Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is what I needed. Some honest critique and questioning. First of all let me say that I am 54 and have NO history of ANY mental health issues. Except for THIS experience. When I decided to flip reality, I was only thinking of staying in the moment and having an "adventure" a la Joseph Campbell. To be honest, I had skimmed through Laura's book but had no concept of STO, STS, the Wave, had read Castenada about 18 years ago and forgotten it, etc. I had just gotten laid off from a job I loved and was wondering what it was all about Alfie, so to speak.

I have kept journals all my life and wrote down everything as much as possible while it was happening and yes, it is my intent to write the whole story to try and make sense of it, if possible. In retrospect, I did 4th way work naturally during the course of my life. I also had no idea who Guerdeff (sp?) was or the 4th way till after the fact. I now see I have been guided my whole life to so this process naturally. Every single element is there; I just didn't know there was such a thing.

I am also well aware there are such things as mystical experiences labeled as psychosis. It happens all the time. I say potatO, you say potato, kind of a thing. This was no psychosis. It was almost like I covered ALL paths of breaking free within the experience; paths I had no idea concsiously (sp?) existed. (I really need a dictionary next to me). There was divine grace, too. There was definitely a battle which was fought through me at one terrifying point and there were real, physical beings involved, too.

There was what I now know is called Vril, which was entirely different from the light of Christ and there was also protection. It was both terrifying and the most exquisite thing I have ever experienced. My experience had elements of ALL and that is why I am trying to get some input and information. I'm not saying I'm perfect. Far from it, but I do know what I know.

High strangeness, mystical, divine, real physical and non ordinary beings, etc. It was all there. I saw the world as a giant, fake construct and cheap and silly looking; a set up just like Jim Carrey in the movie "The Truman Show."

I was getting so unnerved that I finally started fighting who or whatever was doing this. I was really mad. There were beings who I know were not "normal" humans all over the place. Had I not been as strong and strong willed as I am, I may have ended up permanently in a mental institution, but remember I am 54 and had never, every seen or understood anything like this. I jokingly say I got drafted into God's army. I believe the reason I wasn't hurt is because I stayed true to myself, partially.

Please remember I didn't know about any of this stuff before it happened. First, before the experience started, I just became unafraid. As soon as I remarked to someone I was speaking to that I wasn't afraid anymore, it was like a dam burst forth, first in trickles and then a torrent. Very high strangeness. Then ego went. Then the light came and all the other things that happened.

I've just never seen anybody talk about it in the way I went through it and I thought there would be more people here who had explained these things. That is also why I cautioned in another post for people to be careful because this way is not for the faint of heart. You better be really strong and smart with a will of iron. It is nothing to play around with. But for me, it happened accidently. (sp?)

I've read book after book after the fact and I guess my way is called the "Way of the Fool" but it certainly wasn't intentional in the way most people mean it. It all just came pouring through when I was ready and if it hadn't been for divine grace, I would have doubted my sanity. I am not stupid or frivolous. I am pretty darn strong physically. In retrospect I see my whole life had been "training" for this to happen. I've always wanted to help the world and felt different ever since I was a little girl.

I would be very grateful for any and all help. That is why I am here. What I could do is type the experience on a Word document and forward it. Even I find it hard to believe how "textbook" my experience was. Pretty much on all fronts. Every "textbook" of every "way" seems to correspond to some part of my experience. It encompassed pretty much everything. In a nutshell, my DNA woke up and then all hell done broke loose.
I will add that prior to my "awakening" I had no working knowledge of ultra terrestials or any of the other things discussed here and other places. Now, I know all things are possible and the frontiers of the mind are like the Wild, wild west. It's serious, serious stuff. It's terrifying, full of divine grace and reality I thought only happened to people way more spiritually advanced than me. I do know this. I am NOT afraid and I have great faith.

I might be crazy, but I am the sanest person I know.
Hello Villival,
I am really curious about your mysterious experience with 4th density being's in another reality.
I think such a thing is possible, and I have heard some people can visit there any time.

I don't want to judge anything until I hear full story.
Could you tell me/us what did happened in full detail?
And do not afraid of some people's reactions.

If your experience is true to you, your duty is let others know, who knows, maybe your extraordinary experience was permitted to give out information that need to prepare for us for future event?
Hi Villival,

What is important I think is to not get attached to your experience. Alternate states of consciousness happen. You are far from alone.

Causes of it vary and several possibilities have already been pointed out. I think it would be advisable to take those into consideration and stop deeming yourself special over it. Its worrying, ‘Ego Hooks’ of such magnitude can end us up in a mental institution or worse. Its important to stay grounded. :)

- Just know that there are entities out there that have a better understanding of our inner landscape than we do. If we let it they play use like a textbook. We don’t know ourselves, they do.
Thanks again. I don't think I'm special. I am trying to understand an experience that blew off every cover of reality I ever knew. It was a complete and utter surprise. Coincidentally, i just got home from working out and Jacques Vallee's "Dimensions" was in the mail. I had ordered it to try and understand some of this.

