Smoking is... good?

I would like to know is it possible to vaporise tabacco? I don't try it yet.

I started smoking in 2022 and I discovered that some cigarette brands create sinus pain and some brands not create sinus pain in my body.

I heard that some brands have many chemical substances added to increas taste and burn longer. There are also commercial cigarette without this substances. (I don't test it yet).

It looks like the best idea is to use your own tabacco leaves.

Cigarillos are also good for me, but I never smoke cigars and can't say anything about them.

I also discovered that I have allergy to propylene glycol. Popular e-liquid always have this substance. There is also modern e-cigarets with nicotine benzoate and I'm not big fan of sodium benzoate (popular food preservative, some people suspect that it may be cancerogenic). We don't have much information about nicotine benzoate.

I'm also not big fan of cigarette heater, they can have both propylen glycol and chemical substances like in normal commercial cigarettes.

Maybe heating normal tabacco leaves is the healthier solution?
I would like to know is it possible to vaporise tabacco? I don't try it yet.

I tried the heat not burn method with natural tobacco. It does not replace smoking for me. Overall it seems that it does work for some people, light smokers probably, but for most it does not. Where I live it is not very popular at all. The method is getting more attention in countries with very high tobacco prices. Whether it could work for you is impossible to say.

About e-liquids without propylene glycol I wrote earlier in this thread. s. #2898
Today’s Podcast from Mike Adams talks about Nicotine patches.

- Nicotine patches for long-term COVID symptoms. (1:30:05)
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco industry manipulation. (1:35:21)
- Nicotine as an antidote for COVID-19. (1:41:01)
Today’s Podcast from Mike Adams talks about Nicotine patches.

- Nicotine patches for long-term COVID symptoms. (1:30:05)
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco industry manipulation. (1:35:21)
- Nicotine as an antidote for COVID-19. (1:41:01)
According to this podcast some cigarettes manufacturers add pyrazines to their products to increase addictive effect.

When C's said that cigarettes are not so evil, I don't believed them. But maybe they want to say that natural tabacco products are not so evil like some people claims. But cigarettes with other substances may be evil. I wonder that nanoparticles could be added to tabacco products, and this can increase risk of heart attack or cerebral haemorrhage.

My grandfather and my father died on cerebral haemorrhage, and they both was heavy smokers and had mental problems. Maybe they were targeted individuals? I am not heavy smoker like they were, but I feel like some type of cigarettes increase my electrosensitivity. Who knows what they add to many different products to increase volnerability in many targeted individuals.:umm:
Smoking and Insurance:

Really not an unknown subject, and the key word is nicotine, which goes something like this.

Non-smoker means a person who has not used any tobacco, nicotine substitutes or tobacco cessation products within the last twelve (12) months.

Tobacco itself is implicit of nicotine, and other policies will use anything that links directly to nicotine or even in the case of weed/hash smoking, if it is mixed with tobacco that is what that industry is looking for to deny or boost premiums. Nicotine patches is not tobacco, so it is the signifier of nicotine - the enemy.

Drink alcohol to large quantity, double or quadruple boosted (despite insurance group-plan statistics showed), smoke or inject what was once illegal drugs (where it is now legal), eat big macs everyday, and even if the insured and then they plans to have a MAiD ending, it is of no real matter, only tobacco ever mattered i.e., nicotine, or more so, filling nicotine receptors in the body seems to be the 🎯

Even if there are pre-existing conditions, insurers will give you a rider for those, however use a nicotine patch (or vape with nicotine) to help study for an exam, nope, you are a tobacco smoker in the eyes of insurance companies.

It has been commented in the past that possibly the ptb needed an evil tobacco smoking cover story to explain the upward trajectory in cancer since the 1950's (all those pesky radioactive particulates in the atmosphere from all the testing), or the shift to a chemical/toxin based society - products and foodstuff. Partly might be true and certainly useful if the following is so:

Back to the Cs:
Q: What other things does nicotine do?

A: Raises defences.

Q: What kind?

A: Immunological.

Q: Anything else?

A: Excites neurotransmitters. You require less sleep.

