Smoking is... good?

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Bo said:
Hi guys I had a question,

(checked the search button, but couldn't find anything on this)

I wanna try out a big cigar (like one of those cuban cigars) for fun. I did a bit of research and know that you are not supposed to inhale it, but to smoke it slowly.

Before trying it just wanted to ask for some feedback on what to be aware of.


I think that normal cigarettes are more affordable than cigars.

Cigars heats up, therefore you need more space beetwen drags, produces more smoke, longer light up and therefore requires lights with odorless "fuel" otherwise mess up the taste of cigar.

Cigars need more time and subtleties.

I personally do not like cigars, but maybe you will like.
Mr. Premise said:
The Placencia Organic cigars are very nice. I bought a pack of the small ones. The reason you don't usually inhale cigars is that the pH of cigar tobacco is different from cigarette tobacco (can't remember if it's higher or lower) which enables the nicotine to be absorbed through the mouth unlike cigarette smoke which you have to inhale. Also, smoking cigars is like chewing tobacco, since there is no paper, you have tobacco in your mouth and absorb some nicotine that way. But you can inhale a few puffs out of a cigar with no problem but if you inhaled the whole thing it would be a bit much. It can also be more harsh that cigarette tobacco when inhaled.

Thanks, will keep that in mind.

lux said:
Bo said:
Hi guys I had a question,

(checked the search button, but couldn't find anything on this)

I wanna try out a big cigar (like one of those cuban cigars) for fun. I did a bit of research and know that you are not supposed to inhale it, but to smoke it slowly.

Before trying it just wanted to ask for some feedback on what to be aware of.


I think that normal cigarettes are more affordable than cigars.

Cigars heats up, therefore you need more space beetwen drags, produces more smoke, longer light up and therefore requires lights with odorless "fuel" otherwise mess up the taste of cigar.

Cigars need more time and subtleties.

I personally do not like cigars, but maybe you will like.

Yeah I know, I am going to try one and if I really like it, then only occasionally due to the price.
For me cigars need to be enjoyed slowly at leisure. 45 minutes maybe an hour. Most of the smoke I take in my mouth, with an occasional slight inhale. After a cigar I really feel full of nicotine. Very satisfying.

One of these days I'd really like to try a genuine Cuban cigar. But, alas, they are still illegal in the US. :(

For me, a high quality Cigar and a little brandy, only on the holiday.
Smoking jacket is optional.

Very satisfying.
Being a cigar aficionado myself I would recommend starting with a small mild cigar or a cigarillo which is about the size of a cigarette, cigars are meant to enjoy so you want to have time to smoke it. I wouldn't inhale until your used to smoking cigars, a lot of people make the mistake of inhaling when first starting out and it makes them get the spins but once you get used to it you will be able to inhale some of the smoke.

You don't have to start out with a Cuban cigar they can be a bit pricey and I've had problems with them being rolled to tight Cuban's can be over rated, there's lots of other reasonably priced good cigars my favorites are Arturo Fuente's from the Dominican Republic.

Have fun Bo and enjoy! :cool2:
According to what I've read on the tobacco growing forums it's not that hard to roll your own cigars. And people who do that say they taste as good or better than expensive store bought ones.
There are several home remedies for removing nicotine stains from fingers, ranging from the juices of lemon or potato to dissolving aspirin in water and soaking in the solution. Have you tried Google or searching Youtube?


Edit: typo
Grow log update: The tobacco is doing great! We had a couple of weeks of very hot, dry weather which is a good thing for tobacco, too much rain is not good for it, and we often get that in New England summers. Some of the plants are over 5 ft. tall now and seem to be growing several inches a day. Pests have not been a problem. One of my Smrynas budded today, so I topped it (probably should have waited a few days). Also, I smoked my first cigarette from my tobacco and it tasted surprisingly good. Mild, with some cigar type flavor. These were from lower leaves (lugs) that dried and turned brown on the plant.


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[quote author=Bo]
I wanna try out a big cigar (like one of those cuban cigars) for fun. I did a bit of research and know that you are not supposed to inhale it, but to smoke it slowly.

Before trying it just wanted to ask for some feedback on what to be aware of.

[quote author=lux]
I think that normal cigarettes are more affordable than cigars.

Cigars heats up, therefore you need more space beetwen drags, produces more smoke, longer light up and therefore requires lights with odorless "fuel" otherwise mess up the taste of cigar.

Cigars need more time and subtleties.

I personally do not like cigars, but maybe you will like.

lux's remarks are right on the money.
There are quite a few things to look at when picking a cigar (filler, wrapper, etc..).
Mild connecticut-wrapped cigars or medium-bodied maduro-wrapped cigars might be a "way in" into the cigar world.
I found the maduro-wrapped medium's smoke to be fuller (had more pleasant of a smell to it), but am still experimenting with different brands and types.
Initially I did not inhale the smoke, but presently do enjoy the tiniest of an inhale every-other-drag.

