SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video translations

One minor thing regarding the Focus: In the template for the subtitles there is this - (line 75) "Tornado kills one, damages 165 houses in Indonesia's West Java province - 30 Dec". But in the Focus article the number of the houses is mentioned as 156.

So I did a search on which number may be the right one and I found this: "Tornado kills one, damages 165 houses in West Java"

Thus I think it should be 165 in the Focus - I've put that number into the IT of the German version already.
Thanks @Maat.

Ready for the oven. I will prepare the focus.


One minor thing regarding the Focus: In the template for the subtitles there is this - (line 75) "Tornado kills one, damages 165 houses in Indonesia's West Java province - 30 Dec". But in the Focus article the number of the houses is mentioned as 156.

So I did a search on which number may be the right one and I found this: "Tornado kills one, damages 165 houses in West Java"

Thus I think it should be 165 in the Focus - I've put that number into the IT of the German version already.

Thank you. Als ankas mentioning can be changed easily and at least for the subtitles, but well it is just one day and some transposed digits. We will survive :-D.

Also the main intro title of the video is still set for November, but is something that cannot be changed as far as I know.
Thank you. Als ankas mentioning can be changed easily and at least for the subtitles, but well it is just one day and some transposed digits. We will survive :-D.

Yes, in the end it comes down to nothing, so this is survivable indeed! :lol:
I would not want to get in the way of someone job but if you need to make up those columns of excel file whit Polish subs I could try to do this. Of course if there is someone that is doing this then lets forget about it :-)
I would not want to get in the way of someone job but if you need to make up those columns of excel file whit Polish subs I could try to do this. Of course if there is someone that is doing this then lets forget about it :-)

If you like you can go ahead and this would be great.

Thank you everyone, Czech version has been proof read and is ready to go out.

Cooked as well.
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