Slavs and Serbs(South Slavs)

Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

dannybananny said:
In Russian the self-name of people "Slavyane" root "Slava" (Glory) is easily read.

I never heard that explanation, but it could be true or it could be result of someone's wishful thinking...
looks like wishfull thinking to me
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Didn't know that "Nemac" actually means "mute man", but it is possibility, after all word for "mute" really is "nem".

Maybe "slava" and "slavyani" is not so wishful thinking. In Serbian, and I believe other Slavic languages (and Russian as the most close to south Slavic languages). Word "Slava" actually has more meanings than just "glory". It is "glory", but also it is "celebration, solemn event, worshiping". In Bulgarian, Russian, and Serbian (eastern christian Slavic people) there is also religious custom called "Slava".

All of that is really hard to explain in English (especially if you must explain something like that to the person that speaks only English), because English is very dry and very poor language. (you can forget what you have learned in school about Shakespeare as great poet, maybe he is, but not because of his language).

One example for English which I noticed couple days ago. I have read Sergey Lukianenko's "Night Watch" and "Day Watch" in Serbian, after that I had opportunity to see book in original language, which of course was even the better, and after that I saw English translation. In English it is totally different book, very simplified, almost childish, like Harry Potter for example.

But that also has good side, we can all very easy learn english :) It's just not so good for getting meaning of words with the help of English, especially translating them back and forth other languages (Slava and glory . . . etc.)
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

light worker said:
Thank you for explanation!

Now some my old puzzles connected in my head... Kantek population were transfered in this region. And from this region this population went in lot direction (removal). South Slavs came from region around "Karpat" mountains and before that our ancestors lived in Kavkaz (Caucasus area)... :wow:

There was one interesting story from one old history professor. He told that he has found identical folk costumes in Afghanistan like folk costumes are today in my country. From his claim came into existence theory of ancestors (unfortunately lot of people reject this theory). But he told us truth and nobody believed him... huh!
Kantek population was different from Earth Civilization... so South Slavs has the similar characteristic as them. I can say for my nation that we are capable to do impossible things and in same time to destroy indestructible. I was wondering why every generation had WAR in Balkan region? Every time somebody else import WAR in Balkan and crazy Balkan nations (old Kantek population) start fight... this is some rotten manipulation plan for sure :umm:
Don't forget that Bosnian pyramids are in Balkan Region... + old Kantek people .... ohohohooo - nice cake we have. :huh:

Light worker

I've wondered if the 'Serbs' are in some way connected to the Kurds! Both were genocized. Both have very ancient knowledge.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

dannybananny said:
In Russian the self-name of people "Slavyane" root "Slava" (Glory) is easily read.

I never heard that explanation, but it could be true or it could be result of someone's wishful thinking, but there's one more probable explanation that is thought:

The Slavic autonym Slověninъ is usually considered a derivation from slovo "word or speech", originally denoting "people who speak (the same language)", i.e. people who understand each other, in contrast to Slavic word denoting "foreign people" - němci, meaning "mumbling, murmuring people" (from Slavic němъ - "mumbling, mute"). The latter word may be the derivation of words to denote German/Germanic people in many later Slavic languages: e.g. Polish Niemiec, Czech Němec, Russian and Bulgarian Немец, Serbian Немац, Croatian Nijemac etc

Also look as the concept in the West has turned over.
From a word "Glory" the word "slave" has turned out.
Substitution of orienting point.

The English word Slav is derived from the Middle English word sclave, which was borrowed from Medieval Latin sclavus "slave", itself a borrowing and Byzantine Greek σκλάβος sklábos "slave", which was in turn borrowed from the Slavic autonym. The Byzantine term Sklavinoi was loaned into Arabic as Saqaliba by medieval Arab historiographers. And this name comes from Byzantines which supreme rule was accepted by many South Slavs that came on Balkans, so we are thought by mainstream history.

This concept is similar was used in relation to the advanced people at whom it "the Light of Glory" was a physical sign earlier. I.e. the glorious person was visible to all because of "Light of glory".

