Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I just finished reading it.

Wow. You're not kidding. My stomach was churning in disgust by the end. They spent the final quarter of the article accusing the population of spreading lies and misinformation, calling everybody names, (while they themselves were lying and misinforming with abandon). It's amazing that this doesn't even seem abnormal today. It's not even a joke now to say, "Welcome to the Soviet UK."

There was no comment section either, so that artificial pressure release valve wasn't present. Either they don't know as much about population control as they think, or they want to find themselves hanging from lamp posts in the near future.

Woodsman I'm not surprised by what you wrote really, the situation in the UK with regards the propaganda is beyond all measure. The BBC is right at the forefront of this. Can't stomach anything from them. Cancelled my TV license last year.
Both my parents were vaccinated this spring. My mother in Quebec and my father in Florida. I saw my mother briefly once since, and her skin was pale to my eyes. Since then I have noticed a change in her speech, and slower response to conversations when we talk on the phone a few times a week. As for my father, a huge change is noticeable. He is definitely not as spry and witty as his usual self. Also he seems to always be napping when I call, his wife also sees a difference. But as they are both totally programmed, they will not consider that any of this is caused by the vaccine.
I certainly can see a difference! To the point that I will not be rushing to see my parents this summer, as I also believe that the vaccinated are contagious of something out of the jab.
Just my 2 cents....
How do you know that?

I'm inclined to think you are right, but even the authoritarian source, "Snopes" was unable to confirm their claim of "False" beyond "because we said so" conjecture.

That strikes me as Twitter-grade offense-hunting logic. Hundreds of millions of social media snippets have handily demonstrated that anybody can, on the fly, invent rational-sounding (in immediate 256 character isolation) but otherwise utterly nonsensical reasons for holding silly positions on any subject under the sun.

Asking to place a magnet on somebody's arm isn't a violation. If they say 'no' then you don't do it.

To experiment on myself, I'd first need an armful of drugs which we do have reason to believe is a bad idea, (based on far more than "because I said so").

It seems you are opposed to learning more about this through rational discovery. Why is that?

So, I'm skeptical of the magnetized human videos too. Worth looking into though and I'm quite interested in the results anyone from the forum can get with those in their lives who were foolish enough to take the jibjab.

So far as ethical implications, that's just dumb, frankly. There are really only two possibilities:

1) videos are fake; nothing happens
2) videos are real; in which case the magnet sticks

In not a single one of those videos do the subjects show any evidence of discomfort, let alone pain, nor is there mechanical damage.

Conclusion: @EGVG is concern-trolling for some reason.
I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but some of my acquaintances and relatives who have had the Covid jab seem to have suddenly grown older much faster than what would be normal. For instance, I just met my wife's aunt and her husband, who I haven't seen in ca 3 months, and their appearance and 'aura' almost scared me. When seeing them, I thought to myself, "No way, man! They look unnaturally fragile and old". (they both are jabbed twice with Pfizer).

I'm just curious, has anyone else witnessed something similar?

Not older per se, but an old prof I know recently got his second dose, and in conversation he seemed very off. His speech was slow and somewhat slurred, almost like he was drunk, and he didn't seem to be understanding what I was saying at any given time (the discussion was entirely relating to professional matters, in which we're both subject-matter experts). It was disconcerting. He's highly intelligent, and generally voluble, quick-witted, and insightful. I've known him for a long time and never seen him like that (even when actually drunk).
I visited my mother last week whom I hadn't seen for a month (I was feeling under the weather after my last visit, so I stayed at home and was also away for a bit) and I thought that her mental capacities had deteriorated considerably. When I talked to her about a certain issue she for the first time said that she didn't know what to say. For someone who was quite outspoken about certain issues this struck me as odd. Then again, her dementia had already started before she received the mRNA non-vaccines, so perhaps I am making too much of it.

She also had a little accident (diarrhoea) last month when we went out for a walk (she said it was a first), so we had to return to her room. The smell made me want to leave, it was that strong and unhealthy, so I was wondering whether there was any viral shedding going on. I reported the incident to the staff, they mentioned that the norovirus was going round, but that her symptoms were different.

Both my parents were vaccinated this spring. My mother in Quebec and my father in Florida. I saw my mother briefly once since, and her skin was pale to my eyes. Since then I have noticed a change in her speech, and slower response to conversations when we talk on the phone a few times a week. As for my father, a huge change is noticeable. He is definitely not as spry and witty as his usual self. Also he seems to always be napping when I call, his wife also sees a difference. But as they are both totally programmed, they will not consider that any of this is caused by the vaccine.
I certainly can see a difference! To the point that I will not be rushing to see my parents this summer, as I also believe that the vaccinated are contagious of something out of the jab.
Just my 2 cents....

