Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

And yet that is pretty much all the "research" in this thread, including that of your esteemed alternative health practitioners who call themselves doctors. It is their opinion.

I'm a doctor in the UK. I work in large intensive care units in the south of England, intensive care is my speciality.

No, let me explain in very simple terms. The name "snicker" is used by me as a profile name for the vast majority of forums I belong to, I have used it since I first joined internet forums in the early days of my university time. Everything from old style chat sites to sports and music, and some professional ones. Snickers is a chocolate bar in the UK, I've dropped the "s" intermittently, tbh I don't know why, probably because I've used it so long I no longer associate it with the chocolate bar. Sorry to ruin your in-depth psychology profiling of me. And again, if I was here as some underground agent I would be very unlikely to be giving out poorly veiled hints and clues with my profile name.
So, if I understand correctly, you claim to be a medical expert who actively engages in a forum discussing medical topics that, according to your professional assessment, are "spreading rubbish". You openly express contempt for the forum, considering it an echo chamber and demonstrating further disdain for its emphasis on research, while relying on your expert anecdotes. Interestingly, you initially presented yourself with a generic “healthcare” category, only revealing your specialization as a doctor in intensive care when directly questioned. Additionally, your chosen username coincidentally reflects a contemptuous attitude towards others, which aligns with your behavior. Despite this alignment, you dismiss any suggestion of significance behind your username choice. It’s just a chocolate bar, you say, one btw that’s overly sweet but with no nutritional value.
So, if I understand correctly, you claim to be a medical expert who actively engages in a forum discussing medical topics that, according to your professional assessment, are "spreading rubbish". You openly express contempt for the forum, considering it an echo chamber and demonstrating further disdain for its emphasis on research, while relying on your expert anecdotes. Interestingly, you initially presented yourself with a generic “healthcare” category, only revealing your specialization as a doctor in intensive care when directly questioned. Additionally, your chosen username coincidentally reflects a contemptuous attitude towards others, which aligns with your behavior. Despite this alignment, you dismiss any suggestion of significance behind your username choice. It’s just a chocolate bar, you say, one btw that’s overly sweet but with no nutritional value.
Oh my word, are we still obsessing over a chocolate bar-related username I chose about 25yrs ago? I'd hate you to know the hotmail address I made at the age of about 17, even I'm embarrassed about that.

Yes I think you've got the rest of it as a somewhat accurate summary. Shame really as I did think I was getting some interesting insights from discussion on other subjects, now I suspect not.
@snicker, assuming that you are a healthcare practitioner that was on the frontline during the pandemic, I'd like to ask you a question that I'm genuinely interested in. All statistical data, be it mortality rates or vaccine efficacy, are based on a positive PCR test (in some cases even without the presence of the symptoms). The EPIC study done by CDC found that even if they leveraged this technique for diagnosis, in 62% of the cases, the etiology of pneumonia could not be identified. And they were not doing only nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs, but also blood and urine tests. I understand that, if we assume a real pandemic, we needed to drastically lower our standards in order to have some trace amount of data, but quickly it was accepted as it is. Decisions like introducing lockdowns based on incompetent computer modeling (they've published the source code of it) were not criticized but doubled down, merging them into the "scientific consensus". So having in mind that we should look at the all-cause mortality data and the simple fact that introduced policies drastically remodeled society's interaction with healthcare or even changed the structure of the society (psychological, economical, etc.) itself, one could assume that there were also bad decisions made in the healthcare. So I genuinely want to ask: were protocols for treating patients with COVID-19 different than pneumonia ones? Especially early during the pandemic, at the time of the Bergamo crisis. Have those changed later on?

they have all used the last few years to make themselves a fortune by playing you all. they are no different to the snake oil salesmen of yesteryear, but now have the internet to sell their wares rather than needing to trudge town to town with their cure-alls.
It can be that they are in fact passing some information without thorough due diligence. I'm sure that blacklisting Mercola by the US government boosted his sales. But to be honest, the pharmaceutical and IT sectors made a real killing in terms of profits. There are even cases of ties to the Corsican mafia that sold ventilators to the Polish government using middlemen that were killed in a possibly staged way.
snicker is what John Desouza calls a 'Carpet Stain Monitor':

Carpet Stain Syndrome—a collection of National government behaviors and responses expressed through agencies, bureaus, military structures and various government actors [...] wherein governmental authority is used to secure the jurisdictional territory {public health, in snicker's case} and responsibilities assigned to the monitor and reinforce the monitor’s purpose: jurisdiction over his governmental carpet stain. The carpet stain is the governmental assignment, large or small that the governmental actor must act upon, protect, promote and when necessary, clean up.