The question is what you define as advanced, technologically advanced or spiritually? And I think look of someone is something that is not important at all, I personally think that generalization doesn't leads anywhere like assuming that all Kantekkians were positive, i remember that C's said they were advanced then people on Earth but also said they decided to develop on their planet in high STS beings, and i think there were some groups that were positive and some more negative(have in mind what C's said about underground civilizations that are called third eye and are negative, also all of them Aryans, probably descendants from Aryan Atlanteans), and I know that C's said Celts and Germanic people were descendants of Aryan Atlanteans, and they before Romans fought each other, and German tribes weren't very peaceful either, and Celts in northern Italy led sacking campaigns against Etruria and Romans when the Rome was still in beginning of it's rise(now i take possibility that some authors lied, but knowing human psyche and time in which they lived it could be very true), then we have barbarian invasion and Viking invasion, all from the Nordic people, and they weren't Christians at that time yet but pagan, so I think seeing things one sided isn't really objective.

If I'm understanding you here correctly, you are in some way confirming what Axxel said with:

Also look as the concept in the West has turned over.
From a word "Glory" the word "slave" has turned out.
Substitution of orienting point.

You said that it is borrowed Slavic word by Byzantines. Word which on Slavic language really is the name for the Slavic tribe (or how they called themselves), and word that Byzantines used later as a word for slaves, and Slavs really was enslaved by the Byzantines.

I want to say that the Slavic name Slavyani, really could mean something on Slavic language like "Slava" (in all its meanings . . . ) because it is original Slavic name for Slavic tribe. And not distorted and totally different in its meaning: "slave".

It means "slave" in English today, but it is "Slavyani" in Rusian (thanks to the "history").

I will give you example if I may: imagine if the people who live in England call themselves "Englezi", and not "Englishmen", just because I call them "Englezi".
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

SolarMother said:
light worker said:
Thank you for explanation!

Now some my old puzzles connected in my head... Kantek population were transfered in this region. And from this region this population went in lot direction (removal). South Slavs came from region around "Karpat" mountains and before that our ancestors lived in Kavkaz (Caucasus area)... :wow:

There was one interesting story from one old history professor. He told that he has found identical folk costumes in Afghanistan like folk costumes are today in my country. From his claim came into existence theory of ancestors (unfortunately lot of people reject this theory). But he told us truth and nobody believed him... huh!
Kantek population was different from Earth Civilization... so South Slavs has the similar characteristic as them. I can say for my nation that we are capable to do impossible things and in same time to destroy indestructible. I was wondering why every generation had WAR in Balkan region? Every time somebody else import WAR in Balkan and crazy Balkan nations (old Kantek population) start fight... this is some rotten manipulation plan for sure :umm:
Don't forget that Bosnian pyramids are in Balkan Region... + old Kantek people .... ohohohooo - nice cake we have. :huh:

Light worker

I've wondered if the 'Serbs' are in some way connected to the Kurds! Both were genocized. Both have very ancient knowledge.

Interesting theory. I'm Serb and living in Serbia, and I somehow fail to see that ancient knowledge around me. I myself am very shallow, inpatient, and narrow minded, and as far as I can see, most people around me is like that too.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

If I'm understanding you here correctly, you are in some way confirming what Axxel said with:

Yes, that is correct for the first part of quote, I was going more in details there, but other part was more concentrated on assumptions and generalization.

Maybe "slava" and "slavyani" is not so wishful thinking. In Serbian, and I believe other Slavic languages (and Russian as the most close to south Slavic languages)

But there is also a possibility of subjectivity, which was in place through history like when all nations and people thought they are special and gave themselves grandiose adjectives. And it is noticeable when some people glorify itself and they aren't glorified by others like Hyperboreans were by other people(you can know based on that thee was a reason for that), that is very subjective and the name is questionable because of that.

It's just not so good for getting meaning of words with the help of English, especially translating them back and forth other languages (Slava and glory . . . etc.)

To me, that is on my understanding of English word glory in English is precise translation of word slava.

I will give you example if I may: imagine if the people who live in England call themselves "Englezi", and not "Englishmen", just because I call them "Englezi".

I think that there isn't big difference between words Englishmen and Englezi, they have same meaning but are little different, that is word Englezi was probably taken from English language, and correct translation from English to Slavic would be something like people of Anglia, Anglia people, Anglians, but the word slave and glory have totally different meaning but there is similarity between English word slave and Slavic name for Slavs - that is Slavyani. But to me its funny why they use term Anglo-American world, because they aren't Anglo people(and there are remains of them because of mixing surly) because the last people that invaded Britain were Norman people.

