Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Contaminated COVID Products and Green Monkey Virus
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and his team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots

 SV40 have long been suspected of causing cancer in humans
DNA contaminants may have the ability to alter the human genome. One of Pfizer’s vials also had an SV40 promoter with a nuclear localization sequence (NLS), a 72 base pair insertion that makes the promoter “much more aggressive and also drives the sequence into the nucleus” of the cell
 DNA contamination is a warning sign that endotoxin, which causes anaphylaxis when injected, may be present
 A cinnamycin-resistant gene is also included in the sequencing vector, and it’s unclear if or how this might impact human health. In a worst case scenario, it could make your microbiome resistant to antibiotics


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Contaminated COVID Products and Green Monkey Virus
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and his team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots

From Mercola article you cited:

It’s been assumed that the COVID shots contained only RNA, but using genomic sequencing, McKernan discovered they contain DNA fragments as well, and there really should not be any. The RNA is basically copied, or “Xeroxed” off the DNA, and only the RNA should be in the final product.

As noted by McKernan, the DNA used is proprietary. “They don’t want people to know all the tricks they put in the DNA to drive maximum amount of Xeroxing, if you will.” But what popped out during sequencing was the entire sequencing vector, “which shows us everything they’re doing to drive the expression of this RNA,” McKernan says.

So, we now know they’re using a T7 promoter, an SV40 promoter, an antibiotic resistance gene, that the replication is bacterial in origin and more. As explained byMcKernan, to get the amount of RNA required for these shots, you need very large amounts of DNA. To get the DNA required, a piece of DNA that codes for RNA in a circle, called a plasmid, was created and then reproduced inside E. coli in a huge vat.

Going back to SV40 and Polio and Green Monkey Virus (or African Greens), here is an older article/interview between the guy who seemed to have a lot to do with it:


Narrator: 50 years ago when Maurice Hilleman was a high school student in Miles City Montana, he hoped he might qualify as a management trainee for the local JC Penney's store. Instead he went on to pioneer more breakthroughs in vaccine research and development than anyone in the history of American medicine. Among the discoveries he made at Merck, are vaccines for mumps, rubella and measles...

Dr Edward Shorter
: Tell me how you found SV40 and the polio vaccine.

Within the article, there used to be a direct link to the video interview. Pretty sick stuff, and then to nudge it back into their new mRNA brew would be something else if so.

Edit: And this:

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Il y a beaucoup de choses dégoûtantes dans cette histoire qui rendent la civilisation occidentale du 21e siècle, douteuse. L'actrice hollywoodienne de 41 ans, Katarina Pavelek, s'est fait tuer en Suisse avec une aide médicale approuvée par l'État. Les médias, la politique et les autorités ont incité la jeune femme à se faire administrer la supposée vaccination. Les effets secondaires l'ont privée de la volonté de continuer à vivre.
There are many disgusting things about this story that make 21st century Western civilization questionable. 41-year-old Hollywood actress Katarina Pavelek was killed in Switzerland with state-approved medical aid. The media, politics and authorities encouraged the young woman to get the supposed vaccination. The side effects robbed her of the will to continue living.
Il y a beaucoup de choses dégoûtantes dans cette histoire qui rendent la civilisation occidentale du 21e siècle, douteuse. L'actrice hollywoodienne de 41 ans, Katarina Pavelek, s'est fait tuer en Suisse avec une aide médicale approuvée par l'État. Les médias, la politique et les autorités ont incité la jeune femme à se faire administrer la supposée vaccination. Les effets secondaires l'ont privée de la volonté de continuer à vivre.
View attachment 76932
There are many disgusting things about this story that make 21st century Western civilization questionable. 41-year-old Hollywood actress Katarina Pavelek was killed in Switzerland with state-approved medical aid. The media, politics and authorities encouraged the young woman to get the supposed vaccination. The side effects robbed her of the will to continue living.

dear perlou, thanks to your post i discovered "report24", wich i found to be a factual opponent of the covid and climate crazes.
"Monday, brutal death of Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, famous plateau doctor in Mexico who had made the intense media promotion of the covid vaccination.
He was 42 years old and suffered a "sudden and fatal myocardial infarction".
Another victim!"

thank you for the information. it confirms our suspicion of the deleterious aspects of the so called vaccine.
Il y a beaucoup de choses dégoûtantes dans cette histoire qui rendent la civilisation occidentale du 21e siècle, douteuse. L'actrice hollywoodienne de 41 ans, Katarina Pavelek, s'est fait tuer en Suisse avec une aide médicale approuvée par l'État. Les médias, la politique et les autorités ont incité la jeune femme à se faire administrer la supposée vaccination. Les effets secondaires l'ont privée de la volonté de continuer à vivre.
View attachment 76932
There are many disgusting things about this story that make 21st century Western civilization questionable. 41-year-old Hollywood actress Katarina Pavelek was killed in Switzerland with state-approved medical aid. The media, politics and authorities encouraged the young woman to get the supposed vaccination. The side effects robbed her of the will to continue living.
It's really something to witness this genocide. We're on the front line, seeing how people leave, one after the other. Most of us know why, it's amazing.

