Hello to All! I'm really enjoying this thread! Lots of good information. Since being a teen I've smoked. Most of those years I was afraid of getting cancer to some degree. One thing that helped to mitigate that fear where the words of Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, where he said more or less, what was more harmful then the cigs was peoples mental fears surrounding this and propagated by "society". Jane smoked of course. But since it is my creed never to live in fear, I gave up remnants of that fear years ago. I've also smoked additive free cigarettes for many years and this is a big difference.
Recently I spent time with family on vacation and didn't smoke at all for 2 weeks since they are very down on it and didn't want to put up with the hassle. Interestingly I didn't miss smoking at all.

A article was mentioned a few pages back about nicotine not actually being addictive I beleive....hmm. But back home now and started smoking again. It seems to be away of coping with boredom to some degree in my case :(
I've just started working on the EE breathing techniques, awesome. I love Laura in this video, she is so serene. The first time I've seen her in person (in a way). Also I downloaded the book she recommended for the keto diet and the The Wave vol.1. Loving it. I've read Vol. 2 already. I'm trying to keep things in order now.
Yea...the deception rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper with unexpected turns like smoking and fat are actually good for you!
GREAT forum guys! So inspiring and helpful.
ps. I think I may change my name. This sounds to much like a beer from a microbrewery. :D