Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Désolé d'entendre parler de ta mère... est-elle prête à prendre des suppléments et des traitements alternatifs et des choses comme ça ? Ces types de conversations sont-ils possibles entre vous deux ? Je ne suis pas médecin, mais je pense qu'il est très probable que quelque chose de bon puisse se produire avec certaines bases comme des doses élevées de Vit C, Vit D, NAC, mélatonine, Zinc + un ionophore de zinc, etc.
Thank you iamthatis. These are alternative treatments, which I had already talked to her about. Until now she refused to consider these solutions. On your advice, I asked her about it again and she seems more open to the possibility of taking them. I also advised her to read the book by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker Forbidden health, incurable was yesterday, which she did not refuse to do. Her awareness of the global manipulation linked to Covid seems to be starting. I hope she will go through with her detox process.
Thanks again iamthatis for the advice.
- Truth is always the truth. It is never obsolete.
- Yes, i read "purpose". But, there are a lot of "wishfull" thinking/posting here.
I am withdrawing from this site for, i have nothing more to learn.
Best wishes to all of You!
Well, it seems that he is accusing others of what he, himself, is doing. But his cup is too full to see how this is true. And, saying he has nothing more to learn is not only arrogant, it's very sad. What we have found is that the more you learn, the more you realize you know hardly anything.
Maybe one of you will be able to help me?
I once bought Ivermectin from AliExpres. A few days ago, a friend told me that she feels bad since she took the vaccine so I gave her a link to a discussion about side effects and 18 pills of ivermectin. Taking them out of the box, I noticed that the expiration date was until the end of March. Can this be taken after this period?
If so, for how long?
Maybe one of you will be able to help me?
I once bought Ivermectin from AliExpres. A few days ago, a friend told me that she feels bad since she took the vaccine so I gave her a link to a discussion about side effects and 18 pills of ivermectin. Taking them out of the box, I noticed that the expiration date was until the end of March. Can this be taken after this period?
If so, for how long?
No advice but enjoy the read.


Although no foul play is suspected and the cause of death has not been determined, some social media users believe Rich, an advocate for the Covid vaccine, died as a result of taking it.
My mom recently lost 2 of her girlfriends rather suddenly. They both were vaxxed in 2021. At the time, I told my mother that it is quite likely they will not be around for more than a couple of years. The cause of death was listed as "covid pneumonia" for both (age 89, and age 86). We are headed out shortly for one of the funerals. Mom has been a little depressed, she is soon to be 91 and does not have many of her friends left. It's criminal what they've done with these injections.
@Z... It does make a lot of sense. Recent studies show a strong correlation between "gender diverse" individuals and autism. With the link between childhood vaccines and autism, it seems the gender bender plan has been going on for decades. When they ramped up the required childhood vaccines, autism increased as well, in fact, it exploded! They just needed a reason to inject adults too. Hence covid.
The elites are a sick bunch to be sure!

- Truth is always the truth. It is never obsolete.
- Yes, i read "purpose". But, there are a lot of "wishfull" thinking/posting here.
I am withdrawing from this site for, i have nothing more to learn.
Best wishes to all of You!
For what it’s worth, and should be told, no offense is intended in theses following lines:

Like the post above, to those reading the postings by Boza48, comes to surface the apparent “contentious” and nearly irresponsive mood of Bozo48 who does not seem interested in how our group Works and, as claimed above, he assumes that here is nothing to him to learn. So, his postings sound like a cause just for distractive debates in this space. Anyway, in the end he chose stepping away as he thinks the best path to him. It’s okay, “all there is is lessons”.

Then we could separate the wheat from the weed. That is, indeed the Cassiopaeans indicated that “Seth (material)” is a good and reliable source:
November 7, 1994 Session

Q: (L) Who was Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts?
A: Higher plane earth spirit.

Q: (L) Were the teachings in the Seth material accurate and was that a good source?
A: Yes but rapidly becoming obsolete as you move toward new reality.

So, as the C’s said, that source (Seth material) suffers now of “obsolescence”. This may be because our current reality follows another branch of the reality associated with that period when the Seth material was delivered. That is to say, for example, that from the sixties to the nineties of the 20th century, the spirit, tendencies, thoughts and the language of the human masses reflected a distinct way of communication, and so how it used to make effective the Work. That time was the so called New Age trend amidst other factors.

Thus, now the “new age time” is gone and the current “interface” with our minds follows more “modern” words, or should be said “new codes.” Similarly, another examples are the 6D Pleiadeans brought up by Marcianik, and at lesser degree the Ra material, both which the C’s recommend. So, as mentioned, maybe —mainly for the former book— one of the causes for this is by reason of the high new age style expressed in the writings. Nevertheless those materials, as I see, all of them, Seth, Pleiadians—i.e. Bringers of the Dawn— and Ra remain very useful to those willing to use them for the Work if one can “tone” the information carried in them. For example:

October 16, 1994 Session

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature “Bringers of the Dawn”. Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

November 27, 1994 Session
Q: (L) ………The first is why is it every time I think about sitting at the board my left ear starts doing strange things?
A: DNA responding.
A: Changes.

Q: (L) How can DNA changing affect an ear or shoulder, for example?
A: Complex; read “Bringers of the Dawn”.

October 23, 1994 Session
Q: (L) We want to know about the Ra Material by Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty, where is the Ra Material coming from?
A: Us.

Q: (L) Would you say that the Ra Material comes through a clear channel?
A: Yes.
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