Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

@Aeneas, deepest regrets😭🙏
I am still overwhelmed by seeing the necrology of my colleague in the office. Suddenly at the age of 39 he passed away. The day before we normally went smoking/talking. He took 3 jabs during and after plandemic and wore the mask till 2022. The cause of death was blood cloth.
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That is damn scary🤯 how are we going to protect ourselves?🤔 We know there are protocols of dissolving that chip crap inside, but still…

Anthony, this site (people's voice) publishes disinformation (as confirmed by other members):
'The People's Voice' is a known disinformation site, essentially fake news. There are CIA connections too.

These might be more reliable in terms of info:

A next generation of self-amplifying mRNAs, also known as replicons, form an ideal vaccine platform. Replicons induce potent humoral and cellular responses with few adverse effects upon a minimal, single-dose immunization. Delivery of replicons is achieved with virus-like replicon particles (VRPs), or in nonviral vehicles such as liposomes or lipid nanoparticles. Here, we discuss innovative advances, including multivalent, mucosal, and therapeutic replicon vaccines, and highlight novelties in replicon design.

On December 12, 2024, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) issued a positive opinion recommending marketing authorization for Kostaive, a self-replicating (replicon) mRNA injection developed by Arcturus Therapeutics. The final decision for regulatory approval now rests with the European Commission
During the clinical trials for Kostaive, five deaths were reported among participants in the phase 3b study. Across study phases 1, 2, and 3a combined, 90% of injected participants experienced adverse events, with 74.5% reporting systemic reactions and 15.2% requiring medical attention after the first dose. Notably, many of the study authors are full-time employees of Arcturus Therapeutics, raising concerns about bias in their conclusions.

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
Anthony, this site (people's voice) publishes disinformation (as confirmed by other members):
indeed they do. No matter how many times we say it, there are still members who post things from that site. So you all keep your eyes open and check the source of things being posted on the forum. As the Cs have said:
A: Oh Laura, my dear, seems you need a refresher course in the transcripts. Maybe suggest you read them and relax and privately listen to the ones you have not as of yet transcribed a little more. This would be extremely helpful in your many and increasing communications via the "net" as well. Remember, we help you to unlock answers that have been placed in your superconsciousness files from before the "time" of the birth of your physical body. Also, false information is worse than no information at all.
Dr Sabine Stebel about EU allowing
saRNA "Kostaive" self-replicating injections

She has in her substack published - and scrutinized - the Japanese approval documents, in this part only from Page 1-12 (out of 68).

The text is in German, and to my eye pretty complicated as I tried to understand what is going on. But do realize enough, that like with the covid-19 jabs, the Pharma industry and authorities are sloppy, ignorant, deceiving by give a rats ass at all levels about good health (Which we all are very well aware of). Yet, every time it is puzzling how many red tapes are being crossed anew. And there are no exceptions with the saRNA "Kostaive" self-replicating jabs; the same bs is happening here, too.

It is a very long article, with many illustrations, statements vs analysis about what the authorities wants the medical community to accept and green light it.

is in reality - as with flu shots as well with all Covid-19 mRNA injections - never really proven, until after the rollouts of products being injected into people. If even analyzed at all.


The results of the ongoing clinical trials of the product in Japan should be submitted to the PMDA as soon as they are available.

Sabine Stebel:
Approval before completion of the study. We already know this from the modRNA 'bad mixture' ["German: Plörre"]. Strictly speaking, this is also the case with flu vaccines, whose “effectiveness” is “calculated” retrospectively using estimated flu figures with known problems .

Data on the efficacy and safety of the product is collected as the vaccination program progresses.

Dr Sabine Stebel:
We have no idea if it works. We have no idea whether it is safe. But you're always smarter afterwards.


Prevention of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)

Dr Sabine Stebel:
Infection is therefore perfectly OK as long as you don't get COVID-19 (whatever that was supposed to be, it was a vague syndrome with various manifestations).

So if you only have a runny nose and are just normally ill, it's not a vaccine failure because you didn't have COVID-19 and weren't in intensive care.

So you've learned something new.

Dr Sabine Stebel:

Find the error!

LNPs suspended in a saline solution flocculate because LNPs (Lipid nanoparticles] are not compatible with ions. Therefore BioNTech switched from phosphate buffer + NaCl dilution to Tris buffer without dilution. Moderna had the same Tris without dilution.

What are these beginners doing?

Diluting with saline solution: Na+ Cl-

How stupid can you be?

And I'm only on page 6 of the document! The document has 68 pages!

The justification then comes on page 10:

The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) has decided that there is no particular problem.

Dr Sabine Stebel:
The applicant has stated that his internal studies, which I do not have, have shown that it is OK and that there are no problems with the small dosage.

I probably don't need to remind you what the animal trials with the modRNA bad-mix ultimately looked like when you were able to check the data yourself.

But because the manufacturer explained that everything was in order, the authorities waved it through. And because they were in the process of doing so, they also gave their nod to the other ingredients.

