Sol (Sun) and its phenomena


ALL QUIET. Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C5 event observed at 06:58 UTC on June 12 from Region 3330 (N18W59)

There are currently 7 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3323, AR3326, AR3327, AR3329, AR3330, AR3331, AR3332
AR3321 is gone

Total number of sunspots has decreased to 100 (46 of these are grouped into 7 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares due to decaying active regions

AR3327 (S15W40 size 40MH) has decayed and now has a stable beta magnetic field.

AR3331 (S15E09 size 150MH) has developed a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 487 km/s (Normal speed) at 15:59 UTC June 12 Total IMF reached 8 nT at 15:59 UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: 1.45 nT North
● Current Conditions at 04: 20 UTC on June 13

▪︎ Geospace quiet (kp 2)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 459.3 km/sec (Elevated speed)
▪︎ density: 6.74 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 6.95 nT (Normal Magnetic Field)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1.0 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C5:at 23:27 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 100 (SN 116 June 11)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
Massive Hail Destroys Parts Of North Texas - Sun Diving Comet Boom! - AMO & PDO Are Lost - Aliens
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
Premiered 4 hours ago

Lightning and thunder intensity is on the increase globally, but they call it climate change as a cover.

USA-Ukraine leftist trolls deny the science of Dr. Robert Rohde and the coming ICE-AGE.

Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 09-03-18 Dr. Adam Brailove 🇺🇸🟧🇺🇦 on Twitter.png

Kilauea Volcano Eruption Update: New Footage Released (June 12, 2023)
HAWAIʻI VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK - New video recorded by the USGS Hawaiian Volcano observatory shows the dynamic and vigorous first hours of the new eruption at the summit of Kīlauea volcano.

ALL QUIET. Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C6 event observed at 16:38 UTC on June 13 from Region 3334 (N17E68)

There are currently 6 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3326, AR3327, AR3329, AR3330, AR3331, AR3332
AR3323 is gone
Total number of sunspots has decreased to 98 (38 of these are grouped into 6 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 1% chance for X flares. All regions have stable magnetic fields

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 484 km/s (Elevated speed) at 00:00 UTC June 13 Total IMF reached 7.92 nT at 06:16 UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: 5.58 nT North
● Current Conditions at 04: 50 UTC on June 14

▪︎ Geospace unsettled (kp 3)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 366 km/sec (Normal speed)
▪︎ density: 3.63 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 6.18 nT (Normal Magnetic Field force)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1.4 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C3:at 01:14 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 98 (SN 100 June 13)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ Solar wind flowing from a small coronal hole could reach Earth on June 16th.

ALL QUIET. Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C6.6 event observed at 22:59 UTC on June 14 from Region 3327 (S17W66)

There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3326, AR3327, AR3329, AR3331, AR3333, AR3334, AR3335, AR3336.
AR3332 AR3330 are gone
NEW SUNSPOTS: A pair of new sunspot groups is emerging near the sun's southeastern limb One of them is potentially large and could pose a threat for flares as it turns toward Earth later this week.
AR3335 (S15E61 size 140MH) and AR3336 (S20E64 size 160MH )

Total number of sunspots has increased to 107 (39 of these are grouped into 8 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 424 km/s (Elevated speed) at 11:03 UTC June 14 Total IMF reached 6 nT at 22:37 UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: -2.12 nT South
● Current Conditions at 03: 40 UTC on June 15

▪︎ Geospace quiet (kp 1)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 362.2 km/sec (Normal speed)
▪︎ density: 0.7 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 6.2 nT (Normal Magnetic Field force)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1.0 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C6:at 22:59 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 107 (SN 98 June 14)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ Solar wind flowing from a small coronal hole could reach Earth on June 16th.

Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C9.7 event observed at 12:55 UTC on June 15 from Region 3336 (S21E54)

There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3329, AR3331, AR3333, AR3334, AR3335, AR3336 and new regions AR3337, AR3338.
AR3326, AR3327 are gone
Total number of sunspots has increased to 112 (39 of these are grouped into 8 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 20% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares. So far all regions have stable magnetic fields

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to minor storm levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 506 km/s (Moderately speed) at 22:14 UTC June 15 Total IMF (Bt) reached 19 nT at 20:46 UTC the same day. Strong Solar magnetic field indicating the occurrence of a geomagnetic storm. The higher this value, the better it is for enhanced geomagnetic conditions. Solar physics speak of a moderately strong total interplanetary magnetic field when the Bt exceeds 10nT.

