Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I expect the same thing, but I hope I am so wrong.

I was just wondering about secondary side-effects if that's the right word in regards to people who are in close contact with those who have been vaccinated. I find that after visiting my mother who received the RNA 'vaccine' twice I just feel under the weather for a while. Nothing serious, but just not quite up to snuff and I have become much more serious about my supplements regimen. I walk to the station after my visit to get some air, I make myself a footbath when I come home, use the FIR blanket the next day and still I don't feel really well for a couple of days. Anybody else who has the same experience?
Pretty much the entirety of my social circles (and roommate) has been vaccinated recently with pfizer and moderna being the dominant vaccines available in my area. I'd admit that I've had a mild streak of melancholy and lethargy recently which can of course happen at anytime, however after a longer and colder winter than usual the weather has been really nice as of late, I've been playing a lot of sports, working out, sun tanning, enjoying life... ect. I think it's rather peculiar that I feel off.

A few deaths have popped up in some more distant circles amongst the elderly that could be unrelated, but my circles don't go that far so any uptick in deaths that I hear about personally is curious.

Most of friends and coworkers have complained about mild side effects, rashes, itches, nausea. but most of them are younger and relatively healthy, so I'd be surprised if anything dramatic happened.

So far, when people ask if I've been vaxxed or not I've just related that I spent 5 days in the hospital when I was 18 months old due to vaccine side-effects. That usually quiets the hostility.

I'd be curious if the C's could give some stats on the matter.
Pretty much the entirety of my social circles (and roommate) has been vaccinated recently with pfizer and moderna being the dominant vaccines available in my area. I'd admit that I've had a mild streak of melancholy and lethargy recently which can of course happen at anytime, however after a longer and colder winter than usual the weather has been really nice as of late, I've been playing a lot of sports, working out, sun tanning, enjoying life... ect. I think it's rather peculiar that I feel off.

A few deaths have popped up in some more distant circles amongst the elderly that could be unrelated, but my circles don't go that far so any uptick in deaths that I hear about personally is curious.

Most of friends and coworkers have complained about mild side effects, rashes, itches, nausea. but most of them are younger and relatively healthy, so I'd be surprised if anything dramatic happened.

So far, when people ask if I've been vaxxed or not I've just related that I spent 5 days in the hospital when I was 18 months old due to vaccine side-effects. That usually quiets the hostility.

I'd be curious if the C's could give some stats on the matter.
Maybe a good way to handle it is to thank them for taking it so we can reach herd immunity and protect the very few people unable to take it (for whatever reason). I did that today with someone and it seemed to take the pot off the boil. People seem proud to have taken it, so why not reinforce their good feeling. In my case, it entirely eliminated the previous antagonism between us on the issue.
I expect the same thing, but I hope I am so wrong.

I was just wondering about secondary side-effects if that's the right word in regards to people who are in close contact with those who have been vaccinated. I find that after visiting my mother who received the RNA 'vaccine' twice I just feel under the weather for a while. Nothing serious, but just not quite up to snuff and I have become much more serious about my supplements regimen. I walk to the station after my visit to get some air, I make myself a footbath when I come home, use the FIR blanket the next day and still I don't feel really well for a couple of days. Anybody else who has the same experience?
I felt a bit unwell after being around a patient who just had the J&J vaccine. Did not spend a lot of time around this person so passed quite quickly. I work at a psychiatric hospital as a nurse. One patient who decided to get vaccinated with the J&J despite being 18 and having COVID 2.5 wks previously, came to the nurses station at midnight with a 100.2 F fever, a bit elevated pulse, somewhat low BP. These were expected side effects so I gave him tylenol, highly encouraged water. I thought the best course of action was to let him get sleep and check on him periodically during the night to make sure he wasn't in distress. I passed this off to the next nurse and said I was concerned. When they woke him in the AM, his fever had spiked to 102.5f and was sent to the hospital for some IV fluids. He was fine in 24 hrs. The hospital sent him back within hours with no notice and no report, I expect bc there is an influx of people in the emergency room with side effects.

During rounds on another unit I expressed my concern about a woman in her 20s getting vaccinated given her anaphylaxis to tree nuts. And she was going through some pretty serious medication changes at the same. Crickets. Then I asked people off the cuff if they have heard of the young people dying from the vaccines. The nurse manager had heard of the AstraZeneca causing issues but not Pfizer or Moderna. Either I put my foot in it or planted a seed.
My older sister is a nurse. She's the only one in my family who has been vaccinated. She has not had any side effects. I don't know what vaccine she got. She is the only one in my family who has strong programming in relation to the vaccine and COVID. She does not seek alternative information and I believe she has rejected articles that someone on facebook gave her. She doesn't know how PCR tests work. She is just following what the hospital tells her to do.

