Something is in the air!

SlavaOn said:
Hello Dakota.
Thank you for your reply. I know that the answer, that I gave, would not be satisfactory. Even to me. I was thinking about it all evening and I think I found the answer that better explains my motives. I am no longer writing any poetry. For at least 6-7 years I could not create anything that is worth the paper that it is written on. People call it "writer's block". I do not know what I was "breathing" in 2008-2010 to get my chemistry right. The rhyming was free flowing without much conscious effort. I would not know where a next poem going, regrardless of where it started. My life did not change much since then. And I did not know if my poetry was good or bad. So, I believe that by trying to publish all these poems, first, I wanted to solicit your feedback and second to unburden myself and maybe create some room for new poetry... Does it make sense to you?
Yes, it does, from STS perspective and also if I'm teenager.

Couple weeks before you posted one poems each day in separate threads. I couldn't understand why you doing that. Reason why your posts attract my attention was because they doesn't fit in Work, at all, IMO. And I wonder how administrator will resolve that situation and what they did was just great. They put together your poems in one thread and gave you your own space even it's clearly that forum is not for poetry. That's external consideration, at least. You should learn from it, because obviously you don't think about others at all.

Even you totally missed the point with your poems you can build some Work on it, for start you should try to listen what others really think about your acts/poems (in the beggining of this thread you have great examples of feedback) on forum and be honest. And that is something that you're not. Honesty has totally different tone and it's about digging in your self and when you gave some form of honesty from yourself others can feel that. You acting like a child who forsing his parents to buy him a toy.

Another problem with your poetry is that in this way you doing opposite thing that you should do it, at least here on the forum. IMO, Work is about pilling levels of one and not hiding. Do you really expect that someone will take the time to trying to understand what did you wanted to tell with your poems? It's about simplification and not mystification. Also, there's a lot of people on forum that English language is not maternal and they use google to understand at least a bit. Why do you think that your poetry is so important? Even if it is the best poetry in the world it's not productive, constructive and doesn't help anyone (only maybe to your ego that you think that something is going on in your life). That's just your state of mind and that's it.

I don't know if would any of this will be trigger for you, I doubt it, because you show big stubbornness so far. And that attitude never finish in good way.
SlavaOn said:
I was under impression that people that do Work would be able to tell me something about them, that people from poetry forums simply shrug off and concentrate on proper rhyming.

SlavaOn, you are aware of the fact that people on this forum are here to do the Work. I'm guessing you therefore have a bit of an idea of what the Work involves. You also seem to be drawn towards the forum and the people who do the Work.

I therefore have a question: are you yourself interested in joining us in doing the Work?
Thinkingfingers said:
And if you were doing the work then you would not be writing your poetry here, so why are you here?

I believe in the Cs and try to follow in the steps of the Cassiopean Experiment. All my poems were written between 2008-2010 before I knew about it and joined that forum.

Ant22 said:
I therefore have a question: are you yourself interested in joining us in doing the Work?

When I joined the forum 6 years ago I already had read Cataneda, Ouspensky, Gurdjiev,... Forum introduced me to works of Moravief, Knight-Jadczyk, Lobaczewski. Currently, I am reading through Collingwood and Raine. The Work that I do is internal and I understand my limitations well. I am an average guy and do not have much to contribute to the forum's discussions that I read. I feel that replying to you is a part of Work that helps me to understand myself better. Thank you.

Dakota said:
Why do you think that your poetry is so important?

Obviously, my poetry is only important to myself. I apologize if I let you to believe otherwise. I thought that it is creative and original work and wanted to share it with the other visitors to the forum. To make people smile. I made a mistake of judgement. I should not have posted such large quantity here.

Learner said:
Maybe there's also something in your life which acts through your subconscious and which you cannot see yet or don't know how to assess?
In some cases such a blockage can also mean, that just another creative outlet is needed. Have you tried anything else -...?

I can't answer the first question. The poetic streak came and was gone in 2 years. My current creating outlets are gardening, beekeeping, natural cures, traditional/nomadic cooking - using wood stoves, iron cauldrons and old recipes. I am trying to create a sourdough bread that has no gluten.


