SOTT worthy articles in French

Excellent "statistical" summary of 10m, based on France mortality numbers since 1962 which demonstrates some evidences.
Kind of link to send to any of your relatives (for french speaking people) with one open question like "Where is the pandemy ?" or simply "What's your opinion now when you know this ?"

Hello !

A nice article, by a psychanalyst, explaining how a perverse speech (a psychopath's one !) has transformed the (French) society in just a year : pathocracy in action !
(Isra)Hello !

A video (in English, subtitles in French) from an Israeli citizen, warning about the dramatic Covid-1984 dictatorship by the Israeli gvt, nowadays -- soon in France and Europe ? :
Again in Israel :

A mass killing in Boulder, Colorado : 10 dead people (including a cop).

Biden asked the Senate to ban assault rifles :

Venezuela began to produce broadly and distribute freely an efficient drug against Covid, called Carvativir (or "the miraculous drops of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández)

(Remark : in this Covid-1984 crisis, hope will probably not come from Occident !)
This drug "Carvativir" is based on a well-known molecule, carvacrol or cymophenol :

... which is an extract of the essential oil of different plants, among them : oregano (French : origan), marjoram (French : marjolaine), thyme (French : thym), savory (French : sariette), etc.
This article is a MUST !

I hesitate : in which section would be better to put it ? (Tip : my choice is in bold.)
- Science & technologie
- Santé & bien-être
- Ne paniquez pas ! Rigolez !

I don't know if this is serious, but they managed to make me laugh with their ridiculous ideas ! :lol2:
A friend of mine sent me this article, this should be posted on SOTT fr, indeed, please review it and ... post it :

A (discrete) navy war between Iran and Israel to block Syria's oil supply :
In France, first trial of war robots :

What a surprise ! US DoD proposes to inject microchip in its soldiers blood to monitor SARS-CoV-2...
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