Spinning/Whirling Dervishes

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No No No. Spinning in a pool is not a clue regarding the speed. You can spin very fast in a pool, if the pool was shallow say knee height then you would probably spin faster than on land because you would have no fear of falling down and there would be less friction so spinning like a skater would be easier and Laura mentioned nothing about been submerged (would she use a snorkel) or how far she would be submerged. I agree with you regarding speed been variable depending on the person. But would the speed depend on height, weight, eye colour or would there be other factors that we can't measure that determine the correct speed?

I know it sounds like I'm being pedantic here but these are the questions I find myself asking.
moonwalker said:
and there would be less friction so spinning like a skater would be easier
I don't understand that part, doesn't water add friction? I understand the part about the no fear, but also who has knee-deep pools? :P
I wonder if being left-handed or right-handed has any bearing on which way one should spin? I had the natural urge to spin to the left (counter-clockwise) and I'm left-handed (for most things anyway).
This discussion of spinning has reminded me of a few years ago at a coffee house in Fort Collins, Colorado where I saw some 'spinning chairs' -- or at least that's what I perceived them to be.

There's a large 'new age' presence in Fort Collins, a city of around 119,000 (when I was there) where you can find all kinds of alternative healing, chakra therapy, spirit release, women's drum circles, stores selling supplies for witchcraft and goddess worship, psychic readers, regular "metaphysical fairs" four times a year, an Indigo Children Center, etc. Because of the local 'ambiance' I figured the chairs were probably for spinning as mentioned in Bringers of the Dawn (and the C's), rather than just 'for fun'...but of course I could have been wrong.

Each chair was set high so one's feet would be off the ground, and had a chain on each side and the back (three in all) attached to a single swivel bolt in the ceiling that allowed them to freely spin. The chairs were like oversized bucket seats from a sports car. The the person in the 'spinning chair' needed someone to actually spin it for them.

They also reminded me of the 'airplane seats' from the Coral Castle. I made a 'connection' in my mind at that time between the Coral Castle and spinning.

I did some web searching but couldn't find any chairs like the ones I saw at that coffee house. The closest thing I could find were hanging hammock style chairs connected to a swivel bolt to allow them to spin. Here's are some examples of the Island Chair, which can be hung from a frame, a beam or a tree. Its also supposed to be very good for back pain.


It looks similar to what was found in Coral Castle. I can't find the proper address in Cassiopaea website. But if I correctly remember, a harness/chair tied to a long chain/rope was mentioned.
moonwalker said:
Bringers Of The Dawn wrote:

Another activity we recommend for those of you who wish to move into a vast acceleration of energy is spinning. Move from left to right, spinning around and focusing your vision on your thumb, counting and spinning. We recommend that you spin thirty-three times at least once a day. You may build up to the thirty-three spins very slowly. If you are able to work up to thirty-three spins, three times a day, so that you are spinning ninety-nine times, well, we will see how long you stay on the planet-or at least in this dimension. When you complete spinning, however many times you spin, bring your palms together at chest level. Press them together, keeping your eyes open, and balance yourself with your feet a shoulder's width apart so that you feel anchored and still feel the spinning at the same time. This tremendously accelerates the spinning of the chakra systems inside your body, which tremendously accelerates the rate at which you can interpret and receive data.
That's odd. Way back in 2000, a few months after I'd come across "The Wave" on Laura's site, I did a 'psychic development course'. Part of what we did was to 'detect' chakras by holding a crystal pendant (on a chain/string, as still as you can) over each chakra site and watch as it would slowly start spinning. Some of them were a little slow to start - we were told that the chakras might have been a bit low on energy for these ones.

The thing I never really understood was why, on one person, the crystal would rotate one way, and on another it would rotate in the opposite direction.... kind of like water going down the plughole - the difference between Northern and Southern Hemisphere (don't ask me which is which - I just know that it's different).

