Spirit Releasement Therapy

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I forgot to tell about her symptoms.Her main problem is her unexplainable severe weakness,she cannot sit or walk.One may think of chronic fatigue syndrome but thank God she doesn't have it.other than weakness she has various intestine problems,but her medical tests show she has no microbe or virus in her system and there is nothing wrong with it.All diagnosis doctors give us is raised eyebrows.Beside what I mentioned she gets lots of terrible physical feelings which she says are real difficult to explain by words.like waves of discomfort expanding through her body, the feeling of different parts of her body being pressed and chewed,constantly.Her problems started 11years ago after she was forced to drink a glass of coffee by that person and gradually become more and more complicated over the years.now it's about one year that she is this weak and in bed all day and night.f
aram said:
Thank you both dear oxajil and dear truth seeker for your respnse.
My sister's story is long and complicated.She's been to a lot of doctors and undergone different tests.Nobody could find a reason for her various severe physical problems.She has sometimes visions of the entities which hurt her.for example at nights she feels tall dark wearing men come in from the bedroom door or stand behind it walking from side to side and says this always acompanied with an unxplainable fear.tests and doctors say that she is mentally healthy,too.some nights a figure comes to her while she's asleep kisses her back as if it's drilling her back with her mouth like a dracula and wakes her up with severe pain and discomfort in that area.befoe sleep it occurs many nights that she sees dark faces,skletons and freaky eyes. We live in Asia and here these entities are called jinns. I exactly don't know what they are. I read about DFE's I mean dark force entities in the internet but I don't know if they are the same as jinns or not.The reason we believe her problems are caused by jinns is that all medical tests show she is healthy and doctors and specialsts could not find a reason for all her sickness and weakness,she has experiences that I mentioned

It does sound like a complicated, stressful and scary experience for your sister, and the rest of your family too.

Since there are no signs of physical or mental problems, my suggestion would be for your sister to

1) change her diet
2) practice the meditation and breathing program EE

The reason I recommend these two to start with, is, if we go by the theory that some sort of entities are attacking your sister, these two recommendations if applied, are likely to change your sister's body/brain chemistry - her energy in a way - and it seems from our experiences and experiments (us, members of this forum) that entities and these sort of stuff attach to a person or are able to affect a person if the energies of the person and the entities match. You can also think about it this way: if a person has brain chemistry imbalances that affect their beliefs, thoughts, emotions, in a way that leads them to not see reality objectively then it is likely that they have "holes" in their perceptions/energy body, through which these entities can come through/attach. Does this make sense?

1) The diet change, which in this case I mean the total abstinence from anything that contains sugar, gluten and dairy products, is going to help balance your sister's system chemistry in a physical way. You can read this forum thread for more information. It's a long one, but a good starting point:


2) Regarding the EE program (Éiriú Eolas), you can find more information about it here


and you can watch the entire intro and the "how to practice the exercises" here:


It consists of 3 breathing techniques (pipe breathing, warriors breath, bioenergetic/round/BaHa breathing)and a meditation at the end. If your sister chooses to practice this program, I would recommend that she skips the bioenergetic/round/BaHa breathing, as she seems to be going through a lot already and anyway, the other 2 breathing exercises and the meditation alone will help her so much at this time.

Pipe breathing she can practice every time she feels stressed, afraid, unable to sleep, and it will help her relax and concentrate, but also feel safe. The warriors breath will help her feel empowered, because she needs to feel that she is stronger than those entities and she has the right to defend her personal space and voice her anger against their intrusion. She can even feel righteous anger at those entities while practicing the warrior breath and with each exhale she can shout out loud "NO!" as if addressing whatever is harassing her. And the meditation, the Prayer of the Soul, is going to offer her spiritual protection. It's a prayer of cleansing, understanding and spiritual empowerment that is universal, not attached to any religion or ideology. Purely spiritual. If she does pipe breathing and the meditation every night, I think she will feel a difference. Again, you must watch the videos above to make sense what I am talking about.

So those are my recommendations, whether your sister goes the spirit release way or not. Both are going to help, whatever the case. You can try them both as a test and see for yourselves. At least that's what I'd do if a loved one was in a similar situation.

aram said:
and the suspected person who perfomed witchcraft against my sister herself admitted to doing so and "burning" my sister.We are desperately looking for a therapist who could deal with this issue and jinns.

Be careful here that your sister and you or members of your family don't fall in the trap to attach beliefs in what that woman might have said or might have done. There are a lot of impostors out there claiming to have powers to harm or help others and innocent people become their victims because in their mind and through belief in lies the victims gave the impostor the power they claimed they had. It's kind of like a spiritual placebo effect.

