Spirit board - Ouija Video

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Laura said:
Now, can someone go through this thread, extract all the questions in their shortest form, and post it here so I can copy it into a doc for use? I will very much appreciate it.
If a OP wants to learn the spirit board technique, what kind of result and answer would he get ?
Since he doesn't have a higher individual self, what kind of contact or entity would respond to him ?
And also, do you think an OP can have spirit attachments ?

can anyone do it, or at least can anyone start learning it?

Can one do spirit releasement on self ?

What would be a result of someone with spirit attachment using the board ?

Why did you change your mind? was this suggested by the C’s?

How someone can be sure to have established a good contact?

Can make sure that we have made contact with ourselves and that is not someone else who is responding to us?

Regarding the board, well I'd like to know how to deal with any not so friendly entities or how to prevent them from making contact.?

Is there an optimum number of participants?

Should anyone try using a board alone?

What are the dangers of using a ouija board and what must the users know or do to protect themselves?

How important is good psychological health?

the more assumptions, subjectivity, sacred cows, dissociation etc, the less possibility of STO contact?

Considering how long it took you, how much effort and time would someone need to achieve an STO contact?

What to do if you get a love and light source?

Let's say you make contact with a satellite or some 4d STS, or just a dead dude, is there anything that can be done that might make an STO contact much more probable?

If is safe to try or participate to a transdimensionnal communication if one has been in the past subject to psychic attacks?

Is there any method to know if one has any personnal ability to be a channel?

How to stop communication if a malveillante entity comes?

If somebody (the transdimentionnal entity) tells he/she/it is STO oriented, who to check that it is true?

How to check if it is not an entity stoling energy in a vampiric manner rather then the result of an effort?

..Can I ever witness one of these channeling sessions?

Can you start out doing this with anyone?

is it ok, or even preferable, to make your own ouija board?

..Can you estimate how long this process took you?

..The purifcation from nonsense to good information?

Laura wrote: NEVER do it alone! NEVER, What are the reasons/dangers behind this?

Which difficulties/blockages can arise in the course of the process, and how can they be dealt with?

Which customizations did you make on your board?

Does each source have different spelling preferences or is the endless stream of letters an inherent feature of Spirit Boards?

To which extent does the work with the board depend on the environment (location, sitting position relative to the board, other people around, time of the day, orientation of the board, etc.) Is it true that nearby placed minerals (quartz crystals, etc.) enhance the process?

Is it important to formulate a specific intent/overall goal for this work and keep it in mind while working?

How does one actually use a Ouija board?

Should one meditate or perform some ritual before using the board?

What precisely is "grooving"?

What precisely is the "conduit"?

The C's talk about children being "developing circuits" and that it would be dangerous to channel while they are in the room- what is the minimum age for channeling?

How did the people involved in channeling the C's meet?

how might one go about finding participants in their own channeling experiment (certainly none of my "real-life friends" would be interested in doing this for any length of time)?

What role does ones physical location play in channeling (I think the C's said something about the "physical locater" not being optimal once)?

I know young children should not be present, as posted before. As having our two-year old baby out of the house during sessions is not an option, is sleeping two rooms apart from the room where the 'action is going on enough? should we wait until she is 18 to try and use the board?

Does the spirit release technique work for places?
Can one use it on oneself?
Or on animals?
What is the youngest a person can be to undergo this procedure?

To what extent can muscle testing or dowsing be used to identify if there is a spirit attached?
could the entity 'control' the muscle test/pendulum and answer 'no' when asked if the person has a spirit attached? Then, how is one to bypass that?

In the Wave 1, there is at some point a request from the C's which turned out not to be from them (but at some level from Frank?) to use the computer for the channelling. There can be 'noise'/corruption from an STO source by other beings/STS/people in the room, so, why don't the C's say 'This last remark/paragraph was not ours' when something like that happens?

Would it be possible to use board to look into/deal with Greenbaum programming ?

what kind of health- and body-work would be wise to do before attempting contacting your Higher Self? ??

What is recommended to do after the session?

