SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video translations

Hi everyone,
I take care of the Fr PR ;-)


French PR done.

*** Notes for any language ***

1. be careful, Joe made an addition to the summary text at line 101 : " About 25 km above the Barents Sea, in the stratosphere above northern Scandinavia, temperatures...". Take a look to the comments on the SOTT page to understand a bit better but he tought he had to be more accurate about that point. I dared to made the correction in the english version. I hope it's ok for you guys.

2. Just a little thing aout the web adresses : most of it are now written with http"s" ("s" stands for secure / better security encryption). Check in the adress bar if it automatically changes when you go for it. Anyway, even if you write "http" it will redirect you towards the "https" version so it's not really a big deal if you dont correct it.
Subtitles are cooked as well.

Thanks Gawan.


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