exceptionally rich burials showing Byzantine, Avar, Frankish and Slavic material elements, perhaps representing a "community of Croats". That is, Curta suggests that the Croats emerged as some kind of an elite caste of Slavic-speaking warriors, consequently spreading their influence, thus their name, over much of Dalmatia and parts of Pannonia. Subsequent papal recognition ensured the evolution from a prominent tribe to a medieval kingdom
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Let me explain - the theory about Croats coming to Balkan from Iran was very often equalized with Croats being chosen people and as such used in speeches of many politicians who rallied masses for war either to win more territories in Bosnia, or to drive Serbs as inferior race out of Croatia. Even the link I posted posits that Croatian language is older then Serbian, that in fact Serbian language developed from Croatian. I am sure you can understand the implications of such presumptuous statement.

This was my point and you might have misunderstood it.

Yes I agree what you wrote, but there was said supremacy over Serbs in Balkan, and Balkan is huge region so it looked like they wanted to rule over Serbs in Serbia and that was impossible, little misunderstanding here. This Iranian theory cam after war so all is clear for what it was used, even today it is thought in schools, and many people on my college and in schools find period of NDH most interesting on which I can only say: no comment.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Hy everybody!

I saw that my story about Croatian roots from Iran opened excellent communication but some Balkan disease strike us again. I tried to show you way of migration of Croats, which was similar like in other Slavs nation. My story was based on archeology evidence. I tried to move your mind in new direction, but unfortunately this disease took conversation about NATIONALISM of Balkan region, about story which nation is smarter then other and so on. Please, leave it because this is can't give us nothing good. I give you an evidence about thesis, and I want you show that my story has good base.
“In the second half of the 19th century, two stone slabs with Greek inscriptions were found with name ΧΟΡΟΑΘΟΣ (Horoathos). They were found in port of ancient Tanais on the Azov Sea, on the peninsula of Crimea – Ukraine. Two stone slabs are from 2 / 3 century AD. First information about them was published by B. Latyšev in “Inscriptiones antiquae orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxine Volume II, Petropoli, 1890, 430-455”. Text on stone slabs begin with invocation "May it be with happiness!" In one part there is mentioned unambiguous Iran-Croat ethnonyms Horoathos/Horouathos. This is very important clue, because Croatian name captures the historical continuity of almost 1800 years in the European space, what is 900 years before the famous “Baška panels” and several centuries before the all Slavs came on the world stage. Today we can find this archeology proof in Archaeological Museum Ermitaz in St. Petersburg (Russia).
Before two centuries at the Royal Academy in Zagreb (1797), renowned historian Joseph Mikoczy-Blumenthal (1734 -1800) defended his doctoral thesis on the origins of ancient Croats from the Medes from western Iran. His thesis was "On the river Tanais lived Sarmatians, offspring, said from Medes, and themselves branched into many branches". This "unsuitable" thesis with first Yugoslavia (1918) was removed from the Academy Archives and disappeared without a trace. This was done by Wolves team, which had only one task – to remove all evidence about thesis that Slavs have Iran-Aryan origins.”

In history classes in schools of old Yugoslavia and even today, we were told that our ancestors came in Balkan region from 4-7 century AD. What was before that, we didn't learn! Nobody in Yugoslavia didn't learn what was before 4 century AD. We were told that our ancestors were living somewhere around region of mountain Karpati. But I want to know more! I want to know truth!

I know that in Balkan region were lots of wars. Every generation had war, every 30-40 years we were killing each other, and every time somebody new import war to us, and our crazy ancestors start to fight. Is this because we have Kantek genes, and we are aggressive? I don't know. I know that this wars made lot of nationalist and in moment when some PSYHOPATH took power in his hands, we were at the beginning of new war. And after that all normal people have lots of pain, again and again like some morbid dream. I ask you that you don't read all facts and text as citizen of one nationality, because you will take immediately one side and your mind will close. I ask you that we all together make step up, and become scientist with open mind. If I have found some clues about name - WHITE Serbia, then I believe that there is more evidence about connection all Slaw's with Indo-Aryan region.