Well, damn.

Now that I think about it, in addition to the professor I mentioned previously, a few weeks ago I was over at a friend's place for a BBQ. All academics, all smart people. I was the only one there who hadn't gotten at least one shot.

I recall having the impression that the conversation seemed, overall, less lively than usual - there was a kind of deadened sense of fatigue and slow-wittedness about them.

The C's mentioned that the vaxx would cause brain-damage, making people a bit dumber and therefore a bit easier to control....
Regarding the magnetic vaxx phenomenon, this story may or may not be related:

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

Basically, about 5 years ago research was published demonstrating that fairly complex animal behaviors could be non-invasively manipulated if their neurons were modified to take up magnetized proteins, which was accomplished via viral gene therapy vectors.
Regarding the magnetic vaxx phenomenon, this story may or may not be related:

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

Basically, about 5 years ago research was published demonstrating that fairly complex animal behaviors could be non-invasively manipulated if their neurons were modified to take up magnetized proteins, which was accomplished via viral gene therapy vectors.
Coming closer to influenzing behaviour with 5G and dopamine. He was talking about using microwaves to do the trick.
Maybe used in the "rebel potion" of vaxx.
Should the item be moved to the main thread?
I was looking at this, but fell asleep.. Looking again now.
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Just a quick update about my observations of the people who have been vaxxed at the grocery store I work at. Most of the ones who took the Moderna shot reported little problems with the first one but many were out of work the next day after the second one. They reported headaches, fatigue, slight fever, stomach upsets and a new issue of back pain as apposed to just the general joint pain. Several people who were not going to get the shots ended up getting them any way, partly because at the end of the day there were some left over and the pharmacy didn't want them to go to waste. Some reason!

My main concern has been for a friend of mine who is now 68 and had sever breast cancer several years ago. She doesn't remember a whole year of her life during that illness and has many issues with memory ever since. She also has issues walking because all the cartilage in her knees is gone and as a lot of trouble walking. Her kids high pressured her into getting the shots and she capitulated after her husbands heart attack in December of last year had him requiring surgery in February of this year. So they had a lot of the side effect symptoms before they got the shots and I worry that they will only be made worse. I have only seen them once about 2 months ago, just after the shots but talk to her regularly and so far it seems that they are holding as steady as they can. I plan to go see them as soon as possible again and will know more after a visual meet.

When we talked about getting the shots and she had made her decision I told her I would support her in whatever she wanted to do because I loved her. It was hard but I didn't want to make her choice any harder than her kids had already done so. I know there are others who are put into this position and feel like they have no other choice if they want to see their children and grandchildren. I am thankful that she still want to see me even though I have not taken the shot and will do everything in my power to avoid it in the future.

As for the possible shedding that has been mentioned here, I am in menopause and still take all the supplements mentioned as well as the ones my Doc test me for monthly and have been pretty lucky in that aspect. There is much talk about cycles at work between the females and I'll keep an ear out if it seems that things are turning out differently than usual.
I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but some of my acquaintances and relatives who have had the Covid jab seem to have suddenly grown older much faster than what would be normal. For instance, I just met my wife's aunt and her husband, who I haven't seen in ca 3 months, and their appearance and 'aura' almost scared me. When seeing them, I thought to myself, "No way, man! They look unnaturally fragile and old". (they both are jabbed twice with Pfizer).

I'm just curious, has anyone else witnessed something similar?

