I don't know about you, but I see lips
As you, I saw lips and it reminded me of this old album front from King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King
and remembered what the C's told us about artist being inspired sometime by higher consciousness.

LOL, Artist really tap in higher consciousness for inspiration.

From Storm chaser Jaden
Yesterday evening will go down in history as one of the most memorable northern plains chases for me personally. Little did I know that I would capture the most incredible shelf structure of my career, and quite possibly a contender for structure of the year. These photos were taken from Poplar, Montana to Williston, North Dakota! I hope you all enjoy them! #ndwx #wxtwitter

Reminds me of the mothership of Independence Day.

Strange clouds recorded over Argentina (22.07.2024).

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I love these clouds - but be aware; the contrast in those photos showing mammatus clouds, are often highly exaggerated. In reality, the areas you see in the photo being "white" - are often just a bit lighter (middle to light gray). So, while these clouds can sometimes look very impressive - but they basically never go the way to white in the total spectrum of gray nuances (on a scale between black to white)

It is a drama queen photo, simply said.
Strange cloud formation over Germany
12 Aug 2024

A cloud swirl caught my eye a couple of days ago, when a large disintegrating thunderstorm complex - originated from the previous late evening over the Western Alps and Italy, wandering NNE - but didn't fully dissolve.

Instead it created a distinct, small rotating swirl (over Strasbourg) - like an entity of its own - still genetating some lightning strikes. Visually it looked like a super tiny tropical storm moving along the Rhen graben, towards Mannheim / Southwest Germany - lasting for quite some time, around 6+ hours. (Eventually it did weaken in the evening as a bunch of low clouds, at the border to West Czechia.

I just thought this formation looked "funny" and certainly different from what I normally observe / observed in the past over land.

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When Maggie Harrop stepped outside after a summer thunderstorm Saturday evening, she saw something spectacular over Laramie, Wyoming. An incredible burst of color seemed to be exploding from the cloud-filled sky.

"It had rained a few minutes before, and I just looked outside, and I saw these cool-looking clouds," she told Cowboy State Daily. "And then I saw red from the sunset. I was in awe, and I had to take a picture."

Harrop managed to get a few photos of the brilliantly colorful clouds before both the light and the clouds disappeared.

"It only lasted a minute, but It was kind of like a God moment seeing those clouds like that," she said.

Mammoth Mammatus

Cowboy State Daily meteorologist Don Day said Harrop's photos are "amazing," and that she was in the right place at the right time to capture photos of the post-storm clouds.

The clouds themselves weren't unusual, especially at this time of year, he said. What makes these photos awesome is the timing of the sunset reflecting off them at just the right time.

"Those are called mammatus clouds," he said. "If you look at those pictures, you'll see the anvil clouds, those high cirrus clouds on the top of that thunderstorm, and those bulbous clouds right underneath there. That's exactly where you expect to see mammatus clouds."

Mammatus clouds are formed by the sinking cold air at the bottom of a thunderstorm cloud. They usually appear as the bulbous, lumpy undersides of anvil clouds, the massive flat-topped cumulonimbus clouds formed by mature thunderstorms.

Mammatus clouds are often the harbingers of severe weather, such as heavy rain, hail and lightning. That explains why they loomed over Laramie after the Saturday evening thunderstorm.

Day said Harrop's photos captured the entire structure of a thunderstorm, from the anvil cloud at the top to the mammatus clouds below. The red light from that evening's sunset perfectly reflected off the storm's structure in a uniquely beautiful way.

"Sunset illuminated that cloud structure very well," he said. "It was a perfectly illuminated thunderstorm for that brief moment."

Average August

Day said mammatus clouds should be a common sight across Wyoming in the evenings in the last couple of weeks of August. Hot days are followed by afternoon and evening thunderstorms is a day-to-day pattern that repeats as things warm up and cool down.

"Moisture can't do anything until it warms up," he said. "The heat of the day causes the air to rise, and when moist air gets warm enough, those clouds will form, and you get afternoon showers and storms."

When the sun sets, the atmosphere cools off and stops lifting and warming the moist air. Day said that's why Wyoming's thunderstorms dissipate overnight, and the cycle repeats as temperatures rise the next day.

Plenty of subtropical moisture is moving across Wyoming. Day said Wyomingites should expect more afternoon and evening thunderstorms through the rest of August and into September, so long as the days stay hot and the nights cool off.

"Because the air mass isn't changing very much, the same thing occurs the next day as you get to the mature part of summer," he said. "This is a very typical summer pattern."
"Face in the Clouds". Pareidolia appears in skies over Siófok, Somogy, #Hungary (August 20, 2024)
El Trumpo


  • Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 00-27-24 Timing Perfect For “God-Moment” Storm Cloud… Cowboy State Da...png
    Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 00-27-24 Timing Perfect For “God-Moment” Storm Cloud… Cowboy State Da...png
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