Smoking is... good?

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Michael BC, I agree with the others. It's most likely the common head rush (except it sounds like it's particularly strong) when not smoking much. I began smoking when I was a teen. For at least the first five years, I used to get a big head rush for the first cigarette of the day. I only smoked 8 to 10 cigs max during that time. Now, more than additional 25 years smoking, I smoke about 20 and a couple of bowls of pipe which I inhale (each bowl is equivalent to a few cigarettes). I no longer get the head rush even smoking first thing when I wake up. So you do get used to it the longer you smoke and the more.

I'll second the suggestion to sit comfortably when smoking. See how it goes.
Please, I need advise for electronic cigarette that I wanted to try. I am a little tire about the paper of my cigarettes, I use Manitou tobacco organic but I do my cigarettes using filters from the company Smoking. But I don't like the taste. So I wanted to try electronic cigarettes. The other day my tabagist made me try one, I liked the feeling.

He has savors (liquids) from a Chinese company, the name is DEKANG. The brand of the electronic cigarette is VISION SPINER II.

What liquid is the best? I am scare of products from pharmaceutical and from China. And DEKANG is from China... And from pharmaceutical company. :O

Is there some electronic cigarettes that you can use tobacco?

Thanks in advance. I am really lost in that subject and before buying my electronic cigarette I want to be well informed.

Have a nice day everybody.
Hello to All! I'm really enjoying this thread! Lots of good information. Since being a teen I've smoked. Most of those years I was afraid of getting cancer to some degree. One thing that helped to mitigate that fear where the words of Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, where he said more or less, what was more harmful then the cigs was peoples mental fears surrounding this and propagated by "society". Jane smoked of course. But since it is my creed never to live in fear, I gave up remnants of that fear years ago. I've also smoked additive free cigarettes for many years and this is a big difference.

Recently I spent time with family on vacation and didn't smoke at all for 2 weeks since they are very down on it and didn't want to put up with the hassle. Interestingly I didn't miss smoking at all. :shock: A article was mentioned a few pages back about nicotine not actually being addictive I beleive....hmm. But back home now and started smoking again. It seems to be away of coping with boredom to some degree in my case :(

I've just started working on the EE breathing techniques, awesome. I love Laura in this video, she is so serene. The first time I've seen her in person (in a way). Also I downloaded the book she recommended for the keto diet and the The Wave vol.1. Loving it. I've read Vol. 2 already. I'm trying to keep things in order now.

Yea...the deception rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper with unexpected turns like smoking and fat are actually good for you!

GREAT forum guys! So inspiring and helpful.


ps. I think I may change my name. This sounds to much like a beer from a microbrewery. :D
SummerLite said:
Hello to All! I'm really enjoying this thread! Lots of good information. Since being a teen I've smoked. Most of those years I was afraid of getting cancer to some degree. One thing that helped to mitigate that fear where the words of Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, where he said more or less, what was more harmful then the cigs was peoples mental fears surrounding this and propagated by "society". Jane smoked of course. But since it is my creed never to live in fear, I gave up remnants of that fear years ago. I've also smoked additive free cigarettes for many years and this is a big difference.

Recently I spent time with family on vacation and didn't smoke at all for 2 weeks since they are very down on it and didn't want to put up with the hassle. Interestingly I didn't miss smoking at all. :shock: A article was mentioned a few pages back about nicotine not actually being addictive I beleive....hmm. But back home now and started smoking again. It seems to be away of coping with boredom to some degree in my case :(

I've just started working on the EE breathing techniques, awesome. I love Laura in this video, she is so serene. The first time I've seen her in person (in a way). Also I downloaded the book she recommended for the keto diet and the The Wave vol.1. Loving it. I've read Vol. 2 already. I'm trying to keep things in order now.

Yea...the deception rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper with unexpected turns like smoking and fat are actually good for you!

GREAT forum guys! So inspiring and helpful.


ps. I think I may change my name. This sounds to much like a beer from a microbrewery. :D

Welcome to the forum, Summerlite!

ps. I think I may change my name. This sounds to much like a beer from a microbrewery. :D

Well, that's pretty funny, yet it's a good name.

Interesting beginnings with smoking and fear that you had, which is the case for many who smoked and still do. Thanks for adding in your reading of Seth on this subject. Just in case you missed it, here is what the C's once said:

Q: (L) Does smoking enhance psychic abilities?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it true that the government program to stamp out smoking is inspired by the Lizzies?
A: Yes because they know it may heighten psychic abilities.
Q: (L) What is causing the lung cancer they are attributing to smoking?
A: Mental conditioning and subliminal programming to expect it.
Q: (L) So, it only happens if you are convinced that it can and must happen?
A: Correct.