As you stopped the pendant on one chakra and moved it down to the next one, you'd find the spinning would go in the opposite direction. For example, if the crown chakra spun the pendant clockwise, the third eye would spin the pendant anti-clockwise, and so forth, down the body. Try it and see. Could never work out why it was like that, maybe the chakra coming out of the back of the body was going in the opposite direction?

Unfortunately, I can't ask the lady who took the class as she's now in 5th density, but let me tell you it was all a very strange experience, even when she did a group 'karma' meditation to find out what the groups connection was to each other.
moonwalker said:
...spinning is a motion of centripetal acceleration. The outer parts undergo more centripetal acceleration than those near the center of rotation, and at the center there is no centripetal acceleration. So you have two opposite forces tugging you on both sides of the center of rotation.
Some comments about centripetal motion from Callum Coats' "Living Energies"

Spiral-vortical motion can be divided into two forms. Radial-axial (outside-inwards) and axial-radial (inside-outwards).

Axial-radial movement is disintegrating, decelerating, dissipating, destructive, divergent, loosening, friction inducing. Diffused power is noise. "However if the rotational velocity of such a centrifugal system is to be maintained at a constant level, then a continual, wasteful and expensive increase in the amount of input energy is required to overcome the resistance, and the whole system becomes less and less efficient. Not only this, but it creates discordant noise and the more noise a device makes, the more it operates against the laws of Nature" Is it how STS operates?

The centripetal radial-axial movement i.e. SPINNING is consolidating, accelerating, integrating, contracting, convergent, formative, friction reducing. Concentrated power is silence. "If the staring radius is 1 and the initial resistance is 1 on an inwinding path, when the radius is halved, the resistance is (1/2)squared = 1/4 and te rotational periodicity, frequency or velocity is doubled. The dynamics of evolution must therefore follow this centripetal, radial-axial path, for if the opposite were the case, all would have come to a stop almost before it started.
John Chang said:
Lucy said:
From what I've read, the "inside" chakras are all aligned on an axis. If the spinning is at an angle to that axis, it would probably be less effective than doing it upright.
Yeah, I was thinking that the geometric position of the body would make a difference. I'm wondering though, for someone who can't spin while standing up due to physical handicap, back or hip weakness or pain, vertigo, other types of balance problems, or for whatever reason, would using a spinning seat of some sort be worthwhile? How about if one came up with a seat that allowed the spinner to sit up straight, to keep the upper body straight (which the spinning chairs I saw at that coffee house did)? After all, that would mean the area of the body where the chakras are located could be aligned on an axis, no? Or would it be necessary for the entire body to be aligned?
Rauno said:
moonwalker said:
...spinning is a motion of centripetal acceleration. The outer parts undergo more centripetal acceleration than those near the center of rotation, and at the center there is no centripetal acceleration. So you have two opposite forces tugging you on both sides of the center of rotation.
Some comments about centripetal motion from Callum Coats' "Living Energies"

Spiral-vortical motion can be divided into two forms. Radial-axial (outside-inwards) and axial-radial (inside-outwards).

Axial-radial movement is disintegrating, decelerating, dissipating, destructive, divergent, loosening, friction inducing. Diffused power is noise. "However if the rotational velocity of such a centrifugal system is to be maintained at a constant level, then a continual, wasteful and expensive increase in the amount of input energy is required to overcome the resistance, and the whole system becomes less and less efficient. Not only this, but it creates discordant noise and the more noise a device makes, the more it operates against the laws of Nature" Is it how STS operates?