Does the board work on the same principle as the I-Ching (by mirroring what is inside oneself), except that it takes it to a much higher level?

Maybe sounds silly, but what kind of things would be advisable to ask?

would be a good idea of people who chose to explore the board and are in geographical proximity to gather up to do Ouija Board sessions together ?

the C's once said that they'd merge with them , (the channelers) or us so i guess that who are they gonna merge with remains open , is this something moving towards that end?

edit: forgot to paste a paste a few questions, but fixed now.
I have one last question :

How can we differentiate between the manifestation of the projection of our own inner shadows outwards (unilevel disintegration as explained here), and the manifestation of a malevolent entity really external to the individual? What is the difference? Is there any?
GRiM, you missed my question: Does the board work on the same principle as the I-Ching (by mirroring what is inside oneself), except that it takes it to a much higher level?

Thanks! :)
Here is my version. I've edited, shortened, and deleted some redundant questions.

1) What kind of contact or entity would an OP receive if they tried to channel?

2) Can anyone learn to channel their STO higher self?

3) Can one do spirit releasement on oneself or others by using the board method?

4) What would be happen if someone with a spirit attachment, or attachments, tried to learn this board method?

5) Why did you change your mind about suggesting the experimentation of channeling using an Ouija board?

6) Did the C's suggest to others how to learn to channel their STO higher selves?

7) How can someone be sure that they have established a contact with their STO higher self?

8) Is there an optimum number of participants for this channeling experiment?

9) What are the dangers of using a ouija board and what must the users know or do to protect themselves?

10) How important is being of sound psychological health before attempting this experiment?

11) Considering how long it took you, how much effort and time would someone need to achieve an STO contact?

12) Should anyone try to do this experiment alone?

13) Is it better to have less people in contrast to including more people, when people may hold too many sacred cows??

14) What steps should you take when you contact a subjective "love and light" source?

15) Is there anything that can be done that might make an STO contact much more probable?

16) What techniques/procedures are there to make sure the answer is "clean" of corruption and wishful thinking on behalf of the questioner?

17) Is the need to learn how to channel your STO higher self now more important than the potential risks?

18) When can we look for this video and how can we acquire it?

19) Where we can find the Ouija board displayed in the article by Thomas French?

20) How often should one periodically make an attempt to experiment?

21) What types of questions would be advisable to ask while experimenting

22) Is it safe to try channel using the board method if one has been in the past subject to psychic attacks?

23) Is their any kind of test/method one can use to find out if they have a channeling potential?

24) How can you stop the flow of the channel if you contact a malevolent entity?

25) How would check to verify if a source/contact is STO or not?

26) How can you check to see if a vampiric entity/attachment/individual is stealing energy during the experiment?

27) Can you learn to exorcise yourself by using the Ouija board method?

28) In general, in our population, how many people actually have the ability to channel?

29) Can I ever witness one of these channeling sessions?

30) Do you think it would be a good idea for people who are in close geographical proximity to gather together for Ouija board experiments?

31) By learning to channel with our STO higher selves, are we then asking to merge with them when the wave arrives?

32) Could we use the Ouija board channeling method to channel each other on the 3D level of awareness?

33) Is it is ok, or even preferable, to make your own Ouija board (build it and draw it)?

34) Can you estimate how long the "purification" process was for you before you were able to channel higher ratio of signal to noise?

35) Is there enough time left to learn how to channel our STO higher selves?

36) Can we start learning from now and be able to do channel our STO higher selves in a matter of months?

37) What are the reasons/dangers behind the caveat of not channeling alone?

38) What are the other "do's" and "dont's"?

39) Which difficulties/blockages can arise in the course of the process, and how can they be dealt with?

40) I've read that there are no word breaks transmitted while channeling with a board and that punctuations are handled by the C's themselves; hence, wouldn't it be easier to replace one of the words on the board (like 'Hello', 'Goodbye', 'Listen', etc.) with one that represents a word break?

41) Which customizations did you make on your board?

42) Does each source have different spelling preferences, or is the endless stream of letters an inherent feature of Ouija board channeling?

