I think that, at this point, I want to come back to Sevie's original post.
Stevie Argyll said:
"Be careful of the printed matter: you may not read it as it is written down.” FM Alexander
Right away we begin with a sort of maxim that is laid down as the an "obvious truth" by implication. It IS pretty obvious that MOST people do not read things as they are written down. At least not without a lot of training and practice.
KVE said:
Words are means by which Human Beings communicate and we call it a language. In order to communicate, you have to have an understanding of the words you use and that is where the problem arises.
The meanings of most of the words we use were learned in context with other words, and we assume from this that we know the meaning of the word. When you do this, and your understanding of a word is the same as its real meaning, no problem arises, However, when what you assume the meaning of a word is does NOT agree with the true meaning of the word, then misunderstanding is the result.
It is most rewarding to understand the words; by understanding, the true meaning of the word is meant. The best sources for obtaining this information are dictionaries, encyclopedias and dictionaries in OTHER languages."
What mystic Karl von Eckartshausen wrote above would have been true in his day and time and even 60 or so years ago in our own time. However, it is no longer true. As the hero, V, in the movie “V For Vendetta” said:
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
Later in the movie, the character Valerie says in a flashback:
I remember how the meaning of words began to change. How unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening, while things like Norsefire and the Articles of Allegiance became powerful. I remember how "different" became dangerous. I still don't understand it, why they hate us so much.
Anyone familiar with George Orwell’s 1984 knows that he wrote about the idea that controlling a people’s definition of words, controlling the meanings that those words evoke in the minds of the general public, is integral to achieving actual thought control of the populace.
A forum member wrote a piece for SOTT last year which I have edited a bit below:
A close examination of the what is happening in the present time – even including the field of metaphysics and paranormal research - demonstrates a rather rapid and seemingly deliberate twisting and perverting of word meanings in the public consciousness. This is accomplished by altering, the very definitions of key words in our minds via the media and this is then reflected in the dictionaries we turn to when we wish to clarify terms that seem ambiguous or "off" when we hear them used by pundits in the corporate media.
Although a gradual alteration in spelling, pronunciation and meanings of words does occur naturally in any language – a process known as linguistic drift - it does not normally happen as rapidly as can be observed today. The speed with which this is occurring strongly suggests intent to control meanings and thereby, thought.
In the past 20 years, many words dealing with politically, sociologically and spiritually loaded concepts – including supernatural communication techniques - have been re-defined by media usage to convey quite different ideas from the original. Tertiary definitions have moved up rapidly in the dictionary’s lists of definitions, becoming secondary, even primary, and some of the original, primary definitions have vanished completely! For many words, only the "revised" definitions remain.
Let's take an example: the word "cult." You would certainly not expect such a word to be applied to a group that promotes the scientific examination of ideas and beliefs, would you?
Of course not!
But it is here that we discover an interesting thing: You see, the definition of the word "cult" is not precisely the same now as it was as recently as 30 years ago or even 10 years ago! The process of redefinition of the word “cult” is currently underway and the definition that we all know well is rapidly fading on the page. The word “cult” has begun to take on meanings that have political implications! "A group with a shared central belief that is far enough removed from the mainstream religious, moral or behavioral norms, within a society, as to set it apart therefrom." This easily leads to the perception that anyone or anything "different" from what is prescribed to be politically correct, must not only be wrong, but must be labeled as such – and the word “cult” is being adjusted for that purpose.
It is a certainty that Giordano Bruno, Galileo, and Copernicus had a "shared central belief" that the earth revolved around the sun, and this idea was far removed from the mainstream religious, moral or behavioral norms of the society that was dominated by the Catholic Church. Giordano was not accused of belonging to a “cult,” instead he was accused of being a heretic and was burned at the stake. Now, of course, we know that he was right all along.
Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples also had a "shared central belief" that was far removed from the "mainstream religious, moral, and even behavioral norms" of the society of their time. Jesus was accused of being possessed by Beelzebul because he performed exorcisms.
In social-scientific analyses, accusations such as “cult” or “heretic” or “possessed by demons” can be described as negative labels, while “good” titles of prominence (saint, statesman, holy) can be identified as positive labels.
Both negative and positive labels are social weapons whose purpose is to identify and control behavior that is outside the established range of what is called normal. Of course, one is entitled to ask just WHO establishes what is considered normal, how and why?
On this forum, we have a clearly stated Mission which is described in the forum guidelines. http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9553.0 At the end, these guidelines state the following:
We the moderators reserve the right to do anything and everything we see fit to ensure a friendly comfortable environment for our guests; that includes deleting you and all of your posts if you break any of these rules or act like a psychological deviant at any time past present or future. Oh yeah people, I said future, Tom Cruise has nothin' on us.
