Spirit board - Ouija Video

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Laura said:
2) Having said that, one of the issues in my thinking is that, yes, the time may come - sooner than we think - when the planetary infrastructure is broken and you are all on your own. You need training, you need to be ready, you need to be able to transduce the energies of creation and truth on your own. You need to be able to "see the unseen," and I do NOT mean seeing auras, either! I won't be here always.
I hate to think of this happening, but that is reality. I look forward to the video and will be passing it on.

For paranoia's sake, if I don't get the chance, thank you Laura, Ark & family, Sott team, Forum members, Casschat, QFS & QFG and anyone else I missed. You've set me free, or at least I am still seeking the path. I will be passing that on too!
Can you start out doing this with anyone (minus the psychopaths)? Or should you look for specific types of people as candidates?
Apart from the very important questions that have already been mentioned before, i would like to ask a minor one.
I reed in a few posts before that at a certain time the C's asked to chance the board (from that it seems that the actual board that is used has some importance), so i was wondering if it is ok, or even preferable, to make your own ouija board (build it and draw it)?
Laura said:
That's a long, drawn out process. It won't happen in a week-end, probably not even in a year of regular sitting. In the meantime, one will learn a lot about the self, run through many thought loops, deal with all kinds of detached and attached entities, etc. It is a purification process. You must assume that, for a long time, the ONLY thing you will get is nonsense, lies, gibberish, cling-ons, parasites, etc.
Can you estimate how long this process took you? The purifcation from nonsense to good information?

I know that each person is an individual, and you happen to be pretty single minded about going after the truth. So, that would probably give you an 'edge', so to speak, when trying something like this.

I look forward to finding out more about it.
Question to Laura : from your experience, the process of learning takes a lot of time -- a lot of time to achieve purification and then be able to access more reliable sources than just dead dudes or attachements or whatever -- given we don't have that much time left, do you think it is possible to do it ? I mean it took you years (?), I know you opened the path and thus making it much easier for those who'd follow but still, how long would it take (granted that depending on the person, it will take more or less, but generally speaking) ? You say that the time may come - sooner than we think - than all other communications means are broken and we are on our own. Can we learn from now and be able to do it in a matter of months ? It seems unrealistic. Sorry to sound alarmist.
Awesome!! Can't wait to see it!

If one for example would want to buy one , which one do you recommend or do you recommend creating one yourself? Or does it not really matter?

The reason i'm asking is because of this,
Q: It's been a long time. Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Lopsiatza.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: As you know we have...
A: This is not a good board.
Q: I know. Should we work with the plain Ouija board? Would you
prefer that?
A: Up to you.
Well ive just ordered the circular type board . Have held off buying one for a long time due to the advice Laura has given in the past and also because I think every question that could have been asked has been asked of the "C"s.

If it is possible to be utilised as a self development tool though . one should take the opportunity to do just that and i´m sure Laura will advise us on how best to approach the subject. I would trust no other.

Very interesting development.
Neil said:
Namaste said:
And will it be possible to tell us where we can find the ouija board that we can see in the article by Thomas French.
Oh and by the way

This one looks very similar.
Thanks a lot Neil. It does look quite similar.

You were quite fast to find it. ;)
I am really looking forward to the video! Knowledge protects -- why not in the subject area of Spirit Boards?

Now to my bunch of questions:

Laura said:
NEVER do it alone! NEVER.
1) What are the reasons/dangers behind this?

2) What are the other do's and dont's?

3) Which difficulties/blockages can arise in the course of the process, and how can they be dealt with?

4) What constitutes a 'good' board? Can it be self-made (e.g. printed out)?

5) It is explained in the Adventure Series that there are no word breaks transmitted in this particular type of channeling; punctuation and sentence delimiters are handled by the C's themselves. Wouldn't it be easier to replace one of the words on the board (like 'Hello', 'Goodbye', 'Listen', etc.) with one that represents a word break? Which customizations did you make on your board? Does each source have different spelling preferences or is the endless stream of letters an inherent feature of Spirit Boards?