Do take care of you and your sister and I hope that the above helps a bit. If you don't understand anything I wrote or have questions, I'd be happy to clarify :)
Hey amar,

Thanks for clarifying! I agree with Alana that changing her diet and doing the breathing and meditation program to improve her health and her immune system, would be helpful. It doesn't only help on a physical (body) level, but it might also help on a spiritual level, helping her to shield against those entities.

Sometimes it's a two-way system: I think that the more she (and people close to her) believes in the curse, the more she fears it, and the more energy and thought she puts into it, the stronger its presence will become, whether real or not. That way, she unwillingly attracts these draining encounters. And if real, these entities most likely feed off from the attention and fear. Changing the diet and doing these exercises therefore will help her shift her focus on these entities to focusing more on herself. And hopefully these entities will appear less and less.

If everything else failed up to this point, I'd say it's worth a try! But would your sister be willing to make such changes?

I was also wondering, was schizophrenia ruled out by the doctors? I'm not saying she has this, and entities can be very real, but it might give an idea as to why she might be extra sensitive to seeing these entities. Either way, I think that the diet and Éiriú Eolas program will make a difference for her, for the better. :)
Thank you so much for your guidance with breathing exercise and diet.She really wants to gain back her health but she really needs help with it.We don't know where to go to and who to ask help.Any ideas will be much appreciated. I was hoping I could find somebody here who is familiar with such issues.It seems we are all alone in this planet.
In that case, I would look at what a chaman can see. I work with chamanism and akashic records and they are powerful tools. Hope all the best to your sister.
Dear mum didi,thank you so much for your reply. I would like to do so,in fact I contacted several shamans through the internet (since in my country actually there are only witches not shamans)but they said distant work is not their job.I don't know anything about akashic records,Could you please tell me what it is and how it helps people?
Many thanks.
That's a pity that you don't have shamans around you because it is of good help in this case of SRT. It is right that they don't work at distance.
Well Akashic records is a space above the etheric plan where is stored all the information of what happen in the universe. Like a cosmic library. WHen you enter in this space, you can be guided and receive all trustful information you need. It could confirm the attachment and how to proceed.
Only people who have the capacity to reach this space or people who have been trained can access the akashic records. I have been trained by _http://www.journey2theheart.com
I can only ask information for myself but some courses are available to use the akashic records to help others.
In your case shamanisism seems to be the easiest way. I am sorry to hear that you are only witches.
I wish you good luck to figure it out.

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Interrelated, yet as an aside, came across the following while looking for something else in a Manly Hall book. Here, he is discussing what Paracelsus thought of on the subject of the incubus and succubus (Vampire, too). In respect to attachments, it is interesting and another point to make concerning mental and physical hygiene.

Hall's STOAA said:
The terms incubus and succubus have been applied indiscriminately by the Church Fathers to elementals. The incubus and succubus, however, are evil and unnatural creations, whereas elementals is a collective term for all the inhabitants of the four elemental essences. According to Paracelsus, the incubus and succubus (which are male and female respectively) are parasitical creatures subsisting upon the evil thoughts and emotions of the astral body. These terms are also applied to the superphysical organisms of sorcerers and black magicians. While these larvæ are in no sense imaginary beings, they are, nevertheless, the offspring of the imagination. By the ancient sages they were recognized as the invisible cause of vice because they hover in the ethers surrounding the morally weak and continually incite them to excesses of a degrading nature. For this reason they frequent the atmosphere of the dope den, the dive, and the brothel, where they attach themselves to those unfortunates who have given themselves up to iniquity.

By permitting his senses to become deadened through indulgence in habitforming drugs or alcoholic stimulants, the individual becomes temporarily en rapport with these denizens of the astral plane. The houris seen by the hasheesh or opium addict and the lurid monsters which torment the victim of delirium tremens are examples of submundane beings, visible only to those whose evil practices are the magnet for their attraction.

Differing widely from the elementals and also the incubus and succubus is the vampire, which is defined by Paracelsus as the astral body of a person either living or dead (usually the latter state). The vampire seeks to prolong existence upon the physical plane by robbing the living of their vital energies and misappropriating such energies to its own ends.

In his De Ente Spirituali Paracelsus writes thus of these malignant beings: "A healthy and pure person cannot become obsessed by them, because such Larvæ can only act upon men if the later make room for them in their minds. A healthy mind is a castle that cannot be invaded without the will of its master; but if they are allowed to enter, they excite the passions of men and women, they create cravings in them, they produce bad thoughts which act injuriously upon the brain; they sharpen the animal intellect and suffocate the moral sense. Evil spirits obsess only those human beings in whom the animal nature is predominating. Minds that are illuminated by the spirit of truth cannot be possessed; only those who are habitually guided by their own lower impulses may become subjected to their influences."

