Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I can't really judge whether this post belongs here, as I don't know if the girl in question has been vaccinated. But it seems very unusual to me and would fit in. And it also scared me a bit what thought processes happen when you hear stories like this, even more so when you are so close to it.
Now to the story:
My daughter (19) and 4 friends around the same age celebrated the day before yesterday that they had passed their Abitur. They went out for dinner and played cards and each had about 2-3 beers. One of the friends suddenly felt sick and my daughter's best friend (with whom she also lives) accompanied her to the toilet to throw up. Then everything seemed fine again.

10 minutes later she felt sick again and they went to the toilet again, the friend now also complaining of chest pains. When they were back with the others, they decided to go home, but it didn't happen because the girl collapsed, turned pale, got blue lips and her eyes were half closed. My daughter and her friends immediately called the ambulance and they resuscitated the girl in the ambulance and took her to the hospital. She died that night.

The doctors' first suspicions were a congenital heart defect or a heart attack. The only thing I remember is that she was taking anti-depressants. But I don't think that these, in combination with alcohol, would cause a heart attack. At least not in that small amount I think. Drugs can be ruled out. My daughter and her other friends even had to go to the criminal investigation department yesterday and were heard as witnesses. A carefree childhood can end so quickly...

When I heard it, I immediately thought of a vaccination complication. But isn't that too hasty a judgement? In retrospect, I am a bit shocked at myself, because is it any different than when the vaccination advocates hastily label us, who do not want to be vaccinated, as conspiracy theorists, vaccination refusers, etc. without knowing the background? Probably not....

Since it was a really drastic experience for my daughter and her friends, I hope that we might learn the reason one day....
I myself was also a bit overwhelmed yesterday and didn't know exactly what to say.... The two girls were sitting in my kitchen and I made them a warm cocoa and just listened to the story.... :-[
While we are aware of the various immediate side effects of the shots, we are moving into the realm of secondary, or longer term effects. As more people get shots, there are higher percentages of people who had shots in the past three months or the past six months. What are those side effects going to be? No one knows yet, but we're going to find out.

I have two examples of what I think may be possible side effects. The first is my partner's band mate, the singer. She's 60, and I have known her for 40 years. She got the J&J shot in the latter half of March. No immediate side effects, but what I have observed, started in June. Went to practice, she was wearing a sleeveless tunic and Capri length pants. Her arms were covered in small bruises, in a pattern that resembled measles. Not exactly faint, more like markings on an animal. She also had a large, egg shaped and sized lump on her right arm near her armpit. The next week, she was wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Same thing with her legs, small bruises in a similar pattern to her arms. In subsequent weeks, no noticable changes until last week. All the bruises are still there, but noticably darker, almost black.

The second example is my sister. She got the Moderna shots in early May and early June. I spoke with her last week. She said she woke up on July 4th with the feeling that her hands were on fire. She's decided/convinced herself that she has gout! (She doesn't have gout). It didn't occur to her that maybe her symptom was due to the shots.

I think a lot of people may have side effects they don't notice or if they do, don't connect with the shot they took three months ago. Or six months ago. Another factor, a lot of people may not want to admit (even to themselves) that maybe that shot wasn't a good idea, or that it's the worst decision they ever made.
While we are aware of the various immediate side effects of the shots, we are moving into the realm of secondary, or longer term effects. As more people get shots, there are higher percentages of people who had shots in the past three months or the past six months. What are those side effects going to be? No one knows yet, but we're going to find out.

I have two examples of what I think may be possible side effects. The first is my partner's band mate, the singer. She's 60, and I have known her for 40 years. She got the J&J shot in the latter half of March. No immediate side effects, but what I have observed, started in June. Went to practice, she was wearing a sleeveless tunic and Capri length pants. Her arms were covered in small bruises, in a pattern that resembled measles. Not exactly faint, more like markings on an animal. She also had a large, egg shaped and sized lump on her right arm near her armpit. The next week, she was wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Same thing with her legs, small bruises in a similar pattern to her arms. In subsequent weeks, no noticable changes until last week. All the bruises are still there, but noticably darker, almost black.