Q: Is this true for everyone?

A: No.

Q: (A) How much nicotine is necessary?

A: 100 mg per day.

Q: (A) Can it be in pill form?

A: Cigarettes infuse it to brain tissues most effectively.

Q: Well, I am certainly relieved! Now I know that I do not have a 'smoking demon' possessing me! I was really getting worried!

A: Those who fit this profile find it nearly impossible to "quit" completely.

Q: So, there are people who are actually benefitted by smoking?

A: Genetics will offer proof of this.

Q: You mean that one can see changes in DNA before and after smoking?

A: Close
My mind is blown. I am finally reading the last book of The Wave Series as well as diving on an even deeper healing journey (mind, body, and soul) with a focus on diet health. I am at the part in the book where it is talking about how nicotine affects the brain and I am starting to deeply understand why nicotine is promoted on this forum (with a grain of salt that it's great for MANY people but not everyone). I

worked hard to overcome my nicotine addiction (cigs, vape, and bong) as it was physically and mentally harming me. I'm just shy of 2 years clean I bought the highest quality available at the store, though that still may have been filled with toxic stuff.

I'm interested in smoking/nicotine again but would like to either do it ceremonial, like & guided by First Nations OR maybe do it myself but only with the highest and best quality. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I would move forward? Maybe it's not advisable because I used to be addicted to it? I have never been completely free as I seem to ALWAYS have someone in my life who smokes.. ex, family, co workers, family, neighbors, partners

Edit: Added quote
Those who fit this profile find it nearly impossible to "quit" completely.

Q: So, there are people who are actually benefitted by smoking?

A: Genetics will offer proof of this.

Q: You mean that one can see changes in DNA before and after smoking?

A: Close

P.s. to anyone reading this who hasn't finished The Wave Series there is a MASSIVE reason they suggest you read it, this forum, and the recommended reading list ;)

P.s.s Thank You Laura, The Team, and everyone else on their Forum so dedicated to seeking Truth. I feel so much less alone than I've felt my entire life
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I would move forward?

I personally use RYO tobacco that is additive-free, although my hunch is that it doesn’t matter THAT much. Most studies showing benefits of smoking (and there are a lot of these …) studied just ordinary smokers vs non-smokers, so most likely smoking standard commercial cigs.

I personally like the ‘tobacco-y” taste of RYO tobacco - I find commercial cigs bland and tasteless … If you live in the US, you can order tobacco leaves (even some organic varieties) and shred them yourself - that would probably be the most high-quality stuff available. One good source I have used in the past is leafonly (dot) com.
I came across this article about Biden's govt wanted to ban menthol cigarettes, but rolled back the plan due to the fear of losing black voters who happen to smoke more menthol cigarettes.
The White House has indefinitely postponed plans to ban menthol cigarettes, after polls showed a drastic drop in African-American support for President Joe Biden ahead of the November election, according to the Wall Street Journal.

About 81% of black smokers used menthols as of 2020, the year when Biden got 91% of the black vote. Recent polls showed only 68% of African Americans planning to support the Democrat this time around, however.

“It’s clear that there are still more conversations to have, and that will take significantly more time,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement on Friday, noting the feedback the proposed ban received from civil rights and criminal justice reform groups.

The ban was first proposed in April 2021, as part of Biden’s “Cancer Moonshot” initiative. The White House argued that outlawing menthol cigarettes would help “people of color” improve health outcomes. Menthols account for more than 30% of all cigarettes sold in the US each year, and are the most popular among black and Hispanic smokers.

The plan ended up sharply dividing the Democratic voter base, however. Biden’s former domestic policy adviser Susan Rice has argued that delaying the ban “puts more Black lives at risk,” while the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) endorsed the ban on flavored tobacco products as a “social justice issue.”
Is menthol cigarette ban (in the name of black voters health) a cover story for some benefits of menthol ? I remember hearing benefits of menthol? If so what are those?
There's a new tax in my province, BC, which means ordering RYO tobacco from Leaf Only in the USA to Canada just got waaay more expensive. The tax is 65 cents per gram on any loose tobacco product.

