Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Why would a nanoparticle based, and artificial spike protein inducing recombinant (genetically altered) “vaccine” - which has not even come out on the market yet - being any better than the ones that are used today ?

There is no nanoparticle based technology available in the world which is not toxic - because they have not figured out how to make nano particles neutral / non-toxic. That alone should be a major red flag.

Nanobased medical tech, is known to induce tumors and cancers after a couple of years.

Well and then we have those spike proteins - the last thing you ever want to be inside your blood and on organs and brain…

Let’s not fool ourselves anew with eying at “gold” visible in that open door…
It does not use MRNA
It does not use MRNA
It is still a genetically altered "vaccine" which means part of a virus has changed components that are artificial - and it is using nano tech - which is toxic.

And such "vaccines" too, can merge with human DNA through the reversed transcriptase, an ezyme that is far more common in our bodies than previously thought (see Dr Stephanie Seneff)
It does not use MRNA
Hi Menna! It doesn't but it still produces the spike proteins. Here's a feel good article about it, they use a moth to create the spikes and tree sap for the immune response. There's a fellow called Dr Fleming who goes into it in some detail, his videos are suppressed on the Toob but I saw a good one on Bitchute the other day, will try to find it for you. Try to stay away from all those clotshots! Take care
Amazing Polly just posted an expose on the Lytton fire, Dr. Hoffe, HARRP, Gates, and her suspicions. I just have to say if Polly could hold her traditional Christian biases in check long enough to read the wave…well that would be something.

Here’s her take on the fire:
Yes, this is a covid thread, and Polly seems to mix and stir, yet Polly (and at times Polly can be interesting) might consider staying away from making armchair analysis on wildfires - in this case, and it was exhausting following her directions; HARRP seems to be in replay (albeit she produces a NOTAM from Alaska), contrary to this well discussed subject. Cell towers is another. And then she adds that Gates angle who owns CN Rail (two separate railways actually run through the town - Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway) so maybe it is him, they must be protecting him, is the slant. Or what about the town doctor who has questions about covid (who was also muzzled by the CMA, she did not add) - were they out to get him?, and on and on, including comments about a BC Wildfire Service Information officer (an IO would be standard within IC command structures) who might not be an employee after all, based on his odd name, she mentioned.

Said employee adds on July 6th:
On Tuesday (July 6) morning, fire information officer Forrest Tower said that the fire is not considered lightning-caused, but that there is not yet a full determination of what caused the blaze.

“Just given the nature of this fire, and the weather that was in the area, it’s suspected human caused, but we still have to do a full investigation,” Tower said.
Well he seems real to me.

Was not exactly sure of her mapping analysis either, which she did say she does not fully understand, however there were suspicious shapes under the clouds that she showed on one somewhat oblique photo, and perhaps they are there for reasons not evident to her. There were however astronomical amounts of lightning - >700,000 strikes.

As for the fire, one might suggest that almost immediately they would know full well where the fire initiated from, based on the patterns, based on lightning strike mapping and such (more the former though). The initial arial flights would likely find point zero, without much trouble (yet it might not depending on wind changes), and if looked at in some video's one might themselves sense the direction from the patterns.

Official investigation would need to be pretty transparent, with so many witnesses (the direction the fire came from), yet it would not be rolled out in the news just like that. There has been much loss, so there are factors to consider - thus I don't think Polly is helping here by mudding the waters with HARRP and the covid slant etc. Note though, the railways might be in favour of a human cause (or lightning) finding, especially if one is found who happened to be playing with matches down by their tracks, thus liability removed. The government, though, has initiated measures against them already and here CN denies that that train was on fire, and the first nations chief weighs in.
The new order, in effect until Oct. 31, calls for at least 10 fire detection patrols every 24 hours on stretches of track that run through Lytton. It also makes conductors responsible for spotting and reporting fires on those lines and requires removal of combustible materials following “vegetation control measures.”
There will be a full report out soon, there is no doubt, and if it does not appear to be an accurate account, then that is another matter. As of this article, there seem to be two possible points of initiation, and covid is likely not one of them. .

Back to Stories of Covid.
My mother called me this afternoon to tell me that her friend who is a physiotherapist has been able to witness the magnetic effect from vaccines.
She was massaging her patient, who complained about pain in his arm and back since he's had his first vaccine shot. I don't know which vaccine they used on him, however the result is quite frightening.
I think she heard about magnetic people after vaccine, so she tried to put a teaspoon on his shoulder, then she kept going with coins. They stick to the skin !
I'd like to share the video, but I don't know how to convert mp4 to another extension, nor which extension I should use.
My mother sent it to me through WhatsApp.
Maybe someone could tell me what to do ?
My mother called me this afternoon to tell me that her friend who is a physiotherapist has been able to witness the magnetic effect from vaccines.
She was massaging her patient, who complained about pain in his arm and back since he's had his first vaccine shot. I don't know which vaccine they used on him, however the result is quite frightening.
I think she heard about magnetic people after vaccine, so she tried to put a teaspoon on his shoulder, then she kept going with coins. They stick to the skin !
I'd like to share the video, but I don't know how to convert mp4 to another extension, nor which extension I should use.
My mother sent it to me through WhatsApp.

Maybe someone could tell me what to do ?

Hope this helps.
J'ai eu ma petite soeur ce matin au téléphone, elle est très fatiguée et va se faire prolonger de 15 jours suite à son problème de claquage de son mollet (vaccinée 2 fois + crise cardiaque)... Elle me dit avoir des étourdissements sous sa douche... Elle doit voir son médecin...Je vous tiendrai au courant...

