Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I never claimed to be a doctor or scientist, I am an embalmer. I have been only sounding an alarm about what I am seeing! I can only say that this is not normal. In the 20 years prior to 2021 I never seen anything like this. Something is causing this, and I see it often.

blood clots

I never thought about taking pictures of normal blood clots. But I did take a picture recently of one that looks fairly normal.

blood clot normal.jpg

I find it interesting how some people claim that I am not an expert, yet they have no credentials. Usually mainstream media. I have photos and physical proof of what I have been seeing. Could it be related to the vaccine? They don't seem to be interested! I wonder why? Liability?


A small region has been hit by a group of mystery brain disease, leaving a minimum of 200 Canadians afflicted and leaving medical professionals perplexed, Daily Mail reported.

Mysterious brain disease struck down 200 Canadians with symptoms like dementia, hallucinations, and memory loss

Over 200 people residing in New Brunswick, Canada, have experienced symptoms resembling dementia, including intense hallucinations, difficulty in communication and writing, memory deficiencies, and in some cases, even physical paralysis.

According to specialists, the reported instances trace back to 2015 and affect individuals ranging from 18 to 84 years old. As per the report, the majority of these people were previously in good health before being affected by this ailment.

Authorities in the field of health are conducting investigations into the cases to determine if the culprit behind the illness is the consumption of contaminated food and water containing blue-green algae blooms found in water sources.

Another factor that contributed to the condition was prolonged exposure to the herbicide glyphosate, Daily Mail reported.

The investigation initiated by the government in 2021 involved a comprehensive effort across various departments, but by February 2022, officials stated that the cases were unrelated. The government’s abrupt termination of the inquiry raised concerns among medical experts who suspected it was aimed at safeguarding the region’s profitable fishing and forestry industries from potential negative repercussions.

Dr. Alier Marrero, a physician at the center of this mysterious condition, continued to advocate for a government-led investigation. He encountered patients in New Brunswick who exhibited the symptoms. The doctor reported that the number of cases had surpassed 200 in recent times.

Dr. Marrero’s findings related to the cases

Between 2018 and April 2021, Dr. Marrero observed an increasing number of cases. It started with eight cases in 2018, which rose to 20 the following year, then 38, and eventually reached 48 by April 2021. However, after that point, the province ceased keeping track of the cases.

Despite this, patients still sought help from Dr. Marrero, a renowned authority in Canada on this baffling group of cases. In 2021, he notified government officials about two recently referred patients, one in their 30s and another in their 50s, displaying symptoms akin to progressive Alzheimer’s Disease.

Extensive examinations such as blood tests, spinal taps, and brain scans conducted on the patients revealed signs of brain atrophy and neurological dysfunction. However, the patterns were not consistent enough across patients to establish a definitive diagnosis.

Gabriel Cormier, currently 23 years old, suffered from memory loss, vision problems, and the inability to stand for extended periods. Consequently, she relies on a cane or wheelchair for mobility since falling ill in October 2019.

On dévoile les pourris, mais on ne savait pas à quel point. Révélations chez nos voisins anglais, le gouvernement britannique a été averti que plus d'enfants mourraient par suicide que par COVID-19 avant d'ordonner la fermeture des écoles, a révélé un rapport du groupe de campagne des parents UsForThem.
Le rapport du groupe a noté que les plans de gestion de la pandémie précédents supposaient que les fermetures massives d'écoles devaient être évitées, car ne seraient d'AUCUNE UTILITÉ dans l'arrêt de transmission du virus.
The Telegraph (Ministers were warned that suicide would kill more children than Covid)
Ministers were warned that suicide would kill more children than Covid
Le gouvernement a raté neuf occasions d’éviter les dommages causés par les fermetures d’écoles pendant la pandémie

We reveal the rotten, but we didn't know how much. Revelations in our English neighbours, the UK government was warned that more children would die by suicide than by COVID-19 before ordering schools closed, a report by parents' campaign group UsForThem has revealed.
The group's report noted that previous pandemic management plans assumed mass school closures were to be avoided, as they would be of NO HELPFUL WAY in stopping transmission of the virus.
The Telegraph
Ministers have been warned that suicide will kill more children than Covid
The government missed nine opportunities to avoid the damage caused by school closures during the pandemic
"Denise Bombardier died of a dazzling liver cancer. She had devoted herself to the Pfizer/Moderna cause with fierce energy over the past few years and herself had taken all the mRNA inoculations that were recommended. Some would say it's a coincidence. For my part, I believe that she paid for her strong convictions with her life. #DiedSuddenlyRest in peace, Denise! "

"Denise Bombardier died of a dazzling liver cancer.
She died aged 82, so not exactly in an age group where dying is unexpected, though the vaccinations likely didn't prolong her life.

From wikipedia:
Denise Bombardier was a Canadian journalist, essayist, novelist and media personality who worked for the French-language television network Radio-Canada for over 30 years.Wikipedia
Born:January 18, 1941, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Died:July 04, 2023, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
If this trend continues, it's going to be horrific. And the situation is already very bad.


The results show that the observed number of deaths in 2020 was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation; approximately 4,000 excess deaths occurred. By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number and even more than four times the empirical standard deviation in 2022. In total, the number of excess deaths in the year 2021 is about 34,000 and in 2022 about 66,000 deaths, yielding a cumulated 100,000 excess deaths in both years. The high excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 was mainly due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79 years and started to accumulate only from April 2021 onward. A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths with an increase of about 9.4% in the second quarter and 19.4% in the fourth quarter of the year 2021 compared to previous years.


These findings indicate that something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the early COVID-19 pandemic so far. Possible influencing factors are explored in the discussion.

A team of 9 top scientists, doctors and health officials uploaded an apparently devastating preprint paper to the Lancet July 5th entitled:

A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination

The paper has been immediately taken down by the Lancet, claiming (in under 24 hours) that:

This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology. Preprints with The Lancet reserves the right to remove a paper that has been posted if we determine that it has violated our screening criteria. Further information is available here:

According to Dr Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, one of the papers author's and via his substack:

Hulscher et al have published the largest accumulation of autopsy result in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination. From a total of 325 cases, independent review found the COVID-19 vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9%. The vast majority had the cardiovascular system as the single fatal organ system injury to the body.

Autopsy data has always been the true Achilles heal of this monstrosity and above all else effort has gone into suppressing it.

Hopefully the paper's authors will fight this and kick up a storm.
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