Thank you all for your love and understanding. It took me a long time to "come down" from the experience. It really beat the heck out of me. I'm fine and normal now, whatever that is.

Peace to all.
"Your house should be clean, tidy, and in order, an smell like jasmine." These are the words of a long departed friend,
and spiritual mentor. He was and still is ... right. To consciously reach the state required to bridge realms one needs a lot of work. However, it could be possible to have spontaneous encounters, comparable to the inexplicable and confusing states during puberty, only this time pointing to an evolutionary change of spiritual sorts and orders. A word of caution though, you' ll know when you are there only when you know ( in detail) what there is and means ... and not only for you. Thumbs up, nevertheless!
There's a definition of "realm" in Casswiki:
(Redirected from Frequency resonance envelope)

This is the Cassiopaean term for a division of reality. The use of the term is very broad. This includes the following meanings:

Density - the degree of development of a consciousness determines the general type of experience of space and time, manner of perceiving other entities etc.

STO and STS divisions of a density - Souls of different polarities may occupy distinct realms within one density.

Lateral divisions within a density, as in parallel universes.

Realms are bounded by a so-called "frequency resonance envelope". A realm curtain or realm border as another word for a section of such an envelope.

The Wave is also called a realm border.

On one hand, realms are naturally occurring divisions of reality, on the other hand realms are influenced by their occupants. There is a sort of resonance effect which tends to lock the resident of a realm within its boundaries in terms of frequency. A realm might be compared to a radio broadcast and the being to a receiver. Nature provides a sort of automatic fine-tuning which will cause the receiving frequency of the being to snap to match that of the closest realm. There may be a small reciprocal effect from the being on the realm but this would be negligible in the individual case.

A realm border could be likened to many stations broadcasting near the same frequency, so that a small change of individual tuning may cause the tuner to snap to an entirely different reality. We could say that the receiver's mental map of reality decides which broadcast can be followed and thus mentally synchronized with. The realm border is just a circumstance which brings multiple 'bands' of reality within close reach or in overlap with each other.

Passage between realms is in principle possible anytime, in some cases with technology, in other cases by attaining a somehow total purity of thought and being, aligning one to another reality. However, such a process is problematic if one has no notion of what is possible or where one may be headed, not to mention the near invincible inertia of the human condition.

A realm is neither a completely physical nor a completely consciousness based concept. We could say that a realm is a set of partitions, a bit like a sandbox where a particular type of consciousness may experience interaction with reality. These move with respect to each other according to some cyclicity and the consciousness itself moves between realms for example through reincarnation. The incarnate and disincarnate states occupy different but joined realms.

Phenomena taking place at the border between realms can according to the Cassiopaeans be technologically manipulated, which is the manner in which 4D STS beings keep a sort of net of control over the Earth and enforced changes on humanity in the context of the mythical Fall.

We cannot describe these processes in scientifically precise terms, hence we have to use words like frequency and resonance in a somewhat allegoric meaning.
Perhaps 'realm' was a wrong choice of a word, as wrong (or right?) as 'density' is for a non English speaker such as myself. Strange that contradictions related to form of expression take prevalence to intention of finding out the meaning of the actual message. Personally, Iwould like to see an ab initio study of 'density'.
[quote author= Villival]Then ego went. Then the light came and all the other things that happened.[/quote]

If it helps Villival, my experience isn’t the same as yours. Not even close. But I do recall a 'feeling' of oneness. What could be described as you mentioned, ''then the ego went'' It was peaceful. A sense of objectivity where separation was non-existent. But I couldn’t grasp or understand it.

It was very 'longing' and something I could get easily lost in. But in this state I also recall a feeling of something lurking. So like you, I rejected it. Mentally.

[quote author= Villival]Thanks again. I don't think I'm special.[/quote]

All who are STS believe themselves to be special in some way. Not mine words, but those of the Cassiopaeans.

What is important here I think is to at least consider the possibility that you are attached to your experience and whet-ever you think it serves you. Or stalls you in your progress.

Such experiences shock our believe system to its core. Which can be good thing, it can help us to question everything. But that’s all I think. The danger lies when we start to desire more and dwell in such 'places' to dissociate and to experience. It should be a grave reminder that we are not on top of the 'food' chain. Especially in 'places' like that.
Well, this thing happened in very distinct and long phases and I was shown and made to see the whole world symbolically and holigraphically. I had beings who helped me and beings who tested me. I don't expect others to understand, though I kind of hoped they would. I can't be the only person. I was shown that once we reach a certain level of understanding that the universe is very benevolent in its generous knowledge via symbolism. But we can't understand it until we reach a certain place in understanding.

