Smoking is... good?

Psalehesost said:
I think MAOIs may be a big part of the reason for the difference between snus and smoked tobacco. It may also explain why the N. rustica I'm smoking is so satisfying, since compared to N. tabacum, N. rustica has significantly higher MAOI levels.

Where do you get your N. rustica tobacco?
Stranger said:
Psalehesost said:
I think MAOIs may be a big part of the reason for the difference between snus and smoked tobacco. It may also explain why the N. rustica I'm smoking is so satisfying, since compared to N. tabacum, N. rustica has significantly higher MAOI levels.

Where do you get your N. rustica tobacco?

The webshop that was mentioned by _xyz_ earlier in the thread:
_xyz_ said:
Stranger: haven't tried yet, but I just ordered one roll, should arrive next week. I'll let you now.

I ordered here:

Some discussion follows (interspersed with other discussion) on the pages following.
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

A vaporizer or vapouriser is a device used to extract for inhalation the active ingredients of plant material, commonly cannabis, tobacco, or other herbs or blends.

Vaporization is an alternative to burning (smoking) that avoids the production of irritating toxic, and carcinogenic by-products by heating the material so its active compounds boil off into a vapor. No combustion occurs, so no smoke or taste of smoke is present. Vapor ideally contains virtually zero particulate matter or tar, and significantly lower concentrations of noxious gases such as carbon monoxide. Vaporizers contain various forms of extraction chambers including straight bore, venturi, or sequential venturi, and are made of materials such as metal or glass. The extracted vapor may be collected in a jar or inflatable bag, or inhaled directly through a hose or pipe. With little to no smoke produced and cooler temperatures, less material is required to achieve a given level of effect. Hence, the irritating and harmful effects of smoking are reduced,[1][2][3][4][5] as is secondhand smoke.
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

I think it has a lot to do with what you smoke Scarlet. I smoke natural organic tobacco out of a pipe and I get no aftertaste or lingering smell that I am aware of, however I do notice that any type of commercially rolled cigarette does have the same effects you describe. The lingering odor and aftertaste. I think its the paper and filter to be honest. The other day my brother and I were having a smoke in my bedroom and I had to make him leave. Granted he was smoking a Marlboro (the most foul ones out there imo) but the odor just killed me almost right away.

Then again maybe smoking isn't for you. Do you really have the urge to smoke or are you trying to?
Pete said:
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

I think it has a lot to do with what you smoke Scarlet. I smoke natural organic tobacco out of a pipe and I get no aftertaste or lingering smell that I am aware of, however I do notice that any type of commercially rolled cigarette does have the same effects you describe. The lingering odor and aftertaste. I think its the paper and filter to be honest. The other day my brother and I were having a smoke in my bedroom and I had to make him leave. Granted he was smoking a Marlboro (the most foul ones out there imo) but the odor just killed me almost right away.

Then again maybe smoking isn't for you. Do you really have the urge to smoke or are you trying to?

Pete, about smoking a pipe. Are you using rolling tobacco or pipe tobacco? Are you inhaling it into your lungs or just into your mouth?

The reason I ask is because I started smoking and found out I really love it, but because of inflammation in my lungs, it has always interfered with my breathing and I finally decided that breathing was more important. But if I could find a way around that, I would be most happy.

Any adivce?
Scarlet said:
I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.


The main problem with e-cigs is that no one really knows what is in the aerosolized vapors emanating from e-cigarettes. Yes, you are getting much cleaner smoke because you are only smoking the vaporized nicotine. But their is very little scientific evidence of what, exactly, the liquid nicotine that you vaporize contains. It's also important to remember that the manufacture, quality control, sales, and advertisement of e-cigarettes are unregulated. Basically, the health risks in using e-cigs has not ever been properly studied. They have been banned from being used on any US flights, Canada as a whole has never approved the sale or use of e-cigs in any capacity, and NY state is considering a ban as well. - scroll down to health questions - Health Concerns Smoking a Electronic Cigarette
Nigel Farage (with cigarette in hand and wearing his smoking jacket) comments on the proposal to ban smoking on the street.