If the carpet stain is kept at a reasonable size {if people keep getting sick, in snicker's case}, the monitor gets accolades and heaps of rewards. When the stain grows too large, then the monitor has an excuse to request more funding and resources for the following year’s budget. Either way, the position of Carpet Stain Monitor is a win/win proposition. The stain never disappears (the governmental need is never resolved.) If it did fade away, the monitor would have no need to exist either. That never happens.


I know Carpet Stain Monitors. By way of partial-full disclosure I must reveal that I spent many years as a rabid Carpet Stain Monitor in the secret National Security structure of the Western nations. I took my own carpet stains very seriously. I was willing to take the life of another or give up my own life in the single-minded pursuit of protecting and improving my carpet stain. There are innumerable noble men and women of fidelity and integrity who are just as serious about their duty and rightfully so. They internalize their oaths and can be the most noble people on Earth. Unfortunately, most never have an inkling of the ultimate controlling [governmental] agendas.

On any chessboard, the most sincere and earnest pieces are often the pawns (and of course also the most easily sacrificed). Carpet Stain Monitors tend to be managers, builders and advocates of government fiefdoms but it’s the pawns that carry out the day-to-day operations of all the national governments. They make up about 99 percent of all national governments. They know essentially what the assignment is and what is involved but they focus on the daily chores of the institutions. They are the soldiers in the field, the government workers in the trenches, bureaucrats doing the best they can and they are law-enforcement doing the dangerous work in the field. They do their work for the sake of their brethren. They accomplish their mission to give support and aid to their brothers and sisters. They confront the dangers they face to protect and serve the ideals of nations they believe in. They tend to be the most professional and dedicated pieces on the chessboard.

Most will sail through their time in government service and never be touched by the repercussions of this corrosive system
very true, but it does give me a much stronger BS meter than those with no medical background and no experience of treating hundreds of covid patients. your favourite "dissenting saviours" - your john campbells, your kory's, your mercolas - they have something in common. they have all used the last few years to make themselves a fortune by playing you all. they are no different to the snake oil salesmen of yesteryear, but now have the internet to sell their wares rather than needing to trudge town to town with their cure-alls.
OK so what are your thoughts on Peter McCullough or recently deceased Dr. Zelenko? There is a number of studies published by them even in heavily censored journals.
This fromThe Financial Times...
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Note part of the statement from BioNtech...

“Continuous monitoring of the vaccine’s safety profile and after more than 2.6bn doses of [the Covid-19 vaccine] administered worldwide has to date not identified potential side effects other than those already listed in the respective product information,” BioNTech said.

So, unless you read the vaccine insert and gave informed consent, you may not have a claim if your injury is listed in that insert.
This fromThe Financial Times...
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Note part of the statement from BioNtech...

“Continuous monitoring of the vaccine’s safety profile and after more than 2.6bn doses of [the Covid-19 vaccine] administered worldwide has to date not identified potential side effects other than those already listed in the respective product information,” BioNTech said.

So, unless you read the vaccine insert and gave informed consent, you may not have a claim if your injury is listed in that insert.
Sorry, that link is behind a paywall...I'll try another way.
Absolutely. I profess no expertise in other areas of this forum, and frankly having now delved into this one in more detail I have much more skepticism in anything else written with confidence here.
This is a good thing. No one in the forum is expected to believe anything just because someone else says it with "confidence".

Btw, are you aware that the only thing you have done thus far is make claims and not produced any evidence backing them up other than to say you are an expert?

With all the stuff that people are saying, it's verifiable and this thread is littered with links to all sorts showing the required evidence. Yet all you have on your side is

  • Listen to me because I'm an expert
  • You're only noticing things because you are looking for them i.e. telling people to stick their head in the sand and believe the "experts"
These are not grounds to accept your arguments 🤷
Mike Batayeh dead: Breaking Bad actor dies aged 52
The actor and comedian's family told TMZ he died at home in Michigan in his sleep on 1 June after a heart attack.
Batayeh did not have a history of heart issues, according to the family, describing his death as very sudden.
ESPN director, Kyle Brown, 42, dies after 'medical emergency' at NCAA baseball tournament
Kyle Brown and family
Kyle Brown, who worked for ESPN for 16 years, was at the NCAA Baseball Super Regional in Winston-Salem on Saturday morning when he died, the company said in a statement.

He was 42. It’s not clear exactly what kind of medical emergency he suffered.
Famous cardiologist Dr Gaurav Gandhi, 41, who performed over 16,000 surgeries died of heart attack
According to his relatives and friends, Dr Gaurav Gandhi reached his residence on Monday night after attending to patients at the private Sharda Hospital where he practised. He then had his dinner and went to bed.

When his family members found him unconscious the next morning, they called an ambulance and he was taken to the GG Hospital where doctors tried to revive him but failed and declared him dead.

Doctors said he died of a heart attack.
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