SOTT Radio Network HAS MOVED!

Just listened to the "Controlled Chaos" show Behind the Headlines downloaded from SOTT this morning. Thanks for another great show and the sarcastic humor that had me cracking up several times. Congrats for the successful move from blogtalkradio (great sound quality)!
Data said:
Moonbird said:
Will the new SOTT Radio Network eventually work/load on Internet Explorer?

No. :)

To explain a bit:

Our live radio page ( is exclusively aimed at users of recent versions of the browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome on the platforms Windows, Mac OSX and Linux (that are 87.1% of all users as of Dec 2015 according to W3C statistics). This is because these browsers have successfully implemented the most recent standards as published by the W3C, and our radio setup would simply not be possible without them. For programmers it's like: One cannot do excavator work with a lawn mower. This comparison may seem like a stretch for ordinary users of the web, but web developers will know that it is true. Other browsers will probably not be supported until they catch up to the official modern standards as published by the W3C, and that may take time.

If someone used a recent version of Firefox or Chrome and still had a problem, it may be that you have some security plugin running in your browser. These plugins may interfere in various unpredictable ways that we cannot fix without tripling our code size and time investment (and nerve tear ;)). If in doubt, for you can disable all these security plugins -- Scottie and I work hard to make web applications that do no evil or funny stuff. :halo: :evil:

And for the call-in feature: you need a microphone attached to your computer that is recognized and activated -- but that's no different from using Skype for example. Once you click on the "Speak with the Host" button, your browser should display a box asking for permission to use your microphone, and you have to select the right one from the list.

However, we will make an effort to test the live streaming on mobile devices (we haven't done that yet due to time constraints). We cannot promise anything yet; it may be that our solution for some mobile devices is: use the VLC media player app from your app store (it's free and open source).

In any case: We'll add more user messages and fallbacks to make it clear what works and what doesn't.

For all other cases: All the shows will be downloadable as regular .mp3 and .ogg files from that you can put directly on your mp3 player to listen to when you go for a walk, or commute to work. Today's show is here on Here is the OGG. And here is the MP3. We'll also add these links to the shows listed on that have already ended.

So, next week, we'll have more good stuff! :D

Thank you Data for your explanation.

I was able to load the MP3 file and listen to the show. So for now I will listen that way and work on switching from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome.
I have just listened to the MP3 version from the above link and the clarity was fantastic, so much better than the old Blog when I'm trying to listen above the crackling and dropouts.

Wonderful stuff Scottie and Data and all those involved, I'm sure after all the work involved getting this off the ground, the minor tweaks will be no problem. :perfect: :cheer: :cheer: :bacon: :dance:
Great job Data and Scotie! At last we have out shows in good audio quality. Being a non-native speaker I just couldn't understand people's words on BlogTalk radio. It was like listening a pre WWI recording in a foreign language. Now it's over. Thank you very much guys!!!
Fantastic sound quality, great to actually hear you guys without all the noise, pauses and poor quality. Well done to the tech men. 10 out of of 10 :rockon:
Awesome news! Keep us updated on when the other shows will be able to join you on Scott! The sound quality on blog talk was SO bad, along with all the other glitches, there where times I just gave up on listening! This is fantastic!
Congratulations... :clap:

The sound quality was so good, could hear smoking going on in the background :cool2: ositih

Best of wishes to all you guys
Hi Scottie & Data,

The "Speak to Hosts" function must have required a lot of work. From my experience in simple html coding, it sounds like quite a feat of programming. HTML seems to have come a long way since I played around with it. Thank you for the hard work, the interface is also very cool and modern looking.

I have one minor suggestion for improvement. I use a podcast app on my phone that periodically checks my podcasts' RSS feeds for new shows, and automatically downloads them if they are available. However, for the SoTT feed, all works fine except for the downloading bit. I looked into the RSS code and compared it with other iTunes-compatible podcasts. For each show, one tag seems to be missing, and another seems to have the wrong link associated with it. For the Idiocracy podcast, the following lines may be used:

 <enclosure url="" length="791880" type="audio/mpeg"/>
(the "length=" field is the wrong value)

About the <enclosure../> tag, a guide was found to explain the usage in more detail:

_ said:
The enclosure catagory is unique in that there is not a pair of "<enclosure>" and "</enclosure>" marking a begining and end. You will need to put in three pieces of infomation.

1. "url=" File location, this is the same as that for <guid> directly above except with " " surrounding the location.

2. "length=" in bytes. To get this information on a Mac Ctrl-Click the MP3 file and choose "Get Info". You want to enter the number of bytes with out the commas. In this case it is 10469449. See Below.

3. type="audio/mpeg" - Just enter this as is.

The " " marks are very important. The first two parts you will be changing for each item. The third item will not change.

An example RSS with this code would be this one: _

I find some podcasts' RSS feeds to be excessively complicated, however, the above is one of the simpler ones.

As this is a bit of a personal request, it shouldn't be a priority as I am sure you have many other things to iron out at the moment.

It may be a good idea to register the podcast in the iTunes database to reach more listeners, however I am unsure if the effort spent on this will actually garner us a substantial number of new listeners. I can look into this if you would like me to.

Thanks! :thup:
beetlemaniac said:
Hi Scottie & Data,

The "Speak to Hosts" function must have required a lot of work. From my experience in simple html coding, it sounds like quite a feat of programming. HTML seems to have come a long way since I played around with it. Thank you for the hard work, the interface is also very cool and modern looking.

Thanks for the suggestions! Scottie is currently working on a dedicated iTunes RSS feed for our shows. We're also currently re-encoding and tagging 270+ past shows and uploading them to our own server. Every radio show will also have a Sott article associated with it. It will be done soon. The page will then get the new RSS feed.

And yes, the "Speak to Host" feature was a very large percentage of the work. It is possible thanks to the new WebRTC and WebAudio APIs spearheaded by Mozilla and Google. Total development work: 6 weeks, more than fulltime. :cool2:
All 3 shows are now migrated to our SOTT Radio Network.

So, here's the new iTunes-friendly RSS feed:

And here's SOTT Radio Network on iTunes:

Past shows can be found on the this Topic page:

Update your bookmarks / feeds!!

Also, keep an eye on our Radio and main SOTT sites, because we have more goodies coming...

Scottie said:
Past shows can be found on the this Topic page:

Past shows can now also be found in and downloaded from the Archive on - at the very bottom of the page!
Data said:
Scottie said:
Past shows can be found on the this Topic page:

Past shows can now also be found in and downloaded from the Archive on - at the very bottom of the page!

Wonderful work, you guys!! Thank you! :perfect: :perfect: :perfect:

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