[quote author=Bo]
I wanna try out a big cigar (like one of those cuban cigars) for fun. I did a bit of research and know that you are not supposed to inhale it, but to smoke it slowly.
Before trying it just wanted to ask for some feedback on what to be aware of.
[quote author=lux]
I think that
normal cigarettes are more affordable than cigars.
Cigars heats up, therefore you need more space beetwen drags, produces more smoke, longer light up and therefore requires lights with odorless "fuel" otherwise mess up the taste of cigar.
Cigars need more time and subtleties.
I personally do not like cigars, but maybe you will like.
lux's remarks are right on the money.
There are quite a few things to look at when picking a cigar (filler, wrapper, etc..).
Mild connecticut-wrapped cigars or medium-bodied maduro-wrapped cigars might be a "way in" into the cigar world.
I found the maduro-wrapped medium's smoke to be fuller (had more pleasant of a smell to it), but am still experimenting with different brands and types.
Initially I did not inhale the smoke, but presently do enjoy the tiniest of an inhale every-other-drag.
If you're worried about price, try flavored cigarillos (like backwoods).
They're not hand-made, and the tobacco is a bit more processed, but (to the best of my knowledge) it is still additive-free (other than flavor).
There are a multitude of online cigar store-fronts, which will provide you with really good prices for 1- or 5-pack of cigars; all you'd need to do is provide your email address for their 'weekly specials' (not sure how comfortable you'd be with doing that). That might be a good way to experiment.
Good luck!
BTW, Mr. Premise: My hat's off to you for a wonderful job on home-grown tobacco.