Scarlet said:
I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

A vaporizer or vapouriser is a device used to extract for inhalation the active ingredients of plant material, commonly cannabis, tobacco, or other herbs or blends.

I was a little interested in the E Cigarettes until I learned it had propylene glycol - which is in anti-freeze. No Thanks!

What is Propylene Glycol? _
Nienna Eluch said:
Pete said:
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

I think it has a lot to do with what you smoke Scarlet. I smoke natural organic tobacco out of a pipe and I get no aftertaste or lingering smell that I am aware of, however I do notice that any type of commercially rolled cigarette does have the same effects you describe. The lingering odor and aftertaste. I think its the paper and filter to be honest. The other day my brother and I were having a smoke in my bedroom and I had to make him leave. Granted he was smoking a Marlboro (the most foul ones out there imo) but the odor just killed me almost right away.

Then again maybe smoking isn't for you. Do you really have the urge to smoke or are you trying to?

Pete, about smoking a pipe. Are you using rolling tobacco or pipe tobacco? Are you inhaling it into your lungs or just into your mouth?

The reason I ask is because I started smoking and found out I really love it, but because of inflammation in my lungs, it has always interfered with my breathing and I finally decided that breathing was more important. But if I could find a way around that, I would be most happy.

Any advice?

Sure Nienna. I use rolling tobacco but the website I order from sells small ziplock baggies of flavored pipe tobacco. Unfortunately they only sell to Pennsylvania residents (not sure why). What I do is I'll buy a 6oz pouch of farm fresh and mix it with a little flavored pipe tobacco to give it a nice flavor and aroma. Its a work in progress so some batches come out tasty and mellow and others tend to be not so desirable. I think if you could mix in some flavored pipe tobacco (something to your liking) to regular rolling tobacco it might help smooth it out for you cause I know some rolling tobaccos can be really harsh just by themselves. Oh, and yes, I do inhale.
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

As with all health and diet information presented on this forum, the key is to pay attention to your body AND to fully research before you change things. One must understand what they are doing, not just move forward with something because others say it works for them. This is crucial! The same is true of smoking. The underlying fact that has been presented here time and time again is that a person should not smoke mass market cigarettes! They are poison and nothing more than the remnants of a tobacco plant plus so many chemicals that the tobacco isn't really even tobacco anymore.

So, hopefully you tried to smoke roll your own tobacco, since even the pre-made American Spirit cigarettes use fire safe paper that has chemicals in it. If you had this reaction from roll your own tobacco, then, yes, it sounds like smoking is not for you. Smoking is not for me either - I've tried and it never 'took'. What I can do is puff on a pipe filled with organic tobacco from time to time (and not inhale) and I've actually grown to really like that!
Pete said:
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

I think it has a lot to do with what you smoke Scarlet. I smoke natural organic tobacco out of a pipe and I get no aftertaste or lingering smell that I am aware of, however I do notice that any type of commercially rolled cigarette does have the same effects you describe. The lingering odor and aftertaste. I think its the paper and filter to be honest. The other day my brother and I were having a smoke in my bedroom and I had to make him leave. Granted he was smoking a Marlboro (the most foul ones out there imo) but the odor just killed me almost right away.

Then again maybe smoking isn't for you. Do you really have the urge to smoke or are you trying to?

Thanks for making these comparisons for me, Pete! I was considering buying a pipe and getting organic tobacco, I just got anxious in the check-out aisle and impulsively bought a pack of AS cigs. To answer your question, I definitely had the urge. I used to smoke Marlboro Mediums about a decade ago, but only a few a day. I think the taste of tobacco without the paper might be much better!

Heimdallr said:
Scarlet said:
I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.