Ljubica gave us phenomenal link where we can see connection in genes and in words betwean lots of nation and betwean lots of words in Slovenian, Russian, Sanskrit language (etc.). Ljubica, thank you very much! Text is phenomenal and it opens mind.

I want to say that thesis “Croat came from Iran/Afghanistan" is old theory and there is lot of proof in museum. I know that our government don't want to tell us real truth, because “Pandora’s box” can be opened. They don't want that truth come in front of us.

Laura give us homework! Books to read… I’m reading. Are you too?

Light worker


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Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Thanks light worker.

Perhaps we could evade opening of Balkan's Pandora's box on our forum with following axioms:

1. All Slavs are mixture and dertivates of Kanthekian and multiple variations of indigenous human variates. Question to ponder: when did Slavs become unified tribe did Milograd culture, Chernoles culture, Lusatian culture and Vinča culture have to do anything with Slavs or some other more ancient groups or other Kanthekian variations?

2. Slavic language aka proto Slavic is still tangable in all modern Slavs languages. Question: When & how did Slav language separated form other languages in primordial Caucasian soup, what influences are crucial to it's formation. Explanation of real meaning to Slav noun would be nice if we could rally trace the most earliest formations of Slavs language from Indo-Caucasian surroundings. Question to ponder: did Slavs named them self allone, or surrounding more ancient tribes gave Slavs the name?? Last but not the least is why Slav languages are so much different from 2 other most massive linguistic groups in Europe; Latin and Germanic?? Did Slavs have enough of time in certain isolation to formate their own linguistics group or they have substantial influence in Kanthek and allready cultural difference via the rest of Kanthekians or there are some still unknown detail covering archaic languages mixtures, we still have to find out starting with all 3 races in Athlantean culture?

3. The route of Slavic expansion from Caucasus area to today's European habitats seems pretty eratic, knowing this is the OPS world with OPS behavioural patterns (wars, rapes, genocides, invasions,...,...) and short memory span for the truthful information, where and how did Slavs came from Point A to pint B could evidently include multiple moving back and forth trough Europe and Asia, so that should be another open question.

4. Casus belli to our search in truth could be stopped with divide et impera, after all Atlantean culture had wars between Kanthekian and ancient Atlantean groups, we know what happened to Paranthas, they are extincted species (except in some gentetic heritage of the same ancient group in genome of today's people from India, SE Asia and part of NG and Australia), we do not want the same thing happened to us, no? So in search of truth about one sub Kanthekian race called Slavs we have to be open minded (as said by light worker) and not taking sides. Even in Wikipedia I found this: ethnonym Slavs are considerably diverse both in appearance and culturally, and relations between them - even within the individual ethnic groups themselves - are varied, ranging from a sense of connection to feelings of mutual hostility end quote, not so nice classification of inter Slavic relationships.

5. Last but not the least is: Genetics

Further information: Genetic history of Europe
Haplogroup R1a Distribution
Global Haplogroup R1a1 Distribution

The modern Slavic peoples carry a variety of Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups. Yet two paternal haplogroups predominate: R1a1a [M17] and I2a2a [L69.2=T/S163.2]. The frequency of Haplogroup R1a ranges from 63.39% in the Serbs, through 56.4% in Poland, 54% in Ukraine, 52% in Russia, Belarus, to 15.2% in Republic of Macedonia, 14.7% in Bulgaria and 12.1% in Herzegovina.[28] The correlation between R1a1a [M17] and the speakers of Indo-European languages, particularly those of Eastern Europe and Central and Southern Asia, was noticed in the late 1990s. From this Spencer Wells and colleagues, following the Kurgan hypothesis, deduced that R1a1a arose on the Pontic-Caspian steppe.[29]

Specific studies of Slavic genetics followed. In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland. The significant findings of this study are that:

