Sol (Sun) and its phenomena


Solar activity remained at low levels during the past 24 hours. AR3151 continued to be the most active region and the largest event from the same region was a C1.6 class flare at 01:14 on November 23.

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and new region AR3152

AR3148 is gone and new AR3152 located on the southeast (S26E57) is a group of 3 sunspots with size 10HM and a alfa magnetic field. It poses no threat for strong flares.

BIG FARSIDE SUNSPOT: You might suppose that the farside of the sun is hidden from view. Not so. Researchers using a technique called "helioseismology" can make crude maps of the sun's hidden hemisphere. Their latest map reveals a huge farside active region:​

The black blob is a sunspot group--a big one. In fact, only a handful of sunspot groups in the past 5 years have created a helioseismic echo this large. Don't be surprised if SOHO coronagraphs record a farside CME in the days ahead.​

The total number of sunspots has increased to 68 (28 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 45% chance for C flares, 10% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 339.8 km/sec at 00:00 UTC on November 22 The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 2

Aurora Oval
● Current Conditions at 05:20 UTC on November 24

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 295.1 km/sec
▪︎density: 16 76 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2 5% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C1 at 18:53 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 68 (SN 61 Nov 23)

The lowest solar activity level of the year was recorded on November 24. Only B-class flares. The largest event of the period was a B9 flare from AR3151 it occurred at 06:23 UTC on November 24. The rest of the period was characterized by a prominence eruption in the northwest, a plasma filament in the northeast, some coronal mass ejections and a surprising partial solar eclipse.

A partial solar eclipse (the moon crossing from upper right to lower left) was seen by the geostationary satellite GOES-16 at 10:44-12:04 UTC on November 23 Next, an eye-catching prominence eruption was observed on the northwest side of the Sun from 14:00-18:20 UTC

Some people dedicated to spreading conspiracy theories about what they call Nibiru or planet X uploaded to social networks the video of the solar eclipse as a sign that NASA hides the passage of the celestial body through the solar system.

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and AR3152
The total number of sunspots has decreased to 61 (21 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 40% chance for C flares, 10% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 482.7km/sec at 02:36 UTC on November 25. The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 3

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 04:40 UTC on November 25

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 474.6 km/sec
▪︎density: 9.28 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2 6% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: B4 at 23:40 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 61 (SN 68 Nov 24)

Solar activity is at low levels with only one C1.2 solar flare detected around AR3149 at 07:22 UTC on November 25.

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and AR3152 All of these sunspots have simple magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong solar flares.

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 55 (15 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 40% chance for C flares, 5% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to active levels for the past 24 hours. Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4) threshold Reached at 05:59 UTC on November 25. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 540.4 km/sec at 15:50 UTC The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 4

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 05:20 UTC on November 26

▪︎Geospace active
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=4
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 495.7 km/sec
▪︎density: 11.67 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2 7% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: B8 at 02:15 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 55 (SN 61 Nov 25)
▪︎There are no significant coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun

Only class B flares were recorded in the past 24 hours. The most active region was AR3152 , however, the largest event of the period was a B6.9 flare from the AR3149 at 10:49 UTC on November 26. There was an eruption of a magnetic filament located in the southeast and an associated Earthward-pointing CME. If this event is confirmed, the plasma cloud would impact the field in the next few days.

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and AR3152 All of these sunspots have simple magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong solar flares. The AR3147 and AR3149 regions will soon leave the solar disk.

The total number of sunspots has increased to 60 (20 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) All quiet. NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 25% chance for C flares, 1% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 641.7 km/sec at 18:55 UTC but no geomagnetic storm was recorded. The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 3

Aurora Oval

HIGH LATITUDE AURORA WATCH: Earth is inside a high-speed stream of solar wind following a possible CME impact on Nov. 25th. With the wind blowing nearly 600 km/s, high latitude auroras are possible this weekend, especially around the Arctic Circle.