I've wondered if the 'Serbs' are in some way connected to the Kurds! Both were genocized. Both have very ancient knowledge.

Then they are also connected to Jews, Indians, Armenians, Turks, Greek people, Palestinians, etc..., on a higher level they probably are, and based on their experience.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

I think that there isn't big difference between words Englishmen and Englezi, they have same meaning but are little different, that is word Englezi was probably taken from English language, and correct translation from English to Slavic would be something like people of Anglia, Anglia people, Anglians, but the word slave and glory have totally different meaning but there is similarity between English word slave and Slavic name for Slavs - that is Slavyani. But to me its funny why they use term Anglo-American world, because they aren't Anglo people(and there are remains of them because of mixing surly) because the last people that invaded Britain were Norman people.

I admit that wasn't good analogy. What I wanted to say is that if the story of how name of the tribe became the word for "slave", Byzantines made one very psychopathic turn over, making the name of the tribe in to word for slave. Twisting the meaning of the word for 180 degrees.

If the name was original Slavic, then it really was their name and they considered themselves as "grand" (true or not, that is the name) and the name originally is "Slavyani" (or possibly something similar) and means "glory" (or any other meaning of the word "slava") and not "slave". "Slave" is newer meaning twisted by history (and that is also IF the two words are connected in any way)

But there is also a possibility of subjectivity, which was in place through history like when all nations and people thought they are special and gave themselves grandiose adjectives. And it is noticeable when some people glorify itself and they aren't glorified by others like Hyperboreans were by other people(you can know based on that thee was a reason for that), that is very subjective and the name is questionable because of that.

Maybe. But we can talk about that only from our present day standing point, and only from our experiences and only what history (as we know it today) has thought us. And our "standing point" today is not so healthy. I think there is possibility that we actually don't know anything about history of ancient tribes. In best case what we know is based on what Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians said, and now we know that Romans considered Celts for savages because they wore pants, didn't have one central government and the biggest sacrilege: women had their rights.

So, actually I think that projecting subjectivity of the modern ponerized society when talking about ancient history is not right, because we just don't know how society was looking then. Maybe it was way different that we even cant imagine today.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

I think there is possibility that we actually don't know anything about history of ancient tribes. In best case what we know is based on what Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians said, and now we know that Romans considered Celts for savages because they wore pants, didn't have one central government and the biggest sacrilege: women had their rights.

Don't forget about the Bible also, mother of all fakes and lies that might inspired all other lies! :D
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Arbitrium Liberum said:
What I wanted to say is that if the story of how name of the tribe became the word for "slave", Byzantines made one very psychopathic turn over, making the name of the tribe in to word for slave. Twisting the meaning of the word for 180 degrees.

It wasn't the Byzantine people who changed the word Slav for slave it was most probably germanic tribes
During the long period of war between the Germans and Slavs, which lasted until the tenth century, the Slavonic territories in the north and southeast furnished the Germans large numbers of slaves. The Venetian and other Italian cities on the coast took numerous Slavonic captives from the opposite side of the Adriatic whom they resold to other places. The Slavs frequently shared in the seizure and export of their countrymen as slaves. The Naretani, a piratical Slavonic tribe living in the present district of Southern Dalmatia, were especially notorious for their slave-trade. Russian princes exported large numbers of slaves from their country. The result is that the name Slav has given the word slave to the peoples of Western Europe.