Earth's magnetic field and the IMF (Solar Magnetic field) come into contact at the magnetopause: a place where the magnetosphere meets the solar wind. Earth's magnetic field points north at the magnetopause. If the IMF points south -- a condition scientists call "southward Bz" -- then the IMF can partially cancel Earth's magnetic field at the point of contact.


Aurora Oval Bz -5.08 nT South

CIR SPARKS G2-CLASS GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A co-rotating interaction region (CIR) hit Earth on, June 15th, opening a crack in our planet's magnetic field and sparking a G2-class geomagnetic storm. CIRs are transition zones between slow- and fast-moving solar wind streams. Solar wind plasma piles up in these regions, producing shock-like structures that mimic CMEs.
● Current Conditions at 04: 40 UTC on June 16

▪︎ Moderate G2 geomagnetic storm (kp 6)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 663.8 km/sec (Moderately speed)
▪︎ density: 1.45 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 7.22 nT
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -0.5 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C3 at 02:54 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 112 (SN 107 June 15)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ Solar wind flowing from a small coronal hole could reach Earth on June 16th.

Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. There were three M-class events:

● M1 event observed at 05:30 UTC on June 16 from Region 3337 (N17E59)

● M1 event observed at 10:38 UTC on June 16 from Region 3338 (N11E59)

● M1 event observed at 19:59 UTC on June 16 from Region 3331 (S23W54)

There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3329, AR3331, AR3333, AR3334, AR3335, AR3336, AR3337, AR3338.
Total number of sunspots has increased to 120 (51 of these are grouped into 7 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 20% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.

AR3335 (S15E37 size 380MH) has developed a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to major storm levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 696 km/s (Moderately speed) at 21:56 UTC June 15 Total IMF (Bt) reached 20 nT at 21:12 UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: -0.6 nT South
● Current Conditions at 04: 10 UTC on June 17

▪︎ Geospace quiet (kp 2)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 571.2 km/sec (Moderately speed)
▪︎ density: 1.66 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 4.8 nT
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -0.9 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C2 at 21:53 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 120 (SN 112 June 16)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole

Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C4 event observed at 16:57 UTC on June 17 from Region 3335 (S15E23)

There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3331, AR3333, AR3334, AR3335, AR3336, AR3337, AR3338 and new region AR3339. AR3329 is gone
Total number of sunspots has decreased to 110 (54 of these are grouped into 8 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 90% chance for C flares, 30% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.

AR3335 (S15E22 size 390MH) has developed a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 611.6 km/s (Moderately speed) at 00:43 UTC June 17 Total IMF (Bt) reached 01.58 nT at UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: -0.28 nT South
● Current Conditions at 04: 40 UTC on June 18

▪︎ Geospace unsettled (kp 3)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 456.5 km/sec (Elevated speed)
▪︎ density: 1.58 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 3.77 nT
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1.3 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: M1 at 00:31 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 110 (SN 120 June 17)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
▪︎ Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole
DOUBLE WHAMMY Geomagnetic Storm & Electromagnetic BURSTS with Gemini New Moon on June 18th
Jun 16, 2023 #schumannresonance #spaceweather #energyupdate
Summer solstice is fast approaching and geomagnetic volatility is INCREASING in all the different energetic layers of the Earth, from the magnetosphere to the radiation belts and ionosphere down into the Schumann resonances! Plus a new moon (in the sign of Gemini) happens on June 18th at 04:37 UTC so a lot is happening energetically right now and in this video I break down the past few days of activity, what's happening at present, and what we may have in store for us for the next few days ⚡

The #orages are powerful in the north of the country and very electric: nearly 10,000 lightning strikes in the last 6 hours and gusts of 100 km/h at #Paris very recently. The system is moving northeast at about 60 km/h. Real-time tracking: Powerful gusts of #vent were observed during the passage of #orage in Ile-De-France 123 km/h at the top of the Eiffel Tower 105 km/h at Orly 99 km/h at #Paris Montsouris 82 km/h at Toussus-le-Noble 81 km/h at Villacoublay

GEOSTORM IN EFFECT!! / Earthquake EVENT Underway / Earthquake France / World Weather
Jun 17, 2023 #tornado #willow #lightning
Run Time 16:30
GEOSTORM IN EFFECT!! / Earthquake EVENT Underway / Earthquake France / World Weather Look UP!! Northern Lights tonight!June 16 2023 #geostorm #earthquake #france #weather
DOUBLE WHAMMY Geomagnetic Storm & Electromagnetic BURSTS with Gemini New Moon on June 18th
Jun 16, 2023 #schumannresonance #spaceweather #energyupdate