43) To which extent does the work with the board depend on the environment, people, and positioning?

44) Is it true that the placing of minerals (quartz crystals, etc.) close to the board enhance the process?

45) Is it important to formulate a specific intent/overall goal for this work and keep it in mind while working or is it better to just be open for everything?

46) How do we go about discerning the proper candidates to participate in our channeling experiment?

47) Does one meditate or perform some ritual before using the board?

48) How does one use a Ouija board?

49) In order to test whether the messages are coming from the unconscious couldn't you just use a blindfolded and have an observer see if the messages are coherant?

50) Laura says she went through a "searching process" before contacting the C's. What is the "searching process" and how can we know we are progressing in it?

51) What precisely is "grooving"?

52) What precisely is the "conduit"?

53) The C's have said it is dangerous for children to be around channeling activity - what is the minimum age for channeling?

54) How did the people that got involved in channeling the C's come together?

55) Wouldn't Mouravieff's Gnosis Trilogy fit into the reading recommendations as well?

56) How can we differentiate between the manifested projection of Dark alternate part of our self that is a reflected part of our own inner world in contrast to a projected Dark entity that is external to us?

And lastly, I'll add a question that came to mind:

57) Will we also learn about the Reiki symbols that Laura utilized to enhance the groove of her channeling experiment?

edit: Looks like I missed it too. Doh!

58) Does the Ouija board work on the same principles as the I-ching method of channeling?
Hi all,

I have been away for a while so just caught up with this thread about the ouija board ...

Always wanted to see an ouija session "live". Reading about it is not the same as seeing, and to be honest, I still cannot quite figure exactly how an ouija session looks like. So I am keenly awaiting publication of this DVD or whatever media it will be.

As to my own experiences ... I have done a whole heap of stuff over the course of my life, but always have felt uneasy. I did lots of "self-hypnosis", having been taught that by a hypnotherapeut. The uneasiness stems from the fact that these things have kind of "a certain life of their own", the only control being the ability to terminate the "session". Also interpretation is difficult. Then I did some work with a pendulum, again not much success, probably because not overly focussed.

When I read the Wave series I initially toyed with the idea of getting into experimentation with an ouija board as well. I did some research on the net and as a consequence to that discarded the idea. The information was mostly vague, contradictory and with a "bringing the light" background - which I always have been uncomfortable with.

The fact that Laura now actively promotes the techniques of using an ouija board (or maybe rather doesn't advise against its use outright) transmits a sense of urgency to me. Times will be changing, they may change dramatically, the normal modes of communications and acquisition of knowledge may become unavailable, so the technique of using an ouija board may come in handy.

My questions to be raised in the upcoming video are the following:

1. Laura said, not to use an ouija board alone - full stop. My question is, how to approach and interest people for this technique? If I was asking my normal circle of friends, they would refer me to the next mental asylum straight away.

2. I read on the net, that some are using a laptop as a substitute for the ouija board. Comment?

3. As Laura mentioned, the video would show training sessions. Now I would expect that - as with most things in life - it isn't enough to buy and watch a video and then - lo! you are the expert. So ideally I would like to start out with a mentor. How would you go about finding such a person?

4. A question about other "realsm". The current hypothesis is, that a "source" is ME IN THE FUTURE, thus in another "realm". If multiple persons are "on the board", who is the "ME"? Is it a mixture of everyone involved (plus or minus the one in the room, but only watching?) or is "one person the channel" and the others are "amplifiers"?

5. There seems to be a connection between pendulum work and channel sessions. Purportedly both reflect "other realms". Could it be said, that both techniques "tap" into the same "ressources", but just have different inputs and outputs - like the difference between a radio and a TV set? Comment?

6. And someone asked this question before, but I don't think anyone answered it: Is it possible to do a Spirit Releasment Therapy on yourself?

And thanks Laura for the comprehensive book-list. Just one question: Read the first 5 Castaneda books as they were published, but not the rest. Is it possbile to read "The Fire Within" in isolation or do you require to read the entire serie? Thanks.

