Smoking is... good?

Odyssey said:
Silly question time...

Sometimes when i smoke a RYO cig in my ceramic holder i get this really gross backflow of liquid. It tastes totally gross. I call it "nicotine juice" but i wonder what it really is. I thought spit but i'm sucking, not blowing.

Anyone else get this? :huh:

It happens to me also and it is completely normal, the tobacco have a certain level of moisure, the water evaporates from the hot points and condensate in the cool points together with nicotine, tar, and another aromatic substances. This is also the reason that the stronger flavor of tobacco is tasted near the end of the cigarettes, pipe etc when the heat comes to when that substances deposited before. don't swallow!

anart said:
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

As with all health and diet information presented on this forum, the key is to pay attention to your body AND to fully research before you change things. One must understand what they are doing, not just move forward with something because others say it works for them. This is crucial! The same is true of smoking. The underlying fact that has been presented here time and time again is that a person should not smoke mass market cigarettes! They are poison and nothing more than the remnants of a tobacco plant plus so many chemicals that the tobacco isn't really even tobacco anymore.

So, hopefully you tried to smoke roll your own tobacco, since even the pre-made American Spirit cigarettes use fire safe paper that has chemicals in it. If you had this reaction from roll your own tobacco, then, yes, it sounds like smoking is not for you. Smoking is not for me either - I've tried and it never 'took'. What I can do is puff on a pipe filled with organic tobacco from time to time (and not inhale) and I've actually grown to really like that!

For me your are going too fast, to pass from two to five cigarettes in five days!! I passed to five at two months!! I think the body don't get used to nicotine as fast although you have the genetic IMO. The first days my throat also got sore but soon get normal. The aftertaste and the room note (the smell you and other can feel when it is burn) depends on the kind of tobacco you are smoking. In fact if you visit a page devoted to pipe tobaccos they are classified according to afterstaste, room note, strong, etc
Galaxia2002 said:
For me your are going too fast, to pass from two to five cigarettes in five days!! I passed to five at two months!! I think the body don't get used to nicotine as fast although you have the genetic IMO. The first days my throat also got sore but soon get normal. The aftertaste and the room note (the smell you and other can feel when it is burn) depends on the kind of tobacco you are smoking. In fact if you visit a page devoted to pipe tobaccos they are classified according to afterstaste, room note, strong, etc
Thanks for pointing this out, Galaxia2002, and I agree! I have this mechanical program to just jump into situations "head-first" and that got the best of me yet again here, but I'm glad to be noticing this tendency of mine. I've realized that I have been avoiding going to the smoke shop, because I am also programmed to be too proud to ask for help. Asking for help shows my "inferior" side and it has been something I have programmed myself to conceal from the "public's" eye.

Well, I went to the store today and the guys in there were really nice to me. I have purchased a pipe and Captain Black tobacco (they didn't have any organic). I have puffed it a little the way one would puff a cigar (just in the mouth) and I appreciate it. It smells good, tastes good and did not give me a sore throat. I think this is a great little relaxing "treat" for me when I'm out on my patio. Now, I just need a corn cob pipe like the guy in the store told me he used to make back in the day, lol. And I need to find some organic tobacco too! Sheesh, I'm puffing on non-organic now. Baby steps...
Galaxia2002 said:
Odyssey said:
Silly question time...

Sometimes when i smoke a RYO cig in my ceramic holder i get this really gross backflow of liquid. It tastes totally gross. I call it "nicotine juice" but i wonder what it really is. I thought spit but i'm sucking, not blowing.

Anyone else get this? :huh:

It happens to me also and it is completely normal, the tobacco have a certain level of moisure, the water evaporates from the hot points and condensate in the cool points together with nicotine, tar, and another aromatic substances. This is also the reason that the stronger flavor of tobacco is tasted near the end of the cigarettes, pipe etc when the heat comes to when that substances deposited before. don't swallow!

Yuck!! :mad: That stuff is nasty isn't it? I get this with my pipe a lot but thankfully its easy enough to clean.

Scarlet said:
Well, I went to the store today and the guys in there were really nice to me. I have purchased a pipe and Captain Black tobacco (they didn't have any organic). I have puffed it a little the way one would puff a cigar (just in the mouth) and I appreciate it. It smells good, tastes good and did not give me a sore throat. I think this is a great little relaxing "treat" for me when I'm out on my patio. Now, I just need a corn cob pipe like the guy in the store told me he used to make back in the day, lol. And I need to find some organic tobacco too! Sheesh, I'm puffing on non-organic now. Baby steps...

Good for you Scarlet. :) Baby steps indeed, there's no need to push yourself.
Scarlet said:
Well, I went to the store today and the guys in there were really nice to me. I have purchased a pipe and Captain Black tobacco (they didn't have any organic). I have puffed it a little the way one would puff a cigar (just in the mouth) and I appreciate it. It smells good, tastes good and did not give me a sore throat. I think this is a great little relaxing "treat" for me when I'm out on my patio. Now, I just need a corn cob pipe like the guy in the store told me he used to make back in the day, lol. And I need to find some organic tobacco too! Sheesh, I'm puffing on non-organic now. Baby steps...