The #orages are powerful in the north of the country and very electric: nearly 10,000 lightning strikes in the last 6 hours and gusts of 100 km/h at #Paris very recently. The system is moving northeast at about 60 km/h. Real-time tracking: Powerful gusts of #vent were observed during the passage of #orage in Ile-De-France 123 km/h at the top of the Eiffel Tower 105 km/h at Orly 99 km/h at #Paris Montsouris 82 km/h at Toussus-le-Noble 81 km/h at Villacoublay

GEOSTORM IN EFFECT!! / Earthquake EVENT Underway / Earthquake France / World Weather
Jun 17, 2023 #tornado #willow #lightning
Run Time 16:30
My impression may be skewed based on the comments in this thread, but I have the feeling that something is speeding up.🤔

Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a M2 5 event observed at 13:53 UTC on June 17 from Region 3336 (S22E17) it caused a Minor R1 radio blackout over North Atlantic Ocean.
EARTH-DIRECTED SOLAR FLARE: Unstable sunspot AR3335 (described below) exploded today, producing an M2.5-class solar flare (movie) and a minor shortwave radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean (map). The explosion lasted long enough to lift a CME out of the sun's atmosphere. Confirmation awaits fresh images from SOHO coronagraphs, so stay tuned.

There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3333, AR3334, AR3335, AR3336, AR3337, AR3338, AR3339, and new region AR3340
AR3331 is gone

Total number of sunspots has increased to 133 (53 of these are grouped into 8 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 40% chance for M flares and 10% chance for X flares.

AR3335 (S15E09 size 360MH) has developed a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares
UNSTABLE SUNSPOT: What are the odds of looking at the sun and catching a sunspot in mid-flare? Actually, the odds are pretty good when the sunspot is AR3335. The active region has an unstable 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that has it teetering on the edge of an eruption.Yesterday, amateur astronomer Richard Schrantz of Nicholasville, Kentucky, experienced the phenomenon firsthand:​

AR3333 (S11W20 size 200MH) has developed a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 501 km/s (Moderately speed) at 00:01 UTC June 18 Total IMF (Bt) reached 5.94 nT at 17:10 UTC the same day.

Aurora Oval Bz: 2.01 nT North
aurora-map (1).jpg

● Current Conditions at 04: 40 UTC on June 19

▪︎ Geospace unsettled (kp 3)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 384.4 km/sec (Normal speed)
▪︎ density: 1.83 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 4.06 nT
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1 3 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: M1.4 at 03:50 UTC Minor R1 radio blackout over China
▪︎ Sunspot number: 133 (SN 110 June 18)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)

Near-record cold in Northwest may lead to mountain snow.
Updated Jun 18, 2023 5:46 PM PDT
Even with the official start of summer just a few days away, many in the northwestern United States will have to deal with raw and rainy conditions that are more typical of late April than the middle of June.

Temperatures have soared to above historical averages in parts of the Northwest following an abnormally dry May and start to June. However, a robust storm system will help bring in big changes to the weather for this week. In some locations, snowflakes could fly.


"A cold front will continue to drag its way across the Northwest over the coming days. Behind that feature, a core of impressively cold air higher up in the atmosphere will blast its way onshore in the Pacific Northwest to start the workweek," said AccuWeather Meteorologist La Troy Thornton.

Intermittent showers began along the coastal Pacific Northwest on Sunday morning with rain expanding into portions of Idaho and Montana. Generally, rainfall across much of the area on Sunday will not be very heavy in nature. No widespread flooding issues are expected.

Showers will continue along the coast on Monday while rain intensity picks up across western Oregon and portions of eastern Washington.

"Periods of rain and possibly even a rumble or two of thunder are forecast to impact much of the Cascades and portions of the northern Rockies in Idaho and western Montana through early (this) week," Zehr said.

Rain in this area can be heavy at times — especially in the higher elevations where snow is possible —Monday evening through Tuesday evening.


"Snow will fall down to around 4,000 feet in the mountains, and snow may mix with rain in some of the mountain passes," Zehr said.

Although some may consider this early-week rainfall to be a nuisance, it will be welcomed with open arms in portions of Oregon. Any rain that falls in central Oregon will actually be beneficial in nature as much of the area continues to experience severe drought, according to the United States Drought Monitor.

This system will not only usher wet conditions back into the region, but it will also lock in cooler air that will send temperatures to unseasonable levels.

"Temperatures were near historical averages on Saturday but are dropping around 10 degrees lower on Sunday as the storm moves in with some cloudiness," Zehr explained.