My whole life has been "the work". I just didn't know I was doing it consciously. I just did it because it seemed right to me. I didn't just fall off a turnip truck and then get enlightened.I got my butt kicked repeatedly and was always curious and wanted to learn more and worked hard and worked out and was basically always an anarchist. Though I have led a somewhat "normal" and productive life.

I just finished Jacques Vallee's book "Dimensions" and realize there is someone who understands.

I do appreciate your trying to understand. Honest. I don't know what I am supposed to do with what I know but I know it wasn't random. I absolutely did not reject any part of it. It was all extraordinarily profound and I know I am not the only one. Somehow, there are others.

The reason I got mad is that I thought someone was trying to control me because of the synchronicities and the non ordinary reality and that I could not abide. I do not like anyone or anything telling me what to do or how to think.
[quote author= Villival]I do appreciate your trying to understand.[/quote]

Maybe I do understand, but I urge you to be vigilant. Did you ever consider that something wicked lies behind the angelic ‘appearances’ of these being?

[quote author= Villival]I don't expect others to understand, though I kind of hoped they would.[/quote]

What do you mean with people who understand? Only those who agree with you? Please take note of the deceptive nature of the phenomenon.

[quote author= Villival]I can't be the only person.[/quote]

You aren’t. Many have had similar experiences. You may want to read the books of Karla Turner, which are made available for free.

Or read, ''High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions & The Process Of Alien Abduction'' by Laura. It deals thoroughly with such experiences and what we might be dealing with.
Whitley Strieber has had experiences with entities and there is some mention in the forum. Doing a search on him will bring up relevant threads. Here is one example,23329.0.html
Hi Villival,
from what you've described so far, do write about the event.
Whether you choose to open it up to public viewing can come later.

It can be oh so easy to cling on to these experiences and not allow yourself to move on, particularly when there is a real buzz about them. "Stuck" would be a useful term here :)

I've found that patience (that's a lesson in itself!) is vital when reflecting over such prominent events and simply by putting pen to paper will start to open the door that little bit wider.

As Bjorn stated earlier...
Such experiences shock our believe system to its core. Which can be good thing, it can help us to question everything. But that’s all I think. The danger lies when we start to desire more and dwell in such 'places' to dissociate and to experience. It should be a grave reminder that we are not on top of the 'food' chain.
I need to be really clear. I did not purposely, ever, land in the strange world. I don't even meditate. I don't know how. This experience lasted nine months and encompassed just about every "way of enlightenment" I now know about. I am not stuck in the experience. I am trying to understand what happened, in retrospect, because somehow I landed in another world and I am not sure how it happened. I lost everything and it completely changed my life. I feel it would be foolhardy for me not to understand it, just accept it and move on.

I have moved on, but it took me a long time to be able to even think "normally" again. At one point, I could only read spiritual texts (completely understanding what were before semi-obscure meanings and now understanding on multiple layers like the Gospel of Thomas for instance) and all of the paperwork associated with this reality looked like Greek to me. I couldn't read or understand it. This is very difficult to explain.

If the experience had not lasted so long, changed me life as far as understanding reality, losing my whole life as set up via jobs, my home and now living in a new place with a new life, then maybe I could let it go. Imagine seeing all of creation's light in everything moving and vibrating for about three days, constant and unnerving synchronicities and metalogic for nine months, having the experience of Vril which I didn't even know existed and waking up and finding all of the stones in my jewelry not just cracked and lost from their setting but disintegrated, having a divine communion with God who told me the books and the music were written so I would remember who I was (and I have a LOT of books and music) and meeting beings not of this world and actually talking to and understanding a dog (I don't care if anyone thinks I am crazy) and seeing and understanding all the symbols God has placed here for us to find our way home and seeing the world holigraphically and spouting spiritual truths that I don't even know where they came from and losing fear and ego and being distinctly led to my polar opposite who had his own experience 4 and one half years before I did and knowing who I was and that I was coming into his life.

I mean this took up almost a year and I can't just forget about it and move on. It changed everything and I am 54. I saw the order and symbolism in all. Somehow, my pattern recognition kicked in and I lived in a strange new world. I have to understand this. I just have to.

I had complete understanding of all the religions of the world and understanding of words and how they relate to the world we are in. I mean COMPLETE understanding. I am going on with my life and do intend to write the whole experience as a way of catharsis, but it took me a long time till I could deal with things again. I was exhausted and thin as a rail. I got very, very sick with a skin rash and really thought I would lose my left eye; there was a hole in it for God's sake. My vision left. It was blurry.

And I was broadsided. I was never trying to reach enlightenment. I didn't even think it happened to people like me. I thought it only happened to good, holy people. I was just minding my own business. So, if it happens again, it is essential I understand what happened the first time so I am strong enough to carry on.
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