Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Uuh. That was nasty... :scared::-(

i am just surprised how readily the mainstream media is reporting about the adverse effects from the “vaccines” made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

I mean compared to how little is written about Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech’s adverse effects.

Perhaps it is a battle of who has the biggest... uhm... wallet behind the scenes. Or a hidden, but uniform strategy to create a false dichotomy ? To put the players seemingly against each other, in order to accomplish the desired outcome in the long haul.

At the same time I can’t shake off the feeling that beyond Plandemic and Vaccines, is an even darker plan about to shape, eagerly coming to pass...
Double ouch on this one

If you have not read this article, I suggest you do!

Yes, a very powerful article

Thank you for pointing it out - I ahd already read the article (But I really love repetitions and reminders)
For me personally, things sink in, one layer at the time... Each time one step deeper. Denser.
Two of my aunts got the injection. One is in her 60's and the other is in her early 80's. So far they are still with us.

My nieghbor, on the other hand, did not fare well at all. He died a couple of weeks ago. I assumed he was in his 70's. He'd regularly walk about with his doogie and in good weather he'd keep his garage door open playing the classic rock station while he puttered around his yard. I talked to him on the street a couple of weeks before he died and he told me he "got the shot". I don't know which one or how many doses he got. According to a police source I have he fell in his bathroom and it was mentioned that he had a blood clot.

It's very sad that he died even if his death could be chalked up to coincidence. The street won't be the same without him.
Was at the doctors yesterday, first visit in over 18 months. I've got hives, it's a pain, developed after a bull ant stung me several weeks ago. It often happens after envenomation from wasps or bees too.... and my only flu shot.

At reception I wasn't asked about vaxxes or C19 but eventually one receptionist, an ex-fire fighter colleague of mine asked me if I had C19 jab. This arose from a conversation she was having with an 'anti-vax' patient also waiting for the doctor.

Told them I'll pass for now (a lie, not having it), all C19 vaxxes are under test and I've already heard a few accounts of negative reactions. The receptionist was shocked and obviously regretted asking me and 'anti-vax' patient was surprised to have found a fellow traveler. Long story short, the usual conversation followed.

Dr W called me in, 'when did you last have hives like this?' 'Ten years ago, after a flu shot, lasted for weeks like this bout, seems I'm getting more sensitive with age'. She agreed that can happen and wanted to perform a blood test, 'no problem' I said 'while I'm at it can I get an C19 antibody test?' She look astonished and said 'well that's interesting, why do you want a test, do you want to avoid the C19 jab?' I said, 'After the flu shot 10 years ago I don't think it would sit well with me, besides, you can't call the new vaxxes thoroughly tested.' No answer but she said 'I don't think they're allowed to test!' I said 'Well that's strange, there is an abundance of valuable information being lost by not anti-body testing and we could save themselves a lot of trouble by vaxxing only those that need it'.

No answer but she asked 'what makes you think you've had C19?' Me, 'I'm a medic I've had plenty of exposure since this all began and it's believed to be regularly asymptomatic. I and many others also had a strange flu matching C19 symptoms back in November '19 but nothing since then.'

'IMPOSSIBLE! It's only been in Australia since February 2020 and you can thank the lock downs, masks and hygiene for not being infected! I said that my colleagues in the medical field have had virtually nothing but people I know in aged care reported a spike in deaths back in November '19, it's a respiratory virus, it could've slipped under the radar'

'I know how viruses work but officially it entered Australia in February!' During this exchange she was searching for anti body tests on her data base. 'Oh, it appears they do have the tests but you'll be paying for it!'

I was never a smart arse in this exchange and it was clear that she didn't like it one bit. Looks like someone else didn't like it either....

Got attacked this morning, instantly awake, presence in the room, heart racing, torso and waist twisted in opposite directions. This gave me instant sciatica, my left hamstring felt like it was snapping. This morning I'm hobbling around but fear not, soon I'll be paying a visit to an amazing chiropractor in Michigan!

This guy, Dr Rowe is nothing short of a God when it comes to back and neck pain! A true STO legend, thanks Dr Rowe!

Dr W, I think you need to lift your game a little.

Got the slip that allows me to get the anti-body test, should I get it? I'll probably be subjected to extensive 'counselling' at the lab hoping they'll discourage me from destroying the narrative a little. Could be an interesting experience.

Thanks and take care!
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I have a friend who’s mother was taken to ER the day after getting the Moderna vaccine (don’t remember if it was first or second). She was experiencing severe vertigo and couldn’t walk well. They kept her for a few tests and couldn’t find anything wrong. Her symptoms subsided and that was that. No link to the vaccine, of course.
My friend has another friend whose mother had to go to the ER for respiratory issues after vaccination as well. Don’t know which vaccine she got. Again, no apparent relation to the vaccine. Though these friends didn’t fail to notice the strong correlation.
My parents are both fully vaccinated now. They haven’t noticed any symptoms at all. My mother has a non-functioning thyroid due to hashimotos, and my dad has type 2 diabetes.
My mom wouldn’t notice any “side effects,” because she seems to feel awful most of the time. She told me today (a month after the second dose) that: “I used to be able to just do things, and feel good doing it. And now everything is just hard.”

I caught her and my dad talking a couple of weeks ago about his blood sugar levels. He struggled to control his sugar for a long time, but has been pretty good and steady since his retirement. Apparently, he woke up thirsty in the night. While he was up, he checked his sugar and it was around 450.
Normal for him has been 110-120, and he’s known to go low enough to need orange juice on days when he’s active.