● Current Conditions at 04:50 UTC on November 27

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 500.8 km/sec
▪︎density: 10:57 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2.8% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: B3 at 01:20 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 60 (SN 55 Nov 26)
▪︎There are no significant coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun

Solar activity is at low levels, only minor class B flares were recorded, the maximum value was B5.41

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and AR3152 All of these sunspots have simple magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong solar flares. Three regions are about to return to the solar disk AR3140, AR3141 and AR3145.

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 56 (16 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 35% chance for C flares, 5% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at active to storm levels for the past 24 hours. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 542 2 km/sec at 00:06 UTC on November 27. Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp5) threshold teached at 02:59 UTC on November 28
The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 5

MINOR GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW: A minor G1-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on Nov. 28th as Earth moves through the magnetized wake of a CME. The CME struck on Nov. 25th and has been causing geomagnetic unrest ever since. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Aurora Oval
● Current Conditions at 05:20 UTC on November 28

▪︎Geomagnetic Storm in progress
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=5
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 537.7km/sec
▪︎density: 10.96 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2.4% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: B6 at 02:40 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 56 (SN 60 Nov 27)
Avalanche warnings in this neck of the woods at slightly higher altitudes. No snow on the ground here yet?

No more Place du Capitole at #Toulouse in #vigilanceOrange #avalanches ! Launch today of the
@VigiMeteoFrance in infra-departmental mode for certain phenomena #meteo ( #vagues #submersions and avalanches), as well as a
national map for the current day + the next day.

End of the day and continued showers - Pourtalet 1800

Thread (1 of 5), for the #BCStorm outlook.

18-Mile Gridlock On California-Nevada Border - More Than 2,500 U.S. Flights Delayed - Massive Snows
Oppenheimer Ranch Project

URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY
629 AM MST Mon Nov 28 2022

Canadian Prairie Weather Story with Andrew Pritchard | November 28th, 2022 | Nutrien Ag Solutions
Nov 28, 2022
Brought to you by Nutrien Ag Solutions


Solar activity remains low. AR3151 was the most active region in the last 24 hours and generated the largest event of the period with a C1.0 flare at 21:19 on November 28.

There are currently 4 active regions on the solar disk: AR3147, AR3149, AR3151 and AR3152 All of these sunspots have simple magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong solar flares. Three regions are about to return to the solar disk AR3140, AR3141 and AR3145.

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 52 (12 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 25% chance for C flares, 1% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at active to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 661.2 km/sec at 18:30 UTC on November 28. Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4) threshold reached at 18:56 UTC
The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 5

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: A high-speed stream of solar wind is approaching Earth. ETA: Dec. 1st or 2nd. The gaseous material is flowing from a canyon-like hole in the sun's atmosphere. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the solar wind arrives.

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 05:50 UTC on November 29

▪︎Geospace unsettled
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=4
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 514.6km/sec
▪︎density: 12.56 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +2.4% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C1 at 02:20 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 52 (SN 52 Nov 28)

Solar activity is at low levels. The largest event of the period was a C4.2 flare from AR3151

There are currently 2 active regions on the solar disk: AR3151 and AR3152 These sunspots have simple magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong solar flares.

The total number of sunspots has decreased to 25 (5 of these are grouped into 2 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 20% chance for C flares, 1% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at active to storm levels for the past 24 hours.The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 694.8 km/sec at 12:35 UTC on November 29 Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp5) threshold reached at 16:47 UTC the storm subsided around 21:00 UTC

The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 5

FAST SOLAR WIND: Earth has entered a fast moving stream of solar wind, blowing almost 700 km/s. This is causing minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras around the Arctic Circle on Nov. 29th.

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 04:10 UTC on November 30

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 597.7 km/sec
▪︎density: 12.75 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +1.5% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C4 at 22:31 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 25 (SN 52 Nov 29)

Solar activity in the past 24 hours was low characterized by many C-class solar flares from AR3151 which has already left the solar disk. The largest event of the period was a C3 at 16:17 on November 30. As mentioned above. old regions AR3140, AR3141 and AR3145 from earlier in November are about to turn back into view from behind the northeast limb, so the beginning of December will see a potential influx of sunspots.

