Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

My sister (36) has been diagnosed with breastcancer, while my father is diagnosed with bladdercancer with metastases to his groin lymph nodes. Before that his diabetis was playing up and had to have a bypass surgery in his leg.

I can't help to think that at least both cancer cases are connected to the vaccine. Both had the jab atleast three times... They will never make a possible connection though.
My sister (36) has been diagnosed with breastcancer, while my father is diagnosed with bladdercancer with metastases to his groin lymph nodes. Before that his diabetis was playing up and had to have a bypass surgery in his leg.

I can't help to think that at least both cancer cases are connected to the vaccine. Both had the jab atleast three times... They will never make a possible connection though.
I have family members like that. They will NEVER believe that the "vaccines" had anything to do with it, unless someone in authority - like the government or mainstream media tells them so and they are supposedly what you would call "well educated".

It seems there are far too many people like that, and yet they would be the FIRST to tell you that they would NEVER be part of anything like a regime that existed in Nazi Germany during WWII. It's what allows evil to flourish and even exist in the first place. It's why I'm not optimistic about the future of humanity in general. I get frustrated and angry at their stupidity sometimes and sad that I cannot escape it.
My own personal feeling is that he's not a single person but an account that has been created to test / engage the users of this forum to verify and check how what the PTB classifies as "misinformation" operates and how best they can counter it. You have to think that whilst they can apply pressure to tech giants like YouTube, Twitter etc they'll need a solution for all the forums littered all around the internet.

These people are next level with regards there pathological need to control others. Insatiable hunger.
Actually, I think it is a single person. Who got into the 'health' care system with all the right intentions, but cannot deal with the very angry, dangerous 'monster' in the room that is the Covid 'vaccination'. This is especially problematic in countries like Canada, Australia and the UK. It raises some VERY serious questions about government and business behaviour as well as vaccines in general. Ones that a person like this simply blocks out and doesn't want to hear.
Could be a government funded health care professional.
I have wondered if there are professionals out there acting as agents to identify the dissenters. I don’t know though.

I received an email from a man making an enquiry about treatment for his vaccine injured wife. He said he found my contact details on the React-19 website (I have my services listed to help people with movement disorders due to neurological damage such as strokes).

I replied he should get in touch with the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (DSOS) group who have a clinic to treat vaccine injuries and are accessible online.

I heard nothing back and a couple weeks later received another email asking again to make an appointment for his wife to see me. I replied and reminded him to refer to the DSOS website.

He replied again, thanks yes I forgot about that and asked me if I knew any lawyers dealing with vaccine injuries. I replied no he should refer to the vaccine injury support groups in NZ.

Never heard back again. His spelling and email composition was atrocious and unprofessional. Which was odd as I looked him up on LinkedIn and he was a company director. He and his company email signature did indeed exist. They procured and sold respiratory -aids, -products and -equipment. I looked through his profile and at one stage he filled a government contract. He had also ‘liked’ a post by React-19.

Anyway the whole thing did not seem to be someone genuinely looking for vaccine injury help. All quite strange.
I have family members like that. They will NEVER believe that the "vaccines" had anything to do with it, unless someone in authority - like the government or mainstream media tells them so and they are supposedly what you would call "well educated".

It seems there are far too many people like that, and yet they would be the FIRST to tell you that they would NEVER be part of anything like a regime that existed in Nazi Germany during WWII. It's what allows evil to flourish and even exist in the first place. It's why I'm not optimistic about the future of humanity in general. I get frustrated and angry at their stupidity sometimes and sad that I cannot escape it.
I understand what you are saying. The idea that everyone has their own lessons to learn in this life, helps me to distance myself from my emotions in these situations.
I have wondered if there are professionals out there acting as agents to identify the dissenters. I don’t know though.
Oh yes indeed. Especially in the "health" care industry. They are actually quite proud of their threats and crack-downs on dissenters as well as their ability to follow government orders and inject people with this poison. They make quite a thing about it.
(A) 5G/DEW/EMF at work in Wuhan

convulsing patients in alley wuhan coronavirus convulsions

(B) .. and compare the convulsions above to the EMF DEW used on this person..


.. remember everyone in Wuhan had to have a 'vaccine' (likely GO eugenics shot) by Christmas 2019 and as the shots went in arms 30,000+ 5G transmitters went active.

.. and now you know why they were (and still are) installing 5G all over during the lockdowns, especially in schools.

Also, many of the initial sites had 5G installed - the first cruise ships hit had 5G installed as well as northern Italy (especially near elder facilities).

In a war there are many weapons platforms, weapons, strategies and tactics used - 5G is a key one as one might tell from the enormous resources used to install it and the incredible amounts of energy (electricity) required to operate it.
Scottish youth football coach dies suddenly as 'proud' dad leads tributes
Tony Spencer

A beloved Fife youth football coach who passed away suddenly aged just 34 has been hailed for his "dedication and enthusiasm" for the sport.

Tony Spencer, who died earlier this week, has left a lasting mark on the community after years of training young people across the county.
See also : Heart attacks are on the rise among young population
China drops cremation data from quarterly report, raising questions about key Covid death indicator

Cardiologist Warns COVID Vaccinations May Have Caused Severe Heart Damage in Over 100 Million Americans

Dr. Levy believes that a minimum of 7 million Americans have suffered heart damage due to Covid vaccines. While it is difficult to ascertain the exact number, he suggests that over 100 million people in the United States may have some degree of heart damage that can be detected using a Troponin test. This raises concerns about the potential long-term impact on the cardiovascular health of vaccinated individuals.

During an interview with Steve Kirsch, Dr. Levy focused on the role of spike proteins in causing heart damage. He published an essay titled ‘Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common,’ which formed the basis of their discussion. The presence of spike proteins in the body, induced by vaccination, may have unintended consequences for the heart, highlighting the importance of further research in this area.

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