Really interested in this field, but still kind of reluctant to get into this myself.
Oh, and forgot one question: How often should one use the board? Is it better to do it often? Or better to have it spaced, so to be able to reflect on the results?
coming in a little late:

- Were there distinct stages of development in the channel? If so, how could they be described?

and related:

- Can some examples be provided of the messages received from the beginning of the experiment and as it progressed?
Is it possible to use the board by yourself? Or, what kind of criteria should I use to select a suitable board partner?
How many people at least of all participating people should have read all of the suggested books, so that the process is still safe and functional?
Laura said:
name said:
I'm looking forward to this video. Since all my questions have been asked by others, a proposal: Why not make a "Cassiopea Ouija Board" as a companion to the video and offer it for sale on RedpillPress ? Same for the video: just like linux distros, some people prefer to get them on DVD and will pay for them.
Excellent idea. In fact, we will be discussing the project itself with the Cs and will video that session itself. I don't really like most of the boards that are commercially available and ours is, of course, modified. So yeah, it would make a lot of sense to create our own design that is specific to the work at hand. We'll look around for an inexpensive way to get them made up, too!
As a suggestion, since you have modified your ouija board, could-it possible to take a picture with high resolution, then modified it if necesary with tool like adobe and bingo the C's board will be ready.

Those who are interested could buy (or make a donation, whichever way you choose) the picture and go to a photo shop and have a small color poster. After that, we just have to buy a piece of wood ou whatever material best fit, and we could sort of glue it on that material.

What about "spare parts" like planchette. How can you know if it is over used or "broken"? What are manifestations and consequences of "consumption" of planchette?

Is it possible to made planchette at home or it requires some finer process of manufacture?
I have a few questions
I know Laura has recorded sessions, but is there any types of electrical equipment that should be turned off before starting a session?
If one where to record is there a best method?

Do moon phases alter the strength of activity on the board?

What about the positioning of the board and or people attending relative to the the north south axis, does this have any bearing on the strength of activity on the board?
Dropping in a little late perhaps, but a phew questions sparked in my mind;

When channeling, how to know who's the channel of the participants, some kind of test can be done?

Lets say, there is a real 'contact' with higher consciousness, is there any bi-effects, like still channeling in the head or so after an session?

Is it known to feel drained in any way when channeling, do different participants matter in such cases, and if there is a channel how long can it be established (hours), no lethal points?

EDIT: About the losing of weight which is known about to happen with channelers, is there any minimum body mass to use?

Is it normal for some or one self to become in a trance mindset, is that draining in any way?

Does it matter if the right or left hand is used, must fingers be used at all, could one do it with lets say the nose/arm/toe (weird)? Perhaps the planchette moves by itself sometimes?

Would anything spooky happen if one were about to sleep in the "spirit zone" where real channeling has been done, does it leave some kind of imprint in the surroundings where channeling been done etc.?

Do ideas or related issues with the 'spirits', and perhaps even visuals occur when channeling? Or is it subjective for each person?

If one were about to receive info/ sensitive information about a secret government/ or any dangerous group of some sort, or more sensitive stuff than that, what would the ramification be?

If some New Age "Greenbaum" community where about to infiltrate ones group, how to know if thats going on and how to maneuver em' / (I know, thats is probably not the simplest thing to answer but is there any recommendations?)
I still have a question regarding the 'channelling':

When Laura and her friends started experimenting with the ouija board, they had no idea that they were going to make contact with 'themselves in the future'/C's. So they were probably not anticipating anything, just having fun while trying to see what would come up. That's what I understood, at least.

Anticipating would mean having an idea about the outcome, an attachment of some sort. It is easier not to anticipate anything when you don't know what to look for.
So, how are we to do the same (not anticipating), when we know that it can be done (since Laura has done it and is willing to share some tips in a video) and that one of the aim of using the ouija would be to contact ourselves in the future? Won't this anticipation restrict the channel, so to speak? How can we be open, i.e. in a non-anticipating way, when we know what/who we are trying to channel?

How can we have the intent without the anticipation?
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