I didn't think I'd ever post on this thread, but here I am!
This may sound strange, but ca two weeks ago while doing the EE i got this very strong feeling that my body/brain would like to have some nicotine! The next day the same happened again, after the EE I suddenly felt a great need to have nicotine. So I started thinking about the possibility to try it out.
Now, some years ago I had a period when I used snus. I remember that it gave me very good 'brain stimulation' making it easier to start, do and accomplish things. Back then, I believed that smoking real cigarettes was deadly and it destroys the lungs, so especially as a singer I didn't even consider trying those. I smoked those toxic main stream cigarettes in my youth when I was in the army, and my memory of that is that I coughed up phlegm all the time. I wish I'd known about organic tobacco back then!
So anyway, because snus was quite hard to get here in Finland I soon stopped using it, plus it made my sleep restless for some reason. And my wife didn't really appreciate me having a bulging lip all the time (I admit it looks kind of silly). The last time I used snus was little over two years ago when my wife was having birth to our son; it was a real marathon and having nicotine was a real life saver those 20+ hours!
So, I've known that nicotine is beneficial for me for some time now. It's just that out of external consideration (or maybe fear) I just can't see me taking out a pipe or a cigarette, because I know that my wife would totally hate and not understand this. Plus that now as a teacher at the university I can't risk being 'labeled' - because I know what people think about smoking these days. Ah, how nice it would be to smoke a pipe with good organic tobacco! Well, maybe that day will come, but in the mean time I'll have to think of other strategies.
So, I decided to start a little nicotine experiment just to see how it would affect me today, after detoxing, supplementing and being on the diet for almost a year now. These days you can't get snus in Finland anywhere, not even 'under the counter' because of heavy propaganda that was touted in the media last year. So that was not an option. I went to the drugstore to see what kind of nicotine products they had there. I knew that all of the nicotine gums had either aspartame, sorbitol or some other flavor enhancer so those were out too. I decided to buy a nicotine inhaler which, at least according to the package, didn't contain anything else that nicotine.
So I've tried this for little over a week now, and the benefits have been huge! I got so much more work, reading and other things done because my brain was finally working on all cylinders! After some days I however I started getting this terrible neck pain and strangely my metabolism has slowed down. Having used snus I know that this should work the other way around, nicotine should boost ones metabolism. And the neck pain is very similar to the pain I get when I 'over detox', when I detox too efficiently without getting the toxins/stool out fast enough. I googled 'nicotine inhaler' and found that 'neck pain' is listed on the side effects list. Could it be, as has been suggested in this thread, that the nicotine has destroyed e.g. candida in me 'too fast' blocking my pipelines? Or maybe this nicotine inhaler does have some secret additive that makes me sick? I don't remember having any of these symptoms while using snus or cigarettes.
Yesterday I switched to nicotine lozenges, the ones you put under your tongue. These supposedly don't contain anything else than nicotine either (there's some binding stuff that keep the tablets together). The effect of these isn't as good as with the inhaler, but there are beneficial brain activity for sure. But here too I get the same neck pain, only a little lighter. Or could this be some allergic reaction or food sensitivity?
I know it's maybe not a lasting solution to use nicotine inhalers or lozenges, but at least this experiment has shown me that there are benefits for me from using nicotine. I really don't know how to solve this dilemma. Right now using a pipe or organic tobacco just isn't possible - there would be too much turmoil at home and at work if I'd started this. Maybe I just have to do a trip to Sweden to get some snus, dunno. I appreciate any thoughts you guys have on this.