Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

It really is getting mind boggling how frequently these "karmic" events are happening.

I can only imagine how difficult it is for the general public to continue to ignore these events, as well as the continual sudden deaths among the young and fit, and the general dramatic increase in death, disability seen across all age groups.

But somehow, for the most part they continue to do so, I still have yet to hear anyone I know personally admit that there is something terribly wrong with these vaccines.
I can only imagine how difficult it is for the general public to continue to ignore these events, as well as the continual sudden deaths among the young and fit, and the general dramatic increase in death, disability seen across all age groups.
It's very easy for them to ignore them, because they just don't know about any of this.

They are not interested in learning anything.

His interests are others.

The usual ones.

Those of you in your academic circle tend to forget how ignorant, anthropocentric and selfish almost everyone on the planet is.
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Rock star Jesse Malin is opening up about his health a month after suffering a rare spinal stroke that has now left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Malin recently recalled the incident that took place on May 4. He said he was having dinner in NYC when he suffered a stroke within the spinal cord that gave him burning pain in his lower back that then transferred to his hips, thighs and heels.

“Everybody was standing above me like in Rosemary’s Baby, saying all these different things, and I was there not knowing what was going on with my body,” Malin told Rolling Stone in an interview.

Dr. McCullough Testifies the Truth About the Number of People Who Died from COVID Vaccines
Testifying in front of the Arizona State Legislature, Dr. McCullough presented three separate sources that concluded the same thing: hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives to the COVID vaccines.
• Pantazatos and Seligmann, based on US census and vaccine administration data, estimated 178,000 lives lost from the COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 alone.
• Skidmore and colleagues from Michigan State University concluded 278,000 Americans died in 2021 from the COVID shots.
• And Josh Stirling, a top financial analyst, has estimated the COVID-19 jabs are responsible for about 600,000 excess deaths per year.
“This is more than the Civil War,” stressed Dr. McCullough.
“This is a modern-day American tragedy that’s happening. People are being pitted with losing their job and losing their livelihood or losing their life with a vaccine — and no one’s apologizing for it.”

Dr. McCullough: “My Clinical Practice Is Completely Full of Patients Who Have Suffered Grave Vaccine Injuries”
“I’ve seen the entire array of vaccine injuries,” lamented Dr. @P_McCulloughMD. “They’re all in the peer-reviewed literature. This is not controversial.”
“Myocarditis, heart damage requiring heart transplantation, ICDs, heart failure treatment, young people who can’t exercise anymore.”
“It’s clear,” he remarked. “They [COVID shots] are unsafe products. There’s only one solution — is to pull them off the market. I don’t care how good someone thinks they are, theoretically. We can treat COVID. We can get people through medicines. We don’t need a vaccine. They need to be removed from the market.”
Watch Dr. McCullough’s full testimony on #CHDTV:

@snicker - any questions?
But somehow, for the most part they continue to do so, I still have yet to hear anyone I know personally admit that there is something terribly wrong with these vaccines.
At least where I live ( over 90% with two doses minimum) i keep hearing horror stories from different strata of society , turbo cancers, cardiovascular problems, neurological problems, autoimmune problems- and people are largely making a connection.
Brazil: Doctor Ismar Marques Filho dies after fulminant heart attack at 43 in Bom Jesus
Ismar Filho was married and had two children. He was graduated in Medicine at Souza Marques College and had postgraduate specialization in Cardiology at Lucas Machado Educational Foundation, specialization in Tomography and Cardiovascular Resonance, improvement in Cardiac Resonance in Congenital Heart Diseases and specialization in Forensic Medicine and Medical Expertise.
"Safe and Effective"

It doesn't hurt to see this information again, though it has been released several months ago.
More info of how Pfizer knew but pretended that all is fine.

Yet, in MSM there continues to be nearly absolute silence that a serious problem exists with these transfections, as suggested by the continuous push of them onto young children. I have noticed an uptick in commercials directed at young people to vaccinate them for all kinds of "serious illnesses".
The hunt for the naive by Big Pharma continues. :-(
I'm having some jabbed friends starting to get concerned about the excess deaths in the under 55 age groups. I haven't told everyone I know that I didn't take the poison juice and I'm now surprised that some are asking whether someone took the jab or not.

Incidentally, quite a few stopped taking it after the 2nd jab.

I get the impression how dangerous this thing is is starting to slowly but surely starting to make its way into people's psyches.

I think it's going to be massive news in a couple of years and the government will have to throw loads of money to reassure people e.g. offering free support programmes, enhanced health checks etc. We can only hope!
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