Spirit board - Ouija Video

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@agni, OzRich

I am not an "expert", but I would say that dogs, cats and neighbors are, under normal circumstances. not important. Parrots? I don't know. I don't like parrots. I would be suspicious :)
A question ocurred to me: What about 'contacting' somebody who is alive ? It has been around for a long time, just buried under heaps of other memories, until some days ago.

I explain: when I grew up, "calling the spirits" was a recurring conversation theme in some circles. I heard this mentioned several times as something outstandingly evil to do, as the 'target' could be 'turned mad'. From memory, I thought that the idea to 'contact' somebody still alive was rather silly (even more silly than the idea of 'calling the spirits'), my reasoning being back then, why not just go and talk with them.
Hey people i`ve got a question. I remebered another type of channeling that was suggested in the trainscripts that i am not sure it was asked about here(didn`t see it in the question list i think). What is it, how is it different to the regular one? Here it is:

(L) Doing the direct
channeling is so excruciatingly boring.
A: We only suggested it for complex issues.
Please re-read what I wrote about Frank. The session you quoted that from was a "direct channeling" session. The sensations that were experienced by all present during those sessions were decidedly unpleasant. On the few occasions we tried "direct channeling" with Frank, the "presence" was arrogant, condescending and repellent. There was also an evasive, "I can't be wrong even if you have caught me being wrong" which indicated to all of us that whoever Frank was "in the future", we didn't want to communicate with him/it. Fact is, several of the early participants often limited their participation because of their feeling that Frank was a corrupting element. Just re-read that whole session to get the "flavor" of it. Of course, you could not hear the tones of the voice, but you can still get a lot from the words.
ok, but what if you used someone like Ark or someone else who would be suitable and not corrupt or is it just in this direct type of channeling - is it just easier to be influenced by STS? I found some audio files of the mirror session so i heared some shouting. On that note what are the differences and similarities between "direct channeling" and mirror sessions.
new_to_chess said:
ok, but what if you used someone like Ark or someone else who would be suitable and not corrupt or is it just in this direct type of channeling - is it just easier to be influenced by STS? I found some audio files of the mirror session so i heared some shouting. On that note what are the differences and similarities between "direct channeling" and mirror sessions.
If you were to read the Wave and Adventures series, and the text that introduces and explains the "Mirror Session" you would have the context and the question would be answered.
Third_Density_Resident said:
Adam said:
Does it matter in which language you speak when attending the ouija board?
Of course it matters -- the C's only speak in English, didn't you know that? If you want to speak in Dutch (I'm obviously assuming here), you'll need to find some Dutch entities to talk with! :)

Just kidding of course! How could language possibly be a barrier? The only way I can see a problem with this is if the people at a session don't all understand one another. Otherwise, it shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps if you get in touch with a lower-density entity who only spoke a certain language while on Earth, then maybe that could present issues, though from what I've read, I doubt that.
well I wonder if lower density people will even try to contact people who don't speak their language, if I was a dead dude wandering around and only speaking dutch, I don't think I would go contact someone who is Russian.
If I understand correctly, the transition to 4th density is made possible by the creation of the conduit. The C's said that your group has been doing just that - creating a conduit. They have also said that there are various other groups around the world who are doing the same thing, by communicating with their soul groups in the future.

I imagine that creating the largest number of conduits possible before the arrival of the wave is important to maximize the number of people that will make the transition? It also was implied that the number of people who would pass through a given conduit depended on the number of people in the actual group.

My questions are:

Is it necessary to participate in the actual channeling to create a conduit, or is this possible simply due to acquiring the knowledge?

If the channeling is necessary to create the conduit, can individuals who have not participated in the actual channeling still become 4th density candidates, by acquiring knowledge through study, and be able to pass through a conduit anyway - "piggy-back", as you say? If so, how?

If the channeling is not absolutely necessary to make the transition to 4th, I am not sure I want to engage in it simply because it would be "cool". My wife may not be too keen on a Ouija board appearing in the house, either.

On the other hand, if it is an integral part of becoming a 4th density candidate, or if it significantly accelerates ones development in a necessary way, I would consider it. But most importantly, if creating as many conduits as possible is the key to helping the most people make the transition, that seems like THE reason to consider it.

Like the scarecrow, the tin-man and the lion, maybe this STO challenge demands knowledge, love and and a lot of courage.
I wonder if a Reiki attunement could be of help when using a ouija board.
I got this idea because I feel the same tingling in my hands when I try dowsing as with Reiki treatments.
broken.english said:
I wonder if a Reiki attunement could be of help when using a ouija board.
I got this idea because I feel the same tingling in my hands when I try dowsing as with Reiki treatments.
It may be a good idea...

I remember reading in The Wave series somewhere that Laura asked the Cass. if they could give her a
new Reiki Symbol that she could use for better communication with them.

I think she put the symbol under the Ouija Board or wrote the symbol in the air, over it.
ninas said:
I remember reading in The Wave series somewhere that Laura asked the Cass. if they could give her a
new Reiki Symbol that she could use for better communication with them.
I don't have the transcripts with me at the moment but I don't remember the purpose of the symbol to be for better communications with the C's. I'll double check later when I'm home though.
mocachapeau said:
If the channeling is not absolutely necessary to make the transition to 4th, I am not sure I want to engage in it simply because it would be "cool". My wife may not be too keen on a Ouija board appearing in the house, either.