So overcoming fear on this and many subjects, along with researching findings that are not based on scientific "conditioning" and, sussing out clean tobacco has really helped many to move past the programming.
KenStoudrs said:
Gonzo said:
I recently started using plastic filter tips (brand name: The Original Tarless Filter).

They are reminiscent of ecig called
Aerotank Mega holders of bygone days but are only an inch or so long.

They are designed to reduce tar by means of a small insert with tiny holes that let's the smoke pass through, leaving behind quite a bit of tar. I am using them to hopefully capture any particles from the cigarette's filter or, when I rip off the filter, I use the plastic filter to stop bits of tobacco from going into my mouth.
These are disposable and tend to get clogged after the 5th smoke and start to affect taste after the third (smell and taste like I imagine the experience of licking an ashtray might be like).

There are perhaps 25 in a box and are usually sold in tobacco shops.

Drawback...they're plastic. Although they don't get hot, who knows what toxins they release.
They have, however, inspired me to think of a more neutral material. I'm thinking perhaps of carving a stone cigarette holder. It would only hold the cigarette and might feel quite nice in the hand. Or it might be too heavy and look strange. I will have to experiment.

I am still not sure how one can says smoking is good.. It is good for nothing..It will take you to painful death..
Anybody out there who says smoking is good for health..
I see that you are new to the forum, KenStourdrs. We ask all new members to please post an introduction in the Newbies Section. Just a short intro, how you found the forum and if you have read any of the materials we discuss here.

As for tobacco use, it is an individual choice. It has been used by mankind for many millenniums and has been made illegal at several points thru out history. It also has many medicinal properties. There is much propaganda and junk science surrounding its use. If you are interested in the truth of the matter, there are several articles at that clearly show the situation is not as black and white as many are programmed to believe.
Hi Voyageur, How nice to receive your response and welcome. I have been reading here for a few months but haven't written, that may change now.

Q: (L) Does smoking enhance psychic abilities?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it true that the government program to stamp out smoking is inspired by the Lizzies?
A: Yes because they know it may heighten psychic abilities.
Q: (L) What is causing the lung cancer they are attributing to smoking?
A: Mental conditioning and subliminal programming to expect it.
Q: (L) So, it only happens if you are convinced that it can and must happen?
A: Correct.

Yes, I have read this and its pretty much what Seth said minus the Lizzies. I read the Seth material way back and it made a profound and positive impression on me. The health concerns about smoking haven't preoccupied me as much as the idea that I am actually lowering my frequency by smoking. Therefore restricting my capacity to progress on my path. I've thought the addiction IS a inserted program of the Lizzies (all addiction actually) to keep us down. So a whole different preoccupation concerning the negative affects of smoking has concerned me for a few years now. Its been a real problem and takes up a lot of mental focus because I'm not able to quit so keep on going with the same pattern. It is a whole new concept that the Lizzies actually don't want us to smoke, I thought they did. :huh: I will need to adjust my perspective on this, become more informed with the help of the material here and find a mental view that works for me. Any comments on the frequency issue?

Its so good to be able to talk about this here. I am a closet smoker! Sure gets stuffy in that closet. Smoking is looked down on to such a degree in the circles I'm in its a hidden activity for me, as in you wont get anywhere if you smoke and your kind of a loser if you do. So I haven't been able to discuss this with anyone until now. Peer pressure to not smoke, peer pressure to start years ago.

Thanks for listening, Love SummerLite
From what I know, smoking increases alertness by increasing acetylcholine in the brain. As for lowering one's frequency, this is the first time I ever hear of it. Off the cuff, it sounds like some "New Age Disinformation", akin to vegetarianism being good for you to "raise your frequency".

It seems smoking is beneficial for some genetic profiles and during the Black Plague in Europe, smokers were the ones who typically survived or never even got sick. So regardless of the propaganda, tobacco does have medicinal values. And knowing what we do about psychopaths in positions of power, we can be sure they do not have our best interests at heart. An excellent SOTT video on the science behind the "no smoking" campaigns. :cool2:

And if you choose to smoke, the most important thing is - don't smoke commercial cigarettes. They will make you sick!
SummerLite said:
Any comments on the frequency issue?

In short, that has to do with how one relates to reality. Smoking can give awareness and intellect a boost. In other words, it can give you a sharper tool to work with. Any impact on frequency is then all about what you use that for.

If it helps in striving towards objectivity, then it helps in boosting frequency. If the mental energy is instead used to dive deeper into subjectivity, then the outcome is the opposite. Depends on how one is "oriented".