I was looking at people on the street today. Okay, it's hot here and the islanders here are said to be "slow". (But not when they talk, because when they talk they sound like locomotives). It's something else, like a tiredness when I looked at them today, a lack of vitality, like gray, no color. It's really, shall we say, sad. Of course there's my look, but I always try to look with a camera eye, as if I were filming.

In fact, it's a cataclysm that has befallen humanity.
Madonna intubated in ICU after being found unresponsive in NYC

For memory:
4 April 2020

Madonna donates $1 million to fund hoping to create coronavirus vaccine

The money will go towards the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's efforts
Hmm, 🤔her situation looked pretty serious if her condition required a tracheostomy.

Madonna intubated in ICU after being found unresponsive in NYC
American singer, Madonna, was rushed to the intensive care of a New York City hospital on Saturday after she was found unresponsive, Page Six reported. As per the report, the 64-year-old singer had to be intubated for at least one night in the intensive care unit after being rushed to the hospital.

Madonna's manager, Guy Oseary, confirmed the health scare via an Instagram statement on Wednesday, saying that she had “developed a serious bacterial infection which led to a several-day stay in the ICU.” He added that her health is improving but she is still under medical care.


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    Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 05-24-16 Madonna (@madonna) • Instagram photos and videos.png
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What’s behind the worrying rise of cancer in young people? After cases in people aged 25-49 rises 22%, experts are blaming processed foods, smoking, drinking and even pollution

Etude danoise HALLUCINANTE ! Il y a des personnes qui ont reçues les vaccins ARNm et qui n’ont aucun effet secondaire... Oui et je vous l’ai souvent dit, cela dépend des LOTS !
Les chercheurs, les Drs. Gerald Dyker, professeur de chimie organique à l’Université de la Ruhr à Bochum, et Jörg Matysik, professeur de chimie analytique à l’Université de Leipzig, sont deux des cinq chercheurs germanophones qui s’inquiètent ouvertement de l’efficacité et de la sécurité du vaccin BioNTech. (comme on l’appelle en Allemagne = Pfizer) au cours des 18 derniers mois.
Ils ont récemment discuté de la variabilité des lots dans l’émission en ligne animée par la journaliste allemande Milena Preradovic. Leur point de référence était une étude danoise récente qui a révélé un large éventail d’effets indésirables liés à divers lots du vaccin.
Cette variation est illustrée dans la figure de l’étude danoise présentée ci-dessus. Il semble que le bon était mauvais, le mauvais était très mauvais et le très bon était une solution saline, pour paraphraser les conclusions des scientifiques allemands concernant la variabilité des lots Pfizer-BioNTech.
Lien vers l’étude danoise :
HALLUCINANT étude danoise! Il y a des gens qui ont reçu les vaccins à ARNm et qui n’ont pas d’effets secondaires... Oui et je vous l’ai souvent dit, cela dépend des LOTS !
Les chercheurs, les Drs Gerald Dyker, professeur de chimie organique à l’Université de la Ruhr à Bochum, et Jörg Matysik, professeur de chimie analytique à l’Université de Leipzig, sont deux des cinq chercheurs germanophones qui s’inquiètent ouvertement de l’efficacité et de la sécurité du vaccin BioNTech. (comme on l’appelle en Allemagne = Pfizer) au cours des 18 derniers mois.
Ils ont récemment discuté de la variabilité des lots dans l’émission en ligne animée par la journaliste allemande Milena Preradovic. Leur référence était une étude danoise récente qui a trouvé un large éventail d’effets indésirables liés à divers lots du vaccin.
Cette variation est illustrée par la figure de l’étude danoise ci-dessus. Il semble que le bon était mauvais, le mauvais était très mauvais et le très bon était salin, pour paraphraser les conclusions des scientifiques allemands concernant la variabilité des lots de Pfizer-BioNTech.
Etude danoise HALLUCINANTE ! Il y a des personnes qui ont reçues les vaccins ARNm et qui n’ont aucun effet secondaire... Oui et je vous l’ai souvent dit, cela dépend des LOTS !
Les chercheurs, les Drs. Gerald Dyker, professeur de chimie organique à l’Université de la Ruhr à Bochum, et Jörg Matysik, professeur de chimie analytique à l’Université de Leipzig, sont deux des cinq chercheurs germanophones qui s’inquiètent ouvertement de l’efficacité et de la sécurité du vaccin BioNTech. (comme on l’appelle en Allemagne = Pfizer) au cours des 18 derniers mois.
Ils ont récemment discuté de la variabilité des lots dans l’émission en ligne animée par la journaliste allemande Milena Preradovic. Leur point de référence était une étude danoise récente qui a révélé un large éventail d’effets indésirables liés à divers lots du vaccin.
Cette variation est illustrée dans la figure de l’étude danoise présentée ci-dessus. Il semble que le bon était mauvais, le mauvais était très mauvais et le très bon était une solution saline, pour paraphraser les conclusions des scientifiques allemands concernant la variabilité des lots Pfizer-BioNTech.
Lien vers l’étude danoise :
View attachment 77029
HALLUCINANT étude danoise! Il y a des gens qui ont reçu les vaccins à ARNm et qui n’ont pas d’effets secondaires... Oui et je vous l’ai souvent dit, cela dépend des LOTS !
Les chercheurs, les Drs Gerald Dyker, professeur de chimie organique à l’Université de la Ruhr à Bochum, et Jörg Matysik, professeur de chimie analytique à l’Université de Leipzig, sont deux des cinq chercheurs germanophones qui s’inquiètent ouvertement de l’efficacité et de la sécurité du vaccin BioNTech. (comme on l’appelle en Allemagne = Pfizer) au cours des 18 derniers mois.
Ils ont récemment discuté de la variabilité des lots dans l’émission en ligne animée par la journaliste allemande Milena Preradovic. Leur référence était une étude danoise récente qui a trouvé un large éventail d’effets indésirables liés à divers lots du vaccin.
Cette variation est illustrée par la figure de l’étude danoise ci-dessus. Il semble que le bon était mauvais, le mauvais était très mauvais et le très bon était salin, pour paraphraser les conclusions des scientifiques allemands concernant la variabilité des lots de Pfizer-BioNTech.