On the other hand, if it is an integral part of becoming a 4th density candidate, or if it significantly accelerates ones development in a necessary way, I would consider it. But most importantly, if creating as many conduits as possible is the key to helping the most people make the transition, that seems like THE reason to consider it.
It is only my opinion, but i do not think that using the board is a mandatory "must do" for becoming a 4th density candidate. I guess what matters most is our level of being and our awareness. Are we really aware that our five senses can only grasp a fraction of what Is? Are we really aware of the reality of metaphysical attack? Are we really aware of the existance of etheric beings, thoughtforms, archetypes etc.? As long as someone is trully aware of all these, then he has the being and the knowledge to protect himself from their unseen influence and also he has a more accurate decription of reality and thus this someone can practice his free will in a greater extend.

I have experienced, as most people, the bizarre duality of having at least two different renditions of reality in my head. One was the common view of reality, full of "blind spots" and contradictions. And the other was an emerging extended reality where there is a place and a meaning for everything, the one that we study in this forum. In the past, I have spend great amounts of energy trying to balance myself in the edge of the fence. The edge of the fence is where we hesitate to make true choices and actively practice our free will. And as long as we do not anchor our reality with true choices, even if they are proven wrong in the way, not only we delay our life lessons and our spiritual development which might be the very reason we are alive this moment, but we become more easily subjects of hyper-dimensional manipulation. So, to conclude my thought, i believe that for most people using the board can become at least a much needed catalyst in their personal evolution by simply "pushing them off the fence" so to say, and for some others it will also become a tool of expanding of awareness and knowledge. Using the board can only be a matter of choice, and respecting and cherishing each individual's right to choose is one good place to start when trying to become an STO candidate. :) Thank you for reading.

I think this thread already contains all the questions I can think to ask.
I already see that I have a lot to learn to prepare for this kind of work, so I would just love to have the video in my possession so that I can see live demonstrations of the process by the actual people who have mastered the activity.
Having the questions answered and explanations given during the demonstration will be a wonderful addition and would add extra value for the audience!
I feel kinda like someone who's been following their favorite celebrity (celebrities) for many years and then finally got a chance to meet them (or at least interact with them). I'm looking forward to it!
Sorry... but I'm excited and that's just how I feel right now!
I've finally been able to do some reading on the subject and found a book by Jon Klimo - 'Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information From Paranormal Sources' that I think is worthwhile reading:


I'm only a part way through but has opened my eyes to the extent of channeled material that is out there.

It seems many people do not choose(consciously) to channel their higher selves but are rather thrust into contact.
This is what he says about Jane Roberts.

On an early September day in 1963, in her apartment in Elmira, New York, thirty-four-year-old aspiring poet and novelist Jane Roberts first encountered channeling. It was to remain at the center of her life until her death in 1984. As she recalls, it was "as if someone had slipped me an LSD cube on the sly." Having had no more than a couple of fleeting psychic experiences before then, she was overwhelmed by the new phenomenon: "A fantastic avalanche of radical, new ideas burst into my head with tremendous force, as if my skull where some sort of receiving station, turned up to unbearable volume."
She found herself face-to-face with an adjacent level of reality more real than the one she had known:"It was as if the physical world were really tissue-paper thin, hiding infinite dimensions of reality, and I was suddenly flung through the tissue paper with a huge ripping sound. My body sat at the table, my hands furiously scribbling down the words and ideas that flashed through my head." Her ideas about the nature of reality were turned upside down, as more than one hundred pages of a manuscript titled The Physical Universe as Idea Construction poured forth onto paper:

There are countless examples of similiar situations. This intrigued me as it appears some are a 'kind of offshoot of a higher group'(for lack of better English) and regardless of what they consciously choose to do end up meeting their 'higher selves'.

It also seems(as would be expected I guess) that the limitations we bring to the channeled experience determine what one gets out of it:
Ken Carey writes of the channeling experience
The messages came first in non-verbal form, on waves or pulsations, that carried the concise symbolic content of what I term "meta-conceptual information". Automatically, it would seem, the nearest approximating words or phrases from the English language would be assigned to ride, as it were, the fluctuations of the non-verbal communications. Often it was the case that the only human conceptual system with approximating terminology was religious. Hence the occasional use of "Christian" words or phrases...

Other channelers speak of receiving 'impressions' and having the task of translating what was intended into written language.

When asked "What are the limits of your knowledge?" Lazaris answers:
We may not have in your language the same vocabulary words, because we may run into certain vibratory frequencies that have not aligned with in your reality... Therefore we would suggest here that the beginning and end of knowledge is available to us. The limits of our knowledge is really the limits of what a person would deal with. And therefore the question is not so much, "What is the limit of our knowledge," as it is "What's the limit of your knowledge?", and that will define ours.

Jon Klimo also recommends With the Tongues of Men and Angels by Arthur Hastings as one of the best books regarding the phenomenon of channeling, although I haven't read this one myself.


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