In looking back, at times when I've been fully lost in subjective dreams, it seems smoking merely fueled that. Likewise, due to inner conflicts that remained unresolved, at times it has fueled inner tension and fears.

In the absence of such issues, I find it can help me get out of mental ruts, by making the mind less narrow in its focus. Also, better able to process things read, and generally to concentrate. For me it also seems to somewhat help bring up whatever is a little bit beneath the surface in the mind. (Probably because of the temporarily increased connectivity throughout the brain brought by nicotine.) If that's also the case for others (don't know), then the better a handle one has on one's machine (especially dealing with emotions), the more beneficial that seems to become.

(All this is assuming that a person is of the "smoking profile".)
Well, since Ebola has come to Texas, and I recently turned 21, I figure it's good time to try out the whole tobacco thing. Just recently I was with a friend who brought me to a cigar store. He offered me to try it but I turned it down because I didn't know what was in it.

Any suggestions on how to get started?

PS. I notice there are a lot of article debating smoking, but not a lot of articles about the act of smoking, how it's done, etc.
monotonic said:
Well, since Ebola has come to Texas, and I recently turned 21, I figure it's good time to try out the whole tobacco thing. Just recently I was with a friend who brought me to a cigar store. He offered me to try it but I turned it down because I didn't know what was in it.

Any suggestions on how to get started?

PS. I notice there are a lot of article debating smoking, but not a lot of articles about the act of smoking, how it's done, etc.

I think it's pretty simple - buy organic tobacco and roll your own, or buy organic cigarettes. Then start smoking, maybe half a cig first, see what happens, you might feel slightly queasy. This won't last long, and you will be able to slowly increase until you find the amount that suits you. For me that's around 10-14/ day, depending on many factors.

At the moment I am working at an altitude of 4270m and I have been smoking significantly less, at altitude it seems that nictoin effects are much stronger. When I work, I smoke less, when off, more.

I know, this sounds a bit simple, but there is not much more behind starting to smoke - just give it a go!

I agree with nicklebleu. Just experiment with good tobacco and see what works for you.

Holy cow! nicklebleu. I'm at 1610 meters above sea level; that is a crazy altitude to be at!
monotonic said:
Well, since Ebola has come to Texas, and I recently turned 21, I figure it's good time to try out the whole tobacco thing. Just recently I was with a friend who brought me to a cigar store. He offered me to try it but I turned it down because I didn't know what was in it.

Any suggestions on how to get started?

PS. I notice there are a lot of article debating smoking, but not a lot of articles about the act of smoking, how it's done, etc.
Cigars would be a good way to start, because since you don't inhale them, you get less nicotine absorbed slower. But be careful, with cigars there is a delay, so the first few times you don't want to smoke the whole thing in one sitting. They don't put additives, generally in good cigars, so go to a tobacco shop and buy a good one. Also, as a beginner, try the smaller sizes. The big ones can make you dizzy if you're not accustomed to tobacco. Then after a while you can try cigarettes. There is only one brand I know of that makes organic cigars, and they are excellent. Plasencia Organica grown in Nicaragua. You would probably have to mail order them. There are tons of online cigar sites that have great prices. Here's one link: _

Edit: I wouldn't worry too much about non-organic cigars since cigar tobacco is aged for several years before they are made into cigars, so given the half lives of the pesticides used there probably isn't any residue left that hasn't broken down, especially during the curing process. But it's good to support organic agriculture. Better for the grower's health.
SeekinTruth said:
Michael BC, I agree with the others. It's most likely the common head rush (except it sounds like it's particularly strong) when not smoking much. I began smoking when I was a teen. For at least the first five years, I used to get a big head rush for the first cigarette of the day. I only smoked 8 to 10 cigs max during that time. Now, more than additional 25 years smoking, I smoke about 20 and a couple of bowls of pipe which I inhale (each bowl is equivalent to a few cigarettes). I no longer get the head rush even smoking first thing when I wake up. So you do get used to it the longer you smoke and the more.

I'll second the suggestion to sit comfortably when smoking. See how it goes.
I think head rush may be a factor but when i quit opiates for some reason i did not need to smoke much. I was down to one to three cigarrettes per day and would have my first around noon or later. I would actually feel as if i had taken some sort of speed. It was definately more than a head rush.
Mr. Premise said:
There is only one brand I know of that makes organic cigars, and they are excellent. Plasencia Organica grown in Nicaragua. You would probably have to mail order them. There are tons of online cigar sites that have great prices. Here's one link: _

There are also Verdadero Organic cigars, but I haven't tried them. sells them as auctions. or the other big online sites may sell them too.

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