The second example is my sister. She got the Moderna shots in early May and early June. I spoke with her last week. She said she woke up on July 4th with the feeling that her hands were on fire. She's decided/convinced herself that she has gout! (She doesn't have gout). It didn't occur to her that maybe her symptom was due to the shots.

I think a lot of people may have side effects they don't notice or if they do, don't connect with the shot they took three months ago. Or six months ago. Another factor, a lot of people may not want to admit (even to themselves) that maybe that shot wasn't a good idea, or that it's the worst decision they ever made.
yeah. Before I said that my experience is different to what i see online, but the pic is changing.... I got one lady as a customer, 82 yrs old, who had a heart attack two days after 2nd shot, but it was NOT the shot, for her mother had a heart attack at 82 aswell--- But she said she had actual side effects. She had the shingles. AND she thought that that could be a side effect of the shot. But not the heart attack. right.

And the other one is a Man, around 40, who got the shot and a delta muscle inflammation with it. Not that the shot is in relation with the inflammation. No. He can't keep the rest. thats it. He even says his heart starts aching... but no. can't be the shot.
ALERTE : les vaccins à ARNm « tueront la plupart des gens » par insuffisance cardiaque, 62 % des personnes vaccinées présentent des caillots sanguins microscopiques ...
Vaccinés, surveillez votre cœur !!
11h46 · 16 juil. 2021·Application Web Twitter

ALERT: mRNA vaccines "will kill most people" with heart failure, 62% of those vaccinated have microscopic blood clots...
Vaccinated, watch your heart!!!
11 h 46 - 16 juillet 2021 - Application Web Twitter.

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I went to a small Rheumatology pharma lecture the other evening for an unrelated medication. The lecturer mentioned dangers of PEG in infusion medications, said the stuff was in a lot of things and had been considered harmless until fairly recently but was such a problem that it was altering treatment/safety protocols. He very quietly said it's even in vaccines. I'm probably the only one that caught it (out of maybe 10-15 people there). When the program was finished, we were invited to ask questions on any subject. I asked about the pericarditis reports. Besides wanting information myself, I was pretty sure that my colleagues were not well informed on the subject. I learned that indeed it is a real and worrisome issue. They don't have a good theory yet about it, or why just young boys are affected. The first known case of it happened in our state to the son of a cardiologist. We might not have known about the problem so quickly otherwise.

I got there a little early, so casually asked for an opinion on my unusual case regarding safety for the vaccine. I've had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome 3 times. Lecturer agreed with my physician that it would be dangerous in my case.
Correct me if I am wrong but the Novavax Vaccine is safer than the MRNA Pfizer, Moderna, J& J Vaccines. It should be available end of third quarter begining of 4th.


More on the grahpene oxide poison.

For each dose the Pfizer vaccine has
6 nanograms of RNA
747 nanograms of graphene oxide
Graphene oxide is a staggering 99.99 % for each dose of the vaccine.

This is genocide, pure and simple.

15 minute video
That's remarkable.

There MUST be some reason behind the decision to use this particular new material. It seems like an odd choice for simple poisoning; there are so many better ways if you just wanted to kill people; the food and water supplies are there and are already being used to deliver low-grade toxins with great effectiveness. Graphene is such a newly available material with such remarkable quantum properties, it seems an unlikely choice for something so mundane as mere murder.

I wonder if perhaps it is an experiment meant to see what happens if people are turned into antennas of some sort -and that the basic bio-toxic effects are just a side show which they hope won't be overwhelming. Experiments would be needed to know how much will kill and how much will be effective without killing. Different regions and subjects would need to get dosed with different quantities and then measured. -When you think about it, the world-wide vaccination push is like having a really great super computer or a space mission to orbit with a whole lineup of researchers wanting to get their experiments on the schedule for the unique opportunity.