The centripetal radial-axial movement i.e. SPINNING is consolidating, accelerating, integrating, contracting, convergent, formative, friction reducing. Concentrated power is silence. "If the staring radius is 1 and the initial resistance is 1 on an inwinding path, when the radius is halved, the resistance is (1/2)squared = 1/4 and te rotational periodicity, frequency or velocity is doubled. The dynamics of evolution must therefore follow this centripetal, radial-axial path, for if the opposite were the case, all would have come to a stop almost before it started.
Okay, what does "[...] Radial-axial (outside-inwards) and axial-radial (inside-outwards)" mean? Is this about whether a person spins to the right or left? Sorry if I sound ignorant, but in truth, I am. :)
Lucy said:
Okay, what does "[...] Radial-axial (outside-inwards) and axial-radial (inside-outwards)" mean? Is this about whether a person spins to the right or left? Sorry if I sound ignorant, but in truth, I am.
I am not able to give you scientific answer regarding clockwise anti-clockwise spinning and possible different forces in action. Maybe you should try to spin both ways and feel - if there is any difference besides initial uncomfortability from non-habitual movement.
It most organize polarities inside. Like when you stop spinning, it all should be pointing at the same direction and this most, on its turn, "charge" the magnetic center to some level. Like a Generator, with a magnetic core girating.
I think this has some conection with the capacity of the lower emotional center to contain the negative emotions, as quoted/commented/suggested on the post #21, on tis thread:


But this is all just speculation. Or not too much, because I can report a disolution of angerness or depression while and after spinning.

Would anyone care to spin when under the influence of some any negative emotion, and report?
Lucy said:
How about if one came up with a seat that allowed the spinner to sit up straight, to keep the upper body straight
Just like the airplane seat in the Coral Castle!
Lucy said:
Okay, what does "[...] Radial-axial (outside-inwards) and axial-radial (inside-outwards)" mean? Is this about whether a person spins to the right or left?
I think it may have to do with "take stuff in" v. "throwing stuff out". I.e when attempting to gain knowledge one has to take stuff in. When one wants to control one throws stuff (manipulations) out. In meditation you want to "empty your mind" so the universe can come in or so you can hear your inner voice (let the inner voice in). If you self-observe you attempt to stop putting thoughts out. As a martial artist you want to be calm, empty your mind, so you are able to sense the aggression of your attacker, you want to be able to let this notion in, to sense it ... and so one.
Listening rather than telling.

But this is just a spontaneous association I had and therefore it could be wrong.

Art said:
I can report a disolution of angerness or depression while and after spinning.
This is my focus as well at the present. And I will report in due course. However I did step up the self-observation process also, so it will be difficult to assess which successful (if it is successful!!) depression countering efort will be contribute to what.
There is some information about spinning in "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder.

"When I was in India, it amazed me to see the Maulawiyah, or as they are commonly known, the whirling dervishes, almost unceasingly spin around and around in a religious frenzy...the whirling dervishes always spun in one direction, from left to right, clockwise...When I spoke to one of the lamas about this, he informed me that this whirling movement of the dervishes did have a very beneficial effect, but also a devastating one. He explained that their excessive spinning overstimulates some of the vortexes, so that they are finally exhausted. This has the effect of first accelerating the flow of vital life energy, and then blocking it. This building-up and tearing-down action causes the dervishes to experience a kind of psychic rush which they mistake for something spiritual and religious...the lamas do not carry the whirling to excess. While the whirling dervishes may spin around hundreds of times, the lamas do it only about a dozen times or so, just enough to stimulate the vortexes into action"
Rauno said:
There is some information about spinning in "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder.

"When I was in India, it amazed me to see the Maulawiyah, or as they are commonly known, the whirling dervishes, almost unceasingly spin around and around in a religious frenzy...the whirling dervishes always spun in one direction, from left to right, clockwise...When I spoke to one of the lamas about this, he informed me that this whirling movement of the dervishes did have a very beneficial effect, but also a devastating one. He explained that their excessive spinning overstimulates some of the vortexes, so that they are finally exhausted. This has the effect of first accelerating the flow of vital life energy, and then blocking it. This building-up and tearing-down action causes the dervishes to experience a kind of psychic rush which they mistake for something spiritual and religious...the lamas do not carry the whirling to excess. While the whirling dervishes may spin around hundreds of times, the lamas do it only about a dozen times or so, just enough to stimulate the vortexes into action"
Hence 33 times (99 times / day respectively) sounds right and further corroborates the C's/ Bringers Of The Dawn's statement.
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