Smoking is... good?

This has been around the web 4 a while. It may appear to be anti-smoke, but it is quite the opposite and fun. :D

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Keit said:
Ljubica said:

Friend recommended to me OCB (100% bio) cigarettes rolling paper, made in France. I must say it's totally different taste of tobacco when using this rolling paper. Almost not feeling paper at all. :thup: :thup: :thup: Great product.

Yep, use it too and really like it. :cool2:

the question is: is smoking a organic hanf paper with a natural gum healthy ?

I'm still searching for a cigarette or cigarillo brand that is 100 % organic with no additives and with a good paper
arround it (best would be a tobacco paper I guess).
but it is darn difficult to find it !
does somebody know any ?
I started smoking 5 months ago, about 4-5 American Spirits a day - and I am not sure if I should continue.

The thing is, I like smoking, but I am not sure if I am genetically predisposed to benefit from it. When I stopped smoking for 2 or 3 days, I did not seem to have cravings, but I did get a quite a headache for a few days - which stopped when I started smoking again.

The biggest reason to stop seems to be that smoking seems to weaken my immune system and I keep getting colds at a much, much higher rate than before smoking.

Another thing to consider is that I have ulcerative colitis and the nicotine does seem to help somewhat, so that I do not need to take other, more expensive medication.

Right now I am tempted to try and gradually phase out smoking to see the difference more clearly.
Pashalis said:
the question is: is smoking a organic hanf paper with a natural gum healthy ?

I'm still searching for a cigarette or cigarillo brand that is 100 % organic with no additives and with a good paper
arround it (best would be a tobacco paper I guess).
but it is darn difficult to find it !
does somebody know any ?

Hi Pashalis. You're lucky you're in Germany, if I'm correct they sell ''Yuma Organic'' tobacco and cigarettes there. So, you could do a search for them. This is where I get the organic tobacco papers from: _

You would need a creditcard I think, or otherwise mail the person to ask if you could pay otherwise. Ship charges are like 2/3 euros, and you get them usually within a week or two.
axj said:
Another thing to consider is that I have ulcerative colitis and the nicotine does seem to help somewhat, so that I do not need to take other, more expensive medication.

Have you been keeping up with the "Life Without Bread" and "Vegetarian Myth" threads? Eating a high fat/protein diet may help out with the colitis, along with many, many other things.
Nienna Eluch said:
axj said:
Another thing to consider is that I have ulcerative colitis and the nicotine does seem to help somewhat, so that I do not need to take other, more expensive medication.

Have you been keeping up with the "Life Without Bread" and "Vegetarian Myth" threads? Eating a high fat/protein diet may help out with the colitis, along with many, many other things.

Yeah, I cut out bread some time ago and it seems to make a huge difference. Also, for a blood type 0, the high fat/protein diet seems to be the natural choice anyway.
Oxajil said:
Rabelais said:
I am now smoking Yuma Organic. It is almost indistinguishable from American Spirit in flavor and "satisfaction".

Nice!! Well I'm not going to receive the Yuma Organic tobacco, I was sent an e-mail (by the German company) saying they can't ship it to me, only to an address in Germany. I didn't know shipping tobacco abroad is illegal in Europe?

Rabelais said:
I would be most interested to hear what you find out.

Was it as ive orderd american spirit,yuma and Pueblo without issue they deliver to the uk and just about everywhere in europe very reliable,lots of ways to pay even c.o.d.

American Spirit


little info about Pueblo....

"PUEBLO is a traditional blend of American Virginia tobaccos, grown under completely natural conditions by American Indians.

Like all tobacco, this high quality blend contains natural nicotine. However, the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides is not permitted during the growing and harvesting of our tobacco leaf.
This philosophy is maintained during the manufacturing process. We do not add moisture retainers, preservatives or other chemicals to PUEBLO fine cut tobacco. "

OCB and deliver worldwide

Those considering a pipe.. iam.. a MEERSCHAUM pipe may be wise info below.
Talas said:
Was it as ive orderd american spirit,yuma and Pueblo without issue they deliver to the uk and just about everywhere in europe very reliable,lots of ways to pay even c.o.d.

Hi Talas, no it wasn't (mine was Thanks for mentioning that other website, I'll be checking it out!
anart said:
As with all health and diet information presented on this forum, the key is to pay attention to your body AND to fully research before you change things. One must understand what they are doing, not just move forward with something because others say it works for them. This is crucial! The same is true of smoking. The underlying fact that has been presented here time and time again is that a person should not smoke mass market cigarettes! They are poison and nothing more than the remnants of a tobacco plant plus so many chemicals that the tobacco isn't really even tobacco anymore.