Thank you @ella. I have some information that may make sense along these lines.
I was taking a biofield tuning course back in April, and one of our instructors mentioned that when giving a biofield tuning to a client who had been vaccinated, that the clients biofield was very screwed up, out of whack, and it took some time (sessions are usually one hour, so more than one hour, maybe two?) to clean up and restore the clients biofield. So it appears that a physical change of some kind (vaccination) can have deleterious effects on the energy field surrounding us, which would interface with our etheric system/field, or more, I am thinking, and possibly may indicate effects on the soul.

This might be one of the effects being sought after by such experiments I was postulating above. If you can cut off a person from their soul matrix (or whatever that phenomenon is which carries consciousness), then just consider how much control the PTB would have!

To align with the spirit of this thread, my girlfriend's mother just received the Moderna vaccine at Walmart! LOL

Going to Walmart to get vaccinated. -That's just pitch perfect to the overall theme of the ignorant masses being treated like product. It's the sort of thing Douglas Adams might have joked about forty years ago. -Or Neal Stephenson more recently.

I think a lot of people may have side effects they don't notice or if they do, don't connect with the shot they took three months ago. Or six months ago. Another factor, a lot of people may not want to admit (even to themselves) that maybe that shot wasn't a good idea, or that it's the worst decision they ever made.
There is a standing rule among many addicts; NEVER blame the drugs.

The addiction in this case, (and in the case of marijuana), is not biological, but rather ideological and psychological.


A co-worker got the second jab a day ago, and became really sick and feverish, was wobbly and glistening with sweat and finally had to give up and leave work. It looked similar to food poisoning from my perspective.

Today, that worker was back and feeling much better. I'll be quietly observing everybody. If I'm still around the job site in six months, I wonder what I'll be seeing?
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Correct me if I am wrong but the Novavax Vaccine is safer than the MRNA Pfizer, Moderna, J& J Vaccines. It should be available end of third quarter begining of 4th.

Why would a nanoparticle based, and artificial spike protein inducing recombinant (genetically altered) “vaccine” - which has not even come out on the market yet - being any better than the ones that are used today ?

There is no nanoparticle based technology available in the world which is not toxic - because they have not figured out how to make nano particles neutral / non-toxic. That alone should be a major red flag.

Nanobased medical tech, is known to induce tumors and cancers after a couple of years.

Well and then we have those spike proteins - the last thing you ever want to be inside your blood and on organs and brain…

Let’s not fool ourselves anew with eying at “gold” visible in that open door…
From the natural news’s new information, it seems like the Ivermectin blocks or interferes spike proteins replication.
If that is true then I think if person has enough Ivermectin, then wouldn’t needed to take pine needle tea, fennel seeds, star anise, or dandelion leaf for blocking the spike proteins.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: ACE2 receptor, anti-parasite, antiviral drugs, antiviral herbs, docking, FDA, goodhealth, goodmedicine, goodscience, immunity, ivermectin, medical system failure, NIH, outbreak, pandemic, prevention, prophylactics, spike protein, Suppressed, therapeutics, treatment, treatments, viral attachment, viral replication, WHO
(Natural News) Ivermectin, a common anti-parasite drug, has shown great efficacy in the fight against covid-19. For the first time, medical researchers have documented how ivermectin docks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain that is attached to the ACE2 receptor. In this way, ivermectin effectively inhibits viral attachment and replication, assisting a precise antiviral response that can target the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein at its most advantageous cleavage site. The researchers showed how ivermectin interferes with the attachment of the spike protein to the human cell membrane
Boss I mentioned in post: post in thread 'Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?" Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?
-where I wrote that he would help me fall head- has two children. The son is finishing medical school and is adored by his father, he is the apple of his eye. The daughter is studying English and I noticed that she is treated by her father and brother as if she doesn't fit in.
The mother is strangely impartial in all of this. Strangely, because she seems to me to be the "energy center" in this family.

The whole family is vaccinated.
I worry about their daughter because somehow she doesn't fit in with them. She is sensitive in contrast to the cruelty of the father and son. She told me she has some autoimmune disease causing arthritis. I think she was forced (not physically) to take the vaccine. I need to somehow give her information about a protocol to reduce complications, but I don't know how. I think it could reflect badly on her relationship with her authoritarian family if they found out someone else dared to advise her.
Do you guys have any ideas?

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