Manufactured in E.Coli

Dr Sabine Stebel:
The S protein was mutated at 6 amino acids. How this changes the (folding) properties of the protein has not been investigated. It is simply assumed that it will work. There is no justification for the mutations. Which variant is that supposed to be?

Quite apart from that: wrong target. Spike mutates too quickly, nucleocapsid should have been used, this has now also been published, but is ignored.


Dr Sabine Stebel:
As far as the replicase is concerned, the protein that copies the RNA again and again indefinitely, it has been made less toxic to the cell so that it remains in the cell for longer and produces as many copies as possible and thus as much spike protein as possible is produced by the cell, because (as is well known) a lot does not help much.

No reference to measurements, papers, data. Pure assertions that are not backed up by scientific literature or studies. As if it would be so difficult to put appropriate footnotes. But perhaps there is simply no data?

I am missing:

1) Characterization of the modified replicase compared to the wild type in different human cells. How long does the enzyme remain active, how many copies does it make depending on the cell type. In other words, the usual, boring pharmacokinetics.

2) Expression duration of the spike protein.

3) Characterization of the modified spike protein in comparison to the wild type in different human cells.

4) How well does this modified replicase copy? What is the copying error rate?

5) Is this replicase produced correctly by the cell? What percentage of misfolded enzyme is produced?

6) How is the replicase degraded ? [metabolized in the body]

7) How does the cell react to this foreign enzyme?

These are just the questions that occur to me spontaneously, without having to think about them at length.

Production as known from modRNA in procedure, also known as #poogate.

One thing is clear:

The product cannot be free of DNA residues from production.

On the one hand, because this is not biologically possible and on the other, because we now know this from painful, experimental experience.

The same dirty production process is used as BioNTech, which has not even been evaluated in comparison to PCR production. What could possibly go wrong?

So - you already start to see, where this saRNA self-replicating stuff is going. Same pathway, same bs, same everything we already know from the Covid-19 clotshots. I will not translate the rest of her article - because as i already mentioned, it is huge, and she only walked through the first 12 pages out of 69 from the saRNA application pappers. (so, more is to come)

Dr Sabine Stebel

is like pointed out in earlier entries at the forum, like a truffle pig who will find even the smallest weird aspects which divert from real medicine and proper genetics - obliterating everything into smallest pieces that the manufacturer and authorities claim is "all ok - nothing to see here".

Also her Telegram channel "DrBines verbales Vitriol" is, out of all my personal channels i have collected over the past years, the by far most active one: as she is putting out so many links to interesting studies and source material, that it makes your head spin.
It is also worth to note; her primary audience are lawyers !
indeed they do. No matter how many times we say it, there are still members who post things from that site. So you all keep your eyes open and check the source of things being posted on the forum. As the Cs have said:
Nienna, unfortunately(
That info was available in October 24. The video is in german originally, but Russian audio. That confirms the plans of authorization of that jab🤦‍♂️

Stefan Magnet, editor-in-chief of AUF1, reports: mRNA transmission to unvaccinated people? What does this new attack mean? (short version)

A new genetically engineered injection has been approved in Japan and is already being used by humans. The injection of "self-replicating" mRNA is intended for self-reproduction in the body of a vaccinated person. It may soon be resolved in Europe. Listen to the commentary by Stefan Magneta, editor-in-chief of AUF1, in which Professor Bhakdi and a Japanese professor of biotechnology from Tokyo Science University also speak.
I was surprised to find that a woman I met a few years ago who friended me on FB - vibrant, a professional medical tech, an amateur singer, wife and mother of a college student, died suddenly four months ago. I would occasionally see her posts and reactions. I noticed I hadn't heard anything of her for quite a while so I visited her page. It displayed a long, long list of shocked and bewildered testimonials from friends and family of how suddenly and unexpectedly she just collapsed and died - no warning signs, no explanation of cause.

New mRNA trial suspended​

John Campbell reveals info about a recent drug trial that has been suspended they were using children to test a new version of an mRNA vaccine ... ...

What gets me about this is Who in theei right mind would put there child at risk of this ?

another example of programming that the Cs have mentioned...

I'm not sure if this is related to vaccines. It just hit me when I was reading about Aharonov-Bohm Effect in carbon nanotubes. I'm not a physicist so my understanding is very limited in this area. I was wondering maybe it is somewhat important as how these may operate if present in the body.
A good popularized science article on this effect was given by Imry and Webb {24} in
1989. In the same year Peshkin and Tonomura {25} coauthored a major book on the
effect. In 1999 Akira Tonomura received the Franklin Institute Award for his work.
The effect has also been observed in carbon nanotubes {26}.
A. Bachtold, C. Strunk, J. P. Salvetat, J. M. Bonard, L. Forro, T. Nussbaumer and C.
Schonenberger, “Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in carbon nanotubes”, Nature Vol. 397, 1999, p. 673.

Here is link on to the document I was reading: On the Asymmetrical Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Magnetic Vector Potential A vs. Magnetic Field B

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