Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

@Adobe, yes VAERS is the reporting system in the US. Nucifera posted on the main coronavirus thread earlier today a link to the EU reporting site. The link posted is from the site Health Impact News dot com.

One of their readers made a video with animated graphs, showing the death rates in various countries from covid (in red) along with the death rate beginning with the introduction of the game therapy shots (in blue). I found it to be a good visual representation of what's going on with the virus and the shots.

Evidently, the EU reporting includes the VAERS reporting, which confuses me. How accurate are the individual countries' own reporting systems? If the VAERS system only reflects one percent of the actual deaths/injuries, what are other countries' percentage rates of actual incidents? By their obfuscation, ye shall know them?
Hi Ocean, while we know that the VAERS system only reflects one percent of the actual incidents of injury, what percentage does the EU reporting system reflect? I doubt any system reflects one hundred percent, so how off are the EU reports?

The most recent number recorded by VAERS as of 5/10 is 4434 deaths. 4434 x 99 = 438,966. That's not a typo!

Do you trust your government's health authorities?

As far as doctors not reporting adverse reactions, that may be the case, but I personally know a man who has been injured from the shot. His doctor very much wants to report this injury, but is being prohibited by his employer's administration department. I think this probably SOP in most of the "health care providers" in the US. Hence, the VAERS system is designed to deceive the true numbers of vaccine injuries.
Yes, there is a name for people who insist on organic non-GMO food. They are called "the Sane".
I quite agree but I was hoping there was a type of “fooditarian “ type word that would work in a meme or Facebook post. Sane doesn’t quite Work to convey the idea of a person who eats organic but has made themselves a GMO with a needle full of magic.
I quite agree but I was hoping there was a type of “fooditarian “ type word that would work in a meme or Facebook post. Sane doesn’t quite Work to convey the idea of a person who eats organic but has made themselves a GMO with a needle full of magic.
I don't know, maybe veGanMO?

This reminds me of when I was vegetarian and people called me a "weirdo vegetarian". The question was "how can you be vegetarian? You smoke tobacco!"
Oh wait, it just says that 445 million people live in Europe. I think they mean the EU. Because the overall population of Europe is 746,4 million.
I ran out of time. EU is 445 mil people, the system is counting for them. The UK has 68mil, is not EU, has its own system.
My own guess is 20x underreported victims x10500 on (maybe 33% jabbed of 455mil ) 150 million jabbed,
210.000 deaths on 150.000.000 gives one in 700 or 0.14%
Thats overtaking the maybe 20 times overcounted Corona deaths, for the EU about 1 million.
The 300.000 figure for the US seems high, but not impossible.
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I ran out of time. EU is 445 mil people, the system is counting for them. The UK has 68mil, is not EU, has its own system.
My own guess is 20x underreported victims x10500 on (maybe 33% jabbed of 455mil ) 150 million jabbed,
210.000 deaths on 150.000.000 gives one in 700 or 0.14%
Thats overtaking the maybe 20 times overcounted Corona deaths, for the EU about 1 million.
The 300.000 figure for the US seems high, but not impossible.
Checking Euromomo, it seems that all-cause mortality has indeed been quite high through 2021. The big, broad increase in deaths seems to have ended as of several weeks ago, but recent mortality is far enough above the baseline to indicate a 'substantial increase' (according to the legend).

Whether this is in fact related to vaccination is, however, debatable imo, at least based purely off of this high-level dataset.

I quite agree but I was hoping there was a type of “fooditarian “ type word that would work in a meme or Facebook post. Sane doesn’t quite Work to convey the idea of a person who eats organic but has made themselves a GMO with a needle full of magic.
Well, before the threat of “white supremacy” gripped the world (again), science deniers were already paving the way for organic food to become taboo.
And, tracing the timeline back, does everyone remember when science deniers became a super big deal?
Back when Sarah Palin said she wouldn’t allow her children to get the HPV vaccine because it worked against abstinence. And after that, of course, all the heat on anti-vaxxers for measles outbreaks.
Tie in some global warming denial, and the package is fully wrapped with a decorative bow.
I was very confused when all of my hippie friends suddenly became pro-GMO, but then I started to understand how TPTB are inverting the truth. All of it. And it makes sense.
I was very confused when all of my hippie friends suddenly became pro-GMO, but then I started to understand how TPTB are inverting the truth. All of it. And it makes sense.
Yes very true. When I was vegan I belonged to multiple fb groups. In all of them the majority were pro-GMO and anti-organic, they call this being pro-science. Many are militant about it and the admins would kick people out if they had a so-called “anti-science” or “woo” point of view. They really hate essential oils for some reason too, lol.
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How do you paste that?
Checking Euromomo, it seems that all-cause mortality has indeed been quite high through 2021. The big, broad increase in deaths seems to have ended as of several weeks ago, but recent mortality is far enough above the baseline to indicate a 'substantial increase' (according to the legend).

Whether this is in fact related to vaccination is, however, debatable imo, at least based purely off of this high-level dataset.
I see the excess mortality cumulative chart, comparing with 2019.
after first 10 weeks 2020 22k5 37k less
after second 10 weeks 193k5 132k more
after week 40 232k 150k more -herd immunity?-
end of year 396k 300k more
until week 7 126k 80k more
last 2 months 140k 80k more
So, there would be space for the 210k jab victims, if the second (150k) and third (80) wave is only them.
In March and April the elderly people were jabbed already, maybe the risk is much lower for the not sick and old?
Or, the sick and old are not dying, dead already, you can see that in the graphs by age.
Or, is the counting off, lately?
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