6) To which extent does the work with the board depend on the environment (location, sitting position relative to the board, other people around, time of the day, orientation of the board, etc.) Is it true that nearby placed minerals (quartz crystals, etc.) enhance the process?

7) Is it important to formulate a specific intent/overall goal for this work and keep it in mind while working? Or is it better to just be open for everything?
Question :

- How to select people with whom perform the experiment of self-observation by transdimmensionnal communication (with hopefully sto version) of self (apart avoiding psychopaths and pretty tyrans) ? (maybe volume 2 of the video since the main subject is about how to use the board safely and for the work not for fun, and how to train to do it so).
I'm looking forward to this video. Since all my questions have been asked by others, a proposal: Why not make a "Cassiopea Ouija Board" as a companion to the video and offer it for sale on RedpillPress ? Same for the video: just like linux distros, some people prefer to get them on DVD and will pay for them.
name said:
I'm looking forward to this video. Since all my questions have been asked by others, a proposal: Why not make a "Cassiopea Ouija Board" as a companion to the video and offer it for sale on RedpillPress ? Same for the video: just like linux distros, some people prefer to get them on DVD and will pay for them.
Excellent idea. In fact, we will be discussing the project itself with the Cs and will video that session itself. I don't really like most of the boards that are commercially available and ours is, of course, modified. So yeah, it would make a lot of sense to create our own design that is specific to the work at hand. We'll look around for an inexpensive way to get them made up, too!
MKRNHR said:
Question :
- How to select people with whom perform the experiment of self-observation by transdimmensionnal communication (with hopefully sto version).
I need to make a comment about it:

We do not really know what is the real mechanism of this "communication". It is a working hypothesis that it may have to do with "extra dimensions". This working hypothesis is based on the studies of similar phenomena that are being described in the scientific literature concerning telepathy, remote viewing etc.

Alexander Levichev, a mathematician at Boston University (also a member of CAIROS), has a slightly different theory. His theory is based on the controversial works of the Russian astrophysicist Nicolay Alexandrovich Kozyrev (1908-1983) and on the mathematical framework developed by the distinguished American mathematician Irving Segal (1918-1998).It leads to a 6-dimensional universe, similar to that advocated nowadays by Roger Penrose. In a paper with K. Korotkov "The 3-fold Way and Consciousness Studies", at the end, we can find what follows:

IV. Emergence of New Science and the GDV Bioelectrography
IV.1. The three worlds have been known to humanity since ancient times.
This section contains a few extracts from texts dedicated to esoteric teachings. They seem to support our current interpretation of the spacetimes D, L, F.

[Ter, p.337], see below, describes three planes: the material, anima-energetic, and spiritual. [Kib, p.39] talks of the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. [Br, p.47] uses adjective Astral rather than the above Mental. Agni Yoga speaks of Dense, Subtle, and Fiery planes (worlds). It seems natural to refer them to D-, L-, and F­parallelizations ([Le-03]). Here “L” is for “light” (non-heavy). Some of the sources, however, use seven planes. This includes [Bes], see her p.52. In this regard, a much more comprehensive comparison of esoteric sources has to be done, as well as a deeper research has to be performed on DLF-issues.

It is of interest to be aware about an esoteric description of the physical (or dense) plane. From [Bes, pp.55-56]: “...the physical plane (is) that on which our world exists and to which our bodies belong. ...We thus obtain as three subdivisions, or conditions, of matter on the physical plane, solid, liquid, gas. Searching further, we find a fourth condition, ether, and minuter search reveals that this ether exists in four conditions... the last of which consists of the ultimate physical atom, the desintegration of the atom taking the matter out of the physical plane altogether, and into the next plane above.”

IV.2. Is Direct Vision an example of an L-phenomenon?

In this paragraph (part of) the content of [KB-04] is reproduced. To try to explain the results, we then suggest a (preliminary) theoretical model which is based on the DLF-approach.