So, hopefully you tried to smoke roll your own tobacco, since even the pre-made American Spirit cigarettes use fire safe paper that has chemicals in it. If you had this reaction from roll your own tobacco, then, yes, it sounds like smoking is not for you. Smoking is not for me either - I've tried and it never 'took'. What I can do is puff on a pipe filled with organic tobacco from time to time (and not inhale) and I've actually grown to really like that!

In the US you can tell if the cigarette has this fire safety junk by looking at the bar code. If it has fire safety paper, it says FSC in there. So far I've been lucky to find native american brands that don't have this but they keep raising prices!

It's such irony that the reason for this fire safety is because name brands were adding burn accelerants to make cigarettes burn quicker even when you just hold them, to sell more. Now the stupid standard is pushed onto every brand, even organic non-additive tobacco!
meta-agnostic said:
Musician Joe Jackson is apparently a big anti-anti-smoking activist, and I recently came across this essay of his entitled Smoke, Lies and the Nanny State:

I just had a brief look at this, and it looks interesting. I remember reading somewhere that Joe Jackson had moved to Germany, I think it was, because the anti smoking laws weren't as strict. Good find, meta-agnostic!
axj said:
I started smoking 5 months ago, about 4-5 American Spirits a day - and I am not sure if I should continue.

I have tried to smoke recently. I somewhat doubt too I have a smoker profile although there have been grandparents who were smokers of cigars! My experience is that after more than two-three good inhalations I am ready to faint and have to lie down. Intellectually I can see that being able to smoke can be a way to preserve the lungs against germs just as one smokes meat to preserve it longer. 4-5 cigarettes like you were doing seems to me like a lot, I would most definitely get sick if I smoked that much. Another effect of too much smoking beside feelings of fainting is ringing in the ears, but this symptom has decreased since I stopped exhaling the smoke through the nose. I got the idea to not exhale through the mouth by reading an old treatise on Ayurveda, where they say it is not good for the eyes.
Hi everyone, I have been smoking for about 42 years. About two months ago, I was able to start smoking organic cigarettes. However, about everyday, or at least every other day, I cough up mucus (sorry for the grossness) at what feels like the top of my lungs. It takes hardly what I consider a cough, but little more than clearing of the throat to get this out. I hope I am making sense, because it is not what people term as smokers cough (which I have never had). What I would like to know is, if this could be old chemicals, pesticides, binders, fillers etc leaving my lungs?
Rena said:
Hi everyone, I have been smoking for about 42 years. About two months ago, I was able to start smoking organic cigarettes. However, about everyday, or at least every other day, I cough up mucus (sorry for the grossness) at what feels like the top of my lungs. It takes hardly what I consider a cough, but little more than clearing of the throat to get this out. I hope I am making sense, because it is not what people term as smokers cough (which I have never had). What I would like to know is, if this could be old chemicals, pesticides, binders, fillers etc leaving my lungs?

Hi Rena! A give to taste an organic cigarette to a friend that smoked Belmont all his life and he started to cough immediately for one week, it is as if you get habituate to that a kind of brand your lungs need time to accustom to the new composition of the new cigarette. I recommend you to take NAC 600 mg/day to help to cough up all the phlegm.
Galaxia2002 said:
Rena said:
Hi everyone, I have been smoking for about 42 years. About two months ago, I was able to start smoking organic cigarettes. However, about everyday, or at least every other day, I cough up mucus (sorry for the grossness) at what feels like the top of my lungs. It takes hardly what I consider a cough, but little more than clearing of the throat to get this out. I hope I am making sense, because it is not what people term as smokers cough (which I have never had). What I would like to know is, if this could be old chemicals, pesticides, binders, fillers etc leaving my lungs?

Hi Rena! A give to taste an organic cigarette to a friend that smoked Belmont all his life and he started to cough immediately for one week, it is as if you get habituate to that a kind of brand your lungs need time to accustom to the new composition of the new cigarette. I recommend you to take NAC 600 mg/day to help to cough up all the phlegm.

Hi Galaxia, Thank you for your response. I haven't heard of NAC before, had to look it up, and will read about it. Sure enough, I have smoked the same brand all my life, never cared for anything else. I am happy to report that I love the new cigarettes which I feared I wouldn't because of what you stated "that being the brand my lungs are accustomed to".
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