The name Slavs IMO does not come from the word Slava because phonetically it doesn't make any sense. We dont call oourselves Slavs but Sloveni or Slaveni which to me sounds like derivation from the word Slovani from the archaic slovo=word. Those who know words.
To me following makes a lot of sense, much more then slava (emphasis mine)
There is much more reason in another objection that Slavonic philologists have made to the derivation of the word Slav from slovo (word). The ending en or an of the form Slovenin indicates derivation from a topographical designation. Dobrowsky perceived this difficulty and therefore invented the topographical name Slovy, which was to be derived from slovo. With some reservation Safarik also gave a geographical interpretation. He did not, however, accept the purely imaginary locality Slovy but connected the word Slovenin with the Lithuanian Salava, Lettish Sala, from which is derived the Polish zulawa, signifying island, a dry spot in a swampy region. According to this interpretation the word Slavs would mean the inhabitants of an island, or inhabitants of a marshy region. The German scholar Grimm maintained the identity of the Slavs with Suevi and derived the name from sloba, svoba (freedom). The most probable explanation is that deriving the name from slovo (word); this is supported by the Slavonic name for the Germans Nemci (the dumb). The Slavs called themselves Slovani, that is, "the speaking ones", those who know words, while they called their neighbours the Germans, "the dumb", that is, those who do not know words.

In fact the name Slav is not the oldest name for Slavic people, seems Veneti or Vendi is much older. Of course there is strong possibility Slavs where calling themselves Slavs while other people called them differently. But we cannot be sure of this. It is very rare that generally adopted name for a group of people or tribe is significantly different then the name they are using themselves. There may be local exceptions - usually between neighboring tribes like in case of Germans and Slavs.
The question still remains to be answered whether the expression Slavs indicated originally all Slavonic tribes or only one or a few of them. The reference to them in Ptolemy shows that the word then meant only a single tribe. Ptolemy called the Slavs as a whole the Venedai and says they are "the greatest nation" (megiston ethnos). The Byzantines of the sixth century thought only of the southern Slavs and incidentally also of the Russians, who lived on the boundaries of the Eastern Empire. With them the expression Slavs meant only the southern Slavs; they called the Russians Antae, and distinguished sharply between the two groups of tribes. In one place (Get., 34, 35) Jordanis divides all Slavs into three groups: Veneti, Slavs, and Antae; this would correspond to the present division of western, southern, and eastern Slavs. However, this mention appears to be an arbitrary combination. In another passage he designated the eastern Slavs by the name Veneti. Probably he had found the expression Veneti in old writers and had learned personally the names Slavs and Antae; in this way arose his triple division.

then there is this from another source.

A much older designation in the historical authorities than Slav is the name Wend. It is under this designation that the Slavs first appear in history. The first certain references to the present Slavs date from the first and second centuries. They were made by the Roman writers Pliny and Tacitus and the Alexandrian already mentioned Ptolemy. Pliny (d. A.D. 79) says (Nat. hist., IV, 97) that among the peoples living on the other side of the Vistula besides the Sarmatians and others are also the Wends (Venedi). Tacitus (G., 46) says the same. He describes the Wends somewhat more in detail but cannot make up his mind whether he ought to include them among the Germans or the Sarmatians; still they seem to him to be more closely connected with the first named than with the latter. Ptolemy (d.about 178) in his Geographike (III, 57) calls the Venedi the greatest nation living on the Wendic Gulf. However, he says later (III, 5, 8) that they live on the Vistula; he also speaks of the Venedic mountains (III, 5, 6). In the centuries immediately succeeding the Wends are mentioned very rarely. The migrations that had now begun had brought other peoples into the foreground until the Venedi again appear in the sixth century under the name of Slavs. The name Wend, however, was never completely forgotten. The German chroniclers used both names constantly without distinction, the former almost oftener than the latter. Even now the Sorbs of Lusatic are called by the Germans Wends, while the Slovenes are frequently called Winds and their language is called Windish.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

About versions of an origin of the name Slavs

There are some versions of an origin of self-name "Slavs".

The cores are four: from a "word" (the people speaking "in our language", unlike nemec — "mute", т.е «not knowing our language», "strangers"); from an Indo-European root *kleu - ' a rumor, popularity ' (the glory compare); from toponym, probably, river names (compare an epithet of Dnepr a Slavutich, the rivers Sluja, Slava, Slavnitsa in the different slavic earths); from a root *s-lau-os ' the people ' (with Indo-European «mobile s»), compare other-grech. λᾱός.

The question is what you define as advanced, technologically advanced or spiritually?

In this case a word «adwanced» I have used a word in value more likely genetic development.
As I have understood from the citation, genetic and frequency characteristics of people were above earlier.

If to consider, that us conduct to self-destruction, any person not reached a degree of our present destruction can be considered more advanced. (more non-destroyed), than we.