Only AR3152 (N27W25) remains in the solar disk with 2 sunspots and stable magnetic field. The total number of sunspots has decreased to 12

NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 35% chance for C flares, 1% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at active to storm levels for the past 24 hours.The solar wind speed record reached a peak of 688.6 km/sec at 12:35 UTC on November 30 Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp5) threshold reached at 19:18 UTC the storm subsided around 21:00 UTC

The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 5

Aurora Oval
● Current Conditions at 04:26 UTC on December 01

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 597 km/sec
▪︎density: 4.46 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +1.7% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C1 at 01:14 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 12 (SN 25 Nov 30)

Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a M1 event observed at 07:21 UTC on December 01 from Region 13152 (N28W38). The M flare produced a Minor R1 Radio blackout over Indian Ocean

There are currently 4 numbered sunspot regions on the disk: AR3152 and new regions AR3153, AR3154 and

Region 13153 located on the southeast (S17E70) is a group of 2 sunspots with a area of 270HM and beta magnetic field. It has already produced a C3.7 flare and NOAA forecasts 35% chance for C class flares.

BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: A new sunspot (AR3153) is rotating over the sun's southeastern limb, and it is a big one. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is seeing at least two dark cores significantly wider than Earth. So far the sunspot's magnetic field appears to be cleanly separated into + and - polarities--no mixing. This means it poses little threat for explosive solar flares. However, this could change. The sunspot is rapidly growing, doubling in size since yesterday, so its magnetic architecture may soon be quite different.

AR3154 is a small region of 40HM located on the southwest (S38W07), three sunspots compose it and they have a beta magnetic complexity. NOAA forecasts 15% chance for C-class flares

AR3155 located on the northeast (N22E17) is a smaller region of 10HM and a beta magnetic field. NOAA forecasts 10% chance for C class flares


A new sunspot is rotating over the sun's northeastern limb

The total number of sunspots has increased to 49 (9 of these are grouped into 4 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 60% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at unsettled to minor storm levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 685 km/s at 01:59 UTC on December 01 Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp5) threshold reached at 04:55 UTC on December 01, then the storm subsided around 07:00 UTC

The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 5

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 06:00 UTC on December 02

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 594 km/sec
▪︎density: 13.56 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +1.7% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C3.7 at 02:07 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 49 (SN 12 Dec 01)
▪︎Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole.

Historical patterns suggest that the nova shell discharge (the arch discharge down from the sky, called the Cosmic Thunderbolt) will hit over the West Pacific area. Europe and Africa will be hit with the flash.

Last time in history, Asia took the flash and the Americas took the shell discharge.

Found this one through Suspicious Observers as well, very intersting phenomenon of plasma discharge outside. Hope this is the right topic to post this in.

It is called St Elmo's fire.

And to be honest - it is pretty stupid being located on a mountain, when you have this kind of electrical discharge in the air - because the risk for lightning is (usually) imminent !

But the video is really awesome, do doubt ! To see it like that, up close.

Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C8 event observed at 09:20Z UTC on December 02 from new active region 13156 (N25E61).

There are currently 5 numbered sunspot regions on the disk: AR3152, AR3153, AR3154, AR3155 and new region AR3156

AR3156 located in the northeast (N25E61) is a large sunspot with an area of 180HM with alpha magnetic field. It has already produced a C8 flare and NOAA forecasts a 30% chance of C-class flares.

Region 13153 located on the southeast (S17E70) is a group of 2 sunspots with a area of 270HM and beta magnetic field

AR3153 has grown in size and magnetic complexity. This region now has an area of 750HM and its magnetic field is beta-delta. NOAA forecasts a 60% probability of generating C-class flares, 20% for M-class and 5% for X-class.

The total number of sunspots has increased to 66 (16 of these are grouped into 5 active regions) NOAA forecast for the next 24h is 70% chance for C flares, 25% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 639 km/s at 03:41 UTC on December 03

The maximum planetary index Kp in the past 24h was Kp 4

Aurora Oval

● Current Conditions at 05:00 UTC on December 03

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 574.9 km/sec
▪︎density: 9.09 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: +1.9% Elevated
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C1.2 at 02:26 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 66 (SN 49 Dec 02)
▪︎Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole.
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