On Sunday, high temperatures across the region will top out at 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit below historical averages for mid-June. High temperatures will generally reach the upper 50s to lower 60s west of the Cascades, with highs reaching the upper 60s in the Columbia Basin and mid-50s elsewhere. The higher elevations will be even cooler, with some areas struggling to reach the mid-40s.

For some cities, the mid-June chill will challenge decades-old records.

"The heart of the storm will be over Washington and Oregon on Monday; temperatures will average 10-15 degrees below average," Zehr said.

The mercury in Seattle is expected to reach 59 degrees on Monday, and Portland is forecast to have a high of just 62 degrees. The record lowest high temperature for June 19 is 57 in Seattle and 61 in Portland. In Seattle, the record for the lowest maximum temperature on June 19 was set over 100 years ago in 1916.

[Stormy atmosphere in the Loiret this Sunday] "Apocalyptic" sky with a "beautiful" #arcus observed ahead of the stormy line, Sunday, late afternoon/early evening, on the #Loiret , in Aschères-le-Marché, between #Orléans and #Pithiviers . Photo: J. Coutant. 1/2 #orages #orage
[Stormy atmosphere in the Loiret this Sunday] Other superb photos of the #arcus observed at the front of the stormy line, Sunday, late afternoon / early evening, on the #Loiret , in Aschères- the-Market, between #Orléans and #Pithiviers . Photos: Julien Coutant. #orage #orages 2/2

Screenshot 2023-06-19 at 08-24-36 C Ø D Y 🎥 on Twitter.png

M 2.5 Solare Flare & CME - 400,000 Without Power Southeast - First Woman In Space -Pole Shift Update
Premiered 4 hours ago
Thousands without power as storms roll through 8,000 without power after strong storms move through Wichita Outage Map watch for the Mid South until early Monday morning's behind all the giant hail that has pelted the South? Heat, Severe Storms and Heavy Rain in the Southern U.S. Model US



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Near-record cold in Northwest may lead to mountain snow.

[Stormy atmosphere in the Loiret this Sunday] "Apocalyptic" sky with a "beautiful" #arcus observed ahead of the stormy line, Sunday, late afternoon/early evening, on the #Loiret , in Aschères-le-Marché, between #Orléans and #Pithiviers . Photo: J. Coutant. 1/2 #orages #orage
[Stormy atmosphere in the Loiret this Sunday] Other superb photos of the #arcus observed at the front of the stormy line, Sunday, late afternoon / early evening, on the #Loiret , in Aschères- the-Market, between #Orléans and #Pithiviers . Photos: Julien Coutant. #orage #orages 2/2
I live near Paris and I've seen this arcus coming from south-south-west, it was so large (I have a large view on sky) that I could not see the end at the west nor at the east: It looked infinite. Looking at it coming, it was like a wall and once it was upon us, the wind started to rage and I thought my trees on the terrace were going to be dug up. It was terrific! (I love thunder, rain, wind and storms LOL)

Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a M1.1 event observed at 03:50 UTC on June 19 from Region 3341 (S13E62) it caused a Minor R1 radio blackout over Africa

There are currently 11 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3332, AR3333, AR3335, AR3336, AR3337, AR3338, AR3339, AR3340 and new regions AR3341, AR3342,
AR3343. AR3334 is gone
hmi200 (1).jpg


Total number of sunspots has increased to 181 (71 of these are grouped into 11 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 99% chance for C flares, 40% chance for M flares and 10% chance for X flares.

(S11W33 size 90MH) has a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares. Its size was reduced considerably in the last 24 hours from 200MH to 90MH.

● Auroral Activity

The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to unsettled levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 468 km/s (Elevated speed) at 16:16 UTC June 19 Total IMF (Bt) reached 8 nT at 11:13 UTC the same day.

● Aurora Oval Bz: 0.73 nT North
aurora-map (2).jpg
● Current Conditions at 04: 10 UTC on June 20

▪︎ Geospace unsettled (kp 3)
▪︎ Solar wind speed record: 466.2 km/sec (Elevated speed)
▪︎ density: 8.77 p/cm³ (low density)
▪︎ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Bt: 7.46 nT
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: -1 1 % (Below average)
▪︎ X-ray Solar Flare: C4 at 03:32 UTC
▪︎ Sunspot number: 181 (SN 133 June 19)
▪︎ Spotless Days 2023 total: 0 days (0%)
● Streams of solar wind flowing from these three small coronal holes could reach Earth on June 21-22.

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