And I didn't want to tell that advanced – more positive means.
I didn't want to concern polarization. While only concepts glory.

How much I remember, in Biblia (in russian, at least) Nefilim аre named "strong, since ancient times gloryous people".
It about polarisation STO/STS.

About names.
Many slavic names (and presently) consist of two roots, second of which – Slav.
And in most cases Slav concerns to glory, instead of to a word.
For example, if in people through one people call Svyatoslav, Boleslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav, Bronislav, and many other similar names, in itself arises sensation, that the tribe is made only with "Slav" and absolutely there is no necessity to address to place names.

Has forgotten to add, that at Slavs the Glory is closely connected with concept “valour”, and was much more often used in military sense, than in religious.
In general, in slavic languages the “glory” and a “word” somewhere are interchangeable, therefore as the glory is transferred by a word, both good and bad, in present understanding it can be designated a word "image" more likely.

will continue..
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)


Last two weeks I have search for information about history of Croats. And I found that story which connect Croats and ancestors from Iran and Afghanistan has good based. First mark which connect Croats with old homeland are from about 3500 BC.
My good friend was twice member of NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. He told me that lots of word are "same!" in Afghanistan and Croatia like words: "čaj=tea", "panj=chuck", sapun=soap" etc. Then I found that old women In Croatia wear same apron like women in region around Kandahar (Afghanistan).
I found info that shock me positive. At tomb of Dario I, very big Persian king, there is 30 representatives of nations which were living in Persian Empire. In first raw there is at 10th representative and below him there is written "this is Huravat (Croat)".
It is interesting that on "way from Afghanistan and Iran to Croatia" there were several Croatian kindgdoms and every time there was WHITE Croatia and RED Croatia. Old Persian were using for sides of world colors. So we have: south=RED, west=WHITE, east=BLUE and north=BLACK.
It is interesting that I found that in history there was WHITE Serbia state... again side of the world - white. Here I need help from Serbian history, so If somebody have something about name White Serbia, pleas write here.

This words (colors) show to me that there is some connection betwean Balkan nations in old history with Middle east region.

And at the and of my thoughts, I will say that Laura's recommendation for reading books (cataclysm etc) will open to us some new pages... It is interesting that about 4000 BC there were "first" states know to like Sumerian state, Egypt, China... and what was betwean 4000BC and 10.000 BC? Nothing? I don't believe... Bosnian pyramids are very old, some 12.000 years and more, and there is lot of signs that level of see was higher than today (much more higher)... this is some clue that something big was at the stage of history and our ancestors were playing in it.

I suppose that I have open some new doors.

Have a nice day!

Your Light Worker
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Light-worker I never heard of "several Croatian kingdoms on the way from Iran to Croatia"could you quote the source of this.

I am guessing you are probably referring to this theory

It is certainly very interesting but there are still some lose ends there, besides this theory has been heavily politicized since the break up of Yugoslavia and used as argument for Croatian supremacy over Serbs in Balkans, therefore I am very suspicious but nonetheless keeping my mind open.

I think Laura has a very good point, until the time line is sorted out properly every attempt in solving mysteries of this kind will be futile OSIT
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

Herr Eisenheim said:
Light-worker I never heard of "several Croatian kingdoms on the way from Iran to Croatia"could you quote the source of this.

I am guessing you are probably referring to this theory

It is certainly very interesting but there are still some lose ends there, besides this theory has been heavily politicized since the break up of Yugoslavia and used as argument for Croatian supremacy over Serbs in Balkans, therefore I am very suspicious but nonetheless keeping my mind open.

I think Laura has a very good point, until the time line is sorted out properly every attempt in solving mysteries of this kind will be futile OSIT

I never heard of these kingdoms either. :huh:
I agree with you Herr Eisenheim, and with Laura, there are too many unknowns to be able to properly deal with all these issues about origin of nations. And different origin theories have been used by establishment for further division of people in ex Yu area.

Btw, few years back when doing some research on topic of origin I read that "ho(u)rovat(os)" back in those days didn't really designate a nation but that it was a label given to people who practiced matriarchy as social structure. Unfortunately I can't find the source, only thing that I've found now on Google isn't very reliable.