Scarlet, you can order Kentucky Select Organic Pipe/Cigarette tobacco here:

With shipping it is $20 for six ounces.
mkrnhr said:
Hello rudicron. If you search the forum you will find the mention that smoking is the most effective way to absorb nicotine.
The other thing is that tobacco is not only against 4D STS etc., but it is also used for good health here and now in 3D :)


But what about absorbation through the upper lip or other places on/in the body which have thin skin tissue?

I mean, is snus ultimately bad? Is there any particular kind of snus I should chose over another?
rudicron said:
But what about absorbation through the upper lip or other places on/in the body which have thin skin tissue?

I mean, is snus ultimately bad? Is there any particular kind of snus I should chose over another?

The effect is different, I think in part from the difference in nicotine uptake (much more gradual, going through more of the body before reaching brain), in part from tobacco smoke also having MAO inhibitors.

My experience is that snus makes me somewhat physically sluggish (without being tired). And while smoking quickly makes for a more sharply alert mind, snus gives a somewhat mushier effect.

As for kinds of it, all I can suggest is to experiment, and that as with all tobacco, the purer and stronger the better, unless too strong for one's body.

It is perhaps the best form of non-smoked tobacco - but smoking still seems the best; for me and others here, snus can't really replace it fully, when both have been tried.
I can't smoke so much when I'm in house, just one. But when I am with friends is like eating chocolate.

I have not smoked these last days and I need it :cry: I am a little stressed and my anxiety increasing, and I don't want to be eating things like fruit just to fill the need.

When I began to smoke it was a little hard you know, coff coff!! cigarettes are not for everyone, I know friends have smoking habits longer than me, and they can resist to much from the first touch, obviously the first one tides you :cool2: going from 1 to 5 is a little dangerous don't you think?

I needed time to go from one to two.
Brunuald, I don't think anyone's talking about smoking 5 at once, but 5 in a day. But I might have misunderstood your post, I found it a little hard to follow.
Mr. Premise said:
. . . this week I got some tubes with filters and an injector, mostly because I didn't like smoking what looks like a joint in the designated smoking areas in front of corporate office buildings! But I found a great benefit to the filters. I don't get that heavy, uncoordinated feeling after smoking, it's easier on the lungs, and you don't reek as bad. I can smoke a lot more now than when I was smoking unfiltered.

My experience is similar. For about a month I tried rolling my own, then using a rolling machine, added filters, and finally purchased an injector plus tubes with filters. Using AS organic, this seems to be an agreeable combination, although I only have one or two smokes a day.
l_autre_d said:
Mr. Premise said:
. . . this week I got some tubes with filters and an injector, mostly because I didn't like smoking what looks like a joint in the designated smoking areas in front of corporate office buildings! But I found a great benefit to the filters. I don't get that heavy, uncoordinated feeling after smoking, it's easier on the lungs, and you don't reek as bad. I can smoke a lot more now than when I was smoking unfiltered.

My experience is similar. For about a month I tried rolling my own, then using a rolling machine, added filters, and finally purchased an injector plus tubes with filters. Using AS organic, this seems to be an agreeable combination, although I only have one or two smokes a day.

The taste with AS organic and tubes is more pleasant to me. I find, however, that I can plow through my packet of tobacco when I use tubes versus rolling my own and using a ciggie holder. Must not be getting enough nicotine with the tubes.
Mr. Premise said:
Brunuald, I don't think anyone's talking about smoking 5 at once, but 5 in a day. But I might have misunderstood your post, I found it a little hard to follow.

Trying to be concrete in english doesn't work for me, doesn it?

Yes I meant 5 in a day.
Mr. Premise, thank you for providing the website! Just placed an order. I have never smoked cigarettes but I have enjoyed a cigar or two. Typically never more than one or two a year but after having read through this thread some I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to smoke a little more frequently. I really don't know much about tobacco and much of what I read I didn't retain. So I went to for a refresher. I'm sure many within this feed do not need this link but for those who are much like me, a novice, then perhaps it can be of good use.

Cheers! :cool2:
Be careful what you read on that Wikipedia site there Frank. Plenty of disinfo along with some truth I'm sure.

Wikipedia said:
The World Health Organization(WHO) reports it to be the leading preventable cause of death worldwide and estimates that it currently causes 5.4 million deaths per year.

Yeah right. Nothing about all the chemicals they put into commercial cigs though. :cool2:

Friend recommended to me OCB (100% bio) cigarettes rolling paper, made in France. I must say it's totally different taste of tobacco when using this rolling paper. Almost not feeling paper at all. :thup: :thup: :thup: Great product.
Ljubica said:

Friend recommended to me OCB (100% bio) cigarettes rolling paper, made in France. I must say it's totally different taste of tobacco when using this rolling paper. Almost not feeling paper at all. :thup: :thup: :thup: Great product.

Yep, use it too and really like it. :cool2:
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