Leaf Only included a warning in their checkout when I changed my zip code, so I looked it up. So 10 lbs of tobacco, which would last me a long time, instead of costing a couple hundred bucks is more like a couple thousand! Sigh. I'm going to email the gov't office just to be sure, but it looks like a concerted effort to stop the inflow of cheap organic tobacco.

Also in BC, there is a free three month nicotine patch deal. Good deal, but I think it's purpose is to get people to quit. Anyways, seems like they're cracking down right now.
There's a new tax in my province, BC, which means ordering RYO tobacco from Leaf Only in the USA to Canada just got waaay more expensive. The tax is 65 cents per gram on any loose tobacco product.

Leaf Only included a warning in their checkout when I changed my zip code, so I looked it up. So 10 lbs of tobacco, which would last me a long time, instead of costing a couple hundred bucks is more like a couple thousand! Sigh. I'm going to email the gov't office just to be sure, but it looks like a concerted effort to stop the inflow of cheap organic tobacco.

Also in BC, there is a free three month nicotine patch deal. Good deal, but I think it's purpose is to get people to quit. Anyways, seems like they're cracking down right now.
I've read articles about them trying to ban anyone born after X year from smoking entirely in BC. Probably just conjecture for now. 65 cents a gram is absurd.

Why does everything in Canada need absurd taxes on it? .. This country is like a corpse being picked at for its remains.

I smoke the "native" cigarettes that you get off native reserves. The tobacco seems to be quite clean, on par with organic tobacco smokes you would buy in a shop and they are 4$ a pack. Certainly not as cheap as a few hundred for 10 lbs, but definitely not 22$ a pack.
I've read articles about them trying to ban anyone born after X year from smoking entirely in BC. Probably just conjecture for now. 65 cents a gram is absurd.

Why does everything in Canada need absurd taxes on it? .. This country is like a corpse being picked at for its remains.

I smoke the "native" cigarettes that you get off native reserves. The tobacco seems to be quite clean, on par with organic tobacco smokes you would buy in a shop and they are 4$ a pack. Certainly not as cheap as a few hundred for 10 lbs, but definitely not 22$ a pack.

Yeah, it's a crashing bore how expensive everything is getting here. Canada is turning into Trailer Park Boys, and we're all being primed for the roles of Cory & Trevor, caught between Ricky and Lahey's crazy schemes.

Luckily there's a source on the local reserve for natural tobacco at $20/carton. A friend of mine who is sensitive to chemicals in cigarettes said that he smokes them and doesn't feel ill, so they are probably pretty clean. I'm not going to be paying $50/lb for a pouch of Northfields.

I also have a bunch of tobacco plants in my garden this year, so that'll be a fun and also a pretty darn useful project.
I too have some golden virginia variety tobacco seedlings nearly ready to plant in my garden. I ordered Amazonia Rustica but they did not turn up whilst I was in UK. However, when I was living in my flat I grew them on the balcony, not big enough to smoke the leaves but I harvested the seeds. So still in the boxes I that I have just got down from my attic.
FWIW I have only smoked Benson % Hedges Gold commercial cigarettes for the last 50 years. I stick to the same brand all the time not only because I prefer the smoke/flavour but also I feel that as there are tons of chemicals it is better to have my body accustomed to one set of chemicals rather than mix different brands possibly making it more difficult to cope / detox from.
I do take Zeolite every day as part of my protocol (which I will switch to chlorella powder/tablets to give the necessary break from Zeolite powder). This and my remedies helps the detox. And never had a problem.
However, I do have ryo as prep stocks and many times have used organic ryo and the green virginia sachets (though no longer available here for the last 5 years!).
Sadly ryo ironically always cause me to cough! Perhaps because I don't like it damp so dry it out lol. I also prefer to use a filter and need a rolling machine as was never dexterous enough to roll by hand :-) So quite a palaver rolling up 20 smokes in advance! Especially for driving as nothing better than to reach for a ciggie in a traffic jam and keep cool and relaxed watching people lose their rag ;-)
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