I had my little sister on the phone this morning, she is very tired and is going to be extended for 15 days following her calf strain problem (vaccinated twice + heart attack)... She tells me she feels dizzy in the shower... She has to see her doctor...I will keep you posted...
She told me she has some autoimmune disease causing arthritis. I think she was forced (not physically) to take the vaccine. I need to somehow give her information about a protocol to reduce complications, but I don't know how. I think it could reflect badly on her relationship with her authoritarian family if they found out someone else dared to advise her.
Do you guys have any ideas?
Hi ziutek,

There isn't much information provided to form a better picture of the dynamics involved and the situation overall, such as how old the daughter is and what kind of interactions you have had with her, but as a general rule I wouldn't recommend trying to push the information onto the daughter, because you feel you need to. You might get mixed up in a family dynamic and also a possible karmic dynamic that isn't your business. Also, in general, if she asks you for information, then that is when you would provide it to her and provide her help within the scope of what she asked for and also within the scope of how this would affect her, and possibly you, within her authoritarian family.

Maybe she has already asked or shown interest in health information related to her arthritis or Covid overall. If she has, then it might be as simple as giving her a link to the protocol with a short explanation that the information isn't accepted by everyone and the mainstream, and also likely her family. Or, if she has shown interest, give her some general information related to the protocol to test the waters with her and also see if there is a reaction about the information from the family before you dive fully in with the full information. And then go from there depending on what happens. After that it is up to her what happens and also, I think, you should try to avoid having an expectation of the outcome or hope that she does this or that with the information.
Hi ziutek,

There isn't much information provided to form a better picture of the dynamics involved and the situation overall, such as how old the daughter is and what kind of interactions you have had with her, but as a general rule I wouldn't recommend trying to push the information onto the daughter, because you feel you need to. You might get mixed up in a family dynamic and also a possible karmic dynamic that isn't your business. Also, in general, if she asks you for information, then that is when you would provide it to her and provide her help within the scope of what she asked for and also within the scope of how this would affect her, and possibly you, within her authoritarian family.

Maybe she has already asked or shown interest in health information related to her arthritis or Covid overall. If she has, then it might be as simple as giving her a link to the protocol with a short explanation that the information isn't accepted by everyone and the mainstream, and also likely her family. Or, if she has shown interest, give her some general information related to the protocol to test the waters with her and also see if there is a reaction about the information from the family before you dive fully in with the full information. And then go from there depending on what happens. After that it is up to her what happens and also, I think, you should try to avoid having an expectation of the outcome or hope that she does this or that with the information.
Mike thank you for your reply.
I decided to stay out of their business.
I will only talk to her about it if at some meeting someone or she asks me what I think about it.
You are right that I could interfere with her own learning cycle or someone in her family.
Another new discovery for the uses of Nigella sativa/ black seed/ black cumin that bocks spike proteins.

(Natural News) New research published in the journal Vascular Pharmacology shows that a molecule found in Nigella sativa, also known as black seed or black cumin, binds to ACE2 receptors in the lungs, potentially stopping spike protein particles from inducing inflammation and vascular damage. The molecule is being studied for possible drug development.

Researchers out of India investigated the effects of nigellidine, an indazole alkaloid of black seed, using molecular docking for binding to different angiotensin-binding proteins, as well as the spike glycoprotein. They found that nigellidine “strongly binds” to the spike protein at what is known as the hinge region or active site opening, which may in turn hamper its binding to ACE2 receptor surfaces.

“Nigellidine effectively binds in the Angiotensin-II binding site / entry pocket,” the study explains. “Nigellidine showed strong binding to mono / multi-meric ACE1.”

Nigellidine is being researched as a possible drug candidate that will require further research to understand its full applications in human health.

This process of ACE blocking could, the study goes on to suggest, restore angiotensin levels and restrict vasoturbulence, while the receptor blocking could help to stop resulting inflammation and vascular impairment
There's been a big outcry in the metal community as the drummer from slipknot passed in his mid 40s. He also had transverse myelitis, a potential complication of the mRNA vaccines. I collected some headlines together into one image and shared it with "draw your own conclusions."

A small overview of the vaccinated among my acquaintances.
In France, my mother, my sisters and one of my brothers have been "Pfizerized" with two doses, since last April for my mother.
They have not had any alarming secondary reactions.
My mother had her rheumatoid arthritis which came back because it never really went away, my brother, a non-vaccinated doctor, has resolved this return for the moment with corticoids.

In Spain, I think that everyone is more or less vaccinated in this village of Galicia, except for the moment the children who are as masked as their parents, despite the suspension of its wearing outdoors.
I feel like I'm living in a minefield!
The visible effect is that most of the old people are much more apt to fall into a deep sleep during their siesta.
In general, everyone is "fine", like a guy who falls off a 24-storey building and tells himself "so far so good".

There is a 45 year old acquaintance who had not one but two strokes as a result of her pathogen vaccination. The hospital's answer: there is no cause and effect!

Another of 42 years old who, on the evening of her second dose, collapsed from exhaustion, with severe pain at the injection site, which spread to inflame her lymph nodes. The hospital's emergency room response: "There is nothing we can do, these are normal side effects!
With ice, zinc, vit C and D, things gradually got back to normal.
Except that a week ago the pain came back, so I suggested the doxy/ivermectin protocol, which I had previously tested on myself in one dose to see the effects, even though I feel like a charm.
She sincerely refused for fear that this protocol would eliminate from her body the protective effects against Covid and its variants!
Mercy of God!
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