The main problem with e-cigs is that no one really knows what is in the aerosolized vapors emanating from e-cigarettes. Yes, you are getting much cleaner smoke because you are only smoking the vaporized nicotine. But their is very little scientific evidence of what, exactly, the liquid nicotine that you vaporize contains. It's also important to remember that the manufacture, quality control, sales, and advertisement of e-cigarettes are unregulated. Basically, the health risks in using e-cigs has not ever been properly studied. They have been banned from being used on any US flights, Canada as a whole has never approved the sale or use of e-cigs in any capacity, and NY state is considering a ban as well. - scroll down to health questions - Health Concerns Smoking a Electronic Cigarette

Thanks for these links, Heimdallr! The results of the studies on the Wiki link are pretty startling. Wow, these e-cigs are unregulated and it shows with the results of the studies!

Rhiannon said:
Scarlet said:
I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

A vaporizer or vapouriser is a device used to extract for inhalation the active ingredients of plant material, commonly cannabis, tobacco, or other herbs or blends.

I was a little interested in the E Cigarettes until I learned it had propylene glycol - which is in anti-freeze. No Thanks!

What is Propylene Glycol? _

Yeah, this is just too much for me to want to put up to my lips, thank you so much for the info! I am going to tell my friend about this too.

anart said:
Scarlet said:
Yeah, I'm just not sure if smoking is good for my body, because I've noticed some changes since I started. In five days I've gone from smoking two a day to up to five a day. My throat has been getting sore, I've gotten two side aches while running (a rarity and especially two!), and my body is already building up a resistance to them. Plus, the smell sticks on my clothing and they leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth. I think vaporizing might be better for me so I might buy an electric cigarette. Either that or I need to cut back to two a day at most or maybe even quit.

As with all health and diet information presented on this forum, the key is to pay attention to your body AND to fully research before you change things. One must understand what they are doing, not just move forward with something because others say it works for them. This is crucial! The same is true of smoking. The underlying fact that has been presented here time and time again is that a person should not smoke mass market cigarettes! They are poison and nothing more than the remnants of a tobacco plant plus so many chemicals that the tobacco isn't really even tobacco anymore.

So, hopefully you tried to smoke roll your own tobacco, since even the pre-made American Spirit cigarettes use fire safe paper that has chemicals in it. If you had this reaction from roll your own tobacco, then, yes, it sounds like smoking is not for you. Smoking is not for me either - I've tried and it never 'took'. What I can do is puff on a pipe filled with organic tobacco from time to time (and not inhale) and I've actually grown to really like that!

Yeah, I was an anxious mess when I was in the grocery store, lol, but I have been keeping up on this thread. I had arrived to buy a few things and then planned to go next door to the smoke shop to look for a pipe and some organic tobacco. Then, when I was waiting in the check-out line I decided I was too anxious and I just wanted to go home so I asked the cashier for a pack of cigarettes instead. She could tell I was nervous and I even asked for her input on which flavor to get. I recalled some people on this thread were smoking AS brand so I asked for one of those and selected the "balance" flavor, lol.

Then, I walked out of the store wondering how much cheaper that pack would've been if I had just walked to the smoke shop and how much better organic tobacco would probably taste. I felt self-defeated by avoiding one more errand due to my anxiety issues and then I went home to turn into a chimney over it.

I'm working on this all...slowly but surely. I think I will make it to that smoke shop soon, because I do appreciate all the little stress-reducing aids in my life and I'm so glad I didn't go through with an e-cig order!
Hello rudicron. If you search the forum you will find the mention that smoking is the most effective way to absorb nicotine.
The other thing is that tobacco is not only against 4D STS etc., but it is also used for good health here and now in 3D :)
Silly question time...

Somtimes when i smoke a RYO cig in my ceramic holder i get this really gross backflow of liquid. It tastes totally gross. I call it "nicotine juice" but i wonder what it really is. I thought spit but i'm sucking, not blowing.

Anyone else get this? :huh:
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