Russian psychologist Dr. Vjacheslav Bronnikov developed a technique of mental training for teaching people to perceive information without the need of the vision analyzer. The original intention of this mental training technique was to address personal problems in children to improve self-discipline, concentration of attention, and fostering of imagination. As this method evolved, the discovery has been made that children could perceive information without using a vision analysis. When repeatable results of information perception without using vision were obtained and implications made, the technique evolved to train children to use this capability - leading to the developed phenomenon known as direct vision (DV).

Over a five year time span more than 100 psychically healthy children between the ages of 9-16 from six centers in Russia and the Ukraine were trained in Dr. Bronnikov's technique of DV. This group was comprised of mostly children with normal vision; a group of children with weak vision of varying severity, and 6 children who were actually blind with a known physiological defect in their vision. It was observed that no health disorders were uncovered during the period of mental training on the direct vision technique. In most cases after 3-4 months of training, children mastered the capability of direct vision and could arbitrarily pass in this
state and maintain it for an indefinitely long time according to the tasks set. While in this state, the children were able to perceive information contained on computer screens, printed text and were able to orient in space. All was achieved without using vision. It was observed that adult training is feasible, but the process is more complicated, more time consuming and less overall effective.

Additional findings became evident from further research of direct vision by both the authors of [KB-04] and others. Some of the more salient features are noted below:

1.Tested children, when offered text to read but positioned upside down, could nonetheless perform this task and by their description, they were mentally capable of reversing the analyzed images.

2.Three children studied were unable to either recognize presented objects or read text in the dark room experiment.

0.The majority of the studied children could not recognize the information presented if the source was closed with a non-transparent screen.

In this analysis, the registered characteristics while perceiving information in the direct vision state support the hypothesis that the study participants perceived a signal in the optical spectrum range of frequencies.

1.Experimental sessions with the same tested children performed in the State Institute of Human Brain under the guidance of Prof. Natalia P. Bechtereva (see [Be- 02]) confirmed the reproducibility of the studied phenomena.

3.Additional tests performed in 2004 demonstrated that abilities acquired by the participants during half-year training in 2001 have been kept and developed to the everyday habit.

2.The research has shown that after special training, some tested individuals mastered a capability to perceive information placed behind a non-transparent screen.

To provide a (preliminary) theoretical model and to design key features of future experiments let us now try to apply the DLF-picture (which has been described in previous paragraphs). Namely, let us assume that beside the conventional physical body (which might be called the D-body), a human being possesses an L-body, which goes outside of the D-body. When “in the L-body”, a person performs accordingly to L-laws.

The detailed theoretical research has yet to be performed but we anticipate that (from the mathematical viewpoint) these L-laws be very similar to D-laws. The respective transition from the Minkowski space-time M to the world D has been thoroughly investigated by I. Segal (with co-authors).

The extent to which the L-body goes outside of the D-body can be figured out by experimenting with lightproof bandages (of different thickness), which are to be put over the volunteers’ eyes.

As regards the (above mentioned) abilities to perceive information placed behind a non-transparent screen, an additional assumption of existence of several L-bodies can be made. Let us remind that the respective geometrical model is mathematically self-consistent, it has been first discovered more than 20 years ago (without any connection to the just presented results of medical research), and that this model is a possible way to develop both Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics as we attempted to show it in the paragraphs above and elsewhere. Again, the extent to which the (“second”) L-body goes outside of the D-body can be figured out by experimenting with placements of those screens.
Ok, I understand it as a working hypothesis that must be subject of observation and experimentation. I had a thought about divers experiences one or the other has with this... lets say invisible stuff (I'am not talking exclusively about communication but "psy" phenomena in general). It usually happens, and we (inexperimented people) respond passively. We are usually passive victims because of ignorance and lacke of experimental knwoledge. Spirit-board training may change something in a sense that we learn to be less passive to these pheonomena. Sorry to ask stupid questions from the beginning of this topic but it cames from the heart. Training to detect lies in the invisible realm may also help to detect lies in all the realms. Just vagabond thoughts though.
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