davey72 said:
Has anyone tried the high nicotine Amazon variety of tobacco?
Yes, as a matter of fact. I grew my own the last couple of years, two varieties, Isleta Pueblo and Azteca. They are both of the
Nicotiana Rustica subspecies as opposed to the standard
Nicotiana Tabacum. I've also have a little grown in India. And, after reading your post and not having tried the Amazonian Mapacho style Rustica, I ordered some online, and it arrived today.
Rustica is a nice change of pace. It is higher in nicotine, but not by a huge amount, no matter what you read online. The biggest difference is that it is higher in MAOI (monoamine oxydase inhibitors) compounds like harmalines. So the overall experience is a calmer feeling than smoking a high nicotine Tabacum variety. Since my Mapacho order came in today, I smoked 5 cigarettes with it and by the end I was a little tired of the MAOI feeling. But it's a nice change of pace. The taste is different, too, a little bit of spice a little bit of cat box

. But I think it tastes good. The plants when they flower, though, smell mostly like cat box.
The Amazonian Mapacho seems to be cured like cigars and has more of a cigar taste. But still has the distinctive Rustica taste. The stuff I grew, I like the best, a much milder taste. The problem is the plants are not very productive (except for flowers and seeds which it produces in abundance). The leaves were small. I have heard that if you're meticulous about snipping the flowers the leaves will get bigger, but I just gave up and let them do what they wanted. Also, they were almost impossible to color cure, so I ended up just letting them yellow, then brown on the plant. Kind of a sun cure. I think that made it taste better. I think they would do well grown in 5 gallon pots.
If you want very high nicotine without the extra MAOI stuff you get with Rustica, the Dark Air 3rd Priming from wholeleaftobacco is pretty stout. Third priming means the leaves on the top that are higher in nicotine than the lower or middle leaves. And Dark Air in general is higher in nicotine. Same with something called Burley Red Tips offered by a farmer I've ordered from.
Anyway, thanks Davey for prompting me to try the Mapacho.