I will ask her what vaccine she received and share the information on this post.
I talked to my sister. She confirmed that it is Pfizer. She confirmed that she had no side effects. She also told me that her colleagues received it and they had no side effects. I did not verify this with these colleagues. I always like to check with people personally to get their version.
I visited my parents over the weekend. They seem to have aged so much in the space of two months. Both complaining about aches and pains and my mum her eye sight. Me and my husband felt unwell afterwards with bad headaches. Today my husbands parents visited. They refused to take off their masks the whole time they were in our house. They are both unwell and the father in law is now walking with a stick after a bad fall last week that has torn a ligament in his leg. They also seem to have aged somehow. Its frightening!
I had the call from my doctors wanting to arrange my appointment for my jab. I told them no. The die is cast!
My parents received the first AstraZeneca jab about 10 days ago. They had no reaction to it apart from my mom feeling slightly off the following day. Oddly enough, my dad felt fine despite having had severe pain for 2 days from the pneumococcal vaccine he took a couple of months ago. I also know of someone who recently got the Moderna vaccine but has had no adverse reaction so far.

On the other hand, a FB friend of my age who lives in Australia got two Pfizer jabs and had severe reactions on both occasions, needing to go to the emergency department with flu symptoms, nausea, headache, sweats, chills and joint pain.
Both my parents, over 70, have received the Pfizer Biontech vaccine in the past few weeks, my mum has received both doses and my dad is waiting for his second. So far no known side effects reported but my mum's dementia has worsened slightly, she's more confused than before. I'm curious that my sister, previously not known for questioning the pharma narrative, is now having strong doubts about getting the vaccine. She had a severe anaphylactic reaction to antibiotics about fifteen years ago, so I think that shocking memory has made her nervous. The news that AZ has now been stopped for under 60s here has probably made up her mind, at least until the restrictions for the unvaccinated come into force.
Both my parents, age 78, were vaccinated, mother in Québec (she didn't ask what vaccine?), father in Florida with J&J. Within first month, although I have not seen them physically, at least my dad has aged drastically from just speaking on the phone (he already had health issue), It seems to me that we will all personally know many people who drank the cool-Aid. Very sad and getting more surrealistic by the day!
A good friend's father had the pfizer about a month ago and she took him to a medical appointment in a nearby city awhile afterwards. His angry response during the visit was much more intense than his usual angry tendency. At the time she thought 'I wonder if that's the vaccine'.

Another good friend got the Pfizer vaccine recently. Later in the day of her vaccination I sent Reiki as she'd asked and felt like the iron curtain had descended around her.

The other effect, up till the vaccine, she would get the kinds of energetic attacks that I and others get too. After the vaccine, she got no attacks. An aside - Eiriu Eolas clears these attacks wonderfully.

What I found with my friend who got the Pfizer is that when I sent Reiki I would get hit very heavily with stronger than usual attacks. So if we take helpful actions towards someone close to us vaccinated with Pfizer, and it improves their state, maybe we get stomped. That's how it seems to me. So far Pfizer seems to have these special control qualities and the other vaccines do not.
I have two work colleagues who got the jab and told me their reaction stories.

The first one to get it had severe neurological pain in her shot arm for the next two days, headache, and a couple of other symptoms I can't remember. Nothing seems to have been permanent though.

The second one said she no longer drinks alcohol because since getting the jab she's been getting a headache after one beer, shot, or glass of wine and if she drinks any more than that she wakes up the next day with a hangover. She said there have been others who've experienced this kind of symptom but I didn't find anything when I went searching. Anyone seen this reaction in any of the places they find people reporting post-jab symptoms?
Yesterday I had a patient who had taken both shots of Moderna, the 2nd 2 weeks ago. A couple of days later, he woke up with double vision!

He called his family Dr, who sent him to the Emergency Room. After CT scan and other tests, he was told he didn't have a stroke or tumor. But offered nothing further.

I saw him and prescribed prism in his glasses and suggested complex vitamin B and NAC. Hopefully this will not become a regular occurrence in those taking the jab.
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Uuh. That was nasty... :scared::-(

i am just surprised how readily the mainstream media is reporting about the adverse effects from the “vaccines” made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

I mean compared to how little is written about Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech’s adverse effects.

Perhaps it is a battle of who has the biggest... uhm... wallet behind the scenes. Or a hidden, but uniform strategy to create a false dichotomy ? To put the players seemingly against each other, in order to accomplish the desired outcome in the long haul.

At the same time I can’t shake off the feeling that beyond Plandemic and Vaccines, is an even darker plan about to shape, eagerly coming to pass...
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