Smoking is... good?

anart said:
Donnay said:
I didn't go through all the post because there is so many. Here is an article I have a hard copy of, it still may be on the internet, but Joe Vialls died in 2004, I believe and his work is not so easily found.

Hi Donnay, it would be greatly appreciated if you would try to read entire threads before posting in them. This reduces noise on the forum and also allows you an opportunity to learn - which is the whole point! :)

Anart absolutely...duly noted.
axj said:
The thing is, I like smoking, but I am not sure if I am genetically predisposed to benefit from it. When I stopped smoking for 2 or 3 days, I did not seem to have cravings, but I did get a quite a headache for a few days - which stopped when I started smoking again.

The biggest reason to stop seems to be that smoking seems to weaken my immune system and I keep getting colds at a much, much higher rate than before smoking.

I think the immune system problems I have been having after smoking are actually a candida die-off reaction. I have been battling candida for years and never could get rid of it, so a severe detox reaction is probably to be expected after smoking.

I also want to smoke and enjoy it, which is a hint that it may be good for me after all.
When I switched to additive free, whole leaf, and then finally to organic (Yuma), I was pleased to see my lung congestion clear up. In fact, at a rheumatologist appointment, the doctor listened to my lungs and said he couldn't hear any of the telltale signs of smoking.

However, I seem to have developed a mild irritation and seem to be constantly coughing up small (I mean tiny- 5 mm) bits of phlegm. The cough is not persistent. Once I cough up the tiny bit of phlegm, I'm good for an hour or two before it starts up again.

Could this be merely my body getting rid of lung flukes or something, or should I be more concerned? I recently wondered if I was smoking too much. I average 15-20 king sized ciggies a day.

It seems to come from the top of the lung. I also seem to also have developed something like post-nasal drip as I have the "ahems" several times a day. Perhaps its just mucus dripping down my throat and depositing in the branchioles. Any thoughts?

Hi, Gonzo:

I get alot of phlegm sometimes too. Last fall I found that it came from a bad pouch of AS organic. It must have been moldy or something.

Since then occasionally my lungs will feel "full" and I cough quite a bit. But then it goes away without changing what I smoke or the amount. (I smoke about half and half AS/Kentucky select mostly in a pipe)

I suspect it might be from toxins that I am exposed to at work or perhaps foods that may not be agree with me or unknown allergies.

Or perhaps the body goes through cleansing cycles. Before I resumed smoking a year and half ago after a 25 year break I would cough very hard after nearly every meal. On the whole I probably cough less since I resumed smoking.

Also I found the RAW organic rolling papers make me cough but the RAW natural are fine.

I found that using pipe screens in my pipes really helps reduce coughing. Apparently I was inhaling bit of tobacco.

The past couple weeks I barely coughed at all.

Well, it could be from the papers on the Yuma Organic cigarettes. I should really be buying bulk tobacco and grabbing some cleaner papers. I should also figure why I haven't done so yet. I think I've been stuck in wishful thinking that smoking the organic tobacco was somehow offsetting the toxins in the paper or something.

Here's what Cayce answered to a 33 years old man who asked him about smoking :

(Q) Would smoking be detrimental to me or beneficial?
(A) This depends very much upon self. In moderation, smoking is not harmful; but to a body that holds such as being out of line with its best mental or spiritual unfoldment, do not smoke.

Just found this article, please don't judge me for being lurking this web page :-[, the article is called "New Evidence Why You Should Stop Smoking"... well after reading it, I'm still looking for the evidence, just take a look at how the it starts.

Every year, more than 400,000 people die from tobacco-related illnesses – and according to a new report, even a single cigarette can damage your health. Here are 12 more reasons why you need to stop smoking now...

Not true.... :cool2:

Everyone knows smoking is bad for you, but you probably didn’t know how bad.

I guess everyone needs to hear more lies...

Here is the article:
anart said:
EGVG, please don't leave links like that live - disable them.

Sorry I'm not very clever with this links and quoting and stuff, sorry for the hassle.

The article it's nuts! They basically say that if your a smoker your gonna die young alone and sad...
[quote author=EGVG]
even a single cigarette can damage your health[/quote]

Waaww...! that is not even wrong if you're next to a gas pomp... :P -but then again, you have to be "lucky" to get that Hollywood effect.
EGVG said:
Sorry I'm not very clever with this links and quoting and stuff, sorry for the hassle.

The article it's nuts! They basically say that if your a smoker your gonna die young alone and sad...
Really sick how the mass media is the main instrument of social proof when it represents a minority.

Last Wed I had a day off and went with friends to a large amusement park. I didn't realize it was majority non-smoking (despite having so much room) until I found the sparsely located "designated smoking areas". Sick when you can't even smoke outdoors in parks (thank you mayor Bloomberg- blargh).

Anyone smoke black and milds, swishers, jewel sweets, cigarellos, and other small flavored cigars? Lately I've been smoking more of those, and I really like'em. Everyone always says that cigars are not "supposed" to be inhaled but I don't see why not, the only questionable part that I can think of is the fruity flavoring in the paper.
I used to smoke Swishers back in the day. I used to inhale them too. I did like the flavor of them but somehow just ended up going back to those nasty cigarettes in the end. I always used to wonder myself just what they use to flavor them. You would hope its mostly some kind of natural ingredient but being that the company is so big I find it hard to believe they're not slipping stuff in there that they shouldn't.
Recently, I purchased a starter kit from and so far it has been great!
I highly recommend the electric powermatic II model.

The natural blend is good and so is the organic I bought. Gambler and Zig Zag tubes work well with this machine too and they have cotton filters!
I smoked my first FSC cigarette today and it was horrible! I am traveling and my luggage was delayed and it had my tobacco in it and I had run out of the cigarettes I injected into tubes, so I bought a pack of American Spirit organics to tide me over until they deliver my suitcase (by this time it was too late for any tobacco shop to be open to buy RYO, I bought these at a gas station). I couldn't even finish the first one! After a couple of puffs I got that irritated throat and weird coating on my mouth that everyone describes. So when I got to the hotel I tore a cigarrette open and rerolled it with the filter in it with papers I had. It was much better. That FSC stuff is really nasty.

After months of smoking Kentucky Select roll your own I never had any problems with throat or lungs.
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