Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

I only just just saw this clip here on the report of booms in Fair Lawn, NJ as I don't watch network news. Last week, my family was awoken at around 2am by strange booms that sounded like a cross between loud gunfire and fireworks. It even woke my husband who sleeps through everything. We went outside and couldn't see anything but could still hear the sounds. The next night around the same time we heard it again, but it hasn't happened since. We live only a few miles from Fair Lawn, so perhaps what we what we heard was coming from the same source, whatever that was. Very strange indeed.
Leelee said:
I only just just saw this clip here on the report of booms in Fair Lawn, NJ as I don't watch network news. Last week, my family was awoken at around 2am by strange booms that sounded like a cross between loud gunfire and fireworks. It even woke my husband who sleeps through everything. We went outside and couldn't see anything but could still hear the sounds. The next night around the same time we heard it again, but it hasn't happened since. We live only a few miles from Fair Lawn, so perhaps what we what we heard was coming from the same source, whatever that was. Very strange indeed.

It appears to be the global event of 2016 so far............?

Published on Jan 24, 2016
strange sounds & booms continue around the world...what is going on??
Mysterious Shrieking Noise Baffles Community
Posted on February 18, 2016 by Edmondo Burr in News
A mysterious ear-piercing shrieking sound has left an Oregon neighborhood completely baffled.

The loud sound randomly rings near Gales Creek Road, Forest Grove, Oregon.

KOIN6 reports:

Paula Lynch tells KOIN she first heard the noise about two weeks ago. Since then, she’s heard it four other times. Her neighbor has heard it three times.

Both Lynch and her neighbor, who asked that her name not be used, describe the sound as loud and like a warning alarm.

“It’s hard to identify what angle its coming from because it just kind of encompasses the area,” Lynch said. “We’re just hoping somebody might be able to identify it so we can report it and have it stop happening.”

Both the City of Forest Grove Public Works Department and Fire Department say they don’t know where the noise is coming from. The fire department speculated the sound appeared to be some sort of air compressor, but said that crews would have to actually be in the neighborhood to identify the sound before making a determination.

A spokesperson with NW Natural said there have been no reports of any problems with the gas lines in the neighborhood. The spokesperson added that, while the company does have release valves, if gas were to be released, people would be able to smell it.

Lynch posted a recording she made of the video onto Facebook. It has been shared repeatedly.

Those who have heard the sound in person describe it as being extremely loud. Lynch said she has to cover her ear immediately to protect her hearing.

Chris Liedle @chrisliedle
Mystery sound frustrates people in a west Forest Grove neighborhood. Where it could be coming from? #LiveOnK2 @ 11pm
6:41 AM - 16 Feb 2016^tfw


Map Added
Birds Freak Out - Metallic Sound From Sky 2016

Can't decide whether this is genuine or not. The sounds of the crows seems real enough (sounds increase as camera zooms in on them) but the weird noise seems very rhythmic (not sure though if this is significant in any way - it could just be from an artificial source rather than a natural one).

Crows often make a tremendous noise when mobbing a roosting owl or raptor (like a goshawk for example) in a conifer tree. Maybe the strange sound was added later?

Any feedback anyone?
It was weird. Coulda been real. And could be that it was not what was upsetting the birds. They may have been ignoring that and doing something else as you mention.
treesparrow said:
Can't decide whether this is genuine or not. The sounds of the crows seems real enough (sounds increase as camera zooms in on them) but the weird noise seems very rhythmic (not sure though if this is significant in any way - it could just be from an artificial source rather than a natural one).

I didn't think the sound increased with the zoom. In fact, had that been the case, I would have said it was a hoax, because the zoom is just a movement of lens and shouldn't make any difference on the sound.

I agree, the rythm is very weird, but it could have still been the real thing. But apart from that, my only suspicion for now is that the weirdness of the noise by large surpasses the behavior of the birds, so why focus on them so much instead of just acknowledging and then moving around for the cause? I know, that's not enough to discredit or otherwise - just saying.
Today at about 03:55 in the morning I was smoking a cigarette outside of my company during night shift. I had little headphones plugged into my ears with music playing at that moment. Then I heard something outside of the headphones, so I was propelled to put them out of my ears: What I heard then sounded pretty much exactly like those sounds that have been recorded on all those videos.