Thank you to everyone for your notes and observations.

SlavaOn said:
Ant22 said:
I therefore have a question: are you yourself interested in joining us in doing the Work?

When I joined the forum 6 years ago I already had read Cataneda, Ouspensky, Gurdjiev,... Forum introduced me to works of Moravief, Knight-Jadczyk, Lobaczewski. Currently, I am reading through Collingwood and Raine. The Work that I do is internal and I understand my limitations well. I am an average guy and do not have much to contribute to the forum's discussions that I read. I feel that replying to you is a part of Work that helps me to understand myself better. Thank you.

Hey SlavaOn, thanks for taking the time to reply.

What makes you think you don't have much to contribute to the forum if you haven't properly tried? If it turns out that your contribution has flaws they will be pointed out to you and you will be able to adjust your sails based on the feedback received. You have done quite a bit of useful reading already which tells me you are interested in other aspects of the forum, not just the 'Tickle Me' section. You are also going through the assigned reading list too and to me it seems to be the right foundation. Sharing your poetry only is rather selfish IMO.

If you're reading through Collingwood and Raine you're probably aware of the fact that the internal environment and thought patterns of an individual may have quite significant flaws in them. Wouldn't you like to verify if you're on the right track by joining relevant discussions?

And who knows? Maybe your experience will be able to help someone? If not by being new and different then maybe by being described in a way that will resonate with someone who found other people's posts less relatable.

SlavaOn said:
Thinkingfingers said:
And if you were doing the work then you would not be writing your poetry here, so why are you here?

I believe in the Cs and try to follow in the steps of the Cassiopean Experiment. All my poems were written between 2008-2010 before I knew about it and joined that forum.

You say you "believe in the C's". In that case you must realise you don't exactly have time to waste given the direction the world is heading. Why risk getting it all wrong on your own and missing the boat?

Not to mention that once we got to know you better it would be easier for us to offer feedback on your poetry as there would be a 'bigger picture' available to us. My personal take on this is that if a friend I knew relatively well asked me to have a look at their work and share my opinion on it I'd probably do it. But if a stranger asked me for such a favour I'd probably say 'no' because I'm simply a busy person.

So yeah, your choice I guess. :)
SlavaOn said:
The Work that I do is internal and I understand my limitations well. I am an average guy and do not have much to contribute to the forum's discussions that I read. I feel that replying to you is a part of Work that helps me to understand myself better. Thank you.

In thread Data, focus and context I have asked others:

Dakota said:
This is particularly problem to me especially if I give some information about my self in public I always searching for confirmation. Anyone having the same problem and how you deal with it?

I felt ashamed because I even ask something like this. But I think that most of us need confirmation especially if we share something important to us. Expectations, big lesson to learn. Also, lot a people want to do something special, something that will be unforgettable. But, IMO doing something special (especially in this days) is hard work, what Laura (and others in the team) is great example of it. If you are devoted to learning most of the time you forget your strong desire to be in the center of attention. Especially when you realize how things works what is explained in this article:

Dopamin-addiction feedback loop
Daniel J. Levitin, neuroscientist, warns us that "Multitasking creates a dopamine-addiction feedback loop, effectively rewarding the brain for losing focus and for constantly searching for stimulation," adding that this rapid switching from one task to another "tweaks the novelty-seeking, reward-seeking centres of the brain, causing a burst of endogenous opioids (no wonder it feels so good!), all to the detriment of our staying on task. It is the ultimate empty-caloried brain candy. Instead of reaping the big rewards that come from sustained, focused effort, we instead reap empty rewards from completing a thousand little sugar-coated tasks."[iii]

Loop that never ends.

And everyone have valuable information to give. Even the information that someone doesn't find so important like thread about squatting for me was very valuable and helpful information.

When I change my focus, from myself, to others and what is happening in the world I feel relief.

Also, your English is great and that's big obstacle for many of us. You should use that to learn and read even more.

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