1. Two genetically distant groups of Slavic populations were revealed: One encompassing all Western-Slavic, Eastern-Slavic, and few Southern-Slavic populations (north-western Croats and Slovenes), and one encompassing all remaining Southern Slavs. According to the authors most Slavic populations have similar Y chromosome pools — R1a. They speculate that this similarity can be traced to an origin in the middle Dnieper basin of Ukraine during the Late Glacial Maximum 15 kya.
2. However, some southern Slavic populations such as Bulgarians, Serbs and Macedonians are clearly separated from the tight DNA cluster of the rest of the Slavic populations. According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."[31]

Marcin Woźniak and colleagues (2010) searched for specifically Slavic sub-group of R1a1a. Working with haplotypes, they found a pattern among Western Slavs which turned out to correspond to a newly-discovered marker, M458, which defines subclade R1a1a1g. This marker correlates remarkably well with the distribution of Slavic-speakers today. The team, led by Peter Underhill, which discovered M458 did not consider the possibility that this was a Slavic marker, since they used the "evolutionary effective" mutation rate, which gave a date far too old to be Slavic. Woźniak and colleagues pointed out that the pedigree mutation rate, giving a later date, is more consistent with the archaeological record.

Pomors are distinguished by the presence of Y Haplogroup N among them. Postulated to originate from southeast Asia, it is found at high rates in Uralic peoples. Its presence in Pomors (called "Northern Russians" in the report) attests to the non-Slavic tribes (mixing with Finnic tribes of northern Eurasia).

Haplotype R1a Y-DNA distribution picture is on:
GlobalR1a1a distributionis on:

Noticed the interesting fact about Later GLaciar Maximum: that is for sure another momentum in Caucasian migrations (not counting all other natural disaster) I guess genetic research will still have to say a lot about Slavs sub haplos.

I'm pretty interested in linguistic mystery of Slavs and their bardic & shamanic mythology and verbal Chronicles, reason is simple, linguistic comparison is interesting with Hindi and Sanskrit and lot of historical facts could be found out in bardic songs and stories and shamanic heritage.

More over Slavic mythology on: this article is on Croatian

This is more than enough material for the time being, although could sound funny one of the nicest tales from Slavic antiques are: Priče iz Davnine, Ivane Brlić Mažuranić, although made for children it is the real treasure from the past.

BTW if anyone have this book: Initial Mythology/World-View of Slavs Russian Book, I would be more than glad to pay for it, Thanks:-)

Happy reading :)
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

light worker said:
Hy everybody!

I saw that my story about Croatian roots from Iran opened excellent communication but some Balkan disease strike us again. I tried to show you way of migration of Croats, which was similar like in other Slavs nation. My story was based on archeology evidence. I tried to move your mind in new direction, but unfortunately this disease took conversation about NATIONALISM of Balkan region, about story which nation is smarter then other and so on. Please, leave it because this is can't give us nothing good. I give you an evidence about thesis, and I want you show that my story has good base.
I wonder if we are reading the same thread ?
What Balkan disease and what nationalism?!
It was simply pointed out that "your" Iranian theory was heavily politicized in the past and used as proof for supremacy of Croatian people over other Balkan nations.
Merely this fact is red flag enough when it comes to such theories as it wouldn't be the first time data and facts are tweaked in order to fit the agenda. Nevertheless I also said I am keeping my mind open.

light worker said:
In history classes in schools of old Yugoslavia and even today, we were told that our ancestors came in Balkan region from 4-7 century AD. What was before that, we didn't learn! Nobody in Yugoslavia didn't learn what was before 4 century AD. We were told that our ancestors were living somewhere around region of mountain Karpati. But I want to know more! I want to know truth!
You and everyone else.
This problem of obscured origin is not just a problem of South Slavs but also of the whole humanity.
This is why it was pointed out that before the real time line is sorted we can theorize ad infinitum about where which people came from but we still wont get anywhere.

In your own words: " you tried to move our mind in different direction" - with the theory that was around for at least hundred years if not more. Cant you see how presumptuous is this?
Add this to the fact that you morphed the perceived "rejection" of "your " theory into Balkan disease and nationalism, your way of communication comes across as pretty manipulative, at least to me.

I am glad you managed to get hold of those books so quickly. Happy reading :)
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