(See Paracelsus, by Franz Hartmann.)

Perhaps, in his discussing of "the spirit of truth" and a "healthy person" i.e. cleaning the machine, the attractions can happen with the belief in lies and maintaining a toxic physicality. Perhaps, too, in regards to the psychopathic individual, they have a permanent incubus and succubus (male/female respectively) attachment - they are mated, as in parasitically aligned.

The word Larvae in Etymology can be referenced in a number of ways, here is one on way:

On the double sense of the Latin word, Carlo Ginzburg, among other students of mythology and folklore, has commented on "the well-nigh universal association between masks and the spirits of the dead."
the unquiet dead has arrived :)


along with another little math book from lichnerowicz that seems to not exist online lol

i wanted your opinion people what are your go to material for self-work on these matters??
Hi PlatonicSkeptic! In case you haven't watched them, Laura's Knowledge and Being videos are quite good and informative about those topics and more. You'll also understand all that such practices entails.

You can find the links to the other parts at the bottom of the page.

A couple of thoughts:

Blaming external factors for our own issues is always attractive but never useful. It's easier to believe that we think, feel, or do something because an attachment than to accept that it's just ourselves.

Self-work always starts with ourselves and with the very basics; things that are in our very face and that we can change with effort, of course.

It's highly advisable to do everything possible to make progress by ourselves, using our resources. And of course that's a lot of work in itself! As it has been suggested in this thread: making favorable diet changes, practicing EE, changing problematic habits or behavior with the help of therapy, etc... Step by step, we can make a lot of progress and make the attachments “flee” (if that is our concern), as they are not compatible with us anymore, the 'frequencies do not match'.

Also, it's a bad idea to seek this kind of tools for a quick fix, even if you get rid of the attachments, if we stop working on the core issue - or issues -, all come back later on... and sometimes stronger.

Another bad idea is to approach these therapies with a predominantly magical-fantastic perspective... like thinking that just "spiritual/mystical" tools will help us, or that they are more important than down to earth practices, tools, or therapies... That perspective is just useful to muddy the waters to avoid facing the truth about ourselves.

My 2 cents.
i''ve watched this whole series, very nice
also done the diet for a year because of an autoimmune iatrogenic problem, I'm yet to read about the EE technique but I don't believe it'll solve my problems, sorry

let me clarify when i say problems what i really mean is the kind that people died, people suffered accidents, other got aneurysms, spiritual possession, all in a pretty short window of time

feel free to answer my question if you still want

Peace Profound
let me clarify when i say problems what i really mean is the kind that people died, people suffered accidents, other got aneurysms, spiritual possession, all in a pretty short window of time
Still, if you are talking about attachments, they would not attach to you if the frequencies didn't match. As long as you stay the same, there is no reason for attachments to leave. If, by some chance, you find a spirit release therapist, it has been our experience that s/he may be able to make an attachment leave, but if your frequency doesn't change, either it, or another like it, will just attach to you. The best ways to change your Frequency Resonant Vibration is to start getting rid of your programs and eat correctly for starters. Once your FRV gets changed, the attachments will leave on their own because you don't vibrate at the same frequencies anymore so you become impalpable.
I'm yet to read about the EE technique but I don't believe it'll solve my problems, sorry
EE is a very good way to release pent up emotions. Getting rid of these do help our FRV.
feel free to answer my question if you still want
Please feel free to read and think about the answers given to you. As long as you are willing to receive, we're willing to try to help. :-)
Still, if you are talking about attachments, they would not attach to you if the frequencies didn't match. As long as you stay the same, there is no reason for attachments to leave. If, by some chance, you find a spirit release therapist, it has been our experience that s/he may be able to make an attachment leave, but if your frequency doesn't change, either it, or another like it, will just attach to you. The best ways to change your Frequency Resonant Vibration is to start getting rid of your programs and eat correctly for starters. Once your FRV gets changed, the attachments will leave on their own because you don't vibrate at the same frequencies anymore so you become impalpable.

EE is a very good way to release pent up emotions. Getting rid of these do help our FRV.

Please feel free to read and think about the answers given to you. As long as you are willing to receive, we're willing to try to help. :-)
I didn't mean to say it's not a valid technique indeed i practiced myself vagus nerve breathing, it's the same kind they do in emergency rooms for example for accident victims, and i have other mental techniques for dealing with unpleasant "situations" myself

every individual is different though we have different perceptions through our senses, and interpretations of the world
and I'm all about testing new things..

what i was asking was people's opinions on their most effective technique for individual work, like the one i read Laura mentioning that involved self hypnosis or sth along these lines.
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