Smoking is... good?

From my experience, the burgundy pack of AS is the organic (rather than just no additives) one. It IS smoother than the regular one both the yellow (blondes, I think - haven't smoked those for probably 15 years) or the blue-green packs (regular additive free). Those both ARE too dry when I've tried them both in U.S. and Armenia - definitely need to be hydrated.

As far as getting adapted, it's going to be a personal trial and error kinda thing, but you'll eventually find your stride and settle into what's best for you, nyvf5.
loreta said:
Please, I need advise for electronic cigarette that I wanted to try. I am a little tire about the paper of my cigarettes,

Maybe you could try cellulose free "Smoking Brown" hemp paper. When I started smoking I used only regular paper, but - over the time/experimenting with different brands - stumbled upon Brown, and begun to like it more and more. Now i find the sense of reg paper burning out pretty annoying... I only hope that i'm not after hemp/pot really! :-[
SneezinT said:
Ascien said:
(I don't do credit cards so I'm restricted to physical shopping or Amazon) to no avail. :(

Just a thought here, as I don't do credit cards either. Is it possible for you to purchase a visa or whatever gift card, and then use that for an online transaction? I've never found anything online that I JUST HAD to purchase this way, but that's my idea if I ever did.

I'm not certain, yet I think you can purchase a credit card system (no qualifying) that you then load with ones own available funds in a credit amount you have decided upon, and when it's used up, you load it again if need be - really, it's a debit card in a credit card mask, or like a pay n' talk phone card, yet it can help for those online transactions that require a CC.
mocachapeau said:
I have also been looking into the subject. The e-juices sold around here have propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and natural/artificial flavours listed for the ingredients.

It was suggested in this thread that natural/artificial flavours = MSG, so I have been looking into that, specifically. I found this site that compares the e-juice ingredients to what is in real cigarettes. It might be helpful to your research.


I was also thinking that asking the C's about it might be a good idea since there is not a lot of conclusive experimental evidence out there yet.


Here is what I wrote in another thread about e-cigs: Re:,26825.msg450203.html#msg450203

Re: "Electric cigarette explodes in Florida man’s mouth"
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2013, 01:30:12 AM »

So, here is my 2 week electronic cigarette experiment.

I started with a small cigarette looking one, I liked it but noticed it made my throat hurt some, which I thought was due to the PG, one of the days of smoking clove flavored(high nicotine strength) my front teeth felt numb. I thought it was probably the clove causing the numb feeling (had a dream that night all my teeth were falling out :scared:).

The next week got a bigger battery e-cig, and tried the Vigin Vapor organic flavors with VG to see if it was easier on my throat then the PG. It was, and I REALLY liked it. I really went bananas over the Coffee Monkey(coffee banana - medium nicotine strength) :dance:. I did that pretty heavily over two days, and again I was having some numbness in my front teeth and in my sinuses. Also, had a morning were I woke up with a bad sinus headache. Thought that it was the nicotine causing the numbness, and vaping way to much, so I backed off. Even vaping very infrequently I had numbness.

I ordered 0 nicotine to cut down the medium strength, thinking it was too high of nicotine for me. I usually only smoke about 6 cigarettes a day on average, so I thought I was over dosing a bit. Today, I received and tried the 0 nicotine by itself, and I am very disappointed to report that it is definitely PG and VG that cause the numbness. Trying to do a little research on it doesn't bring up much, but I did find a little about vegetable glycerin.




"But now doctors have raised concerns about e-cigarette vapor separate from those about nicotine. A 42-year-old woman who had used e-cigarettes for seven months experienced shortness of breath, cough, and fever over the same period. The diagnosis was lipoid pneumonia—a chronic inflammation caused by fatty substances (lipids) in the lungs—due to e-cigarette use. The specific cause was repeated exposure to glycerin-based oils found in e-cigarette nicotine vapor. The patient’s symptoms improved after she stopped using e-cigarettes.1"


Glycerin Allergy Syptoms:

Upon exposure or use, glycerin allergy skin symptoms include dermatitis which can cause itching, burning and redness of skin, dizziness, nausea, and swelling

Glycerin enema allergy will show anal irritation, rectal blooding, diarrhea, stomach cramps

Glycerin spray allergy will show numbness of cheeks, tongue, or mouth

Patient with glycerin suppositories allergy suffer with anal irritation, burning sensation, diarrhea, gas, nausea, and stomach cramps.

Severe allergy symptoms are rashes, hives, breathing difficulty, tightness of the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, and rectal bleeding.

I am definitely sensitive to the glycerine, and I am really disappointed, because I really liked it :(. It really is one of those "if it sounds too good too be true, it probably is".

Even though it has been roughly a year since I completely ceased any vaping I am still dealing with some off and on weirdness in my teeth, sinuses that can cause a bit of a headache. It isn't everyday, or all the time, and I can't figure out what causes it to flare up. It all goes back to the very beginning of vaping, and I personally wish I never tried it.

voyageur said:
SneezinT said:
Ascien said:
(I don't do credit cards so I'm restricted to physical shopping or Amazon) to no avail. :(

Just a thought here, as I don't do credit cards either. Is it possible for you to purchase a visa or whatever gift card, and then use that for an online transaction? I've never found anything online that I JUST HAD to purchase this way, but that's my idea if I ever did.

I'm not certain, yet I think you can purchase a credit card system (no qualifying) that you then load with ones own available funds in a credit amount you have decided upon, and when it's used up, you load it again if need be - really, it's a debit card in a credit card mask, or like a pay n' talk phone card, yet it can help for those online transactions that require a CC.