English version:
HALLUCINATING Danish study! There are people who have received mRNA vaccines and have no side effects... Yes, and I've often told you, it depends on the LOTS!

The researchers, Dr. Gerald Dyker, Professor of Organic Chemistry at Ruhr-University Bochum, and Dr. Jörg Matysik, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, are two of five German-speaking researchers who are openly concerned about the efficacy and safety of the BioNTech vaccine. (as it is known in Germany = Pfizer) over the past 18 months.

They recently discussed batch variability on the online show hosted by German journalist Milena Preradovic. Their reference was to a recent Danish study that found a wide range of adverse events associated with different batches of the vaccine.

This variation is illustrated by the figure from the Danish study above. It seems that the good was bad, the bad was very bad and the very good was salty, to paraphrase the German scientists' conclusions about the variability of Pfizer-BioNTech batches.

Link to the Danish study:
LONDON, June 30 (Reuters) - The European Commission has secured deals with Pfizer (PFE.N) and several European drugmakers to reserve capacity to make up to 325 million vaccines per year in case of a future global health emergency, it said on Friday.

The agreement, first reported by Reuters, covers mRNA, vector-based and protein-based vaccines and does not relate to existing COVID-19 vaccine agreements between the EU and vaccine makers including U.S. based Pfizer.

The European Commission said Europe needs to be better prepared for future health emergencies.

The deal ensures that companies are ready to respond to a crisis by keeping their facilities up to date and monitoring their supply chains, "including stockpiling where necessary", the Commission said in a statement.

If a new public health emergency was to be declared, companies would "rapidly start production", it said.

But vaccine equity activists said the EU risked a repeat of what the World Health Organization dubbed "vaccine apartheid" during COVID-19.

“After a pandemic in which developing countries were sent to the back of the queue for vaccines and treatments, the EU and pharmaceutical companies seem to be planning to do it all over again in the next health crisis," said Mohga Kamal-Yanni, policy co-lead for the People’s Vaccine Alliance.

The Commission has selected Pfizer's plants in Ireland and Belgium to reserve capacity to produce mRNA vaccines. It selected Spanish companies Reig Jofre (RJFE.MC) and Laboratorios Hipra SA to reserve capacity for protein-based vaccines and Bilthoven Biologicals B.V. of the Netherlands for vector-based vaccines.

Pfizer said it "understands the urgent need for better pandemic preparedness and response planning and has taken several key steps towards readiness for potential future global disease outbreaks", without detailing those steps.

Reig Jofre said its deal with the EU reserved capacity for four years, with the possibility to extend for a maximum duration of eight years. Neither the companies or the EU disclosed any financial details of the agreement.

The World Health Organisation has urged governments and manufacturers to reserve up to 20% of any tests, vaccines or treatments for the global agency to distribute in poorer countries to avoid a repeat of the "catastrophic failure" during the COVID pandemic, according to a draft of a global pandemic agreement currently being discussed.

All kinds of connections here, so take it FWIW.
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