Again, none of this has anything to do with the vaccines. Also, I need to get one or I will die of covid.

Outside of those stories, I don’t hear much besides how proud and relieved and happy folks are after receiving vaccination.

But I assume it is similar to my mother’s situation: they probably can’t remember what it feels like to feel “good,” and loss of brain function can easily go undetected by the person experiencing it.

What a bummer.

On a brighter note, the J&J blood clot news has gotten much attention from my blue collar coworkers. Even some who had signed up for appointments are now planning on skipping it. Only the office crowd is waving the jab banner.

Just two weeks ago, the office had to call an ambulance as one of the higher-ups suffered a seizure shortly after clocking in. I don’t know if he got vaccinated or not, but I could take a wild guess.
Latest news is that his doctor is still working on his case. They can’t seem to find any reason for this disturbance. He’s never had a seizure before.
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My niece is the first in our family to get the vaccine as she is a nurse in NICU. She's sick, but not sick enough to be admitted to hospital. She is apparently very pale and listless. She didn't have the energy to walk her pup to the dog park today, so her fiancé did and my sister drove my niece down to watch from the car. We had a barbecue planned for my sisters birthday tomorrow to be held at my nieces place, but we're waiting to find out if it will be cancelled. No news yet as to what the exact symptoms are. She had the Pfizer vaccine. It's really hard to watch those you love believe in these vaccines. She's only 25 and loves kids, hence her chosen field. She hasn't started planning her own family yet because she and her fiancé wanted to get ahead on their mortgage first. It will be heart breaking for her if this vaccine does interfere with her fertility.

Two friends of my nephew have had the vaccine and both are ill. One is still in hospital with leg cramps and pains in the chest. They've scanned him for blood clots but haven't found any. I don't know which vaccine he had.
The head of Denmark's medicines agency suddenly collapsed in the middle of a press conference announcing the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine...

Nobody is saying what caused her to faint. -Though, if it's like any conference style event where people are blathering on and on and on in rooms full of boring people and recycled air... You hardly need bad medicine to cause your head to spin and knees to give out.

Still.., it's quite uncommon to see people drop at news events like that.

Not counting, of course, nurse who collapsed a few weeks ago after getting the Pfizer jab...


She had a good excuse.
News of kids meeting unfortunate outcomes from the trials is starting to trickle in


UK Column which is currently serving a ban from YouTube did a story on the 2 year old who died from the moderna jab.

The hospital in question is this one

Make no mistake, kids will not be spared unless the adults wake up which doesn't look likely to happen.
I caught her and my dad talking a couple of weeks ago about his blood sugar levels. He struggled to control his sugar for a long time, but has been pretty good and steady since his retirement. Apparently, he woke up thirsty in the night. While he was up, he checked his sugar and it was around 450.
Normal for him has been 110-120, and he’s known to go low enough to need orange juice on days when he’s active.

Anyone has any idea what this can be?

My dad who is diabetic had the first shot from Pfizer a couple of week's ago.. he had no immediate reactions but I've recently learnt that he's constantly complaining of thirst - for about 2 - 3 weeks now. More often than not he's now drinking around 8 pints of water daily, including getting up in the middle of the night due to thirst.

He's been monitoring his blood / sugar from the prick tests he has and all seems normal on that front?

At the moment they are just taking this increased level of thirst is a thing that will pass but obviously I immediately thought back to the vaccine as soon as I heard about it.

What can make someone excessively thirsty all the time?

The head of Denmark's medicines agency suddenly collapsed in the middle of a press conference announcing the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine...

Nobody is saying what caused her to faint. -Though, if it's like any conference style event where people are blathering on and on and on in rooms full of boring people and recycled air... You hardly need bad medicine to cause your head to spin and knees to give out.

Still.., it's quite uncommon to see people drop at news events like that.

Not counting, of course, nurse who collapsed a few weeks ago after getting the Pfizer jab...


She had a good excuse.
Tiffany, her Facebook disappeared and her very active Instagram account died but was not taken down. After 11 weeks without posting she suddenly published some ski trip photos at the end of February. Nothing since then, I'm wondering if the ski trip pix were from an earlier time.
If you have not read this article, I suggest you do!
This is mega scary stuff. Every day we hear of worse and more frightening things connected with covid and the pandemic. If Mike Yeardon is expecting the public to suddenly realise what is going on he is in for a disappointment. Minds just cannot contemplate the enormity and scale of the deception. No one can believe in such evil intent.

One thing that does confuse me is the lack of interest from journalists. They are usually the first to sniff out a story. Are they being stymied by their corporate bosses or are they all in complete agreement (programmed) not to respond. We have "errant" scientists, doctors etc who have come out to condemn what is happening, so why no journalists?
The head of Denmark's medicines agency suddenly collapsed in the middle of a press conference announcing the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine...

Nobody is saying what caused her to faint. -Though, if it's like any conference style event where people are blathering on and on and on in rooms full of boring people and recycled air... You hardly need bad medicine to cause your head to spin and knees to give out.

Still.., it's quite uncommon to see people drop at news events like that.
Just before she falls, the other guy, the speaker, is saying that "we are in the middle of a pandemic and we need the vaccines..." AND then she falls. Could have been a Monty Python sketch as the timing is perfect. This happened at a press conference on the 14th of April, where the use of AstraZeneca was permanently halted. My sister says that people who wish to be vaccinated can choose to get AstraZeneca if they prefer it rather than wait. So the use of it is not banned as such and some are so eager to get vaccinated that they don't care ... or think.
The woman, who fell was brought to the hospital for observation.
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