Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Runner Dies After Collapsing 100 Meters From Marathon Finish Line

Florian Gallay
Florian Gallay, 34, reportedly suffered a fatal heart attack just 100 meters before the finish line, and died later at the Gold Coast University Hospital, according to the Australian news channel, 7News.

Lloyd’s sister Saffron Lloyd described him as a “strong, incredible man who has dedicated his life to his family and his God” in the GoFundMe campaign that has been set up to support his wife.
Peru: Government declares national health emergency due to increased Guillain-Barré cases

The seven-fold rise in incidence of Stevens-Johnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis: Associations with COVID-19 and the vaccine
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.jpg Stevens-Johnson syndrome stats.jpg
I found a third batch in her paper documents. It also has DVT and Herpes zoster as symptoms.

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Curious, Persej - did your mother receive multiple vaccinations at one time, or just the Covid boosters?
I ask because my parents both got boosted again a few weeks ago and got shingles boosters at the same time.

My dad got a baseball sized swelling in his arm where the shots were administered. It went away after a couple of days, but it prompted me to check the basics.

I asked my dad if they gave both shots in the same spot, and he said yes.

He received Shingrix, which is a recombinant shingles vaccine. Best practices according to CDC guidelines (as if it means anything anymore) clearly state they be administered at different sites.

So, I wonder if that obvious failure to keep separate injection sites at a reputable doctor’s office is telling of general lax vaccine administration? I imagine so, after these past years where pop up clinics and rapid training for ease of access was encouraged. And maybe it has always been this way.
And that makes me wonder what monsters we have cooking up at large. I understand the concept of recombination and the ever present risk involved, so would multiple injections at the same spot at the same time heighten the probabilities?



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I suppose that’s still fully in line with the idea of general weakened immunity and reactivation of things already present.

I don't know about immunity, because she said that she felt great before this, and she was physically very active, but what is interesting is that her DVT and Herpes, although a year apart, both happened in May. So perhaps both were activated by increased temperature?
Here's a new twist. It's now the unvaccinated's fault for not doing enough to prevent people from getting vaccinated.

Thanks to point this incredible article which show, if written by a sincere person, the incapacities of some to take responsibility of their acts.

Our blood is now on their hands.
Here's a new twist. It's now the unvaccinated's fault for not doing enough to prevent people from getting vaccinated.

Luckily for me I told everyone I associate with.

Madness, irresponsibility, stupidity, etc..., they said.

And then the detoxification protocol, for one person, the only one who recognized it and cared about it.

So at least the accusation of the article does not worry me.:-D
Reading the article, it's not clear whether it's a satire on the "vaccinated" or a cynical criticism of the non-vaccinated. It's not an article that makes you smile, in fact I find it lacking in tact, it's not funny at all. It may try to be sympathetic, but it's not, because it's not clear, and when an article isn't clear in its objective, when it talks for the sake of talking, like this one, saying stupid things so as not to say that the guilty parties are politicians and other scoundrels, then you can see that if it's a satire it's poorly done.

But perhaps the satire is aimed at the "vaccinated". Once again, as it's not clear, I think it's a bad article. But thats my humble point of vue, nothing more.:halo:
Luiz Nathan, One Of The Greatest Talents In The Bresilian Jiu-Jitsu, Passes Away At Age 18
According to Tatame, no further information about the cause of death is known.

Denis Jeandeau, 45, was a rising star in the wine industry

(can't found an article with the cause of the sudden death)
Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist.

“The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination. And now we have the largest series of autopsies, and the autopsies really are incontrovertible. The patients did die of the vaccine. So, it does blow the government narrative out of the water.”


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Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist.
From the study paper:

The number of days from vaccination until death was 14.3 (mean), 3 (median) irrespective of dose, 7.8 (mean), 3 (median) after one dose, 23.2 (mean), 2 (median) after two doses, and 5.7 (mean), 2 (median) after three doses. The distribution of days from last vaccine administration to death is highly right skewed, showing that most of the deaths occurred within a week from last vaccination (Figure 4). 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated by three physicians to be significantly linked to COVID-19 vaccination (Table S1). Among adjudicators, there was complete independent agreement (all three physicians) of vaccination causing or contributing to death in 203 cases (62.5%).The one necropsy case was judged to be linked to vaccination with complete agreement.

We found 73.9% of deaths after COVID-19 vaccination were attributable to fatal vaccine injury syndromes. The cardiovascular system was by far the most implicated organ system in death, followed by hematological, respiratory, multiple organ systems, neurological, immunological, and gastrointestinal (Figure 2), with three or more organ systems affected in 21 cases (Figure 3). The majority of deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration (Figure 4) and were independently adjudicated by three physicians to be significantly associated with vaccination (Table S1). These results corroborate known COVID-19 vaccine induced syndromes and show significant, temporal associations between COVID19 vaccination and death involving multiple organ systems, with a predominant implication of the cardiovascular and hematological systems. Criteria of causality from an epidemiological perspective have been met including biological plausibility, temporal association, internal and external validity, coherence, analogy, and reproducibility with each successive report of death after COVID-19vaccination.
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