Smoking is... good?

Like one of the post said on the Tucker Carlson thread, cannabis ends up amplifying the problems that someone starts using weed for to begin with where was tobacco/nicotine actually has benefits on cognition (and keeping STS aliens away, whoo!)

I think that there is something to be said about the responsible use of Cannabis for medical reasons and for a period of time, but if after a while the user sees that the effect on their symptoms is not what they wished for or only palliative, then there are many other plants that can be used for sleep problems. Also, CBD can be a good alternative to start with, and then slowly replace with herbs.

Herb-wise, off the top of my head, Passionflower, Skullcap, good old Chamomile, Lemon Balm, California Poppy, Kava Kava, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, etc are all good sleep-aids. Online you will find info about Valerian root too, and for the majority of people it works wonderfully. Unfortunately, for a small percentage it ends up causing the opposite effects, so use with caution.

Sleep IS very important, and if you go the herbal route, find a few herbs that work for you and use them in rotation, taking a couple of days off in the week so you can see if the effect is lasting and to take note of when it becomes lasting. You shouldn't be needing sleep-aids for ever. For sleep troubles, a cup of hot tea with honey within an hour before bed is the better use of the herb.

Of course there's also Melatonin, Magnesium, Tryptophan, Gaba, Theanine, Glycine as well, along with avoiding blue light at night and sunrise gazing in the morning, writing exercises and stress reduction techniques, that can support building healthy sleep patterns.

For cognitive enhancement, there's Rosemary, Sage, Gotu Kola, Gingko, Rhodiola, Reishi mushrooms, etc.

In the end, if you don't want to be smoking either cannabis or tobacco, you don't have to. Not all substances or herbs are good for everyone. There are many other ways to help you meet your goals but you have to be patient and try different things out and see how they work for you. A physical problem that has been present for years will take a while to resolve. And it often requires lifestyle changes along with the above-mentioned aids. Sorry this got so long, I hope it helps.
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