Absolutely! I can think of a few people at work and in my social circles that have noticeably aged and changed SIGNIFICANTLY in just a very short period of time. I think the one person that sticks out to me the most is one of my coworkers who is mid-30's, was very sharp in appearance, mind, and performance. After the jabs, he just looks like 10 years older, confused, miserable, and a shell of his former bright self. He makes mistakes now which he literally never made before. Roughly speaking, on a scale of 1-10 of lifeforce quotient (1 being low; 10 being high) he went from a 9 or 10 to a 2 or 3 seemingly overnight!
I'm not sure if this is the right thread and it is hearsay at this point because I haven't had time to research it. A young women coming back from educational leave at work has a mom who has taken both shots, is a nurse and signed up for a study after the second shot. The nurse reported to her daughter that it was to check for antibodies and after 2 months the study showed that there were no antibodies detected effectively making the shot worthless. Or in this case even more worthless than originally thought in my case. What are the chances of this studies results being made public? Probably slim to none.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread and it is hearsay at this point because I haven't had time to research it. A young women coming back from educational leave at work has a mom who has taken both shots, is a nurse and signed up for a study after the second shot. The nurse reported to her daughter that it was to check for antibodies and after 2 months the study showed that there were no antibodies detected effectively making the shot worthless. Or in this case even more worthless than originally thought in my case. What are the chances of this studies results being made public? Probably slim to none.
I wonder if this is the Imperial College test that my partner has also done. His showed negative too, although is second AZ jab is overdue now, they've not phoned him for his appointment.
I'm not really sure how this all works, but from what I can gather, the two antibodies they are looking for are IgM and IgG, so very specific. I don't know how long these antibodies last in the system...the literature states that the IgM are short lived, and from what I've read elsewhere, the IgG take over and last longer. But, my thought was that unless you had been recently vaccinated or recently caught SarsCov2, these antibodies wouldn't be present? I'm not sure, do they just float around until called into action? I know that immune memory is held in b and t cells, but they're not looking for those....also the tests are not quantative, only qualitative.
I wonder if this is the Imperial College test that my partner has also done. His showed negative too, although is second AZ jab is overdue now, they've not phoned him for his appointment.
I'm not really sure how this all works, but from what I can gather, the two antibodies they are looking for are IgM and IgG, so very specific. I don't know how long these antibodies last in the system...the literature states that the IgM are short lived, and from what I've read elsewhere, the IgG take over and last longer. But, my thought was that unless you had been recently vaccinated or recently caught SarsCov2, these antibodies wouldn't be present? I'm not sure, do they just float around until called into action? I know that immune memory is held in b and t cells, but they're not looking for those....also the tests are not quantative, only qualitative.
Realised that you're in the US? So maybe not the Imperial study, but would be interesting to know what the literature that she recieved says.
So how come there are no antibodies after the vaccines? If that is the case and is widespread?

Found in Nature this article which shows the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients is the same for 12 days. It looks like after 12 days the viral load for vaccinated reduces somewhat. Here's the link below to the page with an easy-to-understand graphic. Basically the study attempts to compare vaccinated to unvaccinated infected people vis a vis viral load. (Post vaccine infection, breakthrough infection) This surprises me that we don't know, if the authors are accurate. They say in this report published March 29, 2021: "However, the effect of vaccination on viral load in COVID-19 post-vaccination infections is currently unknown8."

So the vaccines don't reduce the viral load for at least 12 days and then modestly reduced thereafter? Has this been made clear to us all? I have had hands full exploring what it's like to meet up with people who have had the Pfizer. I've had strong reactions of feeling ill and other less obvious reactions. I am observing I should take Ivermectin after these exposures. Ivermectin - I've copied below the information I found some months ago on the prevention and treatment of a viral infection. In any case, whether someone chooses to use an anti-infective of some description, it seems important to know your immune system is functioning when exposed to vaccinated people. At a mininum based on previous discussions on this topic here.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance - group of top emergency MD/Researcher/medical school instructors pored over all the medicines in use to look at what safe ones might work. They have landed on vitamins and Ivermectin as being successful in prevention and treatment. As you can imagine, they have been shut out by officialdom and have finally had to come out and challenge CDC and WHO et al. as supressing vital information. Apologize if they have been introduced here before. I have been following this discussion and don't recall seeing their work mentioned in terms of protection that surpasses the vaccine so far as I am concerned. They say the pandemic is over with what they have shown in research. If adopted.

Here's the link:
I-MASK+ Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Realised that you're in the US? So maybe not the Imperial study, but would be interesting to know what the literature that she recieved says.
Yes I am in the US, NC to be more precise. I don't have any more information than what I gave but I certainly have questions like you. This was an off the cuff comment by a 19 year old and it ended with her asking what is the point of the shots if they don't work?

So how come there are no antibodies after the vaccines? If that is the case and is widespread?

Good question and they only thing I have at this point is possible theories such as: it's much like the flu shot being ineffective or maybe they will require more shots more often which can always boost profit and the main one is since the virus wasn't that deadly to start with and the vaccine was rushed out there was/is plenty of room for errors and miscalculations. As for the details, I don't understand all the technical aspects of it and maybe someone else who does can help?
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