Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

My new job consists of specialty care in various nursing homes about once a week, involves some travel to find the work because relatively few facilities will even let me in there to work, even with my medical exemption for the vaccination. This week there was a lot of moaning and groaning (from the patients) about how bad they were feeling. They had all been boosted the day before. I'm not in a position to hear about anything worse than that, but I did keep my eyes and ears open. I wonder if their patients were even given a choice in the matter.
Looks to be quite a lot of vaccine side effects starting to come out in the Australian news.
Hmmm, I don’t think I would want to be a politician over there with pissed off Aussies. They are not so go along to get along as the Kiwi’s.
Sorry, we're sheep. There was a job the other night, I wasn't there as I'm barred from all ambulance work but I saw the case sheet. The 60 something lady was covered from head to knees in a painful and intensely itchy rash. I said possibly shingles or, no, the official reason was a spontaneous reaction to nightshades. I said that shingles is becoming more common now, she probably had chicken pox as a kid and it's re-emerging, how many jabs?

3 X Pfizer, booked in for a 4th. I said shingles is recognized as an adverse reaction to mRNA jabs. Noooooo! SHE HAD CHILLI AND TOMATO THAT NIGHT AND HAD A REACTION! Really, after 55 years of eating them, she all of a sudden breaks out? I live in one of the most jabbed towns in Australia, we're not waking up
The majority of people will not "wake up" even if intuitively the know that the injections harmed them, they will deny the truth. There are maybe mainly two reasons. First of all they were made to participate in the operation, not only by supporting lockdowns, muzzles, silly rituals, etc. but as a logical consequence (for them), the injections. If they recognize that these injections are harmful (to them and consequently to others), that makes them stupid, and accomplices of a crime. On the other hand, taking the injections has been associated with virtue: If you take the injection you're intelligent (unlike those stupid anti-vax and conspiracy theorists) and a good person who saves lives, a hero. Recognizing the harmfulness of the injections destroys that self-image that they have built and that's very hard on narcissistic and fragile egos.
Sorry, we're sheep. There was a job the other night, I wasn't there as I'm barred from all ambulance work but I saw the case sheet. The 60 something lady was covered from head to knees in a painful and intensely itchy rash. I said possibly shingles or, no, the official reason was a spontaneous reaction to nightshades. I said that shingles is becoming more common now, she probably had chicken pox as a kid and it's re-emerging, how many jabs?

3 X Pfizer, booked in for a 4th. I said shingles is recognized as an adverse reaction to mRNA jabs. Noooooo! SHE HAD CHILLI AND TOMATO THAT NIGHT AND HAD A REACTION! Really, after 55 years of eating them, she all of a sudden breaks out? I live in one of the most jabbed towns in Australia, we're not waking up
My guess is that most people won't clue in until several people in their immediate circle have died or had severe adverse reactions. Even then many won't. It doesn't help that they were encouraged to participate in public shaming of injection refuseniks. By doing so, they took personal, moral, and emotional ownership of the position that the shots are safe and effective. Therefore, to acknowledge that they are neither is not simply an admission that they were lied to, nor simply an admission that they were gullible, but an admission that they themselves participated in the lie and are at least indirectly responsible for the damage done to their friends and family.
My cousin (who has had autoimmune issues for a long time) just found out he has autoimmune hepatitis. Just had his second booster 2 weeks ago, because it is especially recommended here in the states for people with compromised immunity. He asked his doctor if the new condition might be related to the booster, and she assured him it they have nothing to do with each other.
The kicker: he realized while sharing this that he was prescribed an immunosuppressant (you know, so his body doesn’t completely destroy his liver which is undoubtedly full of spike proteins), so he is probably just as susceptible, maybe moreso, to covid than he was before.
Then he told me I need to get vaccinated.
The majority of people will not "wake up" even if intuitively the know that the injections harmed them, they will deny the truth. There are maybe mainly two reasons. First of all they were made to participate in the operation, not only by supporting lockdowns, muzzles, silly rituals, etc. but as a logical consequence (for them), the injections. If they recognize that these injections are harmful (to them and consequently to others), that makes them stupid, and accomplices of a crime. On the other hand, taking the injections has been associated with virtue: If you take the injection you're intelligent (unlike those stupid anti-vax and conspiracy theorists) and a good person who saves lives, a hero. Recognizing the harmfulness of the injections destroys that self-image that they have built and that's very hard on narcissistic and fragile egos.
I completely agree.

Just look at the situation here in Germany where I live; mask mandates are supposed to be over. Mandatory masks are only for public transport, health care facilities and 2-3 other places and yet you go to the store and 95% of the people are masked. I couldn’t believe it until I saw it!

People approaching the store and pulling up the masks and putting them on before they enter the store, not even to check if there are really other people wearing masks or check if it is mandatory or not - not a slightest sign of doubt in official narrative. Also the workers in the stores - all masked!

I was in the store the other day and except for me and my kid, I counted 2-3 people in a fairly crowded store that were not masked! And many of them were wearing those ff masks!!!

I was stunned. I got weird looks but noone said anything. All corona and masking signs are removed from the store and yet programming is so deep that people just do what they did last 2 years.

Yesterday I went for a walk with my kids and older lady saw me approaching, out in the open with noone else around, pulled up ff mask, put it on and walked around me on 1,5m distance!!!

It’s crazy!!!

If it comes to 20045 booster - they’ll take it! 😕
I completely agree.

Just look at the situation here in Germany where I live; mask mandates are supposed to be over. Mandatory masks are only for public transport, health care facilities and 2-3 other places and yet you go to the store and 95% of the people are masked. I couldn’t believe it until I saw it!

People approaching the store and pulling up the masks and putting them on before they enter the store, not even to check if there are really other people wearing masks or check if it is mandatory or not - not a slightest sign of doubt in official narrative. Also the workers in the stores - all masked!

I was in the store the other day and except for me and my kid, I counted 2-3 people in a fairly crowded store that were not masked! And many of them were wearing those ff masks!!!

I was stunned. I got weird looks but noone said anything. All corona and masking signs are removed from the store and yet programming is so deep that people just do what they did last 2 years.

Yesterday I went for a walk with my kids and older lady saw me approaching, out in the open with noone else around, pulled up ff mask, put it on and walked around me on 1,5m distance!!!

It’s crazy!!!

If it comes to 20045 booster - they’ll take it! 😕
The Covid genocide is far from over as it is one of their primary agenda of population control. They may remove some restrictions to lower resistance but the next waves of booster/plandemic is still coming even if the mass media don't cover it as much. Governments are also still discussing vaccine passport in Europe so more restrictions will only get worst. Did you realize their next electronic money/ cashless agenda will have feature to freeze your money (those who wants to live in comfort of transhumanism society should always obey official narrative. Better use your mask if you want to pay since the camera face recognition AI will tag you as rebel, also don't buy undesirable product like porn, alcohol, etc). All other suffering lessons like, Ukraine war, truck convoy, is just distractions. Events will only get a lot darker in the near future since everyone thinks we still need more suffering to awaken (including C).
People approaching the store and pulling up the masks and putting them on before they enter the store, not even to check if there are really other people wearing masks or check if it is mandatory or not - not a slightest sign of doubt in official narrative. Also the workers in the stores - all masked!
I always did not want to wear the masks and I am happy that I do not have to wear them (with a few exceptions) anymore right now. But at first it was "kind of hard" for me not to put on the mask "automatically" when entering a shop without a mask shortly after mask mandates were dropped. For a very short time it felt sort of "very funny" going into a shop without mask. I had to remind myself that I hate having them on and that I always wanted to be without them.
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