SneezinT sorry for the late response, I missed your post at the bottom of the last page. (Happens a fair bit, my emails skip a page for some reason) I use Amazon gift vouchers for online shopping. I've always got around the CC issue for online purchases, but getting the right type of tobacco is the one that's got me now. Voyageur, I have a debit card now & with your breakdown, I'll look at this debit/credit malarkey. Not happy about it though, makes me feel vulnerable. :-[
Rhiannon said:
Here is what I wrote in another thread about e-cigs: Re:,26825.msg450203.html#msg450203

That's good information, Rhiannon. I guess I'll stick to nicotine patches for times when I can't have tobacco.
Mr. Premise said:
Rhiannon said:
Here is what I wrote in another thread about e-cigs: Re:,26825.msg450203.html#msg450203

That's good information, Rhiannon. I guess I'll stick to nicotine patches for times when I can't have tobacco.

There's also the snus option.
I was about to order a box of Plasencia Organica, and then stopped because I have to get a humidor?
hlat said:
I was about to order a box of Plasencia Organica, and then stopped because I have to get a humidor?

Since you're just starting, I wouldn't order a whole box. Get like 5 of them and see if you enjoy the experience. You don't need a humidor unless you need to keep them fresh for a longer period of time. If you smoke them with 7-10 days, they shouldn't dry out. Keeping them in a room that's warm will help with freshness too.
SeekinTruth said:
From my experience, the burgundy pack of AS is the organic (rather than just no additives) one. It IS smoother than the regular one both the yellow (blondes, I think - haven't smoked those for probably 15 years) or the blue-green packs (regular additive free). Those both ARE too dry when I've tried them both in U.S. and Armenia - definitely need to be hydrated.

As far as getting adapted, it's going to be a personal trial and error kinda thing, but you'll eventually find your stride and settle into what's best for you, nyvf5.

I have found that AS cigarettes are harsh as well. There are lighter varieties, but there is a distinctive metallic taste from the papers (to me anyway). When I first started smoking again, I found a local tobacco shop and asked them to help choose a variety that was light and smooth. Tobacco shops are more expensive, but you can buy small amounts and try several varieties until you find something that you can tolerate. Once you find a brand or type of tobacco, then you can order larger quantities.
Regarding electronic cigarettes, I just found this (my emphasis):

Diacetyl and acetoin are two compounds that give butter its characteristic taste. Because of this, manufacturers of artificial butter flavoring, margarines or similar oil-based products typically add diacetyl and acetoin (along with beta carotene for the yellow color) to make the final product butter-flavored, because it would otherwise be relatively tasteless. [6]



Worker Safety

United States

The United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has suggested diacetyl, when used in artificial butter flavoring (as used in many consumer foods), may be hazardous when heated and inhaled over a long period.

Workers in several factories that manufacture artificial butter flavoring have been diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans, a rare and serious disease of the lungs. The cases found have been mainly in young, healthy, nonsmoking males. As with other end-stage lung diseases, transplantation is currently the most viable treatment option. However, lung transplant rejection is very common and happens to be another setting in which bronchiolitis obliterans is known to occur.


Electronic Cigarettes

A 2014 publication found that diacetyl was present in many sweet-flavoured electronic cigarette liquids. According to that research, diacetyl is approved for food use, but is associated with respiratory disease when inhaled. The study concluded that diacetyl is an avoidable risk for electronic cigarette liquid, and measures could be taken by the industry to eliminate its usage, without limiting availability of flavors. [31]

Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO),[1] also called obliterative bronchiolitis (OB)[2] and constrictive bronchiolitis (CB),[3] is a rare and life-threatening form of non-reversible obstructive lung disease in which the bronchioles (small airway branches) are compressed and narrowed by fibrosis (scar tissue) and/or inflammation.[4] Bronchiolitis obliterans is also sometimes used to refer to a particularly severe form of pediatric bronchiolitis caused by adenovirus.

So, another reason to be careful about electronic cigarettes.
Yeah, seems best to be very careful with the e-cigs. Glad I didn't try it as I was thinking to for a long flight and return last year. I'll stick to real tobacco and deal with not being able to smoke for several hours on future flights (may try snus).
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, seems best to be very careful with the e-cigs. Glad I didn't try it as I was thinking to for a long flight and return last year. I'll stick to real tobacco and deal with not being able to smoke for several hours on future flights (may try snus).

I bought some of the nastiest/cheapest e-cigs for a 6 hour bus trip recently - even though they are banned on UK transport - and it JUST about got me through. By the last 2 hours i was using it like an asthma inhaler (much like regular users of the stuff, from what i've seen). And you realise how satiating a proper rolled cigarette is when you finally step off and spark up.

Sadly, i would recommend it to anyone in a similar position. Though if you can push through ok without it, of course that is probably preferable.

added: If you are ok with Snus, i tried it and found it very strong (may have been the type) that would probably be better, for your health and with regards to nicotine delivery.
itellsya said:
SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, seems best to be very careful with the e-cigs. Glad I didn't try it as I was thinking to for a long flight and return last year. I'll stick to real tobacco and deal with not being able to smoke for several hours on future flights (may try snus).

I bought some of the nastiest/cheapest e-cigs for a 6 hour bus trip recently - even though they are banned on UK transport - and it JUST about got me through. By the last 2 hours i was using it like an asthma inhaler (much like regular users of the stuff, from what i've seen). And you realise how satiating a proper rolled cigarette is when you finally step off and spark up.

Sadly, i would recommend it to anyone in a similar position. Though if you can push through ok without it, of course that is probably preferable.

added: If you are ok with Snus, i tried it and found it very strong (may have been the type) that would probably be better, for your health and with regards to nicotine delivery.

Do be careful with the cheap ones. I had a long plane fight and when I was between flights, I used one of these in the airport bathroom and it caught on fire on the end where the fake cherry is. :O Never tried one again after that. No telling what I inhaled from that thing.
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