SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video translations

Subtitles for February summary are up and the SRT file is here

Alright, below is the translation table and the subtitle table. Have fun :-D!

Alright, below is the translation table and the subtitle table. Have fun :-D!

Will do the french IT.
Working on the Czech IT...
Czech IT is done. It was a dense month!
Rylek will do the PR.

One note: there are rows confused at the end of the table, in the summary and following text...
From the row #127 which is already beginning with the standard closing text
followed by #129 (And last but not least, crops and cattle continued to pay the price for extreme weather this month.)
...these two should be swapped I think.

And the rest of the ending is also messed up with. Can you look at at please? Other than that, thank you for all the hard work, guys! :thup:
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