Regarding pyramidal structure in Visoko, on their web pages you can find results of radiocarbon dating of several samples from Ravne tunnels from several different European laboratories, and it says that there were following cultures associated with tunnels:

_ said:
•(1) Najstarija, paleolitska kultura koja je prenosila megalitne blokove i postavljala ih iznad podzemnih vodenih tokova, starija od 30.000 godina;

•(2) Graditelji piramida i tunelskog kompleksa, ujedno i najrazvijenija kultura, starija od 5.000 godina, a znatno mlađa od 30.000 godina;

•(3) Kultura koja je zatvarala tunelske prolaze, sposobna da prenosi velike količine materijala, mlađa od 5.000 godina;

•(4) Povremeni neolitski korisnici ulaznog dijela tunelskog kompleksa, u periodu 3.000-4.600 daleko u prošlost

•(1) Oldest, paleolithic culture which moved megalithic blocks and put them above underground water flows, older than 30.000 years;

•(2) Builders of pyramids and tunnel complex, at the same time most advanced culture, older than 5.000 years, and significantly younger than 30.000 years;

•(3) Culture that blocked tunnel passages, capable [culture] of moving large amounts of material, younger than 5.000 years;

•(4) Occasional neolithic users of entrance part of tunnel complex, in period of 3.000 - 4.600 before our time.

Recently I watched "Potraga za izgubljenim civilizacijama" series where a thing regarding paleolithic structures caught my attention: stone spheres. Not only they are found in Bosnia, Croatia and Monte Negro but also in many other places around the world (Costa Rica and Eastern Islands for example). Osmanagic (the guy who started whole Bosnia pyramids thing) speculates that they were, when placed in right position (crossing of Dragon lines), something like capacitors/storage for subtle energies.
I'll have to dig a little bit more about that to hopefully create a broader picture. I haven't found anything on forum about them.
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)


I have some maps which can show "kingdom". Maybe I used not so correct word, maybe is better phrase - place of living through history.

First picture "Map 1 - East Slavic Tribes 700-850" show us place of living for tribes. I put red ellipse on W.Croats (WHITE Croats) and second is on Croats (this is place of today's Croatia).

Second picture "Ancestory and removal of Croats" I found in one book. It show us direction of removal. It is based on history dates and clues. Removal began in Harauvat (V and VI century BC), then second is Choroathos (II and III century AD), third is Croat-Ants union (V and VI century AD), then fourth white and red Croatia at today's Polland region (VI to XI century AD) and last is white and red Croatia in Balkan region (from VII century until today). nubering from 1 to 12 show places where was found names connected with word "Hrvat/Croat"

Third picture and fourth picture show us first and the oldest place in the Middle East, where was first clues about name of Croat. This was in land Mittani/Mitanni which was known as Aragozia (Greek used name) about 1400 year BC.

If we carefully look, we can see that journey of one nation (Croats) was very interesting. They march in some few thousand years some few thousand miles.

We must be careful when we are looking some facts. I know that there was lot confrontation between Croats and Serbs in last 100 years. I'm sure that this was some big plan to divide old friends and neighbours (cousins), and with ruling nationalist truth just couldn't came in front of us. "Wolves" team destroyed lots of evidence and today we have few information about real history events. One thing is sure that there is no master race and that every nation is equally valuable.

I still wonder if somebody from Serbia know anything about name White Serbia, and if there any old information about old history removal of Serbs.
I hope that maps I put here will give us some new direction for exploring old history. I hope that we will learn something from it.

Have a nice day!

Your Light Worker
Re: Slavs and Serbs(Sauth Slavs)

From what I recall from history/linguistic studies. Origin of Slovjiane does lie in "Slovo" (tr. WORD). It became Slav because some Slavic tribes / replaced O with A ("аканье" & "оканье")

Basically, Slovjiane refer to people of the same WORD, people who understand each other. Sliviot "Слывёт" is another derivative of word Slovjiane , basically it means "hear of"

It's possible that Slav is a name given by someone for historical manipulation or whatever agenda, so people perceive/justify Slavs as "slaves". Etymons of word "Slav~ / Slov~" is met regularly in naming of villages, rivers, lakes, places names. I just do not see how certain ethnos would want to refer to themselves and places with a word that means slave.
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