If you're worried about price, try flavored cigarillos (like backwoods).
They're not hand-made, and the tobacco is a bit more processed, but (to the best of my knowledge) it is still additive-free (other than flavor).

There are a multitude of online cigar store-fronts, which will provide you with really good prices for 1- or 5-pack of cigars; all you'd need to do is provide your email address for their 'weekly specials' (not sure how comfortable you'd be with doing that). That might be a good way to experiment.

Good luck!

BTW, Mr. Premise: My hat's off to you for a wonderful job on home-grown tobacco. :thup:
Re: Smoking prevalence among US & International adults

anart said:
jake tassell said:
Have you thought about snuff? I'm sure you can still buy that at old-school tobacconists.
Why do I see myself on an Appalachian wooden front porch with a spitoon at my feet when I think of snuff? Maybe it's the Granny Clampet connection =). Seriously, though, I'll check into it, thanks.
I use smokeless tobacco and find it quite convenient. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to spit constantly. You can put a little pinch between your cheek and gums and just let it sit there. You actually swallow the juice instead of spitting it out.
A small amount is not externally noticeable, and no one will even know you are using tobacco. It takes a little getting used to, and may burn a bit until your tissues toughen up, but it works.
I don't like to smoke because it effects my wind. Nevertheless, I love the effects of nicotine. I am definitely a nicotine profiler. It just works for me.
I use Copenhagen long cut, but you may want to try something like Skoal, which has a mint flavor added. The also sell it in little pouches, which you may like to try. Most convenience stores carry it.
For any UK smokers I'd recommend the new Drum Additive Free. It's got a kind of sweeter taste to it than Pueblo and American Spirit and is quite mild. I prefer it over AS and Pueblo which are a bit too intense for me. Its cheapish too boot, about £3.45 for 12.5 grams if I remember correctly. Give it a go!
Very nice plants Mr. Premise. Thay are looks so beatifull that I want to hug them :thup:
I wish I could I can plant and grow my own tobacco. But it is good that my mom growing a few plants for me. Soon I'll be able to see them and also hug them :)
[quote author=Mr. Premise ]
Grow log update: The tobacco is doing great! [...]

Really fine looking plants Mr. P. :) My tobacco experiment this year, with the very wet/cool spring, has been sparse in comparison to last year's. Like last year, seeded directly instead of starting them off in a controlled environment and then transplanting. August and September may help, will see.
My plants of tobacco that my mom growing, were first time collected today. Today I want to call home and ask my nephew to make a photos of them. But, unfortunetaly, I didn't do it on time, so now I can't see how they look. But my mom didn't cut plant, she cut a lot of leaves and let the the plant grow, because it still might grow more leaves. The Nicotiana rustica tobacco that my mom is growing, according to what she said, are approximately 50 sentimetres in height. Maybe they are taller, my mom said it approximately. I read in the web that Nicotiana Rustica plant grow up to 80 sentimetres in height.
My stocks of mapacho (Nicotina Rustica tobacco) is almost over. I try to smoke only 1 cig of it per day, in order to leave more in stock for later. I smoke other store-bought tobacco, but usually I got nousea and some stitch (in my left colarbone, but as powerfull as I had from store-bought cigs) after them. I think it is because these tobacco are not organic. And I can't get enough nicotine, even if I smoke more it doesn't works I just got more nousea, it is like smoking almost emptiness. Today I tried to eat some sorrel mixed with olive oil and some onion (it has green leaves, I don't know if it is correct name, so here is the picture of it _ with fish and I've got terrible pain in my stomach after it, it is decreasing now, but I still have it. I eat a very little amount of it (like one spoon-full) before eating fish and I had some pain after it, but I thought it because I ate it on an empty stomach. So I ate some amount of sorrel after I ate some fish. Also I had a 3 tiny sips of red dry wine, because i didn't drink it for a long time and after it I don't want to drink vine no more, because it was too strong for me, because in the past red dry vine was like juice for me. But the pain in my stomach start increasing before vine. The pain was terrible and I have strong diarrhoea. The only thing that helps me was mapacho, when I think about smoking any other sort of tobacco I got nousea. I don't understand if I just get used to mapacho and don't feel nicotine in others tobacco or it is just that tobacco what I need. Smoking 15-20 cigs of mapacho per day it is like smoking 70-80 cigs of ordinary tobacco. Why do I need such amount of nicotine.
All these questions about why I smoke mapacho, I think it all my wishful thinking and my predator speaks which wants to be special.(hovewer I also want to know I think, but I'm confused) And in the same time it is the same predator in me by telling these words. Maybe the thing that comes not from predator, hovewer I also confuse, is that I requier mapacho in order to stay at least a little bit awake. (this came to my mind while writting this post)
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