Now, that is stated rather humorously, but there IS a history behind it.
The fact is, we, the creators of this forum, that is, Ark and myself, have many, many years of interacting with people in a didactic setting, quite effectively, I should add. I also have many years experience as a hypnotherapist and researcher, mother of five children who have, I should add, turned out very well (the proof and the pudding and all that). I have also conducted an experiment in superluminal communication that has produced extremely interesting results. Ark has been a student of Gurdjieffian ideas for many, many years, as have I, as well. We worked on ourselves separately, and then together, effecting dramatic changes in our personal lives and our expanded reality. We then began sharing the results of our work on the net. This attracted people and we began to help them connect with each other and work on themselves in the same ways that we found gave rapid results. For years, this was done in private in an email discussion group. This work was so threatening to some that we have been under constant attack for all this time and, apparently, even before, if the Cs are to be credited.
The moderators on this forum have trained in this "school." That's what this forum is about. That is why there are Forum Guidelines written as above. It is our school, it is our sharing, it is our home. You are invited if you like what is here. If you don't, if you don't agree, if you think we are wrong, you are welcome to say so politely. We may or may not agree. If we don't agree, then please remember this: it is our school, it is our home that you are in.
Stevie Argyll said:
I have been a member of the forum for four months now and I find this place interesting , informative and the people friendly , genuine and sincere in their desire to help others. And I thank everyone and I genuinely mean everyone who has taken the time to exchange with me and who have allowed me to stick my tuppence worth towards their posts.
This is an accurate depiction of this forum. We like to make things comfortable for our guests.
Stevie Argyll said:
One thing puzzles me though and it surprises me and continues to surprise me and that is what I can summarise as a tendency towards personality profiling by the written word, by reading posters posts. It surprises me primarily because many of those whom I have read doing the diagnosis thing are obviously well read and I would have expect a certain caution on concluding on a profile , expecially a profile based on a few posts on a forum.
Actually, that is part of the course work; that is one of the things we have been studying for quite a number of years now: training the magnetic center to read accurately and quickly. And, as the Forum Guidelines mentioned above point out:
We the moderators reserve the right to do anything and everything we see fit to ensure a friendly comfortable environment for our guests; that includes deleting you and all of your posts if you break any of these rules or act like a psychological deviant at any time past present or future. Oh yeah people, I said future, Tom Cruise has nothin' on us.
That is to say, we have been doing this a LONG time.
Stevie Argyll said:
As a therapist of 16 yrs who has daily contact with people I find the most damaging thing I can do for MYSELF and for My CLIENT is to box them in a profile. 'Here's your label , sorted, thats me sussed you now, now I can stop thinking'. It is something I tried and wanted to be able to do in my first year or two until I realised not only the trap that was being set for both of us but also the arrogance , the over estimation of my abiliy implicit in the assumption that I could understand someone in 2 or 3 sessions, over even worse, the first session.
Working in a therapeutic environment as you describe is VERY different from running a forum such as ours. You probably never (or rarely, if ever) have clients who come into your setting with the covert intent to destroy you and your practice. We do. Being able to tell the difference rapidly is important, and it is an important skill to learn for daily life. That's one of the things we try to teach. And we definitely have a LOT of experience with that sort of thing.
Stevie Argyll said:
So, as I say, I have noticed new posters being boxed and 'tasted' and 'smelled' within three or four posts and would raise some questions which might be useful for self examination, I am applying this post to myself also.
Perhaps you should read some of the older threads on this forum and see how so many of them turned out? Perhaps a historical perspective will expand your awareness. You are looking at things only from YOUR point of view.
Stevie Argyll said:
There you have it, Is it useful to diagnose on internet where there is no way of verifying your conclusions by meeting the diagnosee and getting to know them and updating your model?
Is doing so an over estimation?
You only have to read a hundred or so threads on this forum, preserved for didactic reasons, to answer that question.
ADDED: When I am in doubt, or when the situation warrants a quick assessment, I DO ask the Cs about some individuals. But usually I prefer that we - and that includes the moderators - work things through and share our observations and train our magnetic centers. This is done so that we don't inadvertently hurt someone who is really seeking, BUT, at the same time, protect the innocent and wounded who are here to really work on themselves. You would be amazed at some of the agonizing that goes on in the Mods forum over how to deal with different people who are 1) obvious trolls 2) in difficulties 3) have potential but loaded with programs, and so on. Sometimes, the mods' discussions are more active than those on the open forum.