The thing is, that I only heard it for very few seconds after I put out the headphones, in the distance to the right of where I was at. The sound sounded like pretty far away, put still very much like those strange sounds in the videos. So I grabbed my phone in the hopes to record it. Unfortunately the sound was gone by then.

Because I only heard it for a very short time after I put out the headphones (just a few seconds) and it was not very loud and gave the impression that it is pretty far away, I started to doubt what I heard shortly after.

So I put in my headphones in my ear again and about 10 minutes later the same thing happened again. I heard something outside the headphones and was propelled to put them out again. Again I heard the same noises like in the videos and again just very shortly and far away after I put out the headphones. After the first time I decided to let the camera function on my cellphone open, in case I hear it again, so that I can grab it quickly and record it.

By the time I heard the sounds the second time, I grabbed my phone again and the sounds were gone again. I don't even think that my phone could have picked up those sounds, since they were pretty far away and not loud.

When I later came home from work today, interestingly enough, two of my housemates told me that they woke up right around the same time at 04:00 in the morning, independently from eachother. They didn't hear anything though, but I found it interesting that they woke up at the same time that I seem to have heard those sounds at my working place, which is about 68 kilometer car drive away from where we are living.

The fact that those sounds were not very loud and very shortly heard by me in the distance made it impossible for me to further discern/investigate/examine the probable causes and details of what it actually, that I seemed to have heard there.
Laura said:
Well, I'm glad you heard it! I want to hear it too!!!

Thanks, I hope so too! From now on I'll be going out more often and listen more closly if I can hear it again and hopefully be fast enough to record it... I'm quite fascinated that the little I could hear there sounded exactly like in those videos: Somehow metallic sounding with trumpets, groaning and scraping.

The sounds from "the gods" I guess...
Not directly related, but could be, did anyone noticed some change in air's overall sound conductivity? I mean, it is like the sound appears different now than before, any sound. Or is it just me? :/
Avala said:
Not directly related, but could be, did anyone noticed some change in air's overall sound conductivity? I mean, it is like the sound appears different now than before, any sound. Or is it just me? :/

Could you describe in what way it seems different to you?

Edit: My hearing is more acute and detailed than before, so I'm interested in how it 'sounds' to you.
liffy said:
Avala said:
Not directly related, but could be, did anyone noticed some change in air's overall sound conductivity? I mean, it is like the sound appears different now than before, any sound. Or is it just me? :/

Could you describe in what way it seems different to you?

Edit: My hearing is more acute and detailed than before, so I'm interested in how it 'sounds' to you.

Sorry for late reply.

Everything seems much louder than before, and its like the frequencies changed. The sound itself is different. On some days it is like it was before, and on some it is drastically different. I asked some of my friends did they noticed it, and some says that they do, of course all of that could be just self suggestion, or maybe I have problem with my hearing.

Some days it is normal sound with any sound distinctive from the other, and on some it is all the sounds are coming from some metal barrel, and very loud.

I did some research and found out that sound, just as electricity travels differently in different atmospheric conditions, so it could be that too. Because I really don't know at this time, I will stick to the theory that the problem is my hearing.

Just to add: when the sound is 'different' it is actually really frightening me. I get nervous, its like I'm hearing it with my stomach (or the body?) not by ears :)
Avala said:
liffy said:
Avala said:
Not directly related, but could be, did anyone noticed some change in air's overall sound conductivity? I mean, it is like the sound appears different now than before, any sound. Or is it just me? :/

Could you describe in what way it seems different to you?

Edit: My hearing is more acute and detailed than before, so I'm interested in how it 'sounds' to you.

Sorry for late reply.

Everything seems much louder than before, and its like the frequencies changed. The sound itself is different. On some days it is like it was before, and on some it is drastically different. I asked some of my friends did they noticed it, and some says that they do, of course all of that could be just self suggestion, or maybe I have problem with my hearing.

Some days it is normal sound with any sound distinctive from the other, and on some it is all the sounds are coming from some metal barrel, and very loud.

I did some research and found out that sound, just as electricity travels differently in different atmospheric conditions, so it could be that too. Because I really don't know at this time, I will stick to the theory that the problem is my hearing.

Just to add: when the sound is 'different' it is actually really frightening me. I get nervous, its like I'm hearing it with my stomach (or the body?) not by ears :)

Could it be that iodine somehow fixed or improved your hearing